The Novelty Research Pak Dedy

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The novelty of the title "The role of digital marketing and shared value towards revisit

intention" lies in its focus on the intersection of two relatively new and emerging
concepts: digital marketing and shared value.

Digital marketing is a relatively new field that has grown rapidly in recent years due
to the increasing popularity of online and mobile platforms. Shared value is a
concept that was first introduced by Michael Porter and Mark Kramer in 2011. It
refers to the creation of economic value in a way that also creates social value.

The title suggests that digital marketing and shared value can be used to influence
revisit intention. This is an interesting and novel proposition, as it suggests that these
two concepts can be used to achieve a long-term goal, such as repeat business.

The title is also novel in its focus on revisit intention. Revisit intention is a measure of
how likely a customer is to return to a business after their initial visit. It is a key metric
for businesses, as it can help them to predict future sales and revenue.

The title "The role of digital marketing and shared value towards revisit intention" is
therefore a novel and interesting proposition that has the potential to make a
significant contribution to the field of marketing.

Here are some of the research questions that could be investigated under this title:

 How do digital marketing and shared value influence revisit intention?

 What are the specific mechanisms through which digital marketing and shared
value influence revisit intention?
 What are the moderating factors that influence the relationship between digital
marketing, shared value, and revisit intention?

The findings of this research could have a significant impact on the way that
businesses market their products and services. By understanding how digital
marketing and shared value can influence revisit intention, businesses can develop
more effective marketing strategies that can help them to attract and retain

The novelty of the title "The role of digital marketing and shared value towards revisit
intention" lies in its focus on the intersection of two relatively new concepts: digital
marketing and shared value. Digital marketing is the use of digital channels to reach
and engage customers, while shared value is a business model that seeks to create
value for both the company and society.

The title suggests that digital marketing and shared value can be used to influence
customer revisit intention. This is a novel idea, as most research on revisit intention
has focused on traditional marketing factors, such as product quality and customer
The title also suggests that the relationship between digital marketing, shared value,
and revisit intention may be complex. This is because digital marketing can be used
to achieve a variety of objectives, such as increasing brand awareness, generating
leads, and driving sales. Similarly, shared value can be implemented in a variety of
ways, such as through product design, employee engagement, and community

Overall, the title "The role of digital marketing and shared value towards revisit
intention" is a novel and interesting one. It suggests that digital marketing and shared
value can be used to influence customer revisit intention in a way that traditional
marketing factors cannot. This is a topic that deserves further research, as it could
have important implications for businesses that are looking to increase customer

Here are some additional thoughts on the novelty of the title:

 The title is novel because it suggests that digital marketing and shared value
can be used to influence customer revisit intention. This is a relatively new
area of research, and there is still much that we do not know about the
relationship between these two concepts.
 The title is also novel because it is specific. It identifies two specific marketing
concepts, digital marketing and shared value, and suggests that they can be
used to achieve a specific objective, revisit intention. This makes the title
more researchable and actionable.
 Finally, the title is novel because it is relevant to the current business
landscape. Digital marketing and shared value are both becoming
increasingly important for businesses, and the title suggests that these two
concepts can be used to achieve a key business objective, revisit intention.
The novelty of the title "The role of digital marketing and shared value towards revisit
intention" lies in its focus on the intersection of two relatively new and rapidly
evolving concepts: digital marketing and shared value.

Digital marketing is the use of digital channels to reach and engage consumers. It
includes a wide range of activities, such as search engine optimization (SEO), social
media marketing, and email marketing. Shared value is a business model that seeks
to create economic value for shareholders while also creating social value for

The title suggests that digital marketing and shared value can be used to influence
consumers' revisit intention. This is a novel idea, as most research on revisit
intention has focused on traditional marketing factors, such as product quality and
customer service.

The title also suggests that the relationship between digital marketing, shared value,
and revisit intention is complex. This is because both digital marketing and shared
value are multifaceted concepts. For example, digital marketing can include a variety
of different channels, and shared value can be created in a variety of ways.
Overall, the title "The role of digital marketing and shared value towards revisit
intention" is a novel and interesting one. It suggests that digital marketing and shared
value can be used to influence consumers' revisit intention, and it raises the question
of how these two concepts interact.

Here are some specific research questions that could be addressed in a study with
this title:

 How do different digital marketing channels influence revisit intention?

 How does shared value creation influence revisit intention?
 How do digital marketing and shared value interact to influence revisit

I hope this helps!

Bahasa Indonesia

Kebaruan dari judul "Peran pemasaran digital dan nilai bersama terhadap niat berkunjung kembali"
terletak pada fokusnya pada titik temu antara dua konsep yang relatif baru dan berkembang pesat:
pemasaran digital dan nilai bersama.

Pemasaran digital adalah penggunaan saluran digital untuk menjangkau dan melibatkan konsumen.
Hal ini mencakup berbagai macam aktivitas, seperti pengoptimalan mesin pencari (SEO), pemasaran
media sosial, dan pemasaran email. Shared value adalah model bisnis yang berupaya menciptakan
nilai ekonomi bagi pemegang saham sekaligus menciptakan nilai sosial bagi masyarakat.

Judul tersebut menunjukkan bahwa pemasaran digital dan shared value dapat digunakan untuk
mempengaruhi niat berkunjung kembali konsumen. Ini adalah ide baru, karena sebagian besar
penelitian tentang niat berkunjung kembali berfokus pada faktor pemasaran tradisional, seperti
kualitas produk dan layanan pelanggan.

Judul tersebut juga menunjukkan bahwa hubungan antara pemasaran digital, shared value, dan niat
berkunjung kembali adalah hal yang kompleks. Hal ini dikarenakan pemasaran digital dan shared
value merupakan konsep yang memiliki banyak aspek. Sebagai contoh, pemasaran digital dapat
mencakup berbagai saluran yang berbeda, dan shared value dapat diciptakan dengan berbagai cara.

Secara keseluruhan, judul "Peran pemasaran digital dan nilai bersama terhadap niat berkunjung
kembali" adalah judul yang baru dan menarik. Judul tersebut menunjukkan bahwa pemasaran digital
dan shared value dapat digunakan untuk memengaruhi niat berkunjung kembali konsumen, dan
menimbulkan pertanyaan tentang bagaimana kedua konsep ini berinteraksi.
Berikut adalah beberapa pertanyaan penelitian spesifik yang dapat dijawab dalam penelitian dengan
judul ini:

Bagaimana saluran pemasaran digital yang berbeda mempengaruhi niat berkunjung kembali?

Bagaimana penciptaan nilai bersama mempengaruhi niat berkunjung kembali?

Bagaimana pemasaran digital dan shared value berinteraksi untuk mempengaruhi niat berkunjung

Saya harap ini membantu!


Digital Marketing

Expected value Revisit Intention

Shared Values W


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