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DAY 4 Rescue a market you are a
There has to be a clear focal market that you will rescue, and
which considersyou and your productor service a hero.
Remember,initially you need them as buyers! But eventuallyyou
have to satisfy them; delight them; gain theirloyalty; and then
convertthem into raving fans! For that to happen, you need
to know them well and give them exactly what they
need and want .
Narrowing the Generation Gaps

An entrepreneur should be familiar we the generation he

serves. Generations vary in their attitude and
predisposition. This is not to generalize, but it is safe to
understand them based on their generational history.
ASEAN Opportunities
The current time is regarded as the Asian Century. The population
and productivity of many countries in Asia have overtaken the
superpowers we used to know in modern civilization. There seems to
be a shift of socio-economic dynamics that makes Asia a formidable
force in the world of entrepreneurship.
12 Tips in leading the ASEAN in the International Market,
According to Mr. Jose Magsaysay

1.Know your brand and corporate DNA and by all means, run your
business with the highest integrity towards your DNA. DNA is the core
of your business identity.
2.Always keep in mind that the playing field is the ASEAN and
the world,and not just the Philippines.
3.It's always best to keep your management focus especially
on operations.
4. Get free adviceand tons of help
5. Be active in trade and business associations
6. Do not be afraid to talk about your plans.
7.Take care of your employees; be generous to them when business
is good and even when it is bad. They are your partners and your
greatest assest.
8.You'll have to understand what delayed gratification is. It is alright to
fail or lose when you start.
9.Put everything in writing a n d in an agreement. A written
Yo ur t ext

agreement or contract makes the commitment documented as a basis of

communication and trust. Trust will make you going.
10.Keep on improving your skill or upgrading yourself and your
team. 11.Technology extends your management reach. Use it and
maximize its value for your productivity and communication.
Our Market through the Lens
Market segmentation is dividing purposively the market into
distinct groups with distinct needs and wants, characteristics
and profile, or behavior, who might require separate
products or marketing niches

For Buying Behavior, the Fundamental questions are:

- Who is the customer?
- Who Buys?
- What customer buys?
- Where and Where do customer buys?
- How customer buys?
The Primary Customers are the end users who will use the productor avail
of the service. The end-user howeveris surrounded by other
individuals who willaffect the decision-making and the actual
purchase. They are
SecondaryCustomers who decide whether the customerwill buy the product.
The entrepreneur needs to know them and understandthem as well.

It is importantto answer this question: If I had only one end user to

represent the end user profile, who would it be? This is referred to as your
persona, a real representative of your end user. By personifying the end-
user, the entrepreneur will focus on a specific individual so as to maintain
a E customer-based focus. The persona is the best source of feedback and
Here are some areas of concerns you might need
to consider in your market segmentation.
Who are your first 10 Customers?

You have to list down your first 10 potential customers. They

are distinct from your persona. You should be able to
interview them and get feedback in relation to what you
are offering.By doing so, you are able to validate your assumptions
and gain more confidence with your product and services. Be in the
inquiry mode. Keep an open- mind and be ready to get negative
feedback. Exclude your family and friends, as you would not expect
them to give you honest feedbacks. They will be biased and
subjective, and are not reliable sources of feedback.
Day 5 - Examine the

(Who is your Goliath?)

The presence of a competition is a validation
that there is a space you can explore. If
nobody is competing in your space, it is
likely that the market you're considering
is small or does not exist at all
The greatness of David is because he
had a chance to win over a
Goliath. David was good but it
was Goliath that made him great.
Environmental Scanning
There are two environments we are considering
in the business. These are the internal and
external environments, and there are two
perspectives we are looking into, the positive and
AHA MARKETING: Winning Marketing
Principles of a David defeating Goliath
A- ALIGN your styles and strategies with the latest trends in
H- HAND-IN-HAND cooperation rather hand in hand competition
A- ACTIVATE The concept of Paradox Marketing - "the unusual way
of thinking"
A- ASEAN Integration Marketing
K- KYTHING Marketing
E- ENGAGEMENT Marketing communication
I- INFUSED in Marketing
N- NEURO Marketing l
G- GOOD FOR ALL marketing
12 Steps in Managing Customer Service
1. Define CustomerExpectations
2. Assess/Evaluate
3. Identify MeasurementMethodology
4. Develop Standardand Action Plan
5. Communicate
6. Treat EmployeesasInternalCustomer
7. Support by RegularTraining
8. Empower
9. Evaluate
10. Leadership by Example
11.Share and Internalize the Company Vision
and Mission Statementto your Employees
Day 6 ( Prepare for War )

" If you want to plan for decades, grow a

Brandingis the;
> Personification
> Subjective Experience
Best Lessons that relate to to your need to build a
1. Brand should be build strategicallyand
2.Make the message ( brand )
strong, authentic and exciting
3. Think out of box.
4. Get feedback
5. Be consistent, be congruent
Best Lessons that relate to to your need to build a brand

6. Communicate with the benefits

7. Find the best value offer.
8. Communicate to the emotion.
9. Be different
10. See your brandas key ti fit doors of your
11. Create experience worth missing
12. Great brands appel to emotion.

C - Clarify
A - Actualizethe
R - Relationalize the
promise L - Level up the

B. Use Blue Ocean

Sun Tzu's " The Art of War "
1. Thelaying of Plans
• Situation •Mission
• Execution •Service support
• Commanr and Signal
2. The challenge
• How to accomplishthe mission
• Identify enemy's weak point
3. Attack by Strategy
• Act withoutusing violence
Sun Tzu's " The Art of War "

4. Tactical Disposition
• Use trainingand development
5. Energy and Direction
• Use effectivecontrol
6. Weak and strong points
• Identify enemy's Archilles
7. Manuevering
• Instill discipline
Sun Tzu's " The Art of War "
8. Variation of Tactiles
•Tryto make leader'sqbility to make sound decisions based on
varying circumstances
9. On the march
•Make rule of
movement 10.Terrain
• Mastery of terrain
spells victory of
11. Attack by fires
• Attack decisively,
defeat the

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