Factors Affecting Runoff and Soil Erosio

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Forest Ecology and Management 180 (2003) 361–374

Factors affecting runoff and soil erosion: plot-level

soil loss monitoring for assessing sustainability
of forest management
Herlina Hartantoa,*, Ravi Prabhub,1, Anggoro S.E. Widayatc,2, Chay Asdakd,3
Center for International Forestry Research (CIFOR), Jl. CIFOR, Situ Gede, Sindang Barang, Bogor 16680, Indonesia
CIFOR, Regional Office for Eastern & Southern Africa, 73 Harare Drive, Mt. Pleasant, Harare, Zimbabwe
Natural Resources Management Program, Ratu Plaza Building 17th Floor, Jl. Jendral Sudirman 9, Jakarta 10270, Indonesia
Institute of Ecology, Padjadjaran University, Jl. Sekeloa Selatan No. 1, Bandung 40132, Indonesia
Received 8 January 2002; received in revised form 24 September 2002; accepted 11 November 2002


The assessment on key ecological factors affecting runoff and soil erosion and the usefulness of plot-level monitoring of soil
erosion was conducted by collecting runoff and soil loss records from 14 runoff plots. The runoff plots were set up in two
catchments in Central Kalimantan, Indonesia, where conventional logging and Reduced Impact Logging (RIL) took place.
Runoff plots were set up in forest areas with different levels of logging disturbances, i.e. harvesting areas (four plots), skid trails
(six plots), and undisturbed/control areas (four plots). The magnitude of runoff and soil loss from skid trail plots were found to be
the highest, followed by control plots and harvest plots. Canopy cover, sapling density, litter depth and woody debris appeared to
be important ecological factors that determine the magnitude of soil loss. Tree canopy determines the size and erosive power of
the raindrops. Sapling, litter layer, and woody debris protected soil surface, thus preventing soil detachment, and provided
surface roughness that minimised soil particle movement down the slope. The roles of these ecological factors were less
significant compared to rainfall in determining the magnitude of runoff.
Canopy cover, sapling density, litter depth and woody debris can be measured quantitatively or qualitatively without
complicated equipment and methods. Furthermore, they are sensitive to logging disturbance which make them suitable verifiers
of soil erosion. Forest managers need to limit disturbance to these factors in order to minimise soil erosion in their logging
operation areas. Monitoring of soil loss using runoff plots was cost-effective and provided valuable information about soil erosion
risks caused by logging operations. Runoff plots clearly demonstrated site disturbances where the plots are located. Monitoring
allowed more direct linkages to be made between management practices and their impacts on runoff and soil erosion, thereby
enabling forest managers to identify problems and take appropriate preventive measures to improve their management practices.
# 2003 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.

Keywords: Logging impact; Logging disturbance; Criteria and indicators; Tropical forest; Catchment; Indonesia

Corresponding author. Tel.: þ62-251-622622; fax: þ62-251-622100.
E-mail addresses: h.hartanto@cgiar.org (H. Hartanto), r.prabhu@cgiar.org (R. Prabhu), agoro@nrm.or.id (A.S.E. Widayat),
ecology@melsa.net.id (C. Asdak).
Tel.: þ263-4-369655/6; fax: þ263-4-369657.
Tel.: þ62-21-7209596; fax: þ62-21-7204546.
Tel.: þ62-22-2502176; fax: þ62-22-2504982.

0378-1127/03/$ – see front matter # 2003 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.
362 H. Hartanto et al. / Forest Ecology and Management 180 (2003) 361–374

1. Introduction In most humid tropical areas, forest managers are

often inadequately informed about the consequences
The history of farming is inseparable from that of of their harvesting and roading activities on the sus-
soil and water management and farmers have long tainability of the forests they are responsible for. The
recognised that they must manage the soil well if they feedback loop after initial planning and implementa-
are to expect good harvests. Although this is true also tion of forest operations back to the planning stage
for forest management, the links were not as strong, is usually not closed, thus management systems can
possibly because forests, unless they are very heavily be described as being out of control. Consequently
logged, continue to provide protection against soil there have been several initiatives to close this loop
erosion (Bruijnzeel, 1990). With increasing mechan- through appropriate monitoring activities (Smyth and
isation of forest harvesting operations the impacts on Dumanski, 1993; Gomez et al., 1996). In recent years
soil have increased quite dramatically (Greacen and there has been a major initiative to develop criteria and
Sands, 1980; Binkley and Brown, 1993; Oyarzun, indicators (C&I) for Sustainable Forest Management
1995). This is particularly true on the fragile Ultisols to promote effective monitoring. The Center for Inter-
and Vertisols of the humid tropics (Bruijnzeel, 1990), national Forestry Research (CIFOR) has been at the
where poor soil cohesion, high rainfall and high heart of one of the biggest international research
temperatures give rise to highly erosive soils that efforts to develop effective and acceptable criteria
are very sensitive to the impacts of heavy machinery and indicators at the forest management unit level.
and clearance of vegetative cover (Lal, 1981; Hen- Under the umbrella of CIFOR’s criteria and indi-
drison, 1990; Huang and Laflen, 1996). This situation cators project, we undertook to evaluate the effective-
is further exacerbated on hill slopes (Zachar, 1982; ness of monitoring methods for key ‘verifiers’ related
Ross and Dykes, 1996). Sources of impacts include to water and soil management. Verifiers are defined as
bank erosion, skid trails, logging roads, and timber data or information that enhance the specificity or the
extraction. Skid trails and logging roads have been ease of assessment of an indicator. In other words,
identified as the major sources of sediment (Trimble verifiers refer to the measurable elements of the
and Sartz, 1957; Gilmour, 1971; Douglas et al., 1993). indicator (CIFOR C&I Team, 1999). We considered
However, little information is available on the mag- verifiers related to stream water quality and quantity
nitude of sediments generated at those different sites because of their potential to describe not only manage-
(Bruijnzeel, 1990). ment practices within the catchment but also the
The impacts of logging operations can be limited to response of that catchment to interventions. However,
on-site soil loss, but can also be observed at a larger for the selected study site in Central Kalimantan,
scale downstream. While on-site erosion is more Indonesia, these off-site verifiers were not rated as
quickly observed and falls within the area of the highly against several attributes set out in Prabhu et al.
managers’ responsibilities, off-site erosion is not read- (1996, 1999), as were verifiers that required on-site
ily observed but can be very serious and generate monitoring. The terms ‘on-site’ and ‘off-site’ are
greater public concern (Gilmour, 1971; Hewlett, used with respect to the locus of forest harvesting
1982). On-site soil erosion affects chemical and phy- operations.
sical fertility of the soil. The loss of top soil rich in Soil erosion monitoring can be carried out on-site
nutrients and organic matter causes a decrease in soil (at plot level) and off-site (at sub-catchment and
fertility, land productivity to sustain plant growth, and catchment levels). The advantages and disadvantages
land degradation (Ebisemiju, 1990). While off-site of these two monitoring approaches are currently the
impacts of soil loss include increased sedimentation subject of debate. Many studies on soil erosion have
and turbidity, increased levels of nutrients and pollu- been conducted at sub-catchment or catchment levels.
tants that diminish water quality, siltation of dams Although this kind of approach can better describe the
and irrigation channels (Vitousek, 1981; Riekerk, response of a catchment to certain management prac-
1983; Hopmans et al., 1987; Craswell et al., 1997), tices, instream monitoring is expensive and time-
and a decrease in fish abundance (Skarbovik, 1994 in consuming as monitoring should include a calibration
Danielsen and Schumacher, 1997). period. Upslope or on-site monitoring, on the other
H. Hartanto et al. / Forest Ecology and Management 180 (2003) 361–374 363

hand, is relatively simple to conduct and inexpensive. The research area is a typical lowland primary
This type of monitoring is best suited to portraying rainforest, with the altitude ranging from 100 to
soil erosion processes and soil disturbances on-site 300 m above sea level. The area is quite hilly with
(Corner et al., 1996). As a result of these considera- a maximum slope of 358. Kartawinata et al. (1981)
tions, we selected on-site monitoring methods for the have reported that 1 ha of forest in this area contains
verifiers concerned. about 138–180 tree species (diameter at breast height
This study investigated the impact of logging activ- (dbh) over 10 cm). The dominant tree species are from
ities on on-site surface runoff and soil erosion at plot the Dipterocarpaceae, Caesalpinaceae, Euphorbiaceae
level, with the objectives: (1) to determine key eco- and Myrtaceae families. The density of trees with
logical factors that determine runoff and soil loss; (2) diameter at breast height (dbh) over 10 cm in the
to determine the potential suitability of these factors as undisturbed forest was 581 trees/ha (Asdak et al.,
criteria and indicators of Sustainable Forest Manage- 1998).
ment in terms of their sensitivity, cost-effectiveness, The climate in this region is determined primarily
etc.; and (3) to investigate how useful on-site mon- by the East and West monsoons, and by movement of
itoring of runoff and soil loss is in describing the the Inter-Tropical Convergence Zone. The average
impact of management practices. annual rainfall recorded at the closest national weather
station, located 75 km downstream of the research
site, was 2862 mm for the period 1981–1993. Rainfall
2. Site description data recorded in the period of November 1993–June
1995 at this research site showed an annual rainfall of
This study was conducted in a tropical rainforest of 3563 mm. Rainfall is seasonal with the average
Central Kalimantan, Indonesia. The study site is monthly rainfall of 239 mm. The maximum mean
located at 18170 4600 S and 1128220 4200 E, in the head- monthly rainfall of 305 mm usually occurs in Novem-
waters of Mentaya River, about 175 km NNW from ber, while the minimum rainfall of 154 mm occurs in
Sampit as shown in Fig. 1. The soils are of red–yellow July. Most of the rain is convectional in origin. Storm
podzolics and sensitive to erosion. precipitation can exceed 100 mm on occasions with

Fig. 1. Location of the research site in Central Kalimantan, Indonesia.

364 H. Hartanto et al. / Forest Ecology and Management 180 (2003) 361–374

rainfall intensities as high as 20–25 mm/h for con- materials (wood plank in catchment 92 and sheet
siderable periods (Asdak et al., 1998). metal in catchment 37). The edges of the runoff plots
were about 10 cm above the soil surface to prevent
input from splashes entering the plot from the sur-
3. Methods rounding areas and were sufficiently embedded in the
soil so the plot would not be shifted by alternate
3.1. Experiment design wetting and drying of the soil. A collecting trough,
made of a metal sheet and covered with a plastic or
Fourteen runoff plots were set up in two catchments sheet metal to prevent direct entry of rainfall, was
for the purpose of this study. Logging operations took positioned at the downslope end of the plot. From this
place in both catchments but they were of two differ- collecting trough, runoff and eroded sediments were
ent logging systems: Reduced Impact Logging in channeled into the collecting tanks.
catchment 92 (Wanariset Sangai research site) and Each runoff plot was 2 m in width and 15 m in
conventional logging in catchment 37. In Indonesia, length (for harvest and skid trails) and 2 m in width
the conventional logging system is referred to as and 10 m in length (for control plots). The size of the
Tebang Pilih Tanam Indonesia or Indonesia Selective runoff plots was different due to the difficulty in
Logging and Planting System (Bertault and Kadir, finding the location with more than 10 m slope length
1998). The size of catchment 92 and catchment 37 at unlogged forest sites.
were 44.45 and 30.78 ha, respectively. Two collecting tanks of the same size were used for
In each catchment, a total of seven runoff plots were each runoff plot. Sediment and surface runoff from the
set up at locations representing different levels of plot enter the first collecting tank, which splits over-
logging disturbances. Two plots were located at forest flow into six equal parts and passes one part, as a
sites where harvesting activities did not take place sample, into the second collecting tank.
(‘‘control plots’’). At these sites there were no dis- Volume of surface runoff was calculated by mea-
turbances to tree canopy or the forest floor. Control suring the height of the water in the first and second
sites were characterised by a closer canopy cover, a collecting tanks. A sample of 200 ml was taken from
thicker, intact litter layer. Two plots were located at the tank after thorough mixing to bring all the sedi-
forest sites where logging took place (‘‘harvest ments into suspension. The sample was taken to the
plots’’). These sites were characterised by more open laboratory where the sediment was filtered, oven-dried
canopy and a thinner and drier litter layer. In catch- at 105 8C and weighed. For each rainfall event, runoff
ment 37 where the conventional logging system volume and sediment loss from the plot were calcu-
applied, soil was compacted as tractors entered the lated.
harvesting area. Three runoff plots were set up on skid
trails (‘‘skid trail plots’’). Skid trail plots were char- 3.3. Rainfall measurement
acterised by open canopy, bare and compacted soil,
with very little organic debris on the skid trail floor. Rainfall was measured at each catchment with a
Each runoff plot was located at a slope of 17–228. simple rainfall gauge. The rainfall gauge consisted of
There was considerable variation of slope length of the an 18.3 cm diameter funnel and a 5 dm3 plastic con-
hill where the plots were established. At each runoff tainer. A study in the same location by Asdak et al.
plot, six ecological variables were measured: canopy (1998) found that the variability of rainfall measure-
cover, litter depth, bulk density, woody debris, soil ments between simple rainfall gauges and 0.2 mm
water content, and sapling density (Table 1). automatic tipping bucket rainfall gauges was not
significantly different (at the level of /¼ 0:05).
3.2. Runoff plots In both catchments, the rainfall gauges were located
less than 200 m away from the runoff plots. Rainfall
Runoff and soil loss were measured by using the collected was measured after each rainfall events.
standard runoff/erosion plots as described in Morgan Rainfall data were collected in the rainy season period
(1996). The plot edges/borders were made of solid of 28 December 1997–21 February 1998 at catchment
H. Hartanto et al. / Forest Ecology and Management 180 (2003) 361–374
Table 1
Ecological and topographic characteristics of the runoff plots in catchment 92 and catchment 37

Variables Catchment 92 Catchment 37

Control Control Harvest Harvest Skid Skid Skid Control Control Harvest Harvest Skid Skid Skid
1 2 1 2 trail 1 trail 2 trail 3 1 2 1 2 trail 1 trail 2 trail 3

Canopy cover (%) 95 90 55 35 5 5 10 90 95 80 50 0 0 0

Litter depth (cm) 4 6 2.5 3 0 0 0 6 6 3.5 3 0 0 0
Bulk density (g m3) 1.16 1.11 0.99 1.01 1.26 1.25 1.17 1.16 1.08 1.21 1.25 1.28 1.27 1.35
Woody debris (%) 10 3 20 3 0 0 0 3 0 5 3 0 0 0
Soil water content (%) 32.90 33.27 37.61 40.07 31.13 30.04 32.52 22.03 25.02 31.59 27.72 29.09 28.70 27.89
Sapling density 21 21 9 27 0 0 0 49 62 77 49 0 0 0
Slope gradient (8) 21.5 22 21 21 18.5 20.5 19 17.5 20 18 18.5 20.5 22 18
Slope length (m) 25 30 35 45 25 17.5 16 35 25 28 23 27 25 28

366 H. Hartanto et al. / Forest Ecology and Management 180 (2003) 361–374

92 (19 rainfall events) and in the dry season period of Soil samples were removed from the ring and
27 March 1998–6 June 1998 at catchment 37 (24 weighed to obtain total wet weight. Soil water content
rainfall events). was measured as a percentage by weight by taking a
sample of 5 g, oven-dried at 105 8C and re-weighed.
3.4. Soil analysis
3.5. Data analysis
Soil samples were also taken to measure bulk
density and soil water content. Following the stan- Data were analysed using Statistical Package for the
dard core method (Blake and Hartge, 1986), samples Social Sciences (SPSS) for Windows version 9.0.
were taken at three different locations in each runoff Two-way multivariate analyses, in particular Pillai’s
plot at three different depths, i.e. 0–15, 15–30, and Trace Test (Johnson and Wichern, 1988; Rencher,
30–45 cm, using a copper ring. The ring was 4 cm in 1998), were used to determine the effect of plot
height with a volume of 182.89 cm3. To obtain a soil location (control, harvest, and skid trail areas) and
sample, the ring was forced carefully into the soil to logging system (conventional logging and Reduced
the desired depth. To remove the ring and its con- Impact Logging) on runoff and soil erosion, and on the
tents, the surrounding soil was then dug out carefully ecological variables. Similar analysis was also per-
and a sharp knife was inserted under the ring. The soil formed to determine which ecological variables deter-
extending beyond the ring sampler was subsequently mine runoff and soil loss. Spearman correlation
trimmed with knife. The ring was then capped, sealed analysis (Sokal and Rohlf, 1981) was used to deter-
to avoid water evaporation, and transported to the mine whether there is linear correlation among runoff,
laboratory. soil loss, and the ecological variables.

Table 2
The average runoff and soil loss from control, harvest, and skid trails plots of catchment 92

Rainfall (mm) Control plots Harvest plots Skid trail plots

Average Average soil Average Average soil Average Average soil

runoff (mm) loss (g/m2) runoff (mm) loss (g/m2) runoff (mm) loss (g/m2)

3.31 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.61 1.43

25.86 0.12 0.04 0.09 0.05 15.60 1173.15
17.52 0.08 0.09 0.05 0.10 13.69 132.81
5.21 0.02 0.02 0.01 0.01 2.08 10.16
3.47 0.01 0.01 0.01 0.00 1.61 15.96
71.34 0.26 0.27 0.19 0.21 9.47 305.90
5.90 0.03 0.05 0.02 0.02 0.40 2.30
1.60 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.01 0.01
37.41 0.27 0.11 0.21 0.06 28.93 547.41
1.55 0.01 0.03 0.00 0.00 0.36 2.27
9.88 0.06 0.01 0.03 0.00 7.29 27.26
24.31 0.18 0.06 0.06 0.01 33.33 259.68
7.72 0.09 0.01 0.04 0.01 6.05 100.56
17.41 0.24 0.17 0.06 0.02 9.82 143.79
6.84 0.10 0.04 0.02 0.01 4.21 60.89
10.34 0.11 0.03 0.04 0.01 8.34 73.41
43.62 0.44 0.20 0.22 0.05 67.20 530.19
11.21 0.26 0.10 0.04 0.01 11.94 147.30
11.55 0.23 0.12 0.03 0.00 6.93 90.83
Total 2.50 1.35 1.11 0.57 227.87 3625.29
Average 0.13 0.07 0.06 0.03 11.99 190.80
S.D. 0.12 0.07 0.07 0.05 16.20 290.11
H. Hartanto et al. / Forest Ecology and Management 180 (2003) 361–374 367

4. Results 92, 1040:53  43:06 g/m2 in catchment 37 (Tables 2

and 3).
This study found a general pattern of runoff at the Multivariate analysis (Pillai’s Trace Test) was used
two catchments, i.e. runoff at harvest plots (1:11  to investigate the effect of plot location (control,
0:07 mm in both catchments) were lower than runoff harvest, and skid trail areas) and catchment or logging
at control plots (2:50  0:12 mm in catchment 92, system (conventional logging and RIL) on runoff and
2:50  0:13 mm in catchment 37), and control plots soil erosion. Since the rainfall pattern in the two
had lower runoff than skid trail plots (227:87  catchments was different, the variation was minimised
16:20 mm in catchment 92, 306:60  10:61 mm in by keeping rainfall volume as a covariate in the
catchment 37). Similarly, soil loss at harvest plots analysis. The results showed that plot location and
(0:57  0:05 g/m2 in catchment 92, 0:22  0:02 g/m2 logging system had significant effects on both runoff
in catchment 37) were found to be lower than soil and soil loss (plot location: F ¼ 21:463, P ¼ 0:000;
loss at control plots (1:35  0:07 g/m2 in catchment logging system: F ¼ 4:102, P ¼ 0:017).
92, 0:41  0:05 g/m2 in catchment 37), and soil Furthermore, univariate analysis of variance
loss at control plots were lower than soil loss at showed that plot location affected runoff and soil loss
skid trail plots (3625:29  290:11 g/m2 in catchment significantly (runoff: F ¼ 47:355, P ¼ 0:000; soil

Table 3
The average runoff and soil loss from control, harvest, and skid trails plots of catchment 37

Rainfall (mm) Control plots Harvest plots Skid trail plots

Average Average soil Average Average soil Average Average soil

runoff (mm) loss (g/m2) runoff (mm) loss (g/m2) runoff (mm) loss (g/m2)

3.55 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.21 3.08

5.15 0.01 0.00 0.01 0.00 4.44 12.45
12.05 0.02 0.00 0.01 0.00 10.60 7.63
12.55 0.04 0.00 0.03 0.00 10.61 17.07
12.75 0.13 0.00 0.06 0.00 33.75 79.10
15.50 0.01 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.81 0.38
6.90 0.01 0.00 0.01 0.00 0.73 0.69
18.25 0.05 0.00 0.02 0.00 13.76 42.24
14.45 0.04 0.00 0.01 0.00 11.56 28.54
12.95 0.04 0.00 0.01 0.00 4.81 17.94
9.60 0.04 0.00 0.01 0.00 7.13 26.34
37.70 0.21 0.01 0.06 0.01 16.46 102.81
21.70 0.15 0.01 0.04 0.01 29.57 90.75
40.45 0.14 0.00 0.07 0.01 36.38 45.41
7.86 0.01 0.00 0.01 0.00 2.05 4.75
17.48 0.06 0.00 0.02 0.00 13.26 38.83
30.86 0.16 0.01 0.06 0.02 10.07 71.87
62.12 0.28 0.01 0.24 0.06 30.09 163.95
11.02 0.04 0.00 0.04 0.01 8.21 9.53
17.38 0.04 0.00 0.02 0.00 2.93 1.88
27.95 0.18 0.00 0.06 0.01 11.16 55.30
10.36 0.04 0.00 0.01 0.00 9.16 27.70
28.67 0.20 0.10 0.06 0.01 15.46 80.00
57.50 0.58 0.23 0.27 0.06 23.40 112.29
Total 2.50 0.41 1.11 0.22 306.60 1040.53
Average 0.10 0.02 0.05 0.01 12.78 43.36
S.D. 0.13 0.05 0.07 0.02 10.61 43.06
368 H. Hartanto et al. / Forest Ecology and Management 180 (2003) 361–374

Table 4
The results of univariate analysis of variance of the effect of plot location and logging system on six ecological variables and two topographic

Variables Effect of plot location Effect of logging system

Test value (F) Significance (P) Test value (F) Significance (P)

Bulk density 19.695 0.001*** 17.379 0.003***

Sapling density 33.364 0.000*** 29.696 0.001***
Canopy cover 114.582 0.000*** 0.771 0.405
Litter depth 132.317 0.000*** 3.000 0.122
Soil water content 16.329 0.001*** 72.899 0.000***
Woody debris 3.338 0.088* 2.671 0.141
Slope 0.263 0.775 5.290 0.050**
Slope length 5.302 0.034** 0.398 0.546
Significant on the level of a ¼ 0:1.
Significant on the level of a ¼ 0:05.
Significant on the level of a ¼ 0:01.

loss: F ¼ 16:051, P ¼ 0:000). Different logging sys- litter depth, and woody debris). Slope, was not sig-
tems applied in different catchments also affected soil nificantly different among the plots but was signifi-
loss significantly (F ¼ 7:925, P ¼ 0:005), but they did cantly different between the two catchments. The
not significantly affect runoff (F ¼ 0:217, P ¼ 0:642). other variable, i.e. slope length, was significantly
Pillai’s Trace Test was also used to investigate the different among different plots but not between dif-
effect of plot location and logging system on the six ferent catchments (see Table 4 for the results of
ecological variables (bulk density, sapling density, statistical analysis).
canopy cover, litter depth, soil water content, and The results of correlation analysis (Spearman non-
woody debris) and topographic variables (slope and parametric test) showed that there were significant
slope length). The results showed that plot location correlations among runoff and soil loss with sapling
and logging system had significant effects on these density, canopy cover, bulk density, and woody debris.
variables (plot location: F ¼ 119:99, P ¼ 0:000; log- The results showed that there was a significant linear
ging system: F ¼ 793:774, P ¼ 0:027). positive correlation between runoff and soil loss. Runoff
Univariate analysis of variance showed that plot and soil loss were also correlated strongly with the four
location affected six ecological variables individually, ecological variables. There was significant linear cor-
while the logging system significantly affected bulk relation among bulk density, canopy cover, litter depth,
density, sapling density, and soil water content only, and sapling density (Table 5). The correlation between
but not other ecological variables (i.e. canopy cover, bulk density and sapling density was observable in the

Table 5
Spearman correlations between runoff, soil loss, rainfall, ecological factors, and topographic factors

Variables Runoff Soil loss Bulk density Canopy cover Litter depth Sapling density Woody debris

Runoff 1.000 0.946*** 0.555*** 0.652*** 0.683*** 0.729*** 0.679***

Soil loss 1.000 0.499*** 0.634*** 0.716*** 0.777*** 0.668***
Bulk density 1.000 0.735*** 0.617*** 0.504** 0.580**
Canopy cover 1.000 0.925*** 0.791*** 0.637***
Litter depth 1.000 0.866*** 0.587**
Sapling density 1.000 0.591**
Woody debris 1.000
Correlation is significant at a ¼ 0:05 (one-tailed).
Correlation is significant at a ¼ 0:01 (one-tailed).
H. Hartanto et al. / Forest Ecology and Management 180 (2003) 361–374 369

Table 6
The results of univariate analysis of variance of the effects of bulk density, sapling density, canopy cover, and litter depth on runoff and soil

Variables Effect on runoff Effect on soil loss

Test value (F) Significance (P) Test value (F) Significance (P)

Bulk density 2.087 0.244 0.065 0.816

Sapling density 0.826 0.430 7.254 0.074*
Canopy cover 0.958 0.400 6.617 0.082*
Litter depth 0.462 0.546 7.537 0.071*
Woody debris 0.875 0.418 7.015 0.077*
Significant on the level of a ¼ 0:1.

field. In catchment 92 (Reduced Impact Logging logging systems were significant only for soil loss, but
area), where tractor passes were kept to a minimum, not for runoff. This may be because runoff was
numbers of saplings correlated with soil compaction. strongly determined by rainfall levels, and when
Higher numbers of saplings at control plots were different rainfall between the two catchments was
reflected by higher bulk density compared to those standardised (by keeping rainfall as covariate in the
at harvest plots. However, this was not observed in analysis), the runoff from the two catchments was not
catchment 37 where tractors entered cutting blocks. significantly different.
Higher soil compaction at harvest plots was machin- The results of the analysis also showed that different
ery-related. plot locations significantly affected all the ecological
The next multivariate analysis was conducted to factors, i.e. sapling density, canopy cover, litter depth,
determine which ecological factors significantly deter- woody debris, bulk density, and soil water content.
mine runoff and soil loss. The results of Pillai’s Trace The results showed that plot locations affected each of
Test showed that the combined ecological factors did the six ecological variables. This indicates that the plot
not have significant effect on the combined runoff and locations elicited different responses from the six
soil loss. Furthermore, the results of univariate ana- ecological variables, but the responses were similar
lysis of variance showed that none of the ecological for similar plot locations.
factors significantly determined runoff. However, it It was also shown that different logging systems
was found that sapling density, canopy cover, litter significantly affected bulk density and sapling density
depth, and woody debris significantly affected soil loss only, but not canopy cover, litter depth, and woody
(Table 6). debris. From the results, it would appear that the
Reduced Impact Logging (RIL) system applied in
catchment 92 had successfully controlled soil com-
5. Discussion paction. This was consistent with the observations in
the field during the implementation of RIL where it
The results showed that plot locations (i.e. control, was clear that skid trails were being carefully designed
harvest, and skid trail) and logging systems (i.e. and planned, the use of tractors was controlled to
conventional logging applied in catchment 37 and minimise soil compaction, and directional tree felling
RIL applied in catchment 92) had significant effects was practiced to minimise damage to saplings and the
on runoff and soil loss. However, further analysis surrounding trees. RIL, however, failed to maintain
showed that there was a significant difference in the litter depth and woody debris as we found no differ-
runoff among different plots, but not between the two ence in litter depth and woody debris between RIL
catchments. There was a significant difference in and conventional logging. Despite the fact that a
soil loss among different plots and between the two lower logging intensity was applied in RIL, no dif-
catchments. This indicates that logging affected both ference in canopy cover was reflected in the plot-level
runoff and soil loss. However, the differences between measurements.
370 H. Hartanto et al. / Forest Ecology and Management 180 (2003) 361–374

The results of the analysis showed the magnitude of odoratum, Ebisemiju (1990) showed that the amount
runoff and soil loss was highly determined by rainfall. of soil eroded from bare plots was 400 times higher
From an artificial rain simulation study, Maran (1958) than vegetated plots, with a rate of soil deposition
in Zachar (1982) found that an eight-fold increase in within the plots of 12% (compared to 82% in vegetated
rainfall intensity resulted in a 200-fold increase in plots) and a rate of soil particle transported by runoff
runoff and a 4200-fold increase in soil loss. This was downslope of 88% (compared to 18% in vegetated
consistent with the decrease in infiltration rate and soil plots).
desegregation at the same time. Larger raindrops
reduced soil permeability as the results of pore block- 5.2. Canopy and litter layer
ing. As the intensity of rain increases, soil loss by
surface runoff increases faster than that caused by Canopy was denser and litter layer was thicker at
rainsplash. This means that during high-intensity rain, control plots compared to harvest plots at both catch-
the contribution to total soil loss from surface runoff ments. The difference in litter thickness between
was higher than from raindrops. Erosion also increases control and harvest plots was consistent with a study
during a succession of downpours despite its lower carried out in Central Kalimantan (CIFOR, unpub-
intensity and volume (Zachar, 1982). Higher rainfall lished data) that found that litter thickness in a forest 3
intensity and frequency in catchment 92 can explain years after logging (4:69  0:34 cm) was significantly
higher soil loss at skid trail plots of catchment 92 lower (P < 0:001) than in the undisturbed forest
(average of 190.8 g/m2) in comparison with soil loss at (5:33  0:33 cm).
skid trail plots of catchment 37 (average of 43.4 g/m2). Higher soil loss at control plots indicates that soil
In this study, we found that ecological variables did particle detachment and/or transportation down the
not play important role in determining the magnitude slope in control plots was higher compared to harvest
of runoff. The situation was different for soil loss. The plots. At control plots where tree canopies are denser,
results of the analysis showed that the magnitude of intercepted raindrops coalesce, attain bigger drop size
soil loss was determined by sapling density, canopy and higher erosive power. Erosive power of raindrops
cover, litter depth, and woody debris. from closed canopies has been reported to be greater
(Bruijnzeel, 1986; Wiersum, 1984; Binkley and
5.1. Sapling Brown, 1993). However, trees also provide and main-
tain a litter layer which protects the soil against the
Saplings at harvest plots, on average across both impact of raindrops (Wiersum, 1985; Bruijnzeel,
catchments, were slightly more abundant than in 1986, 1990; Nortcliff et al., 1990; Binkley and Brown,
control plots. Many studies found that understorey 1993).
vegetation, such as saplings and seedlings, provides a This is consistent with Wiersum’s finding (1984)
second layer of protection to the soil. Their canopies, that soil cover removal often increases soil erosion by
which are located closer to the soil surface compared 10–100 times, while tree canopy removal without
to tree canopies, can reduce the erosive power of the disturbing soil cover increases soil erosion rate by a
raindrops (Wiersum, 1984; Sinun et al., 1992). few tens of percent only. The protective value of the
Furthermore, their rooting systems will also hold soil stands lies not so much in the ability of the canopy to
particles effectively and make the soil more resistant reduce the power of raindrops but in their ability to
to erosion. Penetration by roots and their subsequent provide materials for soil cover on the forest floor. As a
growth can compact the soil in the immediate vicinity result, energy of raindrops, depending on their drop
(Greacen and Sands, 1980), thus increase its resistance size and velocity, is reduced to almost zero when they
to erosion. reach the soil (Miller, 1977 in Binkley and Brown,
Plant stems, apart from providing hydraulic resis- 1993).
tance to erosion, also dissipate runoff energy through Ross and Dykes (1996), however, from their study
frictional resistance and therefore induce sediment on runoff and soil loss under closed canopy of dipter-
deposition. By comparing soil loss between bare plots ocarp forest on slope of 308 in Brunei, Darussalam,
and plots inhabited by herbaceous plant of Eupatorium concluded that the combined root mat and litter layer
H. Hartanto et al. / Forest Ecology and Management 180 (2003) 361–374 371

are more important in protecting soil surface against The interactions between these factors can account
sediment loss than they are in reducing overland flow. for higher runoff and soil loss in control plots com-
They found that removal of root mat and litter layer pared to harvest plots. At skid trail plots, low canopy
resulted in an increase in runoff and soil loss of 6 and cover, lack of soil cover, woody debris and saplings
20 times, respectively, compared to intact forest floor. resulted in significant loss of soil.
They also found that it is the litter layer, rather than All of the key ecological factors determining soil
root mat, which provides the main protection for the loss found in this study, i.e. sapling density, canopy
mineral soil and prevents rainsplash and particle cover, litter depth and woody debris, are directly
detachment. affected by logging activities. These key factors were
found to be sensitive to disturbance. To minimise soil
5.3. Woody debris erosion, forest managers should focus their attention
on minimizing impact on these factors through better
In this study, we found that woody debris was more logging practices.
abundant in harvest plots compared to control plots. All these factors are easy to measure without com-
The abundance of woody debris found in this study plicated and expensive equipment or measurement
was consistent with the results of a study in Central methods, thereby making them practicable for field
Kalimantan (CIFOR, unpublished data). Using the monitoring. Thickness of litter layer, canopy cover,
scale of 0–10 in miniplots of 1 m  1 m, the abun- abundance of organic debris and sapling density can
dance of small woody debris (diameter <10 cm) in be easily measured in the field, either qualitatively or
a forest 3 years after logging (3:59  0:17) was found quantitatively. Abundance of small woody debris
to be significantly higher (P < 0:01) than that in (diameter below 10 cm), for example, can be esti-
undisturbed forest (3:24  0:17) and a forest 7 years mated in several miniplots of 1 m  1 m. Distribution
after logging (3:21  0:20). The abundance of woody of small woody debris in this miniplot can be scored
debris in virgin forest and 7-year logged over forest by using a scale of 0–10.
was not significantly different (P ¼ 0:839). CIFOR has generated a list of criteria and indicators
The higher abundance of woody debris on harvest (C&I) for Sustainable Forest Management in tropical
plots reduced soil detachment by rainsplash erosion, forests managed for timber production. There are
and at the same time increased surface roughness to several related verifiers that are listed in the CIFOR
prevent runoff from gaining greater volume and velo- C&I framework which have potential for on-site soil
city to erode and transport soil particle. Abundance of loss monitoring purposes (see Table 7), including the
organic debris including leaves, roots, twigs, bark, key soil loss factors found in this study, i.e. sapling
fruits and stems directly affects soil erosion from soil density, canopy cover, litter layer depth, and woody
detachment to basin transport (Hewlett, 1982). debris. In their original format they were not organised
The magnitude of runoff and soil loss at control and to provide information on soil loss erosion risks.
harvest plots depends on the interaction among the However, as we show in Table 7, it is possible to
four ecological factors, i.e. sapling density, canopy reorganize them quite easily for this purpose. The
cover, litter layer, and woody debris. At the control proposed five verifiers, when measured, would indicate
plots, raindrop size was larger due to denser canopies the risks of erosion and other forms of soil degradation.
but there was a thicker litter layer that protected the We found that on-site or upslope monitoring of
soil surface from erosion. However, there was no runoff and soil loss provided valuable information
effective mechanism to prevent runoff and soil particle about soil erosion risks caused by management prac-
movement down the slope since there was less woody tices. The measurements provided integrated informa-
debris and fewer saplings. At the harvest plots, the tion on localised topographic factors (e.g. slope) and
contrary occurs. Despite the lack of a thicker litter ecological factors affected by management practices.
layer the erosive power of raindrops was lower due This on-site monitoring system clearly demonstrated
to their smaller size. Furthermore, there was more site disturbances where the plots are located. This
abundant woody debris and saplings that effectively site-specificity of plot measurements could be a dis-
prevented soil particle movement down the slope. advantage, however, if site variations are not captured.
372 H. Hartanto et al. / Forest Ecology and Management 180 (2003) 361–374

Table 7
Criteria and indicators (C&I) of soil loss

Current C&I of soil loss The proposed new structure for C&I of soil loss

Indicator Indicator
None Erosion and other forms of soil degradation are minimized.
Verifiers collected from different indicators Verifiers
1 Canopy openness in the forest understorey is minimised. 1 Canopy openness in the forest understorey is minimised.
2 Distribution of above ground biomass in logged sites does not 2 Distribution of above-ground biomass in logged sites does not
show significant change as compared to undisturbed forests. show significant change as compared to undisturbed forest.
3 Depth of litter/gradient of decomposition does not vary 3 Depth of litter/gradient of decomposition in logged sites does
significantly between undisturbed and logged sites. not vary significantly between undisturbed and logged sites.
4 Abundance of small woody debris in logged sites does not show 4 Abundance of small woody debris in logged sites does not
significant change as compared to undisturbed forests. show significant change as compared to undisturbed forests.
5 Relative abundance of seedlings, saplings and poles of 5 Relative abundance of seedlings, saplings and poles of tree
canopy tree species belonging to different regeneration species does not show significant change as compared
guilds in logged sites does not show significant change as to undisturbed forests.
compared to undisturbed forests.
6 Low residual stand damage.
7 Road and tracks network within the forest management
unit is minimised.
8 Skidding damage to the stand and soil is minimised.
9 Logging activities are suspended during periods of heavy rain.

This can be controlled by a careful site selection and results can be obtained from a relatively short mon-
by increasing the numbers of runoff plots built and itoring period. Furthermore, we found that runoff plots
monitored. could be set up relatively quickly (1 plot per day)
The most important advantage of this type of mon- without major financial investment. It was calculated
itoring over instream monitoring is that a more direct that the costs of setting up and maintaining 14 runoff
and clear linkage can be established between effects plots and collecting data was around US$ 335 per
(in this case, runoff and soil loss) and causes (envir- month over the entire study period, of which 80% was
onmental processes affected by logging). In contrast, it personnel costs. Maintenance costs were minimal
would be extremely difficult to isolate these linkages once these plots were established. Sample treatments
using instream monitoring measurements as they inte- and analysis were easy to carry out and have been a
grate both upslope impacts and channel processes part of a standard laboratory analysis.
(Corner et al., 1996). This is important especially
when the focus is on how to improve management
practices. On-site monitoring pinpoints areas that need 6. Conclusion
improvement, provides information on the extent of
damage, and facilitates insights on how well preven- We found that sapling density, canopy cover, litter
tive measures are addressing the problem. On-site layer, and woody debris are important ecological
monitoring is thus an effective tool in the adaptive factors that determine soil erosion. Apart from these
management of natural resources. factors, rainfall played an important role in determin-
Runoff plots can be quite easily used by forest ing the magnitude of runoff and soil loss. At the
managers when they need to monitor the impacts of control and harvest plots, the presence of organic
their operations on runoff and soil erosion. Unlike forest floor materials, such as litter layer and woody
instream monitoring that requires a long monitoring debris, is very important in preventing soil detachment
period and expensive equipment, measurements of and providing surface roughness, thus reducing runoff
runoff and soil erosion by using runoff plots proved and soil particle movement downslope. At the skid
to be relatively simple and inexpensive. Meaningful trail plots, the absence of soil cover and surface
H. Hartanto et al. / Forest Ecology and Management 180 (2003) 361–374 373

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