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Road to Recommendation
Total SRTs:60 Time:30 min

1. He was made the section commander during the NCC camp. There was to be a drill
competition amongst the sections. He _
2. While going to the office, he saw some policemen enquiring into the accident between a
motorcyclist and a scooter. They wanted him to give his statement as a witness. He
3. He was hardly 18 years when his father had a severe heart attack. Being the eldest member of
the family, he
4. His father is a famous doctor and runs a nursing home. He is not interested in becoming a
doctor and has failed in the entrance examination for the third time. His father is still not
permitting him to change his subjects. He _
5. He was out on a picnic with his friends when one of the boys stole some mangoes from the
garden and the gardener came out with his stick. He
6. For an examination, he reached half an hour late due to some unavoidable circumstances.
Invigilator refused him permission to appear in the examination. He
7. While his classmates wanted to lodge a complaint against one of their teachers, he did not
agree with them. They refused to speak with him. He
8. In the examination hall, just 5 minutes before the commencement of the exam he finds that he
has forgotten his admit card. He would
9. While enjoying the picnic (7 boys and 5 girls), all the boys, except him and 5 girls went for
a swim and suddenly he and the girls found a wild animal approaching the site. The girls are in
astate of shock. He would
10. His friend’s family members were fast asleep when their house caught fire. He was informed
of the situation by a neighbour. He would __
11. He was returning from work when a truck knocked down a cyclist in front of him. He would

12. His parents are out for a week. All of a sudden his brother decides to have a court marriage
against the wish of his parents. He will
13. He was to carry some money from one place to another and there was danger of robbery on
the way. He
14. His favourite game is basketball but there is no basketball court in his school. Other school is
utilizing their court for the practice of their own students. He will
15. His mathematics teacher is retiring next month but was not his favourite teacher. His
classmates decide to collect money for his tea party. He will
16. He was asked to organise a debate competition but students are not in favour of any
programme at this stage as the exams are starting after two weeks. He would
17. He is the cricket team captain. His college has organised the match but his mother is
seriously ill and his father is not at home. He would
18. In his office his superior gives him a task about which he was not briefed at all earlier. There
is no time to find out the details. He would
19. His boss had asked him to do something in a particular way but in his opinion that way was
inappropriate. He would
20. He had gone to the station to see off his friend. He heard a woman crying ‘thief, thief’. He
21. Two of his classmates seek his assistance while he is preparing for the exams. He would
22. While going on a picnic his friends refused to take part in music competition. He would
23. His best friend joined the company of his opponents and they are making him contest the
elections against him. He would
24. His friend is sitting on hunger strike but his father warns him not to join him. He will
25. He has collected the contribution from his friends for a picnic. The picnic is to be organized
tomorrow in a big way. He has gone to make purchases but realises that the entire collection has
been lost. He will
26. Monday is his lucky day. He has been called for an interview for a job on Saturday. He
27. Since he has not done well in his studies he is being scolded by his father. He would
28. A number of college representatives are to be selected, some by election, others by
nomination. He feels that his chances are not so bright for election. He would
29. He has been asked to organize a charity show. He would
30. He feels that workers in his organization are not paying sufficient attention to their work. He
31. The group happened to be present when a car struck against a cycle, the group would
32. He preferred to select Army as a career but his father is against it. He would
33. While travelling in the train he finds that he has lost his ticket and money. He would

34. He is contesting an election. To win it, he would

35. He is the secretary of the college union, while the president is a girl from the opposite group.
He will
36. Finding that the group leader is not working well, he would
37. He finds that some members of his group differ with him on the line of action to be followed.
He would
38. He finds it rather difficult to get admission for a study course of his choice. He would
39. He feels strongly that a person can achieve a lot if he
40. He finds a person lying flat on the ground and many people have surrounded him. He
41. He is getting late in reaching a meeting. He would
42. His leader has lost his way while taking his group for trekking. He would
43. While sharing a room with another boy, he did not find him friendly. He would
44. His house has been put on fire by the rioters. When his family came out of the house he
found his little sister missing. He………………
45. His brother failed in BA final exams. He………………
46. He found his neighbor pouring kerosene on his wife. He……………
47. While standing in the corridor of his house at 1st floor, he saw a child falling
from their 1st floor house. He …………
48. He has gone in a forest along with his brother. He found that he has lost his way and it has
become dark. He………………
49. While crossing jungle, he observed that a tiger is standing just 10 yards from him.
50. He made unsuccessful attempts for the IAS twice and for the army commission four times.
He has chances for both. He………………
51. He was posted on a ship as a telegrapher, but suddenly the communication system failed.
52. They were traveling by train when one of the compartments caught fire. He saw people
trying to jump
off from doors as well as windows. He……………………………
53. He was recently appointed captain of the basket-ball team and the task before him was to
make it the winning team in the state. So he…………………………………
54. The tractor dashed against a fast moving truck and the drivers were thrown off into ditches.
He was just away from it. He …………………………………
55. He was called up for an interview for a job he badly needed and the very day his examination
was to start. He ……………
56. Two friends quarreled because someone had created misunderstanding between them.
57. He was serving under two officers who were always against each other and they used to give
conflicting orders. He ………………………………
58. He was on leave in his village. Once at night he got up due to firing sound and cries of the
villagers. He noticed that village was attacked by dacoits. He.......
59. He and his friend were arguing over a topic later he found that his
friend was correct. He ......
60. While coming back from late night movie show he saw 5 men are harassing a girl. He ....

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