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1. What was the problem or decision to be made?

Not long ago, I struggled to find what career or job would suit me, since I’m finishing high
school this year. The problem was that everyone knew what career or job they would study
but me.

2. What were all the options and alternatives?

I consider myself a really good student, so I had many options to choose between. All my
options were: aerospace engineering, ophthalmologist, dermatologist, interior designer and

3. How did you assess all the options and alternatives?

I wrote down in a list all the subjects which I liked and when I finished, I started crossing out
subjects until there was just one left. Then, I deeply thought of what I was good at and that
at the same time I enjoyed.

4. What was your final decision?

My final decision was becoming a dermatologist, I remember perfectly that when I crossed
out all the alternatives the subject that was left was biology. Since that moment I knew that
my future job would be something related to medicine or biology.

5. What methods did you employ to make this decision (critical thinking,
representative heuristic, emotional intelligence, etc.)?

I employed critical thinking and my intuition to make the final decision. I compared and
analyzed all my alternatives and followed my intuition to choose the one that suited me.

6. How did you put your final decision into action?

Since it is a big decision which takes time, I have decided that when I start baccalaureate, I
will put all my strengths to make my decision come true. I know that if I am consistent and
organized, I will accomplish it.
7. What were the consequences/outcomes of employing your final decision?

The outcomes of employing my final decision were amazing because I don’t have to struggle
anymore with not knowing what career I will study. Now, I can talk confidently of what I want
to be and to do.

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