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500 Common Words in English

the that by would if

be for this all no
of they we will man
and I you there out
a with do say other
to as but who so
in not from make what
he on or when time
have she which can up
it at one more go

about come work day through

than these now also long
into know may after where
could see such way much
state use give many should
only get over must well
new like think look people
year then most before down
some first even great own
take any find back just

because little become under begin

good world here last while
each very show right number
those still house move part
feel nation Both thing turn
seem hand between general real
how old need school leave
high life mean never might
too tell call same want
place write develop another point
500 Common Words in English

form interest again however fact

off large hold lead group
child person govern system play
few end around set stand
small open possible order increase
since public head eye early
against follow consider plan course
ask during word run change
late present program keep help
home without problem face line

city build side study something

put hear try woman company
close light provide member week
case unite continue until church
force live name far toward
meet every certain night start
once country power always social
water bring pay service room
upon center result away figure
war let question report nature

though better family car per

young big complete law often
less boy act industry kind
enough cost sense important among
almost business mind girl white
read value experience god reason
include second art several action
president why next matter return
nothing clear near usual foot
yet expect direct rather care

simple student ever condition walk

within month least field teach
love drive probable pass low
human concern understand fall hour
along best reach note type
appear door effect special carry
doctor hope different talk rate
believe example idea particular remain
speak inform whole today full
active body control measure street
500 Common Words in English

easy moment serve true tax

although spirit age history support
record train book position party
sit college board above whether
determine religion recent strong either
level perhaps sound friend land
local music office necessary material
sure grow cut add happen
receive free step court education
thus cause class deal Death

agree manage already shall letter

arm answer effort cover color
mother break wait common behind
across organize department subject produce
quite half able draw send
anything fire political short term
town lose learn wife total
past money voice treat university
view stop air limit rise
society actual together road century

success ago explain modern farm

minute difference offer dark claim
remember stage plant surface firm
purpose father charge rule operation
test table ground regard further
fight rest west dance pressure
watch bear picture peace property
situation entire hard observe morning
south market front future amount
outside prepare lie wall top

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