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School of Computer Science Engineering and

Information Systems (SCORE)

Winter Semester 2023-2024
Requirement engineering and management

Vision document




In the dynamic landscape of educational institutions, the need for efficient attendance
management systems has become paramount. With advancements in technology, traditional
methods of attendance tracking are being replaced by more streamlined and automated
processes. The introduction of a Collage Smart Class Attendance Management System aims
to revolutionize how attendance is recorded, monitored, and managed within educational


The purpose of introducing the Collage Smart Class Attendance Management System is
to address the challenges and inefficiencies associated with traditional methods of
attendance tracking in educational institutions.


The Collage Smart Class Attendance Management System is a comprehensive

software solution designed to revolutionize how attendance is tracked, managed, and
monitored in educational institutions. It offers a range of features and functionalities aimed
at simplifying the attendance recording process for both students and faculty members while
enhancing efficiency, accuracy, and transparency.


1. Biometric Authentication: Leveraging biometric identifiers such as

fingerprint or facial recognition, the system ensures secure and accurate
authentication of students' attendance, virtually eliminating the possibility of
proxy attendance or fraudulent practices.
2. QR Code Scanning: Students are provided with unique QR codes that they
can scan to mark their attendance quickly and conveniently. This feature offers
an alternative method for attendance recording, particularly useful in
scenarios where biometric authentication is not feasible.
2)User Description:
The user is seeking information or guidance on the introduction of a smart attendance
management system for educational institutions. They are interested in understanding the
purpose, components, benefits, and references associated with such a system. Their inquiry
suggests a focus on leveraging technology to streamline attendance tracking processes,
enhance efficiency, accuracy, and transparency within educational settings. They may be in
volved in educational management, technology implementation, or research related to
education and academic administration.


o Educational Institutions: This system would cater to a wide range of educational

institutions, including schools, colleges, universities, and training centers. Both public
and private institutions may be interested in adopting such a system to streamline
their attendance tracking processes.

Administrators and Educators: Administrators, including principals, deans, academic

coordinators, and administrative staff, would be primary users of the system. Educators, such
as teachers, professors, and instructors, would also utilize the system to record and monitor
student attendance.

o Students: Students of all levels, from elementary school to higher education, would
interact with the system to mark their attendance, view attendance records, and
receive notifications about their attendance status.


Administrative Staff:

✓ Role: Attendance Coordinator

✓ Responsibilities: Overseeing attendance management processes, generating reports,
handling attendance-related queries, and ensuring compliance with attendance


✓ Role: Teachers, Lecturers, Professors

✓ Responsibilities: Recording student attendance, monitoring attendance trends,
communicating with students about attendance expectations, and using attendance
data for academic evaluation.
✓ Students:
✓ Role: Undergraduate/Graduate Students
✓ Responsibilities: Marking attendance through biometric authentication, QR code
scanning, or mobile application, reviewing their own attendance records, and
receiving notifications about attendance status.

✓ Role: Parent/Guardian of a Student
✓ Responsibilities: Monitoring their child's attendance, receiving notifications about their
child's attendance status, and communicating with school staff regarding attendance-related

School/College Administrators:
✓ Role: Principals, Deans, Academic Coordinators
✓ Responsibilities: Overseeing the implementation of the attendance management system,
setting attendance policies, analyzing attendance data for strategic decision-making, and
ensuring system effectiveness.


Classrooms and Lecture Halls:
Physical spaces where students attend classes and mark their attendance using biometric
scanners, QR code readers, or mobile applications.

School/College Campuses:
Larger physical environments where multiple classrooms, lecture halls, and administrative
offices are located. The system may be implemented across the entire campus to track attendance

Computer Labs and IT Infrastructure:

Facilities equipped with computers, servers, and networking infrastructure where IT
administrators manage the technical aspects of the attendance management system, including
software installation, updates, and troubleshooting.

Mobile Devices:
Smartphones and tablets used by students, faculty members, and administrators to access the
mobile application for marking attendance, receiving notifications, and accessing attendance-related
information on the go.

2.4 kEY UsER NEEDs:

✓ Administrative Staff:Efficient Data Management: Ability to easily manage and access
attendance data for reporting and compliance purposes.
✓ User-Friendly Interface: Intuitive interface for configuring system settings, managing user
accounts, and generating reports.
✓ Timely Support: Access to timely technical support and assistance for resolving any issues or
queries related to the system.

✓ Streamlined Attendance Recording: Simplified process for recording student attendance
during classes or lectures.
✓ Real-Time Monitoring: Ability to monitor attendance in real-time and receive notifications
about attendance irregularities.
✓ Integration with Academic Systems: Integration with academic management systems to
streamline data synchronization and reporting.

✓ Convenient Attendance Marking: Convenient methods for marking attendance, such as
biometric authentication, QR code scanning, or mobile applications.
✓ Transparent Communication: Clear communication about attendance policies, expectations,
and any notifications regarding attendance status.
✓ Accessibility: Accessibility features to ensure that all students, including those with
disabilities, can easily use the attendance management system.

✓ Visibility into Attendance: Access to their child's attendance records and notifications about
any attendance-related issues or concerns.
✓ Communication Channels: Channels for communicating with school staff regarding
attendance-related matters or inquiries.


Traditional Manual Attendance Systems:
Some educational institutions still rely on traditional manual attendance systems, where
instructors manually record attendance using pen and paper or spreadsheets. While these methods
are familiar, they are prone to errors, time-consuming, and lack real-time monitoring capabilities.

Other Smart Attendance Management Systems:

There are several other smart attendance management systems available in the market, each
offering varying features and functionalities. These systems may utilize different technologies such as
RFID, NFC, or Bluetooth for attendance tracking and may have similar features to the Collage Smart
Class Attendance Management System.

Learning Management Systems (LMS):

Many learning management systems include attendance tracking features as part of their
broader suite of functionalities. While not specialized solely for attendance management, LMS
platforms offer integration with other educational tools and may provide basic attendance tracking
Biometric Attendance Systems:
Biometric attendance systems, such as fingerprint scanners or facial recognition systems, offer
high-security authentication for attendance tracking. These systems may be standalone solutions or
integrated into larger access control or security systems.

3.product overview
3.1. Product Perspective
Provide a block diagram illustrating the components of the smart classroom
attendance management system and its interfaces with IoT devices, such as
sensors, cameras, and network infrastructure.
3.2. Product Position Statement
For college instructors seeking efficient attendance management, our Smart
Classroom Attendance Management System is an IoT-based solution that,
unlike traditional manual methods, automates attendance tracking and
provides real-time insights into student attendance. Unlike standalone
attendance apps, our system integrates seamlessly with existing classroom
infrastructure, offering a hassle-free experience for both instructors and
3.3. Summary of Capabilities
Customer Benefit:
• Automated attendance tracking
• Real-time attendance monitoring
• Seamless integration with existing infrastructure
Supporting Features:
• IoT sensors for detecting student presence
• Facial recognition technology for accurate identification
• Cloud-based attendance management platform for easy access and
3.4. Assumptions and Dependencies
• Reliable internet connectivity in classrooms
• Proper installation and maintenance of IoT devices
• Compatibility with existing classroom equipment and software
3.5. Cost and Pricing
Describe the initial setup costs, including IoT devices, software development,
and installation. Additionally, outline any recurring costs for maintenance and
support, along with the proposed pricing model for colleges or institutions
interested in adopting the system.

Feature Attributes:
1. Status: Indicates the current state of the feature. Options include
Proposed, Approved, or Incorporated.
2. Priority: Determines the importance of the feature. Can be categorized as
Low, Medium, or High, or measured in team-weeks or person-months.
3. Effort: Estimates the amount of work required to implement the feature.
Classified as Low, Medium, or High.
4. Risk Stability: Evaluates the level of risk associated with implementing
the feature. Can be rated as Low, Medium, or High stability.
5. Target Release: Specifies the release version in which the feature is
planned to be included.
6. Assigned To: Designates the individual or team responsible for
implementing the feature.
7. Version Number: Identifies the version of the product in which the
feature will be included.
8. Name: The name or title of the feature.
9. Reason: Provides a rationale for including the feature, typically described
in a text field.
5.1. Feature 1: User Authentication and Authorization
• Description: Implement a secure user authentication system to allow
users to create accounts, log in securely, and manage their authentication
• Use Cases:
• Users can sign up for an account using their email address and
• Users can log in to their accounts securely.
• Administrators can manage user roles and permissions.
• Significance: User authentication and authorization are fundamental
features for ensuring the security and integrity of the system, protecting
user data, and controlling access to different parts of the application.
5.2. Feature 2: Data Management and Storage
• Description: Develop a robust data management system to store and
retrieve various types of data used by the application.
• Use Cases:
• Store user profile information, preferences, and settings.
• Persist application data such as user-generated content, messages,
or documents.
• Ensure data integrity and implement backup and recovery
• Significance: Effective data management is essential for maintaining the
reliability and scalability of the application, enabling users to store and
retrieve their data securely, and ensuring compliance with data privacy
Exemplary Use case:
The system should be able to scale effectively to accommodate varying numbers of students and
faculty members across different educational institutions, from small schools to large universities.

Multi-platform Support: Ensure compatibility with multiple platforms, including web browsers,
iOS, Android, and desktop environments, to cater to diverse user preferences and device types.

Localization and Internationalization: Support multiple languages and localization features to

accommodate users from different regions and linguistic backgrounds.

Offline Mode: Provide an offline mode for the mobile application to allow students and faculty
members to mark attendance and access basic functionality even in areas with limited or no internet

Privacy and Compliance: Adhere to strict privacy regulations and data protection laws, such as
GDPR or FERPA, to ensure the security and confidentiality of attendance data.


ISO/IEC 27001 - Information Security Management Systems (ISMS):

This standard outlines requirements for establishing, implementing, maintaining, and continually
improving an information security management system. Adhering to ISO/IEC 27001 ensures that the
system implements robust security measures to protect sensitive attendance data.

GDPR - General Data Protection Regulation:

GDPR sets out rules for the protection of personal data of individuals within the European
Union. Compliance with GDPR ensures that the system respects the privacy rights of students and
faculty members and handles personal data in a lawful and transparent manner.

FERPA - Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act:

FERPA is a US federal law that protects the privacy of student education records. Compliance
with FERPA ensures that the system safeguards the confidentiality of student attendance records and
other educational information.

ISO 9001 - Quality Management Systems (QMS):

ISO 9001 specifies requirements for a quality management system, emphasizing the importance
of customer satisfaction, continuous improvement, and compliance with applicable regulations.
Adhering to ISO 9001 helps ensure that the system delivers a high-quality product and service to



Server Infrastructure:
Adequate server infrastructure to host the attendance management system, including sufficient
processing power, memory, and storage capacity to handle concurrent user interactions, data
storage, and processing.

Biometric Authentication Devices:

Biometric scanners (fingerprint readers or facial recognition cameras) for biometric
authentication of students and faculty members.

QR Code Scanners:
QR code scanners installed at designated entry points or integrated into mobile devices for QR
code-based attendance marking.

Mobile Devices:
Mobile devices (smartphones, tablets) for students and faculty members to access the mobile
application for attendance marking and monitoring.

Network Infrastructure:
Reliable network infrastructure with sufficient bandwidth to support data communication
between client devices and the server infrastructure.

Operating System:
Compatibility with common operating systems such as Windows Server, Linux distributions (e.g.,
Ubuntu, CentOS), and mobile operating systems (iOS, Android).

Web Server:
Web server software (e.g., Apache, Nginx) to host the web-based components of the
attendance management system.

Database Management System (DBMS):

Database management system software (e.g., MySQL, PostgreSQL, MongoDB) for storing and
managing attendance data securely.

Application Framework:
Application framework for developing and deploying the web-based and mobile components
of the attendance management system (e.g., Django, Flask for web, React Native for mobile).

Authentication and Authorization Mechanisms:

Authentication and authorization mechanisms to control access to system features and data,
ensuring security and privacy compliance.


Software Licensing Model:
Determine the appropriate licensing model for the system, whether it's based on a per-user
subscription, concurrent users, or a one-time purchase. Consider offering flexible licensing options to
accommodate the needs and budget constraints of different educational institutions.

License Management:
Implement a license management system to track and manage software licenses effectively.
Provide administrators with tools to monitor license usage, renew subscriptions, and manage user

Compliance with Open Source Licenses:

Ensure compliance with open source licenses for any third-party libraries or components used
in the system. Keep track of license obligations and provide attribution as required by the respective

Data encryption:
Implement end-to-end encryption for data transmission between client devices and the server
infrastructure to protect sensitive attendance data from unauthorized access or interception.
Access Control:
Enforce strict access control mechanisms to limit access to the system's features and data based
on user roles and permissions. Implement multi-factor authentication for enhanced security.

Audit Trails:
Maintain comprehensive audit trails to track user activities within the system, including login
attempts, attendance marking, and data modifications. This helps in identifying security breaches or
suspicious activities.

Regular Security Audits:

Conduct regular security audits and vulnerability assessments to identify and mitigate potential
security risks. Stay updated with security patches and updates for all system components.

Compliance with Data Protection Regulations:

Ensure compliance with data protection regulations such as GDPR, FERPA, and HIPAA, depending
on the jurisdiction and type of data processed by the system. Implement measures to protect user
privacy and data confidentiality.

Installation Guides:
Provide comprehensive installation guides and documentation to assist system administrators in
installing and configuring the Collage Smart Class Attendance Management System. Include step-by-
step instructions, system requirements, and troubleshooting tips.

Deployment Options:
Offer flexibility in deployment options, such as on-premises installation or cloud-based
deployment, to accommodate the preferences and infrastructure constraints of educational

Technical Support:
Provide technical support and assistance during the installation process to ensure a smooth
deployment experience. Offer support channels such as email, phone, or live chat for prompt

Testing and Validation:

Conduct thorough testing and validation of the installation process in different environments to
ensure compatibility and reliability. Document best practices and known issues to facilitate
troubleshooting during installation.


Response Time:
The system should respond promptly to user interactions such as marking attendance,
generating reports, or accessing attendance data. Aim for response times of under a few seconds to
provide a seamless user experience.
The system should scale effectively to accommodate increasing numbers of users and
attendance data volume without degradation in performance. It should handle concurrent user
interactions and data processing efficiently, especially during peak usage times.

Ensure that the system can handle a high volume of attendance transactions per unit of time.
This includes attendance marking, data synchronization, and report generation. Aim for high
throughput to support large classes and busy periods.

The system should support multiple concurrent users accessing and interacting with the system
simultaneously. Ensure that it can handle concurrent attendance marking, monitoring, and reporting
without performance bottlenecks.

Data Storage and Retrieval:

Data storage and retrieval operations should be optimized for efficiency and speed. The system
should retrieve attendance data quickly for reporting and analysis purposes and store data securely
with minimal latency.

Ensure high availability of the system to minimize downtime and service interruptions.
Implement redundancy and failover mechanisms to mitigate the impact of hardware failures or
system errors.

The system should be reliable and resilient, with a low probability of system failures or errors. It
should handle unexpected inputs and exceptions gracefully, maintaining data integrity and system

Installation Guide:
Step-by-step instructions for installing and configuring the system, including system
requirements, pre-installation tasks, software dependencies, and post-installation configuration.

User Manual:
User-friendly manual providing detailed instructions on how to use the system's features and
functionalities. Include screenshots, diagrams, and examples to illustrate key concepts and

Administrator Guide:
Comprehensive guide for system administrators, covering tasks such as user management,
system configuration, customization options, and troubleshooting procedures.

Technical Specifications:
Detailed technical specifications document outlining the system architecture, hardware
requirements, software components, APIs, data models, and integration points.

API Documentation:
Documentation for developers and integrators describing the system's APIs, including
endpoints, request and response formats, authentication mechanisms, and usage examples.

Data Dictionary:
A reference document defining the data schema, data fields, and data types used within the
system. Include descriptions and usage guidelines for each data element.

Security Guidelines:
Documentation outlining security best practices, guidelines, and recommendations for securing the
system, protecting sensitive data, and mitigating common security threats.

Training Materials:
Training materials such as slide decks, video tutorials, and interactive demos to facilitate user
training and onboarding sessions. Cover basic and advanced usage scenarios tailored to different
user roles.

Release Notes:
Release notes documenting changes, enhancements, bug fixes, and known issues for each
software release. Provide version history and upgrade instructions for users and administrators.

Support Resources:
Contact information for technical support channels, including email addresses, phone numbers,
and online support portals. Include support hours, response times, and escalation procedures.

8.1 UsER MaNUaL:

Collage Smart Class Attendance Management System

Table of Contents:
Overview of the System
Purpose of the User Manual
Target Audience

Getting Started
System Access
Logging In
User Roles and Permissions

Attendance Marking
Methods of Attendance Marking (Biometric Authentication, QR Code Scanning)
Marking Attendance in Classes/Lectures

Monitoring Attendance
Real-time Attendance Tracking
Accessing Attendance Records

Automated Notifications for Missed Attendance
Managing Notification Settings

Reporting and Analytics

Generating Attendance Reports
Analyzing Attendance Trends

Mobile Application Usage

Installing the Mobile App
Using the Mobile App for Attendance Marking and Monitoring

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

Common Queries and Solutions

Troubleshooting Guide
Troubleshooting Common Issues

Glossary of Terms
Definitions of Technical Terms and Acronyms

Contact Information
Technical Support Channels


Online Help: Collage Smart Class Attendance Management System

Welcome to the online help section for the Collage Smart Class Attendance Management System.
This guide is designed to assist you in navigating the system's features and functionalities effectively.
Whether you're a student, faculty member, or administrator, you'll find useful information and step-
by-step instructions to help you make the most of the system.

Getting Started:Learn how to access the system and log in with your credentials.
Understand the different user roles and permissions to access specific features.
Attendance Marking:
Discover the various methods available for marking attendance, including biometric
authentication and QR code scanning.

Follow the steps to mark attendance in your classes or lectures seamlessly.

Monitoring Attendance:
Explore how to monitor attendance in real-time and access attendance records for your classes.

Learn how to track student attendance trends and identify any irregularities.

Set up automated notifications to receive alerts for missed attendance or irregularities.

Customize your notification preferences to suit your needs and preferences.

Reporting and Analytics:

Generate attendance reports to analyze attendance data and trends.

Gain insights into student engagement and participation using the system's analytics features.

Mobile Application Usage:

• Install the mobile application on your device and learn how to use it for attendance marking
and monitoring.
• Access attendance data and receive notifications on the go with the mobile app.



Collage Smart Class Attendance Management System

1. System Requirements:

Outline the hardware and software requirements for installing the system.

Include details such as supported operating systems, server specifications, and database

2. Installation Steps:
Provide step-by-step instructions for installing the system on the server.

Cover tasks such as downloading the installation package, configuring the environment, and setting
up the database.

3. Configuration:
Explain how to configure the system settings post-installation.
Include instructions for setting up user authentication, email notifications, and other system

4. Post-Installation Tasks:
Detail any additional tasks required after the installation and configuration process.

This may include applying software updates, setting up backups, and configuring security measures.

5. Troubleshooting:
Offer troubleshooting tips and solutions for common installation issues.

Provide guidance on resolving errors and addressing configuration problems.

Collage Smart Class Attendance Management System

1. System Settings:
Explain how to configure system-wide settings such as language preferences, time zones, and
notification preferences.

2. User Management:
Describe how to manage user accounts, roles, and permissions within the system.

Provide instructions for adding, modifying, and deleting user accounts as well as assigning roles.

3. Attendance Configuration:
Guide users through configuring attendance settings, including attendance marking methods and
attendance policies.

4. Integration Setup:
Explain how to set up integrations with other systems such as student information systems or
learning management systems.

5. Customization Options:
Detail customization options available within the system, such as customizing reports,
dashboards, and user interfaces.

Collage Smart Class Attendance Management System

1. Overview:
Provide a brief overview of the system, its purpose, and key features.

2. Installation Instructions:
Link to the installation guide for detailed installation instructions.
3. Configuration Guide:
Link to the configuration guide for instructions on configuring the system settings.

4. Usage Instructions:
Provide basic usage instructions for users, including how to log in, mark attendance, and access

5. Support and Feedback:

Provide contact information for technical support and encourage users to provide feedback or
report issues.

Glossary of Terms

1. Attendance:
The act of being present in a class, lecture, or educational activity.

2. Biometric Authentication:
A security measure that uses unique biological characteristics, such as fingerprints or facial
features, to verify the identity of individuals.

3. QR Code:
A two-dimensional barcode that contains information readable by QR scanners or

4. Real-time Monitoring:
Continuous monitoring of attendance data, providing up-to-date information in real-time.

5. Notification:
A message or alert sent to users to inform them of events or updates, such as missed
attendance or system notifications.

6. Reporting and Analytics:

The process of generating reports and analyzing data to gain insights into attendance patterns,
trends, and student behavior.

7. Mobile Application:
A software application designed to run on mobile devices such as smartphones and tablets,
providing access to system features and functionalities on the go.

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