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wv sv ro eoeeeqrenreeseeaeeveemweesgtewrrereereereerewr wv VOICE SS why do we we passive volce ? be ves Active voice! C Subject = Doex) > [3/ Am) Are Pasive voice : Cae Vz) — (subjech = Receiver) 7 has /were > been > Beng Mohan bought a cur. A Con was bought by Mohan. * If the Doey is not known HI, con wax stolen yesterday. Bronze was discovered atround 2500 BC. if the doer 18 obviow -—. The Hevea were crested yestenclay English ib spoken all over the world, Lt ; x if dhe Doer is ivrelevel er youn applicdlion has been rejected. fred now: you account is vent Scanned with CamScanner * Avoid Resporsi bidity a Thee stains cand be vemoved. ¢ . e TWA Tu cant be repatred- e ¥ Legal statements e e Trepases will be punished - e Etables ane not allowed intide Delhi metro. e e * To lay strep on the receiver e ¢€ Acl> Mohan Stole a Con. « Pax A can was stolen *y¥ Mohan. e Co ] eT ——? | Indefinite | Gutinucus | Perfact Pofact conte Ui oY ‘Tajamjonet Vit | Has] Have + V3 | Hes [Rave 4 beens FAVE | De/ does +U; ing vi bing « | —_ i —— | - — \iblam [ane +V¥_ Blam] ane +being Has] Have Hheent| Pasive nek @ Peosive | 4V3 | Va Possible a — |Veor Did tv, Wes fwere FV + Had $V |Had tbeert Active | Ing | vy ting ‘ “yas [were tb my “Had + been +. Pusve net Parsive boos [Were +s (val ° oy | . Possible : __ { _ ___@ vo \will/shall +, | will [shall +be# | will [Shall +have will /shall tha ve Active |v sing +s been 4/1. = _# ol will/ shall +be | fgsive nok will] shall + Paved] frosiwe not . we Ny Pow ble. been 4V3 Possible s Scanned with camScanner Mohan Plays ovickd « Cricket 1S played by mohean crickel- Mohan: Mohan is playing Qicket is being played by mohan has played erick Gicket hos been played bY mohan. Mohan has been playing crickd- Ceonive not Pomibler Mohan played cricket - cricket wos played by Mohan Mohan wos playing cricket aickd was being played by mohan . | Mohan hael played cricket before his fathey came. Cricket had’ been played by Mohan before Wis fecther came. Mehan had been playegg enckel. (Rassive. net possible) Mchan will play cack Gicket will be playee! by Mohan. Mohan will be playing erick. Crasive net possible) Mohan wild have played exicket befere. you come: cicket willl have been played by Mohan before you came . Mohan will have been pdaying cricket when she comes. Pasive not few! le Scanned with CamScanner Assertive Sevtence :- Rajesh doesn't scale! his son: Hi son is nat scolded! by Rah. T clid not combiete the tk the tak wes not com plited! by me. He would have never made this mistake Vv TWS mistake woud have never been made by him- agi Never Verb made ge -aedr per @ owe pusive FH vt a Veab a cee ge / you should have never supported them nevey been supposteel by you. They showed have The primcipal he calledl you a well as your frend: by the pancipal a wells Youn frend: (xyyou have. been called have been Called by prime! pal. (VOU well as your frend can with alloy heel. is waved by me. LT wart a A can with alley whee cr nels - police armésted Ranga beside > other Co Ramer was comested by Police beds (Ranger besides 5 oth ¢ other C7 mind ex chimes Scanned with CamScanner _— mea rmr eae meen en ene © wo, amated by police. | led the ferocious Jon with a spear: spean, we falked = by them. Iheol by Hem wrth a Speu- y ™ * 098 ferociows tion with 9 bwdaA ferocions dion was Ki ng the boy who had won the golds medal war belny followed! by Reportar, by Reportes were follow DB the bey who had won the gold b Verb & ay sed W Rusive revved obgect Di- transitive an Diseck obsect SRL A HUNT UTM 2) aa sur ert Incbrect object aor PraT 2] He lent me Some money: Sov fp Ady Do him. him I was lent some money by Some money was lev fo me by rT y,T Tew Raesh told us om ivdeneting Story: ZT was tad m yrdesesting Storey by Rajesh » fin Tvdesesting storey was fold to us by Rayeshe ntervogalive Sentence + completed You! axsign ment? Have you ted by you? (op) Yous, asign-ment has been comple (AHas your awignment been comblited by you? Dow he push you? fee you purvthed by him? Scanned with CamScanner who set these lethew? (9 BY whom hae jets were set? BY whory were thadetters sew 7 Lewho were these pebtes serd by? (redem english) who killed the king 2 v By whom was the king killed ? ~ who was the Keng Killed! by ? what id making you nervous? Ss BV mv 665) Rely (aby of c) (9) By whet you ane being made nervous? By what ame you being made nenvous ? ve whit ane you being made nervous by? whet lid he lo? ob} wy OS PW ushat was done by him? which movie cme you wadching Tee Ads ob) HS my which movie 1 beg watched! by yous which boy ha broken this window ? Tn Ado S hv mv DeAdy obs . eny (By which boy +s wmdow has been brokers (26) which bey has this window been broken? Scanned with CamScanner wW should 1 not select im the soar ? am Av S Adv my who showld nod be selected mm +he team by me? rrr” How can we shift this Sofa to the ofhtr room? COHoW this sofa Can be sifted fo the other room by us. us (How can fhid Sofa be shiffed fo the ofier room by | | | | | | Does he make yoy clean the yoom Po Hy = =S Mw Ohy hy Com: oby of BF CBr) fre you made fo clean the room by him 2 will you make him Sign the conkach 7 wy Som oby ol obs of (GE) Gane Ink ) (en Will he be made +o sign the cortract by you ? - vv ver ew rwrrn Imperative Sevdence Transitive Invunsitive order — let you ane ordered to + Va advise — Shawl! you ane advised fo + Vp Request - Request you ane requested to +V¥g Scanned with CamScanner shut the lor. let jhe door be shd+ % You ane ordered to Shut the door. Open this box. tet this box be opered You ane ordered to open the box. ~ obey yous teacher- Youn teaches Should be obeyed by You. 4% you ane advised to obey youn teachew —~ Respect your eidew- you elders should be vespected by you. = you ane advised te yapect your edew. Please teach us. you ane requested to teach us. Please help us. you ane requested +o helb wa. ~~ Scanned with CamScanner | Tmpevdlive ( transitive) Sevtence : Shut up. You ane oxdened to Shuh UP: Go away. You ane ordered to go away. Please keep quizt You are requested! +o keep que. Please clow't speak louclly. You eme requested nat to speak loudly. work hanef . you ane advise +e work hand. study well. you ane advise! to Shidy well tet him study Vv oby aL He showd be lowed te study. tel him play. He shold be allowed +o play, Lett Wim sing a song. v obs . olgrof BL He should be allowed +o my q sony, let a Aong be aung by ham. 4 Scanned with CamScanner Let him clelivey the [etfer- He should be ablowed to deliver the letter Let the lebler be atelivered by Nm: Lel's play - Td 13 suggested that we shoulel play AH we should be allowed to play. Let's sing. Tt id suggested thet. we shoe! Bing. 7 we should be allowed to Sing. ~~ Let w complete +he work « we showd be culewed to complete the worR Let +he work be completed by us TH i3 suggested thet we should complete the work. The work showd be completed by uw. ~_-_ a ma mmamam eB HANA Gad Let us sodve +his puzzle. we shold be allowed +o salve this puzzle. Let Ws puzzle be salved by uw. TH is suggested that we shoud solve Hos pugzle. This prggle should be solved by us. Scanned with CamScanner faa Miscellaneous Sewtences >— we have +o, Complete the 4arr. x Medal The task, has to be completed by un: He hesto repatr this can. Ths con has to be vepaired by him. He is to clea the wom. is to be cleaned by Nim. The. soom Thy ane to helb me. T am to be helbed by them: Td is time to play cricket. 14 is time for cricket +. be played. Tt is tyme te yeleae the prisoner. THis time for the pwaoney te be seleasedl we ane going to buy a Con. fr can ig gomg to be bought by ws. He ts geimg. 4o teach You. you ane gory fo be taupht by him, Scanned with CamScanner He ix to blame — [ gruchune Reve ©, Meaty Pasive] ; He is to be blamed. L structure & Meaning — Pans)ve] ' He ls to teach. He ig do be taught: poe aE Theve is nothiny +o do Ths Lv Rs o ar There is nothing +o be clone- there 73 nothing to eats There (3 nothing to be eaten. There ane S cans to veparr here ane s cas to be repaired: There ane no dectoss to treat (Rusive not Pamidle.) OPI TB pref. a AMY off obyect ae There ane some patiewds to treat. There ane Aome patiewds to be treated. There ane = teachers to teach. Casive not possible) ais Wer -o-teach wr amd ot object ee EY Scanned with CamScanner “Goes can I want you to oo tis tok T wove tis tuk to be done by you. They wart me to rdive the questi ons They ward +he questions +o be solved by me. Nobedy uxats others to Trault Wim. Nobody wards to be fnsulfed by othe. HE Nobody ate kim Grr es He] LT dont wart you +o help me. T cont want fo be helped by you. she Juke hey teacheoy praiding hey She Jukes being praised by her teachow I dond Ske him scoleling me etf the time. TL don't Luke being scolded by him all the ime. (ret thid ce repaireel . Get somebedy to repair Pris con. Have +hid sofa eleaned- Get/ Have gomebody to dean thid sofq nT with Can y Scanned with CamScanner He said thd Rajesh would Jorn Aman-s batch \ Td wab sad by Kim thet Amnan's batch would be seined by Raeh: | He dloesn't. undersiand whet you ane saying; hv dw mv ous (Nem Cl) ' T+ 1s not Understood by him wohat 1s being aad by you, They expect +o win, the match: b3 oby od Inf Te ded by them. Le PH Inf o To_win, the match IK e¢pe ee Its expected by them to win the modch4 I The match 3 expected! to be won by them. (open) I wavt to play erick « To play cricket 18 warded by me. THis warded by me F play rick caicket is warded to be played by me. Cana we asked kim +o wart owbide . To ‘pe Aelv. of P He war asked by ta fo wart ouside: they ovdered him te go away. He war ordered by them fo go au Scanned with CamScanner Suge tastes swed- Sagan Ls sweet when it is teshed--~ fawive not powrble Tee feels cote: Ice incald when iF 13 felt Paysive not pPomible.ce% you showd ook after your parents - ?h. V your panes should be lookedaffer by you: A bus van over thé ile child. the Little child was yun over by a bus. we Know him very well. He is known to ws yey well. This activity doen't intone? me. L am rot ivderested In Wis activity: Ray married Gite. Gira was marred to Ray a Scanned with CamScanner He suprised — Ud. We were sunpnsed by Wim. Hw behavi oun sumprised Ww: We 7 at = =Ws behaviour. were Suprise by [ot m-_—maeemanaea ea & Scanned with CamScanner

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