G5 Selective LessonPlan Review and Test 4

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Family and Friends Special Edition Grade 5 – Extensive reading 4 Transportation

Transportation: Solowheel 1500W

 To read a factual text
 To read independently and work out meaning through context
 Recycled vocabulary and structures
 Extra vocabulary: carry, certainly, charge, comfortable, cost, distances, electric, fuel, fun, future, practice, special,
speed, stuck, traffic, vehicle
 Student Book pp. 94–95

Weather report: Ask the class about today’s weather.
Song: Play a warm-up song.
 Tell children you’re going to talk about transportation and that they have 30 seconds to write or draw as many types
of transportation as possible.
 After 30 seconds, ask children tell you how many kinds of transportation they thought of.
 Invite some children to write or draw on the board.

Look at the picture. What is unusual about this vehicle? (Exercise 1)
 Ask the children to look at the pictures. Ask What is unusual about this vehicle? Would you like to ride it? Ask
questions and encourage the children to make predictions about the text.
 Elicit and model new vocabulary where necessary.
Read. (Exercise 2)
 Ask the children to read the text silently. Encourage them to work out unknown words from the context.

Read again. What is the Solowheel perfect for? (Exercise 3)
 Ask some children to read the text again to the class.
 Discuss the text with the class, and ask questions to check comprehension.
Read again and answer the question. (Exercise 4)
 Ask the questions in turn. Give the children a minute to check the text if necessary.
 Go through the answers with the class.
1 with your legs
2 no
3 you don’t have to ride on the road
4 16 kilometers an hour
5 no
6 yes
Ask and answer. (Exercise 5)
 Discuss the questions with the class, either as an open-class activity or in smaller groups.

© Oxford University Press 2016 1

Family and Friends Special Edition Grade 5 – Extensive reading 4 Transportation

How would you like to travel to school? Draw your journey and talk about it. (Exercise 6)
 Ask the children to draw a picture of how they would like to travel to school. This can be done for homework.
 At the next lesson, ask one or two children to show their picture and talk about their perfect journey to school. The
remaining children can show each other their pictures and talk about them.

© Oxford University Press 2016 2

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