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Charles Darwin proposed the theory of evolution by natural selection. He proposed his theory at a
scientific meeting of Linnean Society in London and published his famous book named “The
Origin of Species by Means of Natural Selection” in 1859. The important points of his theory of
natural selection are:

1. Overproduction of population
All organisms have great reproductive potential. For example, A female oyster releases about
100,000 eggs with each spawning. A female sea star releases about 1 million eggs each season.
Thus, a half million people sea stars can produce another million eggs. If this repeated over
just a few generations, it will soon fill up the oceans. It will cause unimaginable resource
problems in just a few years.
2. Genetic Variation

Genetic variations arise by random mutation. He realized that some of the variations were
useful to individuals carrying them as these variations helped them to live comfortable in that
environment. These individuals could adopt to their environment more than the individuals
which don’t possess these useful variations. These variations can be passed on to offspring’s.

3. Struggle for survival

The resources are limited. Therefore, a constant struggle started. Many more offspring’s are
produced than resources can support. Therefore, many individuals die. Darwin reasoned that
these individuals have less adaptive traits. Some individuals remain alive. These individuals
have adaptive traits.

4. Natural Selection

Adaptive traits are transferred in subsequent generations. The organisms with maladaptive
traits have less chance to reproduce. Thus the maladaptive traits become less frequent in a
population. Finally, they are eliminated.

Darwin formulated a theory with these ideas. This theory explains following points:

 How the tortoises and finches of Galapagos Islands changes over time.
 It also explains how some animals like ancient South American horses can become
extinct. Sometimes, a group of animals cannot adapt the climatic changes and
environmental stressors. Therefore, they become extinct.


Evidence from Comparative Anatomy:

Similarities among the structures of animal occur due to common evolutionary origin.
Comparative anatomy is based on the relationship of structures among organisms. This
involves the study of three types of structures:

a) Homologous structures: Structures derived from common ancestry are called homologous
structures. For example, vertebrate appendages have a common arrangement of similar bones
although some of them perform different functions. The similarity in appendage structure
indicates that the vertebrate evolved from a common ancestor.
b) Analogous structures: Structures having different origin but perform similar functions are
analogous structures. They produced due to convergent evolution which occurs when two
unrelated organisms adapt to similar conditions. For example, the wing of a bird and of an insect
are both adapted for flight but they are not homologous. These are analogous.
c) Vestigial structures: The functionless structures in the body are called vestigial structures.
Organisms often retain structures that have lost their usefulness. These are poorly developed.
For example, some reptiles have minute remnants of hind limb pelvic bones left and are clear
indications of evolution.
Evidences from Molecular Biology
Molecular Biology has provided a lot of important information about evolutionary relationships.
The animals also have homologous biochemical processes like homologous structures.
Structure and function are based on the genetic DNA molecule. Related animals have similar
DNA derived from their common ancestry. DNA carries the codes for proteins. Thus, related
animals have similar proteins. The zoologists extract and analyze the structure of proteins from
animal tissue with the help of latest laboratory techniques. They also compare the DNA of
different animals. They look for dissimilarities in the structure of related proteins and DNA. It
gives constant mutation rate. In this way, the estimate the time since divergence from a common
ancestral molecule.
Speciation is the formation of new species. A requirement of speciation is that subpopulations are
prevented from interbreeding. This is called reproductive isolation. Reproductive isolation
occur in different ways.
 Premating Isolation: It prevent mating from taking place. For example, rivers or
mountain ranges may separate subpopulations.
 Postmating Isolation: It prevents successful fertilization and development, even though
mating may have occurred. For example, developmental failure of the fertilized egg or
a) Allopatric Speciation: It occurs when subpopulations become a geographically isolated
from one another. For example, a mountain range or river may permanent separate
members of a population. Many biologists believe that the allopatric speciation is the most
common kind of speciation.
b) Parapatric Speciation: It occurs in small, local populations called demes. For example,
all the frogs in a particular pool makeup a deme. Individuals of a deme are more likely to
breed with one another than with other individuals in larger population because they
experience the same environment and are subject to similar selection pressure. The
reproductive isolation of a deme may mean that its members experience different selection
pressures than other members of the population.
c) Sympatric Speciation: It occurs within a single population. It is uncommon in animals.
Many plant species are capable of producing viable forms with multiple sets of
chromosomes. This could lead to sympatric speciation among groups in the same habitat.

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