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In this part, you will learn the correct way to ask questions and the correct Wh-questions to be used in sentences.

14.1 Yes/No Questions

There are questions that require answers in the form of ‘Yes’ or ‘No’.

The tense of the answer must follow the tense used in the question.


Do you like coffee? Yes, I do. / No, I don’t.

Are they coming to the class? Yes, they are. / No, they aren’t.

Does Anita speak English well? Yes, she does. / No, she doesn’t.

Were the children noisy? Yes, they were. / No, they weren't.

Did the clerk send the cheque? Yes, she did. / No, she didn’t.

14.2 WH Questions

WH-words are used to ask questions.

Question Words Function & Examples

Who To ask for information about a person (names, relationship,


(a) Who is that young girl?

Where To ask for information about the place (name, location).

(a) Where is the new restaurant?

What To ask for information about an object, a person, or a situation.

(a) What is inside that box?

Which To ask for specific information.

(a) Which one is your favourite?

When To ask for information on time (day, month, year, season).

(a) When is your wedding anniversary?

Why To ask for a reason.

(a) Why do you look so sad?

How To ask for the manner or way in which something was done.

(a) How was your holiday?

This is how Wh-questions are used in the conversation.

Alia : How was your holiday, Lily?

Lily : It was great. When are you going to register for college?
Alia : I'm going to register on 6 April 2021. I am so excited about it.
Lily : Which college are you going to enroll?
Alia : I am going to Cyber College.
Lily : Where is it?
Alia : It is located behind Jaya Mall.
Lily : Oh! In that case, I can drive there and visit you during the weekend.

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