Listening 5

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PART 1 Question 1- 8
You will hear people talking in eight different situations. For each question 1-8, choose the best answer
(A, B or C). You will listen to the recording ONCE. Write your answers onto the answer sheet.
1. Where is this announcement being made?
A. At a train station
B. At an airport
C. At a bus station
D. At a coffee shop
2. Why was the meeting called?
A. To announce a schedule change
B. To move the deadline
C. To discuss the image files
D. To answer any questions
3. Where is the announcement taking place?
A. In a college classroom
B. At a company board meeting
C. At a computer conference
D. In a department store
4. According to the announcement, why should discarded items be put in bags?
A. To keep city streets clean
B. To reduce waste collection costs
C. To make materials safe to handle
D. To avoid attracting hunry animals
5. Who most likely is making this announcement?
A. An automobile salesperson
B. A police officer
C. A weather reporter
D. An insurance company representative
6. What is the purpose of this announcement?
A. To announce some important computer improvements
B. To apologize for some incorrect information
C. To explain the cause of a computer system failure
D. To describe how to send company e-mail
7. What does the speaker say about the house?
A. It is old but well maintained
B. It was built 40 years ago
C. It has not been renovated
D. There are two bedrooms
8. What is the aim of this announcement?
A. To describe Daniel Kanemoto
B. To advertise a club
C. To boast about achievements

D. To improve people’s fitness

PART 2 Questions 9-22

Questions 9-12:
Listen to a conversation between a student and an advisor and choose the answer (A, B, C or D) to
each of the questions. You will listen to the recording ONCE. Write your answers onto the answer
9. Why does the advisor want to talk with the student?
` (A) To comment him on his work habits
(B) To discuss a deficiency in one class
(C) To discuss what his history professor is teaching
(D) To talk about each of the student’s classes
10. What problems does the student have? Choose 2 answers.
(A) He is not doing well in any of his classes.
(B) His history teacher gives unfair assignments.
(C) He is not in class all the time.
(D) He does not understand what is being tested.
11. How does the advisor seem to feel about the student’s responses?
(A) She thinks he is not telling the truth.
(B) She seems to believe his excuse are week.
(C) She seems to accept what he says.
(D) She thinks what he says is amusing.
12. What can be concluded from the conversation?
(A) There are good reasons that the student’s grades are low.
(B) History class is too hard for this student.
(C) The advisor expects too much from the student.
(D) The student should really consider taking a different course.
Questions 13-17
Listen to a conversation between a student and a professor and choose the answer (A, B, C or D) to
each of the questions. Write your answers onto the answer sheet.
13. Why does the student go to see the professor?
(A) To take a test he has missed
(B) To get permission to write about a particular topic s
(C) To ask a question about material from the course text
(D) To ask why certain material has been assigned
14. What is the topic of the paper he wants to write?
(A) The use of stars in navigation
(B) Various positions in the Roman military
(C) The importance of astronomy in ancient Rome
(D) A method of determining the roles for certain soldiers
15. Why were Roman soldiers asked to count the starts in the Big Dipper?
(A) To determine if they could use the stars to navigate
(B) To determine if they were knowledgeable about constellations
(C) To determine if they could see well at long distances
(D) To determine if they could count

16. Which of the following is NOT true?
(A) The Big Dipper is part of a binary star.
(B) Mizar is part of the Big Dipper.
(C) Alcor is part of a binary star.
(D) The Big Dipper contains a number of stars.
17. What does the professor finally decide? Choose 2 answers.
(A) That the topic is not related to anthropology
(B) That the student should not use the topic for his paper
(C) That the student should concentrate on the concept of survival of the fittest
(D) That it is possible to use this topic for the paper
Questions 18-22
Listen to part of a conversation between a student and a university advisor and choose the answer
(A, B, C or D) to each of the questions. Write your answers onto the answer sheet.
18. Why does the student go to talk to her advisor?
(A) She had to switch majors this semester.
(B) She has trouble finding the language lab.
(C) She doesn’t like her computer teacher.
(D) She is worried about her language classes.
19. Which class is a requirement for the woman’s major?
(A) Chinese
(B) French
(C) Spanish
(D) German
20. What does the woman say about herself?
(A) She doesn’t like working with other people.
(B) She doesn’t have time to practice languages.
(C) She is not good at using computers.
(D) She is not a hard worker by herself.
21. According to the advisor, which of the following are features of the new language lab?
(A) Students can record their voice.
(D) Students can work together using computers.
(C) Students who use it do not have to attend classes.
(D) Students can practice with people from other countries.
22. What is the woman’s attitude toward using computers to study?
(A) She would rather study with people.
(B) She doesn’t like using computers at all.
(C) She would rather use tape players.
(D) She thinks she uses computers too much.

Part 3 Questions 23-35

Questions 23-26
Listen to part of a lecture in a biology class and choose the answer (A, B, C or D) to each of the
questions. Write your answers onto the answer sheet.
23. What is the lecture mainly about?
(A) The difference between prosimians and simians

(B) How humans and apes differ from other primates
(C) The characteristics of primates
(D) Why humans are classified as Homo sapiens
24. Why does the professor name only three of the six groups of primates?
(A) Because only three groups are found in the New York
(B) Because prosimian groups are not important for this talk
(C) Because the groups have many overlapping features
(D) Because the three other groups were discussed in a previous lecture
25. Why does the professor mention the eyes of dogs?
(A) To help students imagine the size of an ape’s eye
(B) To help explain the concept of depth perception
(C) To contrast animal eyes with human eyes
(D) To show why dogs rely strongly on their sense of smell
26. What differentiates apes and humans from other primates?
(A) Eyes that look forward
(B) Five digits on the end of each limb
(C) Lack of a tail
(D) Equal time spent in trees and on the ground

Questions 27-31
Listen to part of a lecture in a geography class as and choose the answer (A, B, C or D) to each of
the questions. Write your answers onto the answer sheet.
27. What aspects of forests does the professor mainly discuss?
(A) Their animals
(B) Their geography
(C) Their composition
(D) Their development
28. How does the professor illustrate the value of an inside look at a forest?
(A) By comparing a forest to the human body
(B) By describing the way a forest looks from outside
(C) By contrasting forests with other geographic features
(D) By explaining how to identify different kinds of trees
29. According to the professor, where are boreal forests most likely to be found?
(A) The mountains
(B) The temperate zone
(C) The north
(D) The tropics
30. In the lecture, the professor describes some features of broadleaf forests. Indicate whether
each of the following is mentioned in the lecture as being characteristic of broadleaf forests.
(A) Usually found in high and cold aeras
(B) Also called delicious forests
(C) Features trees with long needles
(D) May include such trees as oaks and maples
31. According to the professor, which kind of forest is found mostly in areas with periodic year-
round rainfall?
(A) Mixed forests
(B) Temperate rainforests

(C) Boreal forests
(D) Coniferous forests

Questions 32-35
Listen to part of a lecture in a business class and choose the answer (A, B, C or D) to each of the
questions. Write your answers onto the answer sheet.
32. What is the lecture mainly about?
(A) The principles by which McDonald’s operates
(B) The international success of McDonald’s
(C) The development of McDonald’s in the US
(D) The predictability of McDonald’s food
33. What reason is given for McDonald’s business methods?
(A) To help spread American culture
(B) To be as efficient as possible
(C) To minimize problems with workers
(D) To standardize food preparation
34. According to the professor, what are some ways in which McDonaldization can be seen in
American life? Choose 2 answers.
(A) Many Americans believe that something is done well when it is done fast.
(B) Workers cannot control the machines they use.
(C) Uniforms are more common than before.
(D) There is a distrust of non-standardized products.
35. How does the professor develop the topic of McDonaldization?
(A) He explains the parts of an efficient system.
(B) He gives examples of successful management.
(C) He describes the influence of McDonald’s on US culture.
(D) He compares different styles of working.


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