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Long Term Plan: Chemistry Year 13 (Teacher Two)

“Science is simply the word we use to describe a method of organising our curiosity.”

Half Unit title Key knowledge/ Essential skills to acquire (subject Anticipated Links to previous KS Opportunity for
term Content to learn and & generic) misconceptions stretch for high prior
retain attainers

One Physical Born-Haber Cycles Level three technical and practical skills, Difficulty changing the subject This unit extends student’s KS4 Multi step problems.
Chemistry - including use of advanced glassware to of an equation knowledge of acids and bases by
Thermodyna Gibbs free energy carry out synthesis and purification digging down right to the Calculations involving unit
mics and pH Unit conversion errors fundamentals and asking, “what conversion and use of more
Bronsted-Lowery Accurate measurement of substances actually is pH?” before providing than one learnt equation
(This topic definition of an acid using a variety of equipment including Confusion between 𝚫H, 𝚫G students with the opportunity to
spans across 2 titration and 𝚫S. investigate this experimentally.
half terms) Ionic Product of water and
pH Safe handling of corrosive and toxic The energy side of this topic builds
chemicals on from calorimetry and Hess
Cycle work in Y12. Picking up
Presenting and interpreting data in where students left off to consider
graphical and tabular form more complex cases

Extended writing, including producing

formal lab write ups with references and

Following written methods

Mathematical skills, including changing the

subject of an equation, multi-step problem
solving, percentages, graph drawing,
drawing tangents to a curve, ratios, using
standard form, fractions and working with

SMSC & The importance of working safely and respecting each other in the lab
Values The importance of disposing of chemical waste in an environmentally friendly and sustainable way.

Cultural The ubiquity of chemistry allows examples to be placed in a wide variety of familiar and unfamiliar contexts.
Career As the central science, chemistry opens doors to a wide range of STEM field careers.

Two Physical The Dissociation Constant Level three technical and practical skills, Difficulty changing the subject This unit extends student’s KS4 Multi step problems.
Chemistry - including use of advanced glassware to of an equation knowledge of acids and bases by
Thermodyna Experimental carry out synthesis and purification digging down right to the Calculations involving unit
mics and pH determination of Ka Unit conversion errors fundamentals and asking, “what conversion and use of more
Accurate measurement of substances actually is pH?” before providing than one learnt equation
(This topic pH curves, including using a variety of equipment including students with the opportunity to
spans across 2 advanced titration titration investigate this experimentally.
half terms)
Buffer solutions Safe handling of corrosive and toxic The energy side of this topic builds
chemicals on from calorimetry and Hess
Cycle work in Y12. Picking up
Presenting and interpreting data in where students left off to consider
graphical and tabular form more complex cases

Extended writing, including producing

formal lab write ups with references and

Following written methods

Mathematical skills, including changing the

subject of an equation, multi-step problem
solving, percentages, graph drawing,
drawing tangents to a curve, ratios, using
standard form, fractions and working with

SMSC & The importance of working safely and respecting each other in the lab
Values The importance of disposing of chemical waste in an environmentally friendly and sustainable way.

Cultural The ubiquity of chemistry allows examples to be placed in a wide variety of familiar and unfamiliar contexts.

Career As the central science, chemistry opens doors to a wide range of STEM field careers.
Three Organic Optical isomerism Level three technical and practical skills, Confusion between optical This unit continues on directly from Complex organic synthesis,
Chemistry including use of advanced glassware to isomers and other forms of the year 12 Organic Chemistry unit. involving multiple
Reducing aldehydes and carry out synthesis and purification isomerism. mechanisms
(This topic ketones Students will study a number of
spans across 2 Accurate measurement of substances Confusion between the more complex mechanisms and
half terms) Extending chains with using a variety of equipment including reduction and oxidation of extend their knowledge of organic
KCN titration alcohols, aldehydes and compounds with a wide range of
ketones additional functional groups.
Esterification reactions and Safe handling of corrosive and toxic
esters chemicals Finally, continuing on from the
work that they have done on Mass
Amines, Anhydrides and Presenting and interpreting data in Spec and IR Spectroscopy, they will
Acyl chlorides graphical and tabular form consider how NMR and
chromatography can also be used
Practical synthesis of Extended writing, including producing to identify compounds.
Aspirin and a volatile ester. formal lab write ups with references and

Following written methods

Mathematical skills, including changing the

subject of an equation, multi-step problem
solving, percentages, graph drawing,
drawing tangents to a curve, ratios, using
standard form, fractions and working with

SMSC & The importance of working safely and respecting each other in the lab
Values The importance of disposing of chemical waste in an environmentally friendly and sustainable way.

Cultural The ubiquity of chemistry allows examples to be placed in a wide variety of familiar and unfamiliar contexts.

Career As the central science, chemistry opens doors to a wide range of STEM field careers.

Four Organic Aromatic Bonding Level three technical and practical skills, Confusion with the term This unit continues on directly from Complex organic synthesis,
Chemistry including use of advanced glassware to aromatic - and its use relating the year 12 Organic Chemistry unit. involving multiple
Electrophilic Substitution carry out synthesis and purification to electron distribution - mechanisms
(This topic students often assume it is a Students will study a number of
spans across 2 Condensation Polymers, Accurate measurement of substances synonym for volatile. more complex mechanisms and
half terms) DNA, amino acids and using a variety of equipment including extend their knowledge of organic
enzymes titration Confusion between addition compounds with a wide range of
and condensation additional functional groups.
Advanced analysis including Safe handling of corrosive and toxic polymerisation
NMR and Chromatography chemicals Finally, continuing on from the
work that they have done on Mass
Presenting and interpreting data in Spec and IR Spectroscopy, they will
graphical and tabular form consider how NMR and
chromatography can also be used
Extended writing, including producing to identify compounds.
formal lab write ups with references and

Following written methods

Mathematical skills, including changing the

subject of an equation, multi-step problem
solving, percentages, graph drawing,
drawing tangents to a curve, ratios, using
standard form, fractions and working with

SMSC & The importance of working safely and respecting each other in the lab
Values The importance of disposing of chemical waste in an environmentally friendly and sustainable way.

Cultural The ubiquity of chemistry allows examples to be placed in a wide variety of familiar and unfamiliar contexts.

Career As the central science, chemistry opens doors to a wide range of STEM field careers.

Five Revision and preparation for A-Level exams

Revisit to subject knowledge from across the course & use of PLC to ensure that students have a good grasp of all aspects of the specification
Use of retrieval quizzes and activities to identify gaps in SK and misconceptions
Support students in developing summary notes, flash cards etc to aid retrieval of key facts
Ensure that students have the necessary skills for effective revision

Ensure that CPAC evidence is in place for all students for all required practical work

Six Revision and preparation for A-Level exams

Focus on past exam questions and papers – command words and application of knowledge
Practice the application of knowledge that draws upon the practical aspects of the course
Timed completion of questions to support with pace through the exam paper
SLOP style activities to ensure that all are prepared for the aspects of maths that will be present on the exam papers

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