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Statement of the Problem: Possible course of action to take by Whitney Company to make next year of operations

Whitney Company
Income Statement
For the Year Ended, December 31

in Totals in Units
Sales $ 450,000.00 $ 10.00
Less: Variable Costs
Direct Materials $ 90,000.00 $ 2.00
Direct Labor 78,300.00 1.74
Variable Overhead Cost 13,500.00 0.30
Sales Commissions 27,000.00 0.60
Shipping 5,400.00 0.12
Billing and Other 1,800.00 216,000.00 0.04 4.80
Contribution Margin $ 234,000.00 $ 5.20
Less: Fixed Costs
Fixed Overhead Cost 85,000.00 1.89
Fixed Selling Expenses 120,000.00 2.67
Fixed Administrative Expenses 48,000.00 253,000.00 1.07 5.62

Net Operating Loss $ (19,000.00) $ (0.42)

Vice President's Proposal:
New Selling Price $ 8.00
Total Units Produced & Sold 75,000.00

Whitney Company
Income Statement
For the Year Ended, December 31

in Totals in Units
Sales $ 600,000.00 $ 8.00
Less: Variable Costs
Direct Materials $ 150,000.00 $ 2.00
Direct Labor 130,500.00 1.74
Variable Overhead Cost 22,500.00 0.30
Sales Commissions 36,000.00 0.60
Shipping 9,000.00 0.12
Billing and Other 3,000.00 351,000.00 0.04 4.80
Contribution Margin $ 249,000.00 $ 3.20
Less: Fixed Costs
Fixed Overhead Cost 85,000.00 1.13
Fixed Selling Expenses 120,000.00 1.60
Fixed Administrative Expenses 48,000.00 253,000.00 0.64 3.37

Net Operating Loss $ (4,000.00) $ (0.17)

Sales Manager's Proposal:
New Selling Price $ 12.00
Total Units Produced & Sold 60,000.00
New commission to sales 9%
Increase in advertising $ 100,000.00

Whitney Company
Income Statement
For the Year Ended, December 31

in Totals in Units
Sales $ 720,000.00 $ 12.00
Less: Variable Costs
Direct Materials $ 120,000.00 $ 2.00
Direct Labor 104,400.00 1.74
Variable Overhead Cost 18,000.00 0.30
Sales Commissions 64,800.00 1.08
Shipping 7,200.00 0.12
Billing and Other 2,400.00 316,800.00 0.04 5.28
Contribution Margin $ 403,200.00 $ 6.72
Less: Fixed Costs
Fixed Overhead Cost 85,000.00 $ 1.42
Fixed Selling Expenses 220,000.00 3.67
Fixed Administrative Expenses 48,000.00 353,000.00 0.80 5.88

Net Operating Income $ 50,200.00 $ 0.84

President's Proposal:
Raw Material Costs $ 1.30
Target Profit $ 30,200.00
New Variable Cost per Unit $ 4.10

Target Profit $ 30,200.00

Add: Fixed Costs 253,000.00
Contribution Margin $ 283,200.00

Selling Price $ 10.00

Variable Cost per Unit 4.10
Contribution Margin per Unit $ 5.90

Total Units to be Sold 48,000.00

Board of Director's Proposal:
Sales in Units 60,000.00
Target profit on Sales 4.5%

Sales $ 600,000.00
Less: Variable Costs 288,000.00
Contribution Margin $ 312,000.00
Less: Fixed Costs 253,000.00
Less: Target Profit 27,000.00
Increase in Advertising Expense $ 32,000.00
Special units ordered 9,500.00
New Shipping Cost per unit $ 0.18
New Variable Admin Cost per unit $ 0.03
Special Insurance Fee $ 5,700.00
Target Profit on Total Operations $ 14,250.00
Sales Commission for the order $ -

Direct Materials $ 19,000.00

Direct Labor 16,530.00
Variable Overhead Cost 2,850.00
Sales Commissions -
Shipping 1,710.00
Billing and Other 285.00
Total Variable Costs $ 40,375.00
Special Insurance Fee 5,700.00
Target Profit on Total Operations 33,250.00
Total Sales $ 79,325.00
Divided by: Units Ordered 9,500.00
Special Selling Price per unit $ 8.35

Submitted by:

Ronil John Garganian

Geraldine Alisbo

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