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Vocabulary exercises

1 Match.
1 He’s still thinking about the job and is e a about chilli.
2 I’m absolutely sick h b down and relax after work.
3 She loves spicy food and is mad a c into Japanese food. Let’s go for sushi.
4 Studying for my maths test is a real pain g d on interactive games.
5 I didn’t know you were c e in two minds about whether to take it.
6 Several students are taking f f part in the science competition.
7 Most of my friends are keen d g in the neck. I’d prefer to play football!
8 He listens to music to calm b h of people complaining about the weather.

2 Choose the correct words to complete the sentences.

1 She’s trying to compose / perceive a song for the school concert.
2 The menu includes a diverse / large-scale range of foods from different regions.
3 After my trip to India, I see life from a different impression / perspective.
4 Erica is ecstatic / outgoing about participating in the study.
5 The journalist would not reflect / reveal her sources of information.
6 Will we ever completely understand the findings / workings of the human brain?
7 Charles is reluctant / jealous to discuss his family life.
8 We’ve been researching the reactions of the aware / sensory organs.

3 Read the definitions and complete the words.

1 the people and activities involved in a particular business: i n
_d_ u_ s_ t_ _r y_
_ y_
_ _r a_ _r c_ h
2 a system in which people or things are organised by importance: h _i e
_ _r _i _t _a _g _e
3 a country’s history and traditions regarded as part of its character: h e
4 plates, dishes, etc. made from clay and then baked: p o
_ t_ _t e
_ _r y_
_ x_ t_ u
5 the way a surface feels when you touch it, e.g. hard, soft, fluffy: t e _ _r e
6 different from normal; not typical: u n
_ _c o
_ n_ _v e
_n_ t_ _i o_ n
_ a_ _l
7 make use of: u _t _i _l _i _s e_
8 show proof that something is true: d e_ m
_ _s _t _r a_ _t e
9 try very hard to do something difficult: s _t _r u _g
_ _l e
10 annoyed: i _r _r _i _t _a t_ e_ d

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4 Complete the sentences with words formed from the words in bold.
1 He felt quite emotional about winning the award. EMOTION
2 I’m most appreciative of all your help throughout the project. APPRECIATE
3 A team of researchers are involved in the study on the human senses. RESEARCH
4 Her health is noticeably better since she began the exercise programme. NOTICE
5 Don’t order food from that takeaway. It’s completely tasteless ! TASTE
6 I went to the wrong place because I misunderstood the address on the invitation. UNDERSTAND
7 He was dissatisfied with his new smartwatch, so he took it back to the shop. SATISFY
8 She managed to outperform all her classmates in the test. PERFORM
9 How many participants were there in the experiment? PARTICIPATE
10 If you want to improve, you have to be ready to learn from criticism . CRITICISE

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Grammar exercises
1 Choose the correct options to complete the sentences.
1 The chef the sauce to check the flavour.
a tastes b is tasting
2 The woman the people in the photo.
a doesn’t recognise
b isn’t recognising
3 Our lessons at three o’clock.
a finish
b are finishing
4 This article interesting. Have you read it?
a seems
b is seeming
5 I what you are talking about.
a am not knowing
b don’t know
6 The last ship to the island at 7.30 p.m.
a departs
b is departing
7 Researchers that culture affects food preferences.
a are believing
b believe
8 We to Mexico this winter.
a are travelling
b travel

2 Complete the sentences using the present simple or present continuous form of the verbs in brackets.
1 This year, I am taking (take) a course in Spanish.
2 Those two students are always chatting (always / chat) during the lesson. They’re so annoying.
3 Do you want (you / want) to go skating tomorrow?
4 He doesn’t belong (not / belong) to any sports clubs or teams.
5 She is decorating (decorate) her new flat this week.
6 It doesn’t rain (not / rain) much here in summer.
7 The shop closes (close) at 5 p.m.
8 Where are you going (you / go) for your next holiday?

3 Complete the sentences with these time expressions.

ago  already  always  ever  hardly ever  lately  usually  yet

1 He looks really exhausted. He’s been working too much lately .

2 I hardly ever use my old dictionary these days. I look up words online.
3 We usually eat in the kitchen, but today we’re having a barbeque outside for a change.
4 Tim is always playing loud music when I’m trying to study.
5 Has your science teacher ever done experiments in class?
6 Have you finished reading the book yet ?
7 She’s already won several prizes for her work.
8 They moved to Sweden a few years ago .

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4 Complete the sentences with the correct form of the verbs in brackets.
1 She has never spoken (never / speak) in front of an audience before.
2 You still haven’t written (still / not write) your article for the school magazine.
3 They moved (move) into their new home last week.
4 He’ll take a break as soon as he finishes (finish) the experiment.
5 We are currently preparing (currently / prepare) for our class presentations.
6 It has been raining (rain) all week. Will it never stop?
7 Armando will stay with us until he finds / has found (find) a place of his own.
8 I haven’t been getting (not get) enough sleep lately. I’ve got so much studying to do.

Use your English

Exam Task

For questions 1–8, read the text below and decide which answer (A, B, C or D) best fits each gap. There is an
example at the beginning (0).

A meal to remember
When I heard that my old friend Stefan was in town, I was (0) to see him. So I sent him an invitation
to (1) over dinner. I was over the (2) when he accepted and spent hours preparing
a special meal. What could go wrong?
As I was serving the food, I (3) something was wrong from Stefan’s expression. Although my
Spanish-style paella looked and smelt delicious, Stefan was (4) to fish. I’d completely forgotten he
never ate fish or seafood. This meal could have (5) to a serious reaction, sending him straight to
I felt really embarrassed and (6) for my friend’s safety. (7) , Stefan forgave my
mistake and I quickly cleared the table. We had a good laugh about it and we ordered a takeaway instead. Next time
Stefan pops in, the menu will (8) on his health needs and food choices.

0 A doubtful B eager C careless D sensitive

1 A catch up B keep up C take up D pack up
2 A earth B ball C moon D pain
3 A interpreted B proved C identified D detected
4 A pessimistic B concerned C sensitive D optimistic
5 A conduct B led C adapt D react
6 A dissatisfied B keen C responsible D emotional
7 A Intensely B Nevertheless C Similarly D Solely
8 A depend B affect C develop D extend

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Vocabulary exercises
1 Choose the correct words to complete the sentences.
1 The brave monarchy / warrior died on the battlefield.
2 Can you give examples to ignore / justify your theory?
3 I’ve been studying English literature / literacy written by nineteenth-century authors.
4 Hugo isn’t at all lazy. On the contrary / conflict, he’s the most hard-working archaeologist I’ve met.
5 The country is still recovering from the exhibit / impact of the civil war.
6 The government should install / invest in constructing new ports.
7 She gave a very accurate / sufficient and detailed description of the battle.
8 You will benefit / subscribe from a few days’ rest.

2 Match the words with the meanings.

1 dismiss e a riches
2 enhance h b not valuable
3 wealth a c result of an action
4 financial f d hard work
5 worthless b e reject
6 consequence c f economic
7 contemporary g g modern
8 labour d h improve

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3 Complete the sentences with these words.

ancestors  armour  being  class  matter  monument  rebellion  time

1 Alex took a DNA test to find out more about his ancestors .
2 I believe it’s just a matter of time before the next big earthquake.
3 Edinburgh Castle is probably Scotland’s most photographed monument .
4 The museum has many medieval exhibits, including suits of armour worn by soldiers.
5 They were put in prison for their violent act of rebellion against the government.
6 There’s no hurry for the article, so take your time and get the facts right.
7 He’s staying with friends for the time being until he finds a place of his own.
8 Most of the world’s wealth is owned by members of the ruling class .

4 Read the definitions and complete the words.

1 the study of the physical and cultural development of humans: a n
_ _t h
_ r_ o_ p_ o_ _l o
_g_ _y
2 the way you think and feel: a _t _t _i _t u
_d_ _e
3 teaching something, especially to one person or a small group: t u_ _i _t _i o
4 a person’s children, their children and any future family members related to them: d e
_ _s c_ e
_ _n d
_ _a n
_ _t _s
_ _n
5 a strong interest in something: f a_ _s c_ _i n_ a_ _t _i o
6 a person whose job involves heavy physical work: l a_ b _ _u _r _e _r
_ _r _i _c
7 from a time before human history: p _r e_ h_ _i s_ _t o
8 which has disappeared or no longer exists: v a_ n _d
_ _i _s _h e _
9 a new idea or thing being used for the first time: i n_ n _ _v _a _t _i o
_ _n
_ _t _i o
10 a time when there is a violent change of a political system: r _e _v _o _l u _n_
11 attention from the public: p u
_b_ _l _i c_ _i _t _y
_ _n _s _t e_ _l _l a_ _t _i o
12 a group of stars: c o _n_

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Grammar exercises
1 Complete the sentences using the past simple or present perfect simple form of the verbs in brackets.
1 This book has been / ’s been (be) popular since Dad was a child and it still is.
2 It’s high time we visited (visit) the new museum.
3 Have you ever wanted (you / ever / want) to find out where your ancestors came (come) from.
4 Our teacher was (be) ill yesterday, so she didn’t come (not come) to school.
5 He has already listened (already / listen) to the entire series of podcasts.
6 Archaeologists have found (find) two new sites in the past year.
7 I have started / ’ve started (start) studying for my history test. I think I’ll be finished soon.
My parents went (go) to Mexico in 2010, but I have never been / ’ve never been (never / be)

2  omplete the sentences using the past continuous or past perfect continuous form of the
verbs in brackets.
1 The labourers were exhausted because they had been working (work) all day in the hot sun.
2 We had been digging (dig) for days before we found any objects.
3 I was waiting (wait) for the bus when the storm began.
4 While the historian was giving (give) a talk, the students were taking (take) notes.
5 The rain had been pouring (pour) all night, so water was running (run) down the streets.
6 When we met, she was studying (study) in Amsterdam.
7 They had been having (have) demonstrations since before the elections.
8 When we left the museum, the guides were still showing (still / show) visitors around.

3 Complete the sentences with these words.

are  been  didn’t  get  had  has  haven’t  used  was  would
1 The castle has been empty for as long as I can remember.
2 Flora was studying in her room when I called.
3 I’ll never get used to driving in Rome.
4 When Amal was a child, her grandmother would make clothes for her.
5 We haven't finished packing our bags yet.
6 The ruling party didn't win a majority in the election, so they’re disappointed.
7 It was the first time they had ever been to Portugal.
8 Sarah used to be a well-known sportsperson.
9 She’d been walking in the museum all day so she was really tired.
10 They are used to working long hours.

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Use your English
Exam Task

For questions 1–8, read the text below. Use the word given in capitals at the end of some of the lines
to form a word that fits in the gap in the same line. There is an example at the beginning (0).

Home sweet home

Setting out to water his tomato plants in his tiny greenhouse, Vincent discovered the
(0) existence of a small heap of soil and leaves behind the plant pots. Taking a EXIST
closer look, he realised an entire colony of ants had taken up (1) residence there. The RESIDE
(2) majority of the ants were busily carrying small pieces of earth to add to the nest. MAJOR
Vincent watched, fascinated at their joint efforts, as they worked (3) collaboratively to carry COLLABORATE
building materials down the line.
(4) Regardless of his surprise, he felt great admiration for such hard work. He had never REGARD
seen ants in his greenhouse before, so clearly the recent heavy rains were responsible for this
sudden mass (5) invasion . The ants had managed to find this dry space for the INVADE
(6) foundation of their new nesting place. As there appeared to be no threat to his plants, FOUND
he decided to leave the tiny (7) settlement unharmed. At the same time, he wasn’t so SETTLE
keen on the idea that their (8) successors might move in forever and hoped that they SUCCEED
would find an alternative location soon.

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Vocabulary exercises
1 Match.
1 estate c a plan
2 housing h b power
3 floor a c agent
4 conservation f d labour
5 solar b e hostel
6 master g f area
7 youth e g bedroom
8 manual d h estate

2 Complete the sentences with these words.

artificial  auction  homeowner  maintain  residential  set  tenant  withstand

1 The new housing will be set overlooking the lake.

2 Will the building’s foundations be strong enough to withstand earthquakes?
3 It was a quiet residential area until the new road was built.
4 If they are cutting the construction costs, I hope they will be able to maintain safety standards.
5 She has just let out her flat to a new tenant .
6 We bought some old furniture at an antique auction .
7 There isn’t much light in the office, so the décor consists of artificial plants.
8 Every homeowner is responsible for repairs to the property they have bought.

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3 Circle the odd one out.
1 extension factor feature
2 bungalow loft chalet
3 layer layout outline
4 brick crane concrete
5 income deposit mortgage
6 independent reliant resilient
7 combat customise renovate
8 incorporate team up refurbish

4 Complete the sentences with words formed from the words in bold.
1 The developers are planning to lay the foundations for the housing estate next month. DEVELOP
2 The number of homeless has increased due to the shortage of social housing. SHORT
3 Buying a home is beyond the capabilities of many people on low incomes. CAPABLE
4 Her greatest achievement was getting her degree in Engineering. ACHIEVE
5 Please ensure that all the doors and windows are locked when you leave. SURE
6 3D printers are bound to revolutionise the construction industry. REVOLUTION
7 This non-profit organisation aims to provide affordable housing for local workers. AFFORD
8 The islanders give visitors a warm welcome as an act of friendliness . FRIENDLY
9 The spacious master bedroom overlooks the garden. SPACE
In an effort to combat homelessness , the government has reduced the cost of rent for
social housing.

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Grammar exercises
1 Choose the best option to complete the sentences.
1 What a beautiful location! You’re loving / going to love living here.
2 I’ll help / be helping you move your furniture if you like.
3 The developers have / are having a meeting next Monday.
4 The bus to town stops / is stopping here every half hour.
5 Will / Do you buy a home of your own someday?
6 By the end of the year, he will have been working / is going to be working here for nine months.
7 We will have finished / finish dinner by five o’clock.
8 I will send / will have sent you an email with the floor plan.

2 Choose the best answer (A, B or C) to complete the sentences.

1 I think I a new printer.
A are going to buy
B will buy C buy
2 If you don’t finish the job on time, we the contract to another company.
A are giving
B will have given C will give
3 The plans for the high-rise look amazing! Clearly, it the tallest building in the city.
A will be
B is going to be C is being
4 you going anywhere this weekend?
A Are
B Do C Will
5 I’m afraid I can’t come to the concert. I the evening with my grandparents.
A spend
B going to spend C am spending
6 I believe that, in the future, we so much air pollution.
A won’t have caused
B won’t cause C aren’t going to cause
7 In the spring, they refurbishing their house.
A are going to start
B will be starting C will have
8 I’m certain the estate agent the house by the end of the month.
A will have sold
B is selling C sells
9 I think he’s on the making a discovery.
A verge of
B due to C about to
10 They will have the construction work soon.
A finish
B finishing C finished
11 Do you think the project be completed on time?
A is going
B will C was
12 When the ferry usually arrive at the port?
A will
B does C is

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3  omplete the sentences with the future perfect, future continuous or future perfect continuous form of
the verbs in brackets.
1 We will have found (find) a place to rent by the end of this month.
2 Will they have finished (they / finish) building the house by the end of this month?
3 By the end of the year, how long will you have been waiting (you / wait) for the house renovation to begin?
4 This time next year, I will be living (live) in Spain in my new house.
5 She won’t be moving (not / move) out of her parents’ home until she finds a job.
It’s a long way to the top of the mountain, so I will have been walking (walk) for five hours by the time
I get there.
7 The bank will be closing (close) soon, so we’d better hurry.
8 He won’t have done (not / do) all his work by five o’clock.

Use your English

Exam Task

For questions 1–8, read the text below and think of the word which best fits each gap. Use only one word in each
gap. There is an example at the beginning (0).

The perfect home?

 re you (0)
A on the point of purchasing your first home? With so many factors to (1) take into
account, you may be wondering if it’s actually worth it. However, it will be easy to achieve this goal with a little careful
planning if you put your (2) mind to it.
L ike most people, you probably don’t have enough to buy a property without getting a mortgage, so it is advisable
to (3) put aside some money every month to save for a deposit. Then you will need to be patient and
put up (4) with the wait until you find the right place. Keep checking with the estate agents to see what
properties homeowners have put (5) on the market. Eventually, something is bound to appeal
(6) to you. When that happens, you can put (7) in an offer. As soon as it is accepted,
you will (8) have found that special place to match your needs.

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Vocabulary exercises
1 Choose the correct words to complete the sentences.
1 Laura considers herself to be fashion conscience / conscious and likes to keep up with the latest trends.
2 Hanging above the fireplace was a self-portrait / self-portraiture of the artist.
3 Keep the receipt for your refund / purchase in case you need to exchange it.
4 How can the factory workers impose / endure working in such awful conditions?
5 Her moving story is sure to wander / overwhelm readers.
6 I expect you’ll make a better impression if you wear casual / formal clothes for the job interview.
7 He fell while climbing rocks and broke his left wrist / cuff.
8 All he left to his children was a fame / legacy of unpaid invoices.
9 Ancient Egyptians were buried in tombs / crutches with their possessions.
10 She wore a smart fitted / ragged suit to attend the meeting.

2 Match.
1 If they can’t increase their profit d a buying at their local shops.
2 Let’s go window g b card to cut costs at the supermarket.
3 With the threat of food shortages, people began panic a c statement! It really suits you!
4 I use my loyalty b d margin, the shop will close down.
5 There wasn’t enough in his bank h e backseat and get an assistant to do the work.
6 When she saw the price f f tag on the shoes, she refused to buy them.
7 Wow! That hair colour is a real fashion c g shopping at the shopping centre.
8 After decades of designing clothes, she decided to take a e h account to pay all his bills.

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3 Complete the sentences with these prepositions.

at  of  on (x2)  out  to  up (x3)  with

1 I don’t know how she can cope with raising a family and running a business.
2 His parents disapproved of his decision to become a fashion designer.
If you want to have everything ready for the guests arriving, you’ll have to roll up your sleeves and
get on with it.
4 The dinner party turned out to be a complete success.
5 Finally, we ended up having the wall rebuilt.
6 She has a huge amount to pay on her credit card bill because she’s addicted to online shopping.
7 Profit margins are low, so they could close the factory at the drop of a hat.
8 My friends complimented me on my artwork.
9 Have you set up all the equipment for the experiment?
10 Keep your hair on ! We’ve got plenty of time to get to the airport.

4 Read the definitions and complete the words.

1 famous as a symbol of an idea: i c_ _o _n _i _c
_ c_ _i a_ _l
2 very important: c _r u
3 surprising or shocking: s _t a_ _r t_ _l _i n
4 the bottom part of a shoe: s o
_ _l e
5 to make a story or event sound more exciting or extreme than it is: s e
_n_ _s _a _t _i o
_n_ _a _l _i _s _e
6 somebody who buys and/or uses goods: c o _e
_ n_ s_ u_ m _ _r
7 not tight-fitting: l _o _o _s e
_ _a _t _i _c
8 having an attractive character: c _h _a _r _i _s m

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Grammar exercises
1 Complete the second sentence using the passive, keeping the meaning the same.
1 They will mend the heels on her shoes later.
The heels on her shoes will be mended later .
2 She had cleaned the clothes before donating them to charity.
The clothes had been cleaned before being donated to charity .
3 I hope they will send me an invitation to the fashion show.
I hope I will be sent an invitation to the fashion show .
4 They expect somebody will deliver the order tomorrow.
The order is expected to be delivered tomorrow .
5 He hates people giving him orders.
He hates being given orders
6 I think they might have sent the parcel to the wrong address.
I think the parcel might have been sent to the wrong address .

2 Complete the sentences with the correct passive form of the verbs in brackets.
1 T-shirts are being sold (sell) at half price this month.
2 Too much material is wasted (waste) by clothing manufacturers.
3 Clothes made from natural fibres can be recycled (can / recycle).
4 I wasn’t taught (not / teach) how to knit when I was young.
5 Can you remember being given (give) a receipt for the bag?
6 When I was a student, we were made (make) to wear school uniforms.
7 It is thought (think) that this new material will last longer.
8 She is known / was known (know) to have produced incredible works of art in her early years.

3 Choose the correct option to complete the sentences.

1 You were heard to say / saying that you hate wearing my designs.
2 The store is expected that will open / to be opened soon.
3 He was forced to work / working long hours every day.
4 It believes / is believed that fashion will continue to change.
5 People will assume / be assumed that the clothes were made by hand.
6 Mary Quant was said being / to be a great fashion designer.
7 After to be / being washed and ironed, the shirt will look much better.
8 Too many imported products are bought by / with consumers.

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4 Order the words to write sentences with causative.
1 has / he / his / had / altered / suit
 He has had his suit altered.
2 need / hair / to / you / cut / get / will / your / soon
 You will need to get your hair cut soon./You will soon need to get your hair cut.
3 got / she / to / shorten / somebody / trousers / her
 She got somebody to shorten her trousers.

4 going / we / are / to / tailor-made / have / our / costumes / dance

 We are going to have our dance costumes tailor-made.

5 refurbished / to / my / flat / decided / have / I

 I decided to have my flat refurbished.

6 the / did / get / you / your / mended / zip / on / jeans / ?

 Did you get the zip on your jeans mended?

Use your English

Exam Task
For questions 1–6, complete the second sentence so that it has a similar meaning to the first sentence,
using the word given. Do not change the word given. You must use between three and six words,
including the word given.

Here is an example (0).
0 We must work harder if we’re going to finish the project on time.

We’ll have to pull our socks up to finish the project on time.
1 Donna’s just got her first month’s pay and she can’t wait to spend it.

Donna’s just got her first month’s pay and it’s burning a hole in her pocket.
2 That was a rather hurtful thing you said to Tom.

Your comment to Tom was a bit/rather below the belt.
3 They’ve asked someone to redecorate their home next week.
They’re going to get their home redecorated next week.

4 Everybody considers him to be a talented artist.

He is considered to be a talented artist.
5 The new dress was specially created to fit her for the occasion.
She had the new dress made to measure for the occasion.

6 People will believe the company is selling ethical products.

It will be assumed that the company’s products are ethically produced.

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Vocabulary exercises
1 Choose the correct option to complete the sentences.
1 The news blog contained a clear fiction / implication that the politician had been lying.
2 Government funding is rational / vital to the success of the housing project.
3 When the staff heard of the proposed changes to their contracts, they went to their fanbase / union for support.
4 Identifying reliable sources of information is an alarming / integral part of good journalism.
5 She used all her intellectual / psychological skills to come up with her theory.
6 The opposition called for a referendum / manifesto to measure public support for the proposed plan.
7 Criticising each other’s beliefs is not the best way to anger / negotiate a deal.
8 Facing the panel / column of reporters, he took a deep breath to calm his nerves.
9 The community group approached their local councillor / dictator regarding the need for a pedestrian crossing.

2 Match the words and write the compound nouns.

1 eye interest eye contact

2 front page front page

3 press news press release

4 human analysis human interest

5 gossip columnist gossip columnist

6 current release current affairs

7 breaking affairs breaking news

8 political contact political analysis

3 Complete the sentences with words formed from the words in bold.
1 The insurance company made a final assessment of the fire damage to the property. ASSESS
2 How many subscribers does she have on her YouTube channel? SUBSCRIBE
3 Are you sure that Maisie is completely trustworthy ? I think she might be lying. TRUST
4 A group of animal rights activists objected to the construction plans. ACTIVE
5 My first day at college was a truly memorable occasion. MEMORY
6 You’ll have to be more persuasive about your policies if you want to win votes. PERSUADE
7 Is there any likelihood of them coming to a decision soon? LIKELY
8 His promotion was undoubtedly the best news he’d had in a long time. DOUBT

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4 Read and complete the crossword.
1 one-sided arguments and promises used to win support for an idea or political party
5 the act of coming to live in a country from a different one
9 all the people who can vote in an election
10 favouring one thing over another
11 connected with thinking and understanding
12 the system of laws and beliefs that controls a country or organisation

2 make a country or group more democratic i.e. controlled by elected representatives
3 false information about something
4 which is said or done with authority
6 unknown or not wishing to be known in public
7 the state of being very poor
8 make something (e.g. a belief) stronger

1 2
p r o p a g a n d a
e d
4 5 6
o i m m i g r a t i o n
p f o n s
o f c o i r
v i r n n e
e l e c t o r a t e y f i
r i t m o n
t a b i a s o r f
y l s u m o
e s a r
t c
c o g n i t i v e
c o n s t i t u t i o n

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Grammar exercises
1 Read and complete the reported sentences and questions. Use the reporting verbs told or asked.
1 ‘Are these your notes from this morning?’ he said to me.
He asked me if/whether those were my notes from that morning
2 ‘You mustn’t go out sailing alone,’ she said to him.
She told him (that) he mustn’t go out sailing alone
3 ‘Who posted this comment on my blog an hour ago?’ she said.
She asked who had posted that comment on her blog an hour earlier
4 ‘Would you like to take a course in journalism, Tom?’ his teacher said.
Tom’s teacher asked (him) if/whether he would like to take a course in journalism
5 ‘You must check this information more thoroughly,’ he said to them.
He told them (that) they had to check the information more thoroughly .
6 ‘We’re moving the day after tomorrow,’ I said to her.
I told her (that) we were moving in two days’ time / told her (that) we were moving two days later

2 Choose the correct option to complete the sentences.

1 I wondered that / whether it was worth reading her blog.
2 She asked what / that the article was about.
3 Will you promise to keep / keeping me informed of any developments?
4 They asked me that / if I knew anything about the stolen painting.
5 He admitted that stealing / he stole the password.
6 The editor insisted on checking / to check her sources before writing the report.
7 Did he accuse his neighbours to take / of taking his private parking space?
8 She suggested to post / posting an advertisement on social media.
9 He explained if / that he had gone to the wrong place for the meeting.
10 The manager said / told that the company would hire more staff.

3 Complete the sentences with one word in each gap.

1 They were accused of robbing several homes.
2 He was blamed for leaving the door unlocked.
3 Did he admit to breaking the window?
4 He denied that he had given the journalist the information.
5 I confessed to having misunderstood the instructions.
6 Why did she decide to spread a fake news story?
7 She advised me on the best way to proceed.
8 The librarian requested that they kept quiet.

© Cengage Learning, Inc. 79

4 Read the direct speech and complete the reported sentences.
1 ‘I’m so sorry that I upset you yesterday.’ he told me.
He apologised for upsetting me the previous day
2 ‘Did they tell the police the truth?’ I wondered.
I wondered if/whether they had told the police the truth
3 ‘I was out of the country when the crime was committed,’ she said.
She claimed to have been out of the country when the crime had been committed
4 ‘You should sign up for this course today,’ she told him.
She persuaded him to sign up for the/that course that day .
5 ‘Don’t speak to the press until you’ve seen your lawyer,' he said to me.
He warned me not to speak to the press until I’d seen my lawyer
6 ‘Yes, it’s true. I lied about being here at the time,’ he said.
He confessed that he had lied about being there at that time .

Use your English

Exam Task
 or questions 1–8, read the text below and decide which answer (A, B, C or D) best fits each gap. There is an
example at the beginning (0).

Message received, but not understood

When Tania looked at her phone, she saw a text message from an anonymous number informing her of flight
cancellations. There were no reasons given, so it didn’t make much (0) to her at all. She had been
looking forward to her holiday with her family and she didn’t know how to (1) the bad news to them.
She wondered (2) the airline had simply overbooked and this was their way of covering up.
Thinking of calling the company to (3) an explanation, she did a quick search on the internet. Sure
enough, there was a news (4) that mentioned the airline she was due to fly with. Apparently, the
tour operator GoWithUs had issued a press (5) that they had gone out of business and cancelled all
their flights. The report said that an anonymous source had (6) the information that the company’s
managing director had disappeared taking all the funds with him!
Fortunately, by the time Tania’s family came home, there was an emergency announcement from GoWithUs that this
was just a piece of fake news that had (7) viral. What a relief! The mystery remained though as to who
had (8) up with such a story and how they had got her phone number.

0 A news B sense C interest D word

1 A spread B say C break D call
2 A whether B that C what D to
3 A ask B postpone C propose D demand
4 A soundbite B media C headline D platform
5 A release B tweet C union D decision
6 A distracted B distributed C misled D overtaken
7 A got B broke C called D gone
8 A got B come C stood D cleared

80 © Cengage Learning, Inc.

Vocabulary exercises
1 Read the definitions and complete the words.
1 to book a place or ticket, etc.: r e s e r v e
2 native to an area: i n d i g e n o u s
3 facilities and basic services that a place uses to function: i n f r a s t r u c t u r e
4 corn: m a i z e
5 type of accommodation with cooking facilities and no meals provided: s e l f - c a t e r i n g
6 a wooden house with a steep sided roof: c h a l e t
7 a house built on one level: b u n g a l o w
8 somebody whose job is to carry customers’ bags at a hotel, station, etc.: p o r t e r
9 a government employee: o f f i c i a l
10 wood that can be used for building or making things: t i m b e r

2 Match.
1 My flight has been cancelled too, so g a it will be smooth sailing.
2 I hope the builders finish the repair work soon because b b the noise is driving me up the wall.
3 If you haven’t been on a trip for ages, e c I can see more than the common sights.
4 If we prepare for our trip well in advance, a d it must be difficult to survive.
5 The staff really went the extra mile and f e I expect you must have itchy feet.
6 I’d love to get off the beaten track so that c f they couldn’t have been more helpful.
7 As they live alone in the back of beyond, d g we’re both in the same boat.

© Cengage Learning, Inc. 87

3 Complete the sentences with these words.

bed and breakfast caravan devastating foyer frustrated full-board lodge villager

1 We couldn’t find a hotel, so we asked a villager if there was a guest house nearby.
2 They chose to book with full-board so they could enjoy the hotel cuisine without eating out.
3 The porter collected our bags in the hotel foyer and took them to our room.
4 After an overnight stay at one of the bed and breakfast places near the station, I caught a train in the morning.
5 Overtourism has had a devastating effect as massive resorts have destroyed the natural environment.
6 As well as self-catering facilities, the holiday lodge by the lake provided equipment for water sports.
7 Drive more slowly and carefully than usual when you’re pulling the caravan with your car.
8 I was rather frustrated at seeing my train leave as I reached the platform.

4 Complete the sentences with words formed from the words in bold.
1 Set in a very touristy part of the island, the resort tends to be overcrowded during the summer. TOURISM
2 Have you checked the availability of accommodation and flights online? AVAILABLE
3 On their honeymoon, they stayed in the most luxurious suite that the hotel had to offer. LUXURY
The chef was assisted by a couple of trainees who were getting work experience after their TRAIN
cooking course.
5 The tiny uninhabited island is almost impossible to access by ship, so nobody can settle there. INHABIT
6 When we arrived, the swimming pool was closed for maintenance . MAINTAIN
7 The clear blue sea looked cool and inviting under the hot sun. INVITE
8 Disappointed with the service at the hotel, he wrote to the manager to express his dissatisfaction. SATISFY

88 © Cengage Learning, Inc.

Grammar exercises
1 Complete the sentences with the correct form of the verbs in brackets.
1 You could rent (rent) a car instead of taking (take) a bus.
2 I’d rather eat (eat) out than spend (spend) time cooking on holiday.
3 Don’t book a hotel without reading (read) the reviews first.
4 I had hoped to find (find) a room with a sea view.
5 It was impossible to get (get) a flight on the dates we wanted to travel (travel).
6 You had better send (send) the application now if you want to get the job.
7 We can’t afford to go (go) on holiday abroad this year.
8 It’s no use leaving (leave) your holiday plans till the last minute.
9 They appear to be (be) in favour of changing (change) the law.
10 There is no point arguing (argue) with him. He’s already made up his mind.

2 Choose the correct option to complete the sentences.

1 I regret informing / to inform you that this passport has expired and must be renewed.
2 She regretted having / to have so little time to see all the sights.
3 Why don’t you try calling / to call the restaurant to reserve a table?
4 They tried reserving / to reserve a table for dinner, but the restaurant was fully booked.
5 The driver was so exhausted that he stopped sleeping / to sleep at the nearest motel.
6 The driver was exhausted, so he stopped driving / to drive to have a rest.
7 I meant telling / to tell you about the demonstration, but I forgot.
8 If we can’t finish this project, it will mean cancelling / to cancel our holiday.
9 Oh, no! I’ve forgotten bringing / to bring the tickets.
10 I’ll never forget taking / to take my English exam. I was so nervous!

3  omplete the second sentence so that it has a similar meaning to the first sentence, using the word given.
Do not change the word given.
1 She suggested we should go to the meeting at the town hall. ATTEND

She encouraged us to attend the meeting at the town hall.
2 I didn’t want to join the group because of their negative attitude. DISCOURAGED

Their negative attitude discouraged me from joining the group.
3 When I looked, there were several groups of tourists watching the sunset. NOTICED
I noticed several groups of tourists watching the sunset.
4 His music teacher talked him into applying for the competition. PERSUADED

His music teacher persuaded him to apply for the competition.
5 Our neighbours objected to the high fence that we built around our garden. RESENTED
resented us building / resented the fact that we built
Our neighbours a high fence
around our garden.
6 She asked her friends over for dinner. INVITED

She invited her friends to come for dinner.
7 Don’t let me forget to confirm the booking next week. REMIND

Please remind me to confirm the booking next week.
8 I hate having to wait in long queues at the airport. STAND

I can’t stand waiting in long queues at the airport.
92 © Cengage Learning, Inc.
Use your English
Exam Task

For questions 1–8, read the text below and think of the word which best fits each gap. Use only one word in each
gap. There is an example at the beginning (0).

First impressions
Jerry was feeling so unsure as he set off for his job interview at a hotel in the (0) back of beyond. He had
always had itchy (1) feet and his ambition was to work as a holiday rep to see the world. On the other hand,
he (2) could not bear to be unemployed any longer, so he applied for the job of porter.
 hen he arrived at the hotel, he was asked to (3)
W line up outside the manager’s door. Then he noticed that
all the other applicants and staff members were older than him and he almost called (4) off his interview. He
seriously wondered how he could fit (4) in among people who were much more experienced than himself.

Suddenly, his name was called and he entered the interview room, anxious (5) to leave as soon as possible.
To his surprise, the manager was not much older than George himself. She was impressed to hear that he was
(6) fluent in several languages and he was hired for the job.
 ay by day, he began to settle (7)
D in and got used to working with hotel guests, showing his people skills
with customers. In a few months, he was offered the position of events organiser at a better (8) rate of pay
than he had ever expected.

© Cengage Learning, Inc. 93

Vocabulary exercises
1 Complete the table.

Nouns Adjectives
1 directness direct
trick 2 tricksy
3 effectiveness effective
notice 4 noticeable
admiration 5 admirable
fiction 6 fictional
7 knowledge knowledgable
debate 8 debatable
critic 9 critical
10 realism realistic

2 Circle the odd one out.

1 bizarre hilarious uncanny
2 backstory climax interval
3 autobiography biopic genre
4 harsh dedicated devoted
5 animated award-winning graphic
6 chore obstacle venue
7 cast sequel extra
8 box office lead actor drop-out

100 © Cengage Learning, Inc.

3 Match the words and write the compound nouns.
1 back buster backstory
2 block story blockbuster
3 dress film dress rehearsal
4 feature light feature film
5 master park masterpiece
6 motion picture motion picture
7 screen piece screenplay
8 sound play soundtrack
9 spot rehearsal spotlight
10 theme track theme park

4 Choose the correct option to complete the sentences.

1 When will they release / found the final film in the series?
2 The audience were kept alert / gripping by the fast-moving action throughout the film.
3 Following the opening night, the play received folk tales / rave reviews in the press.
4 The actor is still popular with many fans even though he’s a bit of a scoundrel / saint in his personal life.
5 The author captures / conveys the reader’s imagination with an engaging backstory.
6 Too predictable? You can say / tell that again!
7 Well said! You’ve really cast / hit the nail on the head.
8 I couldn’t see why everyone was so keen on the series. Each to their own / self, I suppose.

© Cengage Learning, Inc. 101

Grammar exercises
1 Complete the conversations with one word in each gap.
1 A: Why are you taking Emma to see the play? She doesn’t even like the theatre, does she?
B: She does enjoy a good play. She just doesn’t go very often.
2 A: I can’t believe the main character gets killed so early in the series!
B: I did tell you that would happen. I’ve read the book.
3 A: Did you get your book signed by the author?
B: No, but he did chat with me in the foyer.
4 A: Don’t tell me you haven’t booked our tickets yet!
B: Don’t worry! I have booked them, but I haven’t paid for them yet.
5 A: You don’t know many people here, do you?
B: Actually, I do already know quite a few, but I wouldn’t mind some more introductions.
6 A: What did you think of the concert?
B: I was disappointed with the main band, but I did like the supporting act.
7 A: I’m not sure about working for that firm. I might turn them down and stay where I am.
B: I think you really should accept the offer. It’ll be better for you in the long run.
8 A: Did you know they’re getting a divorce? It’s incredible after so many years together.
B: I must admit, I had heard a rumour a while ago, but I didn’t believe it at the time.
9 A: What did Irene and Mark say about the new restaurant? Did they like it?
B: They didn’t like the décor, but they did say the meal was fantastic.
10 A: Do you think I should take part in the musical?
B: Well, you do have a good singing voice, so it might be worth a try.

2 Choose the correct option to complete the sentences.

1 Little / Seldom did they realise that their children were planning a surprise dinner party.
2 Not until he went to the meeting he found out / did he find out about the plan.
3 Not only / Little was she rude, but she also refused to admit her mistake.
4 Rarely have we / we have been so impressed by a painting.
5 Nowhere else in the country you can taste / can you taste such excellent cuisine.
6 Only when / until he read the email did he begin to worry.
7 Never before had she / she had performed in front of a large audience.
8 Under no / any circumstances should you reveal our plans.

3 Match.
1 It was last Friday b a who played the leading role.
2 The country g b when we had our night out.
3 All that you need to do e c that impressed me most was the surprise ending.
4 It was his father a d why the film was successful was the strong cast.
5 The thing c e is to send in your application online.
6 What h f Steven Spielberg made his first film.
7 The reason d g where I want to visit ancient sites is Peru.
8 1963 was the year f h annoyed me most was my own carelessness.

© Cengage Learning, Inc. 105

4 Complete the sentences with tag questions.
1 They could take the next bus, couldn’t they ?
2 Let’s go cycling, shall we ?
3 I think she played the leading role, didn’t she ?
4 I’m the worst singer in the world, aren’t I ?
5 So you’ve passed the audition, have you ?
6 He’ll be back soon, won’t he ?
7 She won’t forget to bring the tickets, will she ?
8 Everyone loves a happy ending, don’t they ?

Use your English

Exam Task

For questions 1–8, read the text below. Use the word given in capitals at the end of some of the lines to form a
word that fits in the gap in the same line. There is an example at the beginning (0).

Following dragons

When Millie Malarkey set out to write her series of (0) imaginative IMAGINE
children’s books, it was far from smooth sailing. Despite facing serious financial problems, she
(1) stubbornly refused to give up writing while supporting her family. Eventually, she approached a STUBBORN
publisher who found her scenario truly (2) engaging . It was without having particularly high ENGAGE
(3) expectations that she signed her first contract and her novel was soon to be published. To Millie’s EXPECT
delight, her book Dancing Dragons (4) swiftly became a bestseller. This inspired her to go on to SWIFT
write one sequel after another until she became one of the most popular children’s (5) novelists NOVEL
of her time. While creating her characters, she had always (6) visualised which particular leading VISUAL
actors might fit each role. So it was just a matter of time before she began work on the
(7) adaptation of her series as a screenplay. Not only did the films become box office hits, but it’s ADAPT
no (8) exaggeration to say that Millie has become a big inspiration to all would-be writers for EXAGGERATE
generations to come.

106 © Cengage Learning, Inc.

Vocabulary exercises
1 Match the adjectives (1–8) with the meanings (a–h).
1 catching d a natural
2 vulnerable h b not serious
3 acute e c thin and strong
4 circadian a d contagious
5 able-bodied f e severe
6 mild b f non-disabled
7 adaptive g g flexible
8 lean c h easily hurt

2 Complete the sentences with these words.

agony  blindness  diarrhoea  fracture  impairment  sling  tracker wheelchair

1 As an experiment, he’s been wearing a sleep tracker at night to check his circadian rhythms.
2 I was in absolute agony when I fell off my bike.
3 Auntie Meg has a hearing impairment , so you’ll have to speak up a bit.
4 He wore a sling to support his broken arm.
5 Though he suffers from blindness , he can feel his way around the house using his stick.
6 When I broke my leg, the nurse put me in a wheelchair at the hospital.
7 How long do you think it will take for this fracture in my toe to heal?
I don’t know what was wrong with that food, but I’ve had a terrible stomach ache and diarrhoea since
last night.

3 Complete the sentences with words formed from the words in bold.
1 I put a plaster on the cut to prevent infection . INFECT
2 Due to her inability to see, she uses her dog to lead her around the streets. ABLE
The heat and humid atmosphere brought on a feeling of sleepiness and he could SLEEP
hardly keep his eyes open.
4 I didn’t realise you were allergic to peanuts. ALLERGY
5 Eating too many green vegetables gives him a problem with his digestion . DIGEST
6 The vaccine should help build up your immunity to the flu. IMMUNE
7 Has the patient regained the use of his legs yet? GAIN
8 His finger was so badly injured that it required amputation . AMPUTATE

112 © Cengage Learning, Inc.

4 Read and complete the crossword.
1 somebody whose job is to treat people who have medical problems with their muscles or bones
3 not easily affected
4 with an uncomfortable feeling, making you want to rub your skin
6 well-exercised and strong
7 a mark left on the skin after a cut has healed
9 get bigger or rounder

2 a doctor who treats patients with mental illnesses
5 a medical expert on healthy eating
7 a doctor who performs operations
8 an operation to replace an organ in sb’s body
10 walk around while still sleeping
11 unable to move part or all of your body

p s y c h i a t r i s t
y r
i s e
5 6
n u t r i t i o n i s t s
c o o i
h t n s
y h s u r g e o n t
e c d a
r a n
8 9
a t r a n s p l a n t
p w
i s l e e p w a l k
s l
t p a r a l y s e d

© Cengage Learning, Inc. 113

Grammar exercises
1 Complete the sentences with one word in each gap.
1 I’m afraid your parcel must have got lost in the post. There’s no record of it on our system.
2 Will you be able to visit your friend in hospital?
3 He succeeded in reaching the top of the mountain.
4 She’s quite capable of fixing the car herself.
5 I managed to get up early this morning.
6 How many languages can you speak?
7 Apparently, he was able to swim before he could walk.
8 It’s getting late. What time were they supposed / expected to be here?

2 Complete the sentences using a modal verb and the correct form of the verb in brackets.
1 You shouldn’t have left (leave) your jacket at home. You’ll get cold now.
2 I don’t need to / needn’t wait (wait) for a ticket because I’ve booked it online.
3 You needn’t / shouldn’t have brought (bring) all that food because lunch will be provided.
4 It can’t have been (be) Tanya that you saw yesterday. She’s been in hospital for two days.
5 How soon after your operation last year were you able to walk / could you walk (you / walk) again?
6 Greta hasn’t come to work this week. She could / might / may be ill (be) ill.
The shop assistant really shouldn’t have spoken (not / speak) so rudely to me. I wrote and
complained about her.
8 May / Could / Can I sit (I / sit) next to the window?

3 Choose the correct options to complete the dialogue.

A: Have you seen my waterproof jacket? I can’t find it.
B: I haven’t seen it here. Do you think you 1 might / must have left it at home?
A: N
 o, I remember putting it in my backpack. I 2 may / can’t have left it in my room because I picked everything
up for the trip.
B: Well, where do you think it 3 could / need be then?
A: No idea! But it 3 mustn’t / can’t have gone far. I’ve had my bag with me all day.
B: 4
Could / Must it have fallen out somewhere?
A: Well, I suppose there’s a slight chance I 5 may / can’t have dropped it when I took my camera out.
B: Was that the last time you opened the bag?
A: Yes, it was. So I 6 could / must have left it on the park bench.
B: Oh, great! That means we 7 have / needn’t to go all the way back to look for it.
A: I know. I 8 couldn’t / shouldn’t have been so careless.

116 © Cengage Learning, Inc.

Use your English
Exam Task

For questions 1–6, complete the second sentence so that it has a similar meaning to the first sentence, using the
word given. Do not change the word given. You must use between two and five words, including the word given.
Here is an example (0).

0 Leo disagreed with his nutritionist’s advice and refused to change his eating habits.


Leo took issue with his nutritionist’s advice and refused to change his eating habits.
1 I don’t think it’s likely that she’ll become a psychiatrist.


She says she wants to become a psychiatrist, but I’ll believe it when I see it.
2 You should have taken the consultant’s advice on board.


You ought to have taken notice of the consultant’s advice.
3 They’ve probably forgotten we invited them over tonight.


I think the chances are (that) they’ve forgotten we invited them over.
4 Sophie claims she can pass medical school without studying much, but I don’t believe that.


Sophie claims she can pass medical school without studying much, but I wouldn’t bet on it.
5 You should be allowed out of hospital in a few days.


They’re likely to discharge you from hospital in a few days.
6 After taking the medicine, the patient began to recover.


The patient felt better when the medicine began to take effect .

© Cengage Learning, Inc. 117

Vocabulary exercises
1 Match the words and write the compound nouns.
1 artificial analyst artificial intelligence
2 screen check screenshot
3 drop-down engine drop-down menu

4 spread engineer spreadsheet

5 pay intelligence paycheck

6 software menu software engineer

7 digital native digital native

8 data sheet data analyst

9 search shot search engine

10 attention span attention span

2 Choose the correct option to complete the sentences.

1 Playing computer games can become addictive / obsessed.
2 He’s practising his tennis strokes to improve his co-ordination / distraction.
3 I couldn’t read the price below the barcode / folder on the packet.
It’s impossible to get a human response from the company when all they do is give standard answers
from AI algorithms / bots.
5 You won’t be able to work on the document if it’s in read-only format / graphics.
6 Some users find it hard to navigate / uninstall the bank’s website to manage their account.
Don’t open any strange email attachments in case they’re from somebody who wants to hack / swipe
your computer.
8 She’s learning how to code / scroll to become a web developer.

124 © Cengage Learning, Inc.

3 Complete the sentences with these adjectives.

appealing astounding automated compatible critical pervasive portable universal

1 An absolutely astounding number of computers are hacked every day.

2 He still listens to music on his old portable CD player.
3 This charger is compatible with all types of phones.
4 Public support is critical if the campaign is to succeed.
5 These amusing animal graphics will be particularly appealing to children.
6 Computer code is a universal form of language used by developers.
7 There is public concern over the pervasive presence of cameras monitoring the streets.
8 You can pay your bills at the automated payment machine in the bank.

4 Complete the sentences with words formed from the words in bold.
She was fed up with boring repetitive office work and wanted to do something REPEAT
more meaningful.
2 As a result of their efficiency , robots are used to perform routine manual tasks in factories. EFFICIENT
3 In my view, the many benefits of security cameras outweigh the drawbacks. WEIGH
4 Several volunteers indicated their willingness to participate in the survey. WILLING
5 The presence of AI in our daily lives is not only theoretical since it’s now widely used. THEORY
After studying IT at university, she did her internship
6  in a software company to INTERN
gain work experience.
7 If you had the chance to travel in an autonomous vehicle, would you take it? AUTONOMY
8 Should criminals have a right to privacy from the media? PRIVATE

© Cengage Learning, Inc. 125

Grammar exercises
1 Match.
1 He might install your new hard drive e a if you click on this key?
2 Would you take a year off work h b it will take years of study.
3 If she wants to be a software engineer, b c if I want to check my spelling?
4 If I had been paying attention, f d if the program doesn’t work.
5 When the warning light comes on, g e if you pay for his time.
6 Which key should I click on c f I wouldn’t have put in the wrong password.
7 What happens a g the battery needs charging.
8 Call the IT department d h if you could afford it?

2 Complete the sentences with these phrases.

as long  I wish  it looks as if  otherwise  provided  supposing  unless

1 Provided that I have time, I can install your new software tomorrow.
2 You ought to keep a note of your password. Otherwise , you could lose access to your email account.
3 I wish I hadn’t sent the email to the wrong person. I’m so embarrassed!
4 I suggest we call for technical support unless you have a better solution.
5 Oh, no! It looks as if I’ve deleted the file by mistake.
6 Supposing you were offered a job at Google, would you take it?
7 Customers can use the banking app as long as they have a smartphone or tablet.

3 Complete the conditional sentences using the correct form of the verbs in brackets.
If you hadn’t spent (not / spend) so much time playing games, you wouldn’t be behind with your
2 If you need a web designer, call (call) my friend Christina. I recommend her.
3 He would book (book) tickets for us if we asked him.
4 If I were (be) you, I’d ask an IT consultant about the problem.
5 You would have enjoyed (enjoy) the final match if you’d seen it.
6 Should you get the job, you will spend (spend) the first two weeks on our staff training course.
7 Were he to get (get) the position, he would have to move house.
8 Would you mind if I don’t go / didn’t go (not / go) to the IT exhibition with you?
9 I wouldn’t have bought (buy) a new computer if my old one hadn’t kept crashing so often.
10 Will you accept the job if it means (mean) moving to another town?

© Cengage Learning, Inc. 129

Use your English
Exam Task

For questions 1–8, read the text below and think of the word which best fits each gap. Use only one word in each
gap. There is an example at the beginning (0).

Cutting down the cutting edge

In a constantly changing market, it’s difficult to keep (0) track of the latest cutting-edge technological
developments. Some people are totally obsessed (1) with keeping up with the latest technology. However,
most people can’t afford to (2) move with the times and only upgrade when they have to.
Recently, intending to take up video editing, I realised that I would need a graphics system that’s light years
(3) ahead of my existing one. I have been trying to (4) keep an eye out for a new graphics card online,
but prices have been soaring. So I boldly entered an IT store, attempting to keep a low (5) profile and compare
products before a sales assistant approached.
Personally, I dread this moment, knowing we are unlikely to be on the (6) same wavelength because I’m
looking for the best deal, while they are out to blind me with science. As they launch into a sales pitch of confusing
technical data, it’s (7) not rocket science to figure why. My personal view is that the IT industry is designed to
run (8) like a well-oiled machine to make us want more and spend more when they should be cutting back
on production and repairing or recycling products instead.

130 © Cengage Learning, Inc.

Vocabulary exercises
1 Choose the correct option to complete the sentences.

1 She’s determined to find a job that aligns / shadows with her interests.
2 The co-operative was set up by a promising young entrepreneur / personnel.
3 Come with me to the careers path / fair and you might find a vacancy that suits you.
4 Our human resources department may request you take a standard aptitude / résumé test.
5 We’ve run out of stationery / commitment, so I can’t print the email.
6 Would you be buzzing / content to work unpaid overtime?
7 We’ll need to order more parts from our applicants / suppliers.
8 I genuinely / strategically hope you find a job soon.

2 Read the definitions and complete the words.

1 a business official or representative: e x e c u t i v e
2 an artist who designs images for books, websites, etc: g r a p h i c d e s i g n e r
a person in charge of dealing with matters related to a company’s employees: h u m a n r e s o u r c e s
ma n a g e r
4 stop working, usually because you reach a certain age: r e t i r e
5 boring and repetitive: t e d i o u s
6 very busy and rushed: h e c t i c
7 a student or graduate who has a temporary work-experience post in a workplace: i n t e r n
8 a person who is in charge of a business, an office, etc.: a d m i n i s t r a t o r
9 cloth or material: t e x t i l e
10 confusing: b e w i l d e r i n g

© Cengage Learning, Inc. 137

3 Match.
1 His book on philosophy is still a e a advantage of her internship.
2 If we are all committed and collaborate, we’ll make h b yourself up as an expert.
3 Irene made useful business contacts by taking a c up about inevitable delays.
4  The politician makes impressive speeches, f d her way up to become editor of
but his assistants do the magazine.
5 There’s no point in getting worked c e work in progress, but it’s near the end now.
6  Sadly, we’re closing the company, so I’ll have to do g f the donkey work to write them.
7 Anita began as an intern and worked d g the dirty work of telling the employees.
8 You’d better be able to back up your b h light work of this job.
arguments if you set

4 Complete the sentences with these words.

cusp  faith  glance  issue  leave  nomad  right  suit

1 I wouldn’t place much faith in Angela’s ability to win the contract.

2 You have the right to be paid for all those extra hours of work.
3 When he left to set up his own business, two of his colleagues followed suit .
4 I only had time to glance at the news headlines, so I didn’t read all the details.
5 When he was on the cusp of being promoted to manager, he chose a different career path.
6 While she was in hospital, she had to take sick leave from her work.
7 Before they could issue a storm warning, the roads were already flooded.
8 Supposing you were a digital nomad , where would you choose to live?

138 © Cengage Learning, Inc.

Grammar exercises
1  omplete the sentences with these relative pronouns. Then tick the sentences in which the relative
pronoun cam be omitted.

who (x2)  which (x2)  when  where  why

1 The man who was offered the job had a university degree.
2 The restaurant where I got my first job is no longer in business.
3 The company in which he works is located in the city centre.
4 The reason why I quit my job was that I no longer enjoyed it. ✓
5 The woman who I was talking to is head of the finance department. ✓

6 The job which I wanted to apply for is no longer available. ✓

7 I’ll never forget the time when I got my first paycheck. ✓

2  ook at the first sentence in each pair. Complete the next two sentences so that they have the same
meaning, using a relative clause. Write one formal sentence (a) and one informal sentence (b).
1 I had written all the details in an email. I sent you the email.
a I sent you the email
in which I had written all the details .
b I sent you the email
(which) I had written all the details in .
2 He is now head of the department. He got his first job in that department.
a He is now head of the department
in which he got his first job .
b He is now head of the department
he got his first job in .
3 He applied for a position. It was given to someone else.
a The promotion
for which he applied was given to someone else.
b The promotion
(which) he applied for was given to someone else.
4 Do you like the new offices? Your company moved to them.
a Do you like the new offices
to which your company moved ?
b Do you like the new offices
(which) your company moved to ?
5 I applied for a job in a firm. It’s the best-known law firm in my city.
a The firm
in which I applied for a job is the best known law firm in my city.
b The firm (which) I applied for a job in / where I applied for a job is the best known law firm in my city.

6 I spent the whole weekend preparing for the presentation. It was postponed.
a The presentation for which I had spent the whole week preparing was postponed.

b The presentation (which) I spent the whole weekend preparing for was postponed.

142 © Cengage Learning, Inc.

3 In each set, complete the second sentence so that it has the same meaning as the first.
Use a present or past participle clause.
1 Because he hadn’t worked for a large company before, he felt nervous.
Not having worked for a large company before, he felt nervous.
2 The bag that was found in reception belongs to Mr Jones.
The bag found in reception belongs to Mr Jones.
3 Those who want to apply for this job, must submit their application by Friday.
Those wanting to apply for this job , must submit their application by Friday.
4 As soon as I sent my application, I realised that I had left out important information.
Having sent my application , I realised that I had left out important information.
5 When they realised that the job couldn’t be completed, they stopped trying.
Realising that the job couldn’t be completed , they stopped trying.

6 While I was working for that company, I frequently had to travel abroad.
Working for that company , I frequently had to travel abroad.
7 As they hadn’t been paid for the job, the workers went on strike.
Not having been paid for the job , the workers went on strike.
8 She left work late so she missed the last bus home.
Leaving work late / Having left work late , she missed the last bus home.

4 Choose the correct option to complete the sentences.

1 Established / Establishing in 2015, the company now has 200 employees.
2 Not owning / Not owned a car, she used the company one.
3 Maria arrived home exhausting / exhausted after working a 10-hour shift.
4 Having packed / Packing his suitcase, he headed for the airport.
5 The hotel choosing / chosen to host the conference is centrally located.
6 While eating / eaten his lunch, John checked his emails.
7 Funding / Funded by a charity, the organisation helps feed the homeless.
8 Not knowing / Not known the job well, I made many mistakes in my first week.

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Use your English
Exam Task

For questions 1–8, read the text below. Use the word given in capitals at the end of some of the lines to form a
word that fits in the gap in the same line. There is an example at the beginning (0).

Lucky break!
Having done (0) unpaid voluntary work for two months, I decided it was time to PAY
find a proper job. Nervously, I went to a job (1) recruitment agency. I honestly had pretty low RECRUIT
expectations, believing myself to be (2) incapable of meeting the requirements of most CAPABLE
companies due to lack of work experience. To my surprise, they suggested a job as a junior
(3) supervisor at a small firm. They asked me for a full résumé and a letter of SUPERVISE
(4) reference . Apparently, they thought I showed the right level of REFER
(5) commitment for this kind of position. Leaving the office, I definitely had a sense of hope and COMMIT
I realised they appreciated the (6) usefulness of mentioning my work as a volunteer on my USEFUL
application form. Well, to cut a long story short, I got the job and after some months my boss
said that I had the (7) leadership skills to become manager. So I had actually worked my way up LEAD
and got a (8) promotion in just six months. PROMOTE

144 © Cengage Learning, Inc.

Vocabulary exercises
1 Match the words and write the compound nouns.
1 ware site warehouse
2 inner store inner city
3 office scraper office block
4 retail park retail park
5 landfill block landfill site
6 chain city chain store
7 sky house skyscraper

2 Choose the correct option to complete the sentences.

1 After eating his banana, he was looking for a place to dispose of / put off the skin.
2 The ugly old factory buildings should be absorbed / demolished.
3 Their new home is in a tastefully abandoned / converted farm building.
4 Farmers have to ensure there are enough dwellers / nutrients in the soil to grow their crops.
5 Your plants will thrive / preserve if you remember to water them.
The job involved loading boxes and preparing orders all day in a huge allotment / warehouse, which had
no windows.
7 The supervisor’s job is to neglect / oversee the factory workers.
8 An absolutely outrageous / delightful amount of money has been spent on building that horrible statue.
9 At the exhibition, they were pleased to find some stimulating / terrifying ideas for refurbishing their home.
If the restaurant has any greenhouse / surplus food at the end of the day, they give it to people living
on the streets.

150 © Cengage Learning, Inc.

3 Complete the sentences with these adjectives.

adequate  ground-breaking  mouth-watering  organic  run-down  
shabby  sprawling  thoughtful

1 What began as a small town on the riverside is now a huge sprawling city covering miles of land.
2 This hand cream is made with purely organic ingredients that are farmed locally.
Your brother is such a thoughtful person. He got me some flowers to cheer me up after failing
my driving test.
4 They have been doing ground-breaking research into the production of eco-friendly materials to replace plastic.
As a result of earthquake damage and neglect, the old houses in the village have become
terribly run-down .
6 For dessert, we were served with bowls of mouth-watering fresh strawberries and yoghurt.
7 Unless you have adequate proof of your income, I doubt the bank will give you a loan.
I’d advise you to dispose of those shabby old curtains and replace them with new ones in a more
vibrant colour.

4 Complete the sentences with words formed from the words in bold.
1 We will not achieve sustainability unless we improve the methods of producing renewable energy. SUSTAIN
2 In a densely populated city like Mumbai, it’s not surprising to see congestion on the roads. CONGEST
3 The unfortunate inhabitants of Pompeii were caught unaware when the volcano erupted. INHABIT
4 The palace is surrounded by extensive grounds, which are heavily guarded. EXTEND
I hardly recognised the street where I was born because of the extent of the redevelopment
Some US cities encourage residents to have roof gardens which increase the amount
of urban greenery and improve the atmosphere. GREEN
Their fears that the building might collapse in an earthquake were totally unfounded FOUND
thanks to the strong built-in supports in its base.
Vast areas of countryside are under threat of urbanisation if the city’s population continues URBAN
to grow.

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Grammar exercises
1 Choose the correct options (a or b) to complete the sentences.
1 I definitely do not want you to during the council meeting.
a bring up this
b bring this up
2 The plane waited on the runway for permission to .
a take off
b take it off
3 I an interesting article on urban planning this morning.
a came across
b came into
4 Can you please from the airport tomorrow?
a pick up me
b pick me up
5 Mike in a quaint village in central Greece.
a brought up
b grew up
6 I my cold, which kept me at home over the weekend.
a quickly got over
b got quickly over
7 Now that I have more free time, I’m thinking of a new hobby.
a taking up
b taking in
8 Sue on her way to work.
a ran an old friend into
b ran into an old friend

2 Choose the correct options to complete the sentences.

1 Despite / Although it was raining heavily, the match was not cancelled.
2 It took me over an hour to get to work because of / because the general strike.
3 In spite of / Despite of his hard work, he can’t seem to pass this exam.
4 The house is quite expensive on account of / since its location.
5 Due to / Since she moved to the countryside, she’s much happier.
6 I wasn’t sure which sites to visit. Therefore, / Moreover, I consulted a guide book.
7 The city has many museums to visit. In addition to, / Furthermore, it offers a host of art galleries.
8 The inheritance was equally / the same divided among the family members.
9 This city has serious traffic problems. Despite / However, they are working hard to deal with them.
10 Due to / As the concert, all the streets around the venue were closed.

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3 Complete the text with these linkers.

although  because of  consequently  furthermore  similarly  since  however

Living in a big city can be a mixed blessing. 1 Although many people complain about the traffic and the pollution,
there is also an abundance of opportunities for work and entertainment. 2 Because of this, many cities continue to
grow. Many young people move to cities for their studies 3 since most major universities are located there.
4 Similarly , there are those who come to cities in search of work. 5 However , some rural areas are now
suffering as there are not enough young people to work the land. 6 Furthermore , the population is small villages has
become older. 7 Consequently, the government has to spend more money on health care in these areas.

4 Complete the sentences with one word in each gap.

1 I really don’t know how they get by on such a small salary.
2 The police are looking into the burglary.
3 The historic building is in urgent need of repair. However / Nevertheless , it still looks beautiful.
4 Despite the bad weather, the hikers continued their walk.
5 We need to sort this problem out before we can continue with the report.
6 If we want to catch the boat, we need to set off early.
7 There will be fewer buses on the roads tomorrow due to the public holiday.
8 Small shops are going out of business because of huge malls springing up.

156 © Cengage Learning, Inc.

Use your English
Exam Task
For questions 1–6, complete the second sentence so that it has a similar meaning to the first sentence,
using the word given. Do not change the word given. You must use between three and six words,
including the word given.
Here is an example (0).

0 I’ve always loved living so close to the city centre.


Living in an inner city is something I’ve always loved.
1 I think this job would be perfect for you.

This job is right up your street if you ask me.
2 They kindly allowed me to stay at their house overnight.
It was kind of them to put me up for the night.
3 Most politicians don’t understand what the average person needs.
Most politicians don’t know what the man in the street needs.
4 Unfortunately, they have had to demolish some run-down buildings.
Some old buildings have had to be pulled down , which is a shame.
5 Although our house was fully renovated, it sold for a low price.
The house didn’t bring in a lot of money in spite of it being fully renovated.
6 According to the article, Tom is the best architect in this country.
The article claims that Tom is streets ahead of the other architects in this country.

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Vocabulary exercises
1 Choose the correct options to complete the sentences.

1 He was hesitant / redundant about replying to their offer without considering the consequences.
2 From his tone of voice, it was easy to submit / perceive a note of disappointment.
3 If nobody objects / resolves, let’s have a break and carry on the discussion later.
4 I think we should relent / reconsider whether the business plan will be cost-effective.
5 It’s a really bad idea to make an impolite gesture / posture to your teacher!
6 In some cultures you should follow the convention / intonation of removing your shoe when you enter a home.
7 We couldn’t have completed the work without your inflexible / invaluable advice.
8 The travel blog gave us some intermediary / insight into the local customs.

2 Complete the sentences with these words.

buds  clause  contact  language  model  point  press  signals  talk  thinking

Our talking point for the debate is whether internet communications can improve the
quality of relationships.
2 I really don’t want to go to the meeting, so I need a pretty good ‘get-out’ clause .
3 The fact that she was extremely nervous was clear from her body language .
The purpose of some of the ancient towers on the mountains was to send smoke signals to pass on
news across the country.
5 He usually wears his ear buds to listen to music on his phone while jogging.
6 Students are encouraged to develop critical thinking skills from an early age.
7 He fits in well in the travel industry as he enjoys making small talk with tourists.
8 Never trust a salesperson who doesn’t even try to make eye contact !
Are you seriously suggesting that this arrogant man who’s paid millions to play sport and advertise products is a
suitable role model for children?
10 The newspaper’s old printing press has been replaced by digital devices.

3 Complete the sentences with words formed from the words in bold.
I don’t understand how two people with such utterly conflicting opinions can get CONFLICT
along as friends.
He is so scared of losing his job that he does everything possible to avoid confrontation(s)
with the manager.
The politician was heavily criticised for her shocking insensitivity to the suffering of the SENSITIVE
victims’ families.
4 I’m too tired to chat now, so I’ll call you tomorrow if I’m feeling more talkative . TALK
Even though they’re from different countries, Maria and Max’s views are not entirely
dissimilar and they have so much in common. SIMILAR
6 It would be an exaggeration to generalise and say that all teenagers are lazy! GENERAL
My parents looked at me in disbelief when I announced that I was going to BELIEF
work as a volunteer at the bear sanctuary.
The concept of sustainability is a very controversial issue which is open to misuse by CONTROVERSY
companies that could profit from it.

164 © Cengage Learning, Inc.

4 Read and complete the crossword.
1 question what somebody says and say that the opposite is true
2 at the same time
3 able to speak well, with a good vocabulary
5 see something as it happens
6 do several things at the same time
7 the rules of accepted or polite behaviour in a particular group or activity

1 an opinion that the majority agrees with
4 able to relate to how somebody feels and understand their feelings
8 in a way that is done or repeated without stopping
9 behaving in a proud, but unpleasant way
10 aggressive and unfriendly
11 upset somebody

c o n s e n s u s
n 2 s 3 a
e m p a t h e t i c i r
r m t
a 5 w u i
d i l c
6 m i 7 e t t u
u c o n t i n u a l l y
l t i e n a
t q s e t
i u s o e
t e u
9 10
a r r o g a n t h o s t i l e
s t l
k o f f e n d y

© Cengage Learning, Inc. 165

Grammar exercises
1 Complete the sentences with the correct form of the words in brackets.
1 Ted is a much better (good) speaker than I am.
2 I’d like further (far) information about the conference before I enrol.
3 The test we took yesterday was the easiest (easy) we’ve had so far this year.
4 The dictionary is easily the most expensive (expensive) in the book store.
5 I was taken directly (direct) to the interview room.
6 My new colleagues were much friendlier (friendly) than I had expected.
7 Unfortunately, cars are the most commonly (common) used means of transport in the city.
8 That lecture was far less (little) interesting than the previous one.
9 I need to brush up on my Italian so I’ll be able to speak more fluently (fluent) on my trip.
10 Today must be one of the hottest (hot) days of the year.

2 Choose the correct options to complete the sentences.

1 Our teacher was very / absolutely furious with us after our prank.
2 The weather was extremely / completely cold while we were in Canada.
3 The talk on global warming was quite / utterly interesting.
4 The book I’m reading at the moment is nearly / pretty amazing.
5 I was fairly / almost disappointed with the play as it had such good reviews.
6 We were totally / slightly astonished by the view from the balcony.
7 I must admit you were quite / very right to tell me I was wrong.
8 My new office is absolutely / very tiny. I can barely move!

3 Complete the sentences with one word in each gap.

1 The play was so boring that I left during the break.
2 I felt I was not being paid enough for my work so I resigned.
3 Arabic is such a difficult language for me to learn.
4 There were too many people on the bus for me to find a seat.
5 Today’s talk was nearly / just / almost as interesting as yesterday’s.
6 She complains so much that she drives everyone crazy.
7 This chair is nowhere near as comfortable as yours.
8 I’m far too upset to talk to you right now.

© Cengage Learning, Inc. 169

4 Complete the second sentence so that it has the same meaning. Use the words in bold.
1 The white shark is more dangerous than others.
Other sharks are not as dangerous as the white shark. NOT
2 We were confused by the amount of information.
The massive amount of information was too confusing to comprehend. TOO
3 I’m not as good at talking about trivial matters as you are.
You are much better at small talk than I am. SMALL
4 I persuaded Sam to accompany me to the conference.
I managed to talk Sam into / round to coming with me to the conference. TALK
5 I have never stayed in such a luxurious hotel before.
This is by far the most luxurious hotel I have ever stayed in. FAR
6 He doesn’t have as much time as he thought he would.
He has much less time than he first thought. LESS
7 Either of us is capable of getting the job.
You are (just) as likely to get the job as I am. LIKELY
8 The village had fewer residents than we had expected.
The village was even more sparsely populated than we had expected. EVEN

170 © Cengage Learning, Inc.

Use your English
For questions 1–8, read the text below and decide which answer (A, B, C or D) best fits each gap.
There is an example at the beginning (0).

Learning from mistakes

If you’ve ever had a bad interview, you’ll have some (0) of what I went through.
I must admit that I was (1) over-confident as I sat down for my interview. In fact, an
acquaintance had recommended me for the job, so I had applied without having any (2)
thoughts. What could go wrong?
However, I could immediately tell from the interviewers' body (3) that I couldn’t have been
more wrong. I’m usually quite good at (4) a conversation, but they made me feel inadequate.
When they asked me a few questions about my previous experience, I picked (5) from their
facial expressions that they weren’t impressed with my responses.
By this stage, I realised that getting this job was probably out of the (6) . Of course, I wasn’t
offered the position as they considered me (7) inexperienced. So the next time you attend
an interview, (8) in mind that you should be appropriately prepared and more down-to-earth
than I was.
0 A convention B understanding C gesture D insight
1 A quite B almost C nearly D surely
2 A small B second C talking D typical
3 A language B talk C thoughts D signs
4 A talking B taking C making D holding
5 A on B to C up D at
6 A question B debate C way D mind
7 A enough B little C not D too
8 A get B bear C take D set

© Cengage Learning, Inc. 171

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