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William Shakespeare: Biography, Playwright, Poet ENGLISH , www.biography.com/authors-

writers/william-shakespeare. Accessed 3 Jan. 2024.

Shakespeare’s life ENGLISH . Folger Shakespeare Library. (n.d.).


william shakespeare bio. (n.d.).



Brown, J. R., Bevington, D., & Spencer, T. J. B. (2023, December 31). William Shakespeare |

Plays, Poems, Biography, Quotes, & Facts. Encyclopedia Britannica.


Biography: William Shakespeare for Kids. (n.d.).



1. **William Shakespeare's Birth Year:**

William Shakespeare was born in the year 1564.

2. **Recognized Birthday:**
Shakespeare's exact birthdate is not known. However, it is traditionally observed on April 23.
This date is based on his baptism record dated April 26, 1564, as it was customary to baptize
children within a few days of birth at that time.

Shakespeare's birthdate uncertain, traditionally celebrated on April 23 based on baptism.

3. **Birthplace:**
Shakespeare was born in Stratford-upon-Avon, Warwickshire, England.

4. **Family and Upbringing:**

William Shakespeare was the third of eight children in the Shakespeare family, born to John
Shakespeare and Mary Arden. His father was a successful glove-maker and held various
municipal positions, while his mother came from a family of substantial landowners. His early
life would have likely been a mix of rural and urban experiences, giving him a broad view of
Elizabethan society, which would later be reflected in his plays. He likely attended the local
grammar school, receiving an education focused on classical literature and Latin.

5. **Married Life - Spouse and Children:**
Shakespeare married Anne Hathaway in November 1582. They had three children: Susanna,
born in May 1583, and twins Hamnet and Judith, born in February 1585.

6. **Married Life - The Lost Years:**

The lost years refer to the period from 1585, after the baptism of his twins, to 1592, when
Shakespeare re-emerges in the historical record with his works appearing on the London stage.
They are called the "lost years" because there is no documentary evidence of his life during this
time. Various speculations exist about what he might have been doing, but none are substantiated
with hard evidence.

7. **Theatrical Beginnings - Acting Company:**
In the early days of his career, Shakespeare was associated with the Lord Chamberlain's Men,
an acting company in London. This company, which was later renamed the King's Men in 1603
when James I took the throne and became their patron, was one of the most popular acting
companies in London.

8. **Death - Date, Significance, and Age:**

William Shakespeare died on April 23, 1616. This date is noted as interesting because it is the
same date as his traditionally observed birthday, making his death at the age of 52 particularly
remarkable. It is also the feast day of St. George, the patron saint of England. However, the exact
cause of Shakespeare's death is not documented, so much about his passing remains a matter of

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