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The study of the relationship of organisms to their environment is called ecology.

A community with its non-living environment is called ecosystem.
Ecosystems are divided into following categories.
a) Natural Ecosystems: They are undisturbed ecosystems. They can be further divided.

1. Aquatic Ecosystems: These are composed of open water. They includes.

➢ Marine Ecosystems: They consist of deep water bodies like oceans and estuaries etc.

➢ Fresh Water Ecosystems: They consists of running fresh water like stream or rivers and
lentic-standing water like ponds, lake etc.

2. Terrestrial Ecosystem: They include forest grassland, desert etc.

b) Artificial Ecosystems: In these types of Ecosystem, natural balance is disturbed by man and
balance is maintained by him. Artificial ecosystem consists of man-made forest, orchards,
cultivated fields etc.
Components of Ecosystem
An ecosystem is composed of abiotic and biotic components.
1. Abiotic components
It includes basic elements and compounds of the environment like soil, water and gases. It
is also composed of minerals like carbonates, phosphates etc. It also includes physical
factors like moisture, wind, currents, and solar radiation.
2. Biotic components
The living components of the ecosystem are called biotic components. They are further
divided into autotrophs, and heterotrophs.
a. Autotrophs: e.g., Green plants
b. Heterotrophs: These are the living organisms that utilize or decompose the complex
material synthesized by the producers. They include microconsumers and
macroconsumers (large animals). It is further divided into:
➢ Primary consumers: They are purely herbivorous animals. E.g., rabbits, goat,
deer, protozoa and fishes.
➢ Secondary consumers: It includes carnivores and omnivores. Carnivores are flesh
eating animals. E.g., cats, dogs, fox, snakes, eagle etc. Omnivores derive their
energy from both plants and animals. E.g., Ants, core, sparrow, hen, bear and man.
➢ Tertiary consumers: They eat the herbivores, carnivores, and omnivores for their
energy. E.g., Lion, tiger and hawk etc.
c. Decomposers: The microorganisms which decompose the bodies of dead animals and
plants are called decomposers. E.g., bacteria and fungi. They breakdown the complex
compounds and protoplasm. They absorb some of the decomposed products and release
minerals back into the ecosystem. These minerals once again available to the producers.
Decomposers play important role in recycling of compounds in the ecosystem.

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