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Basic English

With Teacher Brittany

Class Expectations

Class Rules Attendance

Participation Grading
Class Rules
● Be on-time and be prepared for class.

● Respect your classmates and the teacher.

• * Be quiet when the teacher is talking or if one of your classmates is talking.

● Be present in class; do not work on other assignments, sleep, or engage

in inappropriate internet use.

● Bringing only a phone to class will result in a low/failing participation score.

● Ask questions ☺

● I will take attendance at the beginning of EACH period. If I have already
called your name and you are absent, it is counted as late. If you are over 15
minutes late, it will count as an absence.

● Attendance will have an effect on your overall grade, as it contributes to your

class participation score.

● If you will be absent from class, you must send me a message on Microsoft
Teams so that you can make up any classwork that you miss.

● Class participation requires that you come to class, every class, and on-

● Participation means that you are engaging in the activities and

SPEAKING ENGLISH. It doesn’t have to be perfect, just TRY! ☺

• * If you do not speak in English or refuse to do so, you will fail the course.

● You will be graded on your participation, and it will affect the overall grade
you receive for the semester.
Participation Rubric

Overall Grade %

Class Participation 30%

Midterm Exam 15%
Final Exam Project 25%
Graded Assignments 15%
English Score ( Week 15) 15%
Contact 1

Teacher Brittany

Please contact me on Microsoft Teams if you

have any questions.

Office hours:
Tuesday 1PM – 3PM
Thursday 10AM - 12PM

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