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Guidelines for Master

Scorpio Medium Range Tanker Pool

SMRP – Guidelines for Master

Table of Contents
Introduction ............................................................................................................................................... 4
1. Communication ...................................................................................................................................... 5
1.1 Reporting Messages ...................................................................................................................................... 6
1.2 Advance Notice of Arrival for U.S. Ports ....................................................................................................... 6
1.3 AMS/ SCAC/ EORI .......................................................................................................................................... 6
1.3.1 Automated Manifest System (AMS) – U.S.A. Discharge Only ................................................................ 6
1.3.2 SCAC Code (Standard Carrier Alpha Code)............................................................................................. 7
1.3.3 Advance Commercial Information (ACI) / Canadian Carrier code – Canada Only ................................. 8
1.3.4 European Advance Cargo Declaration/ EORI Number ........................................................................... 8
1.4 Incident/Casualty .......................................................................................................................................... 9
1.5 Change of Command..................................................................................................................................... 9
1.6 Notice of Delivery/Re-delivery ...................................................................................................................... 9
1.7 Certificate Validity Status ............................................................................................................................ 10
1.8 Time Charter Out ........................................................................................................................................ 10
2. General Instructions ..............................................................................................................................10
2.1 Communication with Voyage Charterers .................................................................................................... 10
2.2 Fixture Information ..................................................................................................................................... 11
2.3 Voyage Instructions..................................................................................................................................... 11
2.4 Loadable Quantity ....................................................................................................................................... 11
2.5 Cargo Loading Procedure ............................................................................................................................ 12
2.5.1 Cargo sampling Procedure ................................................................................................................... 13
2.6 Cargo Discharge Procedure ......................................................................................................................... 15
2.7 Cargo Tank Preparation/ Purging ................................................................................................................ 16
2.8 Slop Disposal ............................................................................................................................................... 17
2.9 Cargo Pumping Performance ...................................................................................................................... 17
2.10 Discrepancies in Loaded Quantity............................................................................................................. 18
2.11 Variation in Nominated Quantity .............................................................................................................. 18
2.12 Cargo Heating............................................................................................................................................ 18
2.13 Bunkers ..................................................................................................................................................... 19
2.14 Notice of Readiness................................................................................................................................... 20
2.15 Early Departure Procedure (EDP).............................................................................................................. 21
2.16 Port Cost/Towage/ Agents ........................................................................................................................ 21
2.17 Operations Requiring Approval................................................................................................................. 21
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2.18 ROB and Cargo Claims ............................................................................................................................... 22
2.19 Commingling, Blending and Additivation on Board .................................................................................. 23
2.20 Inert Gas System (IGS)............................................................................................................................... 23
2.21 Crude Oil Washing (COW) ......................................................................................................................... 23
2.22 Letter of Protest (LOP) .............................................................................................................................. 23
2.23 Bill of Lading (B/L) ..................................................................................................................................... 24
2.24 Electronic Shipping Documents ................................................................................................................ 24
2.25 Letter of Indemnity (LOI)........................................................................................................................... 25
2.26 Vetting and Oil Major for Trading ............................................................................................................. 25
2.27 Terminal Inspection .................................................................................................................................. 25
2.28 Ordered Speed .......................................................................................................................................... 25
2.29 Voyage Optimisation and Weather Routing ............................................................................................. 26
2.30 Panama Canal Transit................................................................................................................................ 26
2.31 Trading in Ice (Ice Class Vessel) ................................................................................................................. 26
2.32 Optional Pilotage....................................................................................................................................... 27
2.33 Charter Party/ Laytime and Demurrage.................................................................................................... 30
3. Forms ....................................................................................................................................................31
3.1 Index of Forms ............................................................................................................................................ 31

Appendix I – Full Style Contacts

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SMRP – Guidelines for Master

The purpose of this document is to equip our Master / SHIP STAFF with the Standard guidelines on which the
vessels are to be operated under Scorpio.

Nothing in these guidelines is intended to replace or otherwise contradict the detailed operational
instructions issued to you by your Owners.

Your vessel will be managed by Scorpio Marine Management India Pvt Ltd OR Scorpio Commercial Management
SAM for all issues related to commercial operations.

We suggest you share these guidelines with all officers on board.

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SMRP – Guidelines for Master

1. Communication


Please have Operations copied on all correspondence related to Commercial activity with Third parties such as
Voyage/ Time charterers via brokers, Agents, Bunker suppliers etc. Should you receive mails pertinent to the
vessel’s operations from any third party where we are not copied in, kindly forward these mails to us for our

Important: In the event you have any problem at sea or in port, it is critical that you notify us immediately.
Too often we hear about a technical or other problem experienced on board from third parties. However, we
would prefer to be the ones advising them rather than the other way around.

E-Mails are the primary source of communication for all exchanges between the vessel and the operations team.
Should your communication equipment fail for any reason or if you have any problems sending a message to
parties stated in the voyage orders, please advise us immediately. We will pass your message on accordingly and
get alternate contact numbers if required.

All correspondence should only be sent to the main e-mail address as specified in the contacts in Section 1.1

We request that while signing the message you always use your surname or sea name as opposed to signing off
as “Master”. This helps us to keep track of who is on board. This is very important especially when another
person may be temporarily handling the ship.

Please note that we do not staff our offices on weekends or holidays. Although we usually monitor messages
when out of the office you should not assume that a message sent after normal office hours will be read
immediately. We can be contacted by phone 24 hours per day, thus do not hesitate to call the person in charge/
back up operator at home or on the mobile phone anytime you feel necessary.

Most voyage orders include notification directly to Charterers in the event of a casualty. However, please always
notify us prior to sending a message to Charterers. In the event of an emergency or an urgent requirement, if
you cannot reach the Person in Charge (Vessel Operator), please contact the back-up operator / Operations
Manager or any other in the Operations department.

Please see Appendix I of these Guidelines for Full Style Contact Details.

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SMRP – Guidelines for Master

1.1 Reporting Messages

Standard reporting on all vessels commercially managed by Scorpio is to be carried out using the Veslink forms.
Veslink forms are light HTML forms which are easy to maintain instead of spreadsheets. The purpose of these
forms is to have a direct import into the onshore commercial management system and streamline the flow of
mails while reducing duplication.

Ship Specific forms will be provided on board via an attachment and with detailed instructions on the procedures
to fill the same. The vessel will be required to send the data as per the instructions provided with the forms.

Following reports are sent using the services of this program:

 Scorpio Arrival Notice

 Scorpio Bunkering Report
 Scorpio Cargo Handling
 Scorpio Delay Report
 Scorpio Departure Report
 Scorpio Noon Report
 Scorpio Statement of Facts
 Scorpio Month End Form

An additional training tool for Veslink Forms has been prepared in the form of a Video for better
understanding on the correct procedures for filling and recording the correct data on the forms.

In addition to above certain additional forms are required to be sent regularly. Refer to Section 3.3 for Index of
forms and their reporting frequency.

1.2 Advance Notice of Arrival for U.S. Ports

The U.S. Coast Guards requires all vessels calling a U.S. port to send advanced notice of arrival at least 96 hours
(24 hours if coming from another US port) prior to arriving at any U.S. port. The information must be supplied
in accordance with the published USCG forms/system to the USCG in Washington D.C.

Information regarding the requirements can be found in 33 CFR Part 160 of the Federal register. The ENOA can
be filed through an agency or directly by the vessel. The responsibility of timely filing the ENOA is with the
owner/master, therefore kindly contact vessel’s owners for their recommended method of filing it. Kindly
alert Operations should the information necessary to file the ENOA not be available / provided to the ship at
least 5 days prior vessel arrival (foreign to US) or 2 days prior vessel arrival (US to US) port respectively.


1.3.1 Automated Manifest System (AMS) – U.S.A. Discharge Only
Regulations effective in April 2004 now require each carrier to file the manifest electronically via the U.S.
Customs web site at least 24 hours before the vessel arrives in the first U.S. port (or territory) of discharge.
Puerto Rico and St. Croix are both considered U.S. ports for reporting purposes. Failure to comply will result in
delaying the discharge operation and/or a fine against the carrier.
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AMS required to be filed for

1. All foreign cargo that will discharge in the United States.

2. All foreign transit cargo if the vessel enters a US port.
3. All Cargoes loaded in US EEZ via STS operations that will discharge or transit in a US port.
4. All cargo slops discharging in the US.

AMS NOT required to be filed

1. All cargo loaded in 1 or more US port destined for another US port

2. All cargo loaded in 1 or more US port and destined for foreign or STS operations within US EEZ
3. Slops that will remain on board or in-transit.

The data can only be entered by a company approved by U.S. customs.

We at Scorpio are utilizing the following company to make entries on behalf of the vessels:

ISS Global AMS Service Centre, Supervisor

Inchcape Shipping Services
Office 001 503-226-3093
Direct Phone 001 503-525-6023
Fax 001 206-770-6400
PIC Mrs. Temple Martin
Direct Phone 001 4252047411
Mobile 001 2064597697

Vessels proceeding to US waters are required to comply with this mandatory regulation. Should the vessel not
have information to file the AMS notification, you are requested to please contact us immediately. We will work
with the Charterers to ensure all information is provided to the vessel in a timely fashion. Changes in berths or
discharge ports, once known, need to be made as soon as practical.

At least 24 hours before entry to US port, the following information to the company provider, Messrs. Inchcape
Shipping Service, must be sent by the Master using FORM GEN 011:

1. Vessel Name, Flag and Voyage Number

2. Full Name and address of Shippers
3. Full Name and address of Consignee
4. Full Name and address of all notify parties
5. Port/s of load & Time/date of sailing
6. Last foreign port before arrival in USA
7. Port of discharge and ETA
8. Full BOL Number (including SCAC)
9. Cargo description for each BOL
10. Quantity in m/tons for each BOL

1.3.2 SCAC Code (Standard Carrier Alpha Code)

As part of the AMS filing requirements U.S. Customs requires that all bills of lading for cargo being discharged in
the United States or its territories be assigned a ‘SCAC’ code. U.S. Customs requires the SCAC code to be the

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code of the registered “carrier”. The code cannot exceed 16 characters. Each shipping company is assigned a
four letter prefix which is to be included in the ‘SCAC’ code of each B/L issued.

The UBLI (Unique Bill Of Lading Identifier) shall be according to the following format:


1) PPPP is 4 characters SCAC code assigned to the company: SMKI

2) VSSL is 4 characters vessel ID code: XXXX
3) DDMMYY is 6 digits format: 010117
4) XX is 2 digits for B/L number on board: 01, 02, 03, etc.

Example for M/T STI AMBER (Vessel ID code: STIA, Company Code: SMKI) having two B/L dated 01 Jan 2017;
the UBLI would be SMKISTIA01011701 for the first BoL and SMKISTIA01011702 for the second BoL

The International Carrier Bond assigned to Scorpio MR Pool is: 19C000PM7

1.3.3 Advance Commercial Information (ACI) / Canadian Carrier code – Canada Only
Regulations affecting transport of goods to/from Canada effective 15th July 2013 require all vessels to provide
information under the Advances Commercial Information program (ACI). This system is mandatory for all
commercial carriers transporting goods into Canada. A Canadian carrier code is a unique four character code
used by the Canada Border Services Agency (CBSA) to identify marine carriers, regardless of how often they
cross the Canadian border with commercial goods. Master to use the services of the local Port agent in Canada
for transmitting this information.

Canadian carrier code for Scorpio MR Pool is: 905U

1.3.4 European Advance Cargo Declaration/ EORI Number

Effective January 1, 2011, EU Customs changed the requirements for reporting cargo imports into the
EUROPEAN PORTS. All vessel loading in a NON – EU port and bound for an EU port must declare all cargo in the
first port of call in EU – also if this first EU port is a bunker call or similar. If an intermediate port is a NON – EU
port, a new Declaration is required. We are presently utilizing the following company for all our EU entries:


BV TELEPHONE +31 10 2942 181

Vessels proceeding to EU PORT are required to comply with this mandatory regulation. The information is
required to be filed 24 hours before and not later than 4 hours before arrival in an EU port. Should the vessel
not have information to file the EACD notification, you are requested to please contact us immediately. We will
work with the Charterers to ensure all information is provided to the vessel in a timely fashion.

At least 24 hours before and not later than 4 hours before entry to EU port, the Form GEN 010 (attached in the
Appendix) must be sent by Master to the company provider, Messrs. Vopak, for each B/L.

All the information is normally available on the B/L itself. If some details cannot be found, the Master should
seek information from the office, clearly advising us on what information is needed to make the necessary

EU countries : Austria, Belgium , Bulgaria , Croatia, Cyprus , Czech Republic, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, France,
Germany, Greece, Hungary, Ireland, Italy, Latvia, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Malta, Netherlands, Poland, Portugal,
Romania, Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain, Sweden.

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Country that adhere to this regulation even if out of EU community: Norway
Gibraltar is considered NON EU country


Effective from 1st Jan 2021 (BREXIT) , UK Customs changed the requirement for reporting cargo imports into the
UK PORTS. All vessel loading in a NON – UK port and bound for an UK port must declare all cargo in the first port
of call in UK – also if this first UK port is a bunker call or similar. If an intermediate port is a NON – UK port, a new
Declaration is required. For vessels loading from EU ports and bound for UK ports, Declarations will only be
mandatory from 1st Jan 2022. We are presently utilizing the following company for all our UK entries:


Telephone : +44 (0) 1642 243662 / +44 (0) 7710 709522


1.4 Incident/Casualty
Please notify Scorpio Operations immediately should any of the following events occur:

 Major casualty such as collision, grounding, explosion, fire, pollution or threat of pollution
 Damage to vessel
 Failure of Propulsion, Steering, Inert Gas, Cargo, Mooring, Navigation Systems
 Deviation on account of Salvage, to render or seek Medical Assistance
 Stoppage at Sea
 Any situation likely to result in a delay in the execution of the voyage with utmost dispatch, whether at sea
or in port
 Any event which is likely to affect the vessel’s ability to trade in accordance with the Charter party
 Most voyage orders include notification directly to Charterers in the event of a casualty. However, please
always notify us prior to sending a message to Charterers. In the event of an emergency or an urgent
requirement, if you cannot reach the Person in Charge (Vessel Operator), please contact the back-up
operator / Operations Manager or any other person in the Operations department. This is in order to assist
in any commercial requirements and help owners to mitigate possible commercial losses.

1.5 Change of Command

Please notify Scorpio Operations on every Change of Command with the name of the outgoing and the incoming
Master. It is expected that the incoming Master acknowledges understanding of the “Guidelines to Master” and
Scorpio forms by email.

1.6 Notice of Delivery/Re-delivery

Refer Form GEN 004/005. For vessels being delivered to a third party on a Time charter, please ensure that
vessel tenders a Notice of Delivery on her entry into a Time Charter. This Notice must state the date and time of
delivery in LMT / UTC and the exact (sounded) ROB of HSFO, LSFO, MGO, LSMGO, FW on board plus ROB from
last discharge and SLOP quantity. If the vessel has slops, please identify stow and origin/nature of slops including
the percentage of Oil and Water.

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1.7 Certificate Validity Status
The vessel must send to Scorpio Operations at the end of each quarter, a copy of the latest trading certificates
status via Email. In cases of renewal please forward us all pages of the certificate including last endorsement.
We seek the following certificates:

 Safety Equipment Certificate + Form E

 Safety Radio Certificate + Form R
 Safety Construction Certificate
 Load line Certificate(s) – If multiple, provide all
 International Oil Pollution Prevention Certificate (IOPPC) + Form B
 Safety Management Certificate (SMC)
 Document of Compliance (DOC)
 USA Certificate of Compliance (COC)
 Certificate of Class
 International Ship Security Certificate (ISSC)
 International Sewage Pollution Prevention Certificate (ISPPC)
 International Air Pollution Prevention Certificate (IAPP)
 California COFR – If Applicable
 P&I certificate
 CLC Oil
 CLC Bunker
 CSR (Continuous Synopsis Report)

1.8 Time Charter Out

If Scorpio fixes your vessel on a Time Charter out, we shall notify you all details of the Time Charterer with a
copy of the Charter party in order to ensure smooth transition of daily operations. In this case, the vessel will
receive the general guideline and voyage instructions directly from Charterers.

Daily operation will be managed by the Time Charterers and they will be authorized to deal directly with your
vessel. Scorpio must receive all communication in copy and Master must continue to report all messages as per
Section 1.1. In case of any doubt, please contact our office.

For vessel in T/C out, Vessel must continue to send the Veslink forms.

Cargo documents sent to Time Charter must be copied to Scorpio Operations.

2. General Instructions
2.1 Communication with Voyage Charterers
As a rule, unless we confirm same in writing, no direct communications is permitted between Charterers or
Brokers and Vessel on a Voyage Charter. Exceptions to this are Notices of Arrival, Notices of Readiness and Daily
Reports required as per Voyage Orders.

Should you receive messages directly from a Charterer or Broker, please notify us immediately.

Kindly do not give charterers any information not required by voyage orders without discussing with

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No Verbal communication is permitted with the Voyage Charterers.

Any local instructions received outside the scope of the Voyage orders are to be forwarded to operations
for approval.

2.2 Fixture Information

On fixing the vessel on a spot voyage, our Operations Department will send a fixture note to the vessel,
recapitulating the main details of the C/P including:
 Charterer
 C/P Date
 C/P Form
 Lay can
 Cargo Grade and Quantity
 Loading Range
 Discharging Range
 Relevant C/P Clauses
 NOR Guidance (if any)
 Voyage Speed
 Preliminary Voyage Orders

In addition, guidance on certain clauses that would affect the execution of the voyage under the C/P will also be
provided. This will be followed with Charterers voyage instructions.

Please feel free to seek any clarification on fixture notes and Charterers voyage instructions in case of any doubt.

2.3 Voyage Instructions

Master will receive the voyage instruction from Scorpio Operations. If the vessel is on Time Charter out, such
instructions received should be copied to Scorpio Operations. The Master should review and evaluate the
Voyage Instructions to verify compliance with the instructions. In case the Master is of the opinion that voyage
instructions cannot be complied with, please contact Operations.

Master must ensure that the Vessel follows Charterer’s requirements regarding “notices” as closely as possible.
Additionally some charter party clauses can be negated if proper notices are not given. If the Master is in doubt,
he should seek clarifications from Operations.

For any reason should the vessel be unable to meet the laycan dates of a voyage, please notify Scorpio
immediately. ETA outside the laycan should not be passed to Charterers without confirmation from our office.

2.4 Loadable Quantity

The following factors should be taken into account when planning the loadable quantity and cargo stowage:

 The limiting drafts and the dock water density in which it applies
 Owner’s minimum under-keel clearance requirements are being complied with
 The limiting load line zone of the loaded passage, after making allowances for consumption up to that load
 That the vessel is safely trimmed from the time of loading, up until the entire cargo is discharge, including
sufficient trim during discharge and draining
 Any restrictions on carriage of cargo imposed by cargo density, or by the very design of the vessel or under
her certification.

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 The maximum filling height in the tanks, taking into account possible expansion of cargo for voyages to
warmer areas
 The need for two valve segregation when loading multi-grade cargoes, unless clear instructions are given that
breach of segregations is acceptable
 Planned bunker / expected SLOP on board

If sufficient information is not provided in the voyage orders on which to base an accurate estimate of the
loadable quantity, then the assumptions on which the loadable quantities are based must be clearly stated.

Pay particular attention to the calculations for the Quantity of cargo that can be loaded and passed to
charterers during the Pre-fixture Stage. Any change on account of excessive ROB, fresh water or ballast may
not be acceptable to charterers and could breach the warranted intake agreed in the CP. Bunker reserves must
be adequate for the voyage and in accordance with the Owner’s reserve policy.

On receipt of voyage orders, vessel must send a message to Operations with the maximum quantity the vessel
can load using the dedicated form GEN 001 – Stowage Plan.

We may request for a stowage plan during the time a cargo is being fixed for a particular voyage. In certain cases,
this request can be on an urgent basis for which we may follow up with a phone call. The accuracy of cargo
intakes and prompt responses will assist us in negotiating the fixture.

2.5 Cargo Loading Procedure

Prior to commencement of loading, Master should ensure that a Material Safety Data Sheet (MSDS) has been
received, so that all parties are aware if the cargo is of a hazardous nature. Please bear in mind that in many
instances, the MSDS may be of a general nature and may not always contain the correct information,
particularly with regard to Fuel Oil or Crude Oil and the presence of H2S gas. We strongly recommend that you
assume that the cargo is hazardous unless confirmed otherwise. We also recommend that the vapour space
be tested for the presence of H2S gas after every loading of Crude and Fuel oil. In the event that H2S gas is present
we request that you notify us immediately and take appropriate precautions to avoid any exposure to those on

Normally the local agent will send you any relevant port information and restrictions. Feel free to ask the agent
or the Operations Department if you require any information at all.

When the vessel loads CPP cargoes, Master should obtain a confirmation from suppliers /surveyors if the cargo
contains any presence of MTBE/ETBE/Oxygenates/FAME and advise the Operations Department.

All preparation that can be done in advance of port arrival should be accomplished in order to expedite the
loading operation. This should include the rigging of booms or cranes as appropriate, making the gangway ready
to go, having reducers or spool pieces connected to the manifolds, and having tanks, lines, and pumps ready for
inspection. Crew should be prepared to connect cargo hoses if such is the custom of the trade in that port.

Certain ports may also require non-standard sizes of reducers, kindly liaise with the Agents and Scorpio
Operations in order to arrange the same well in advance.

In the event that the vessel’s tanks are rejected for loading, please immediately provide us by phone (24 hours
a day), the reason for the rejection, recommendations for correcting the problem and the estimated amount of
time for corrective measures.

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In some cases, tanks are turned down for reasons other than cleanliness, i.e. the cargo may not be ready or the
suppliers are not ready to load. If you suspect this to be the case, it is even more important that you call us to
discuss as we may wish to call in an independent surveyor or our P&I Club representative.

During the loading, in addition to closely maintaining tank levels, trim, stress, etc., Master should make certain
that loaded cargo temperature falls within acceptable limits. The standard Charter party terms limit the
maximum load temperature to 165 °F.

On completion of loading, you should give a copy of the following documents to the agent prior to departure:

 PRT 001 Notice of Readiness

 PRT 012 Statement of Facts (signed by agent and Terminal representative)
 PRT 005 /005A / 007 Any Letters of Protest (to or from vessel)
 PRT 009 ROB/OBQ certificate
 PRT 008 Ullage report
 Cargo Quality Certificate
 Copy of Bill of Lading, if available
 Slop certificate, if any

Above documents to be sent by email (PDF) to Scorpio Operations at the following addresses:

There is no need for you to mail us original documents. However, you should maintain a copy in your files for
future reference in case needed.

Please always try to obtain a quality certificate from the suppliers. Pour point and flash point information are
very important as local authorities may want verification at the discharge port and heating can be accomplished
accordingly. If a certificate of quality has not been issued, please issue a Letter of Protest.

Always indicate on the port log and/or pumping log whether any disruption in loading are caused by “shore” or
by “ship”. Remember, the vessel is never to be idle. You are always waiting for the next operation from the shore
(i.e. awaiting shore to connect/disconnect hoses, awaiting inspector, awaiting shore readiness, etc.)

2.5.1 Cargo sampling Procedure

Under the terms of a charter party, the vessel has an obligation to load, carry and discharge the cargo in the
same condition in which it was delivered to the vessel. Cargo samples become vital pieces of evidence in
establishing the stage at which the alleged deterioration may have occurred.

During the pre-transfer meeting, procedure for cargo sampling must be discussed with the Cargo Surveyor.
Following are some of the points which must be discussed:

 The number, location and timing of samples to be drawn on the ship. This could include a manifold sample
before opening the manifold valve, running samples at the manifold, first foot samples, final tank samples
and ship composite samples.
 The number and description of samples that will be provided to the vessel for the vessel and for the receivers
at the discharge port
 The Cargo Surveyor’s requirements for drawing, witnessing, sealing and signing of samples i.e. whether the
surveyor wants a member of the ship’s staff to witness the sampling or he requires the vessel to stamp and
sign his samples

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 The vessel’s requirements for drawing, witnessing, sealing and signing of samples

While the Cargo Surveyor is free to determine the extent of sampling he requires to safeguard cargo interests,
the ship’s staff will have to make that determination in order to protect Scorpio’s interests. To assist the vessel,
we have defined three levels of risk and associated sampling procedures.

 Low Risk – If there is no change in the cargo grade from the previous grade that was loaded or if the cargo
tank preparation required is “strip and well drain all cargo tanks lines and pumps”, the following sampling
procedure must be adopted:
o A sample is drawn at the manifold at the start of loading and thereafter if loading is resumed after the
terminal suspends loading for any reason
o A ship cargo tank composite sample at the load and discharge port is provided by the cargo surveyor or
drawn by ship’s staff
o Any other samples that the cargo surveyor provides

 Medium Risk – Loading of all Clean Petroleum Products (CPP) or in case of DPP if tanks have been washed or
purged in addition to being stripped and well drained, the following sampling procedure must be adopted:
o A sample is drawn at the manifold at the start of loading and thereafter if loading is resumed after the
terminal suspends loading for any reason by ship’s staff
o A sample is drawn from each tank at the load and discharge port
o Any other sample that the cargo surveyor provides

 High Risk – Loading of sensitive cargoes such as Jet, MTBE, Vegetable Oils after a previous cargo of petroleum
products, easy chemicals or where the last cargo loaded had dyes or other additives introduced or
where a CPP cargo was being carried after a last cargo of DPP. The following sampling procedure must be
o A sample is drawn at the manifold at the start of loading and thereafter if loading is resumed after the
terminal suspends loading for any reason by ship’s staff
o A sample is drawn at ships manifold at regular intervals, especially during the 1st hour and thereafter at
every change of watch
o A first foot sample from the first cargo tank or all tanks as necessary. This requirement may be discussed
with the Operations department prior to arrival at the load port
o A sample is drawn from each tank at the load and discharge port
o Any other sample that the cargo surveyor provides

The vessel is entitled to carry out sampling of the cargo to the extent required, provided it is done safely. The
vessel cannot request or require samples to be drawn outboard of the ship’s rail.

During the sampling process, if there are reasons to believe that the cargo sample is suspicious or different in
colour, clarity or smell from the nominated cargo, cargo operations must be suspended and the Operations
department must be contacted immediately.

Also, if the vessel is not permitted to carry out sampling on the vessel, cargo operations must be suspended and
Operations department should be notified.

Should the vessel believe that there is a compelling reason for additional sampling or if the vessel is not
permitted to carry out sampling on the vessel, or if the samples drawn cause any suspicion that the cargo may
be contaminated, cargo operations must be suspended and the Operations department must be contacted
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SMRP – Guidelines for Master
The Cargo Surveyor may provide the vessel with a complete set of samples making it unnecessary for the ship’s
staff to draw samples. This is permissible, provided a responsible member of the ships staff is deputed to witness
the drawing and sealing of samples. Where the Cargo Surveyor declines to provide the vessel with a set of
samples or the samples being provided do not meet our requirements as defined by this section, the samples
must be drawn by ship’s staff. The Cargo Surveyor must be invited to witness the sampling and sealing. Should
the Cargo Surveyor decline to witness the drawing and sealing of samples, the ship’s staff must make an entry
to this effect in the ship’s log and also issue a note of protest.

Following are some guidelines for the custody and control of samples:

 All sampling on board the vessel must be carried out jointly by Ship Representatives and Cargo surveyors
 Industry practice requires all samples to be retained in glass bottles which are non- reactive
 The sample bottles, sampling equipment and any containers used must be free of previous cargo residues,
water or particulate matter
 Any samples drawn must be properly sealed and labelled and stowed in the designated sample locker
 Prior to signing the sample receipt, a responsible officer must check that all samples have been appropriately
sealed with self -sealing caps
 The vessel must only sign the seals of samples that were drawn with a Ships Representative as a witness
 At least one set of sealed samples must be retained on board the vessel for possible later analysis
 Samples should be retained for at least 13 months from the date of completion of discharge, unless there is
an on-going dispute in which case the samples must be retained till the claim is settled.
 A receipt must be obtained from Receiver’s representatives when samples are delivered to them

When the vessel receives a single set of samples at a load port, these must not to be surrendered to a third party
without approval from Scorpio. In the event of any doubt, guidance must be sought from Scorpio.

2.6 Cargo Discharge Procedure

As is the case for load port, the ship should arrive with all equipment pre-rigged and the cargo properly heated
as required, and ready for discharge. Pumps that require time to warm up as well as testing of emergency shut
downs should be done well in advance so there is no delay when the terminal is ready to receive the cargo. Once
the discharge has commenced, the cargo is to be pumped at the maximum allowed discharge rate at all times.
The charter party normally stipulates that the vessel shall be able to discharge the entire cargo within 24 hours
or maintain a minimum of 100 PSI / 7 kg/cm2 at the ship’s rail during entire discharge operation. Failure to
meet these requirements may result in loss of revenue. It is very important to monitor the discharge pressure
as tanks ashore are opened, closed or changed. This may affect the discharging backpressure. Should at any
stage, it be required to maintain a reasonably higher pressure more than 7kg/ cm2 or 100 PSI, in order to attain
an average discharge pressure of 7 kg/cm2 or 100 PSI, vessel can endeavour to do the same within her safety

If the terminal for some reason requests the vessel to maintain a pressure lower then what is agreed at the
manifold, it be taken in writing, and duly reported in the pumping log.

On completion of discharge, please ensure copies of the following documents are given to the agent:

 PRT 001 Notice of Readiness

 PRT 012 Statement of Facts (signed by agent and Terminal representative)
 PRT 006/006A/ 007 Any Letters of Protest (to or from vessel)
 PRT 008 Ullage report
 PRT 010 Pumping Log, duly signed by Terminal representative
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SMRP – Guidelines for Master
 GEN 002 Heating Log, if heated cargo was carried
 PRT 009 ROB Certificate
 PRT 013 COW, if applicable

Above documents should be sent by email (PDF) to Scorpio Operations at following addresses

There is no need for you to mail us original document. However, you should maintain a copy in your files for
future reference in case needed.

2.7 Cargo Tank Preparation/ Purging

On receipt of voyage orders, Master should ensure that tanks, lines and pumps are suitably prepared for the
intended cargo, in accordance with Owner’s policy and complying with our recommendations.

The industry acceptable Shell Tank Cleaning guide is normally to be used as reference. However, this is not
binding. In certain cases, specific tank cleaning requirements can be requested by the Charterers which may be
over and above Scorpio’s requirement or recommendation but this should be first discussed with Scorpio

Carriage, Cleaning and Conditioning of tanks to always be carried out in strict compliance with cargo / paint
resistance list.

When cleaning or ventilating is necessary, please advise an estimate regarding the time that will be required.
We request you formulate a cleaning plan and use it to estimate the expected length of the cleaning.

As a general rule if you are required to clean tanks in preparation to load Fuel Oil, salt water can be used as
chlorides will not normally affect the quality of fuel oil. However, some Charterer’s insist on fresh water, thus
Master should always check with Scorpio Operations.

If you are required to clean tanks in preparation to load Vacuum Gas Oil (VGO) or Carbon Black Feed Stock
(CBFS), fresh water only should be used, as sodium will have a negative effect on the quality of VGO/CBFS. In
most cases Charterer’s will include specific cleaning requirements to be included in the charter party. These will
be passed on to you.

If you are required to switch from dirty cargo to clean cargo, we will provide supercargo assistance including
chemical or other equipment. Your feedback on how to prepare the cargo tanks is welcome. Please feel free to
provide all useful information to Scorpio Operations.

When the vessel trades in "Clean" mode, Master will receive specific cleaning instructions on a case by case basis
and based on the grades to load. For your guidance, we generally carry Gasoil/Gasoline/Jet/Kerosene.

During the tank cleaning operation, please provide within the noon message or daily port message, a short brief
of the cleaning operation, in case the vessel is idle in port.

On completion, FORM GEN 003 has to be sent to the Operations department.

Tank cleaning procedures for specific grades such as Veg Oil / Caustic Soda and other Annex II cargoes will be
provided by Scorpio Operations. Please contact the concerned operator for any clarifications.

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In some instances, the Charterer may request that the vessel purge tanks during the voyage to try and reduce
the H2S content of the vapour space. In this case, we will advise you of the same and any extra expenses incurred
(additional fuel consumption etc.) will normally be re-billed to the Charterer. No purging should be carried out
in laden passage, unless instructed by this office.

2.8 Slop Disposal

Slop disposal facilities are sometimes difficult to find and can also be very costly. When cleaning is required, we
request that the water be decanted to minimize the slop quantity. This decanting must be done in accordance
with any local or international regulations. We will always endeavour to have the slops discharged to a reception
facility as soon as practical, provided the costs are reasonable. Do not hesitate to remind us or ask the agent
directly if slop disposal facilities are available at an upcoming port.

In some cases the slops may be analysed prior to the reception facility accepting it. Slops from cleaning should
never be mixed with cleaning chemicals or engine room sludge or bilge water. This may result in the slops
being rejected by the disposal facility. If for some reason you do have slops that contain something other than
previous cargoes and water, please ensure you advise Operations.

It may be acceptable to a Charterer to allow loading “on top” of any slops on board. This must always be
confirmed by the Charterer in advance and is normally only permitted when crude oil is to be loaded. Please
ensure that prior to loading ‘on top’ Charterers or Scorpio Operations have given their written

2.9 Cargo Pumping Performance

Unless otherwise advised in writing, the vessel must maintain an average discharge pressure of not less than
100 PSI equivalent to not less than 7 kg/cm2 at ship’s manifold throughout discharge or complete discharging
within 24 hours. Should the vessel anticipate a period where the pressure cannot be sustained during final
stripping, it would be prudent to maintain a slightly higher pressure at the manifold during bulk discharge.
This is always subject to any limitations imposed by the Terminal. An hourly pumping log in which pressure at
each manifold is recorded must be maintained and signed by the Terminal Representative.

Pumping log should be completed till the last hour of discharge with correct manifold pressure maintained.

We wish to highlight that any stoppage on account of stripping will account as stoppage of lay time and vessel
should make all efforts by means of efficient planning to ensure there is a continuous flow of cargo during
stripping operation. If the vessel finds it necessary to stop the cargo operation for any reason, same must be
properly documented in the pumping log.

Please note that there should normally be slight variations in the manifold pressure throughout the discharge,
especially at start up and during the stripping operation. A pumping log showing the exact same pressure from
start to finish is always suspect and may result in a loss of credibility when pursuing a demurrage claim.

Please note that in some ports the terminals include in their statement of fact(s) the pressure allegedly
maintained at shore’s manifold. In such cases, please ensure to clause the statement of fact(s) accordingly, or
issue a LOP if you disagree with their pressure records.

Any restrictions imposed by terminal/barge/lighter vessel must be received in writing and such restriction
shall be reported into the pumping log.

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It is obvious that the vessel has to drain her lines and to strip the tanks at the end of the discharge, but this
action is to be made without stopping the discharge and overall no "discharge interrupted for internal stripping"
is to be reported in the time sheet and/or in the pumping log.

Please note that most of the times we succeed in having 2-3 hours accepted for stripping, i.e. the Charterer
acknowledges that the vessel has to reduce the pressure (that should be maintained not less than 100 PSI
equivalent to not less than 7 kg/cm2, unless the entire cargo is discharged in less than 24 hours) in order to strip
the lines and the tanks, but an interruption in discharging does not fall in this "allowance", and the Charterer
simply deducts it from the demurrage.

2.10 Discrepancies in Loaded Quantity

Usually this matter is dealt with in the voyage instructions which you are requested to strictly adhere to. In case
of an abnormal difference (+/- 0.3% with VEF applied) between Bill of Lading Figures and Ship’s Figures ,as a
general guideline, all measurements must be checked as promptly as possible and if difference is confirmed,
Master should refuse to sign the bills of lading and notify Scorpio Operations immediately for further

VEF should not be applied if the vessel is loading a part cargo i.e less than 75% of the vessel’s volume.

2.11 Variation in Nominated Quantity

The Master should be satisfied that his ship is suitable for the nominated cargo. While loading multi-grade
cargoes, every effort should be made to load with the quantities of individual parcels as close as possible to
those nominated. If for any reason the nominated quantities cannot be loaded or if any difficulties are
anticipated during loading, the Master should inform Scorpio immediately via email followed by telephone.

If the terminal disagrees with the quantities/grades requested, the Master must advise Scorpio Operations as
soon as possible.

If the shore stops loading before the ordered quantity is achieved, vessel should not allow for the hoses to be
disconnected, and contact the Scorpio Operations. In case the shore insists on loading in excess of the quantity
required by the vessel, Master should call Scorpio Operations immediately and in any case should not load more
than the nominated quantity.

The Master is to advise Scorpio Operations of any reasons for failing to load the quantity nominated and whether
any shore stop applies.

2.12 Cargo Heating

Standard C/P terms normally require the vessel to maintain the loaded temperature up to a maximum of 135°F.
Additionally the maximum allowable load temperature is 165°F.

Unless otherwise advised, the cargo should be maintained at the loaded temperature if load temp is less than
135°F. If cargo loads above 135°F it should be allowed to cool to 135°F, maintained and discharged at this
temperature unless otherwise instructed. Costs for heating can be significant thus we request you to avoid
heating the cargo higher than the Charter party requirement.

If load temp is less than 15 °C above the pour point then Scorpio should be advised immediately. If the Pour
Point of the cargo loaded is not available / Unknown, vessel must inform Scorpio Operations of same.

Should you feel the loaded temperature is too low for an effective discharge and maintaining minimum ROB,
please advise Scorpio Operations. We will then advise the Charterers accordingly to see if they want the cargo

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discharged at a higher temperature. If they opt to maintain the load temperature we will put Charterers on
notice that vessel cannot be held responsible for any quality / pumpability issues / excessive ROB etc. due to the
low temperature. If you have doubts about heating required please contact Scorpio for clarification.

There may be voyages where we agree to carry the cargo above 135°F. One example is Boscan crude that
requires a minimum discharge temperature of 145°F. In these cases please follow the specific instructions with
regard to the cargo temperature. Normally the fixture note sent by office would provide clear instructions on
cargo heating. The generally acceptable clause inserted in most Charter parties is “vessel to maintain loaded
temperature but up to a maximum of 135°F, maximum permitted load temperature is 165°F”. This clause
basically infers that a vessel can receive cargo up to a maximum temperature of 165°F. Should a vessel load
cargo above 135°F, you are required to allow the temperature to be reduced to 135°F and then maintain 135°F.
If the cargo is loaded at a temperature below 135°F, then in such a case vessel is to maintain loaded temperature.

HEAT UP – When Charterers request that we discharge the cargo at a temperature greater than 135°F or above
the loaded temperature, the Charterers will pay for the additional fuel consumed for the increased cargo

On completion of voyage, form GEN 002 must be send to the office duly signed and stamped.

For vessels carrying special cargoes such as Vegetable Oil, specific heating instructions will be provided to the
vessels prior to the commencement of the voyage. Please contact the office if you need any clarifications.

2.13 Bunkers
Bunkers will be arranged by Scorpio unless the vessel is on Time charter in which case they will be arranged by
the Charterer. The Master is responsible for ensuring that bunkers available on board is sufficient for the
intended voyage, including safe reserves.

It is extremely important that the vessel is sufficiently bunkered, with required bunker grade to meet the
regulations imposed. Master is to promptly advise Operations of bunkers / type required to execute the voyage,
always ensuring compliance with regulations and Owner’s guidelines.

Bunkers will be supplied in accordance with Master’s requirements, always consistent with availability, price
and requirement for the voyage. Master and Chief Engineer should take all steps to minimize exposure in case
of short delivery of Bunkers or in the case of quality disputes. The following guidelines must be complied with
when receiving bunkers:

 Scorpio Standard Bunkering Instructions provided by the Operations during Bunker Stem should be read in
conjunction with these guidelines.
 Invite Bunker Barge representative to gauge vessel’s tanks prior supply and prepare a Quantity on Board
Report before and after bunkering. The same must be duly signed by the Vessel and Barge
 Ensure ship’s crew duly witness the gauging of the Barge’s tanks and prepare a Quantity on board report
before and after bunkering
 Water cuts to be taken before and after bunkering
 Sealed samples fully representative of the entire bunkering duration must be drawn via a continuous drip
sampler installed preferably at the ship’s manifold (or then at the barge manifold)
 Witness the sealing of all samples listed in BDN
 In case of short supply of Bunkers in excess of 0.3% or 5 MT whichever is less, notify Scorpio and obtain advice
and instructions
 Do not sign Delivery Receipt till you are satisfied that above conditions have been met

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SMRP – Guidelines for Master
We would like to remind Master/Chief Engineer that the only figures that are valid to determine the actual
quantity delivered are the ones calculated on the barge side. Please note that as per international standard
practice, no claim will be accepted if same is based on ship's figures. Therefore, please use extreme care and
always attend soundings on board the barge before (very crucial) and after completion of delivery. If the ship’s
personnel are prevented from checking the barge ullages prior and after, please advise Scorpio immediately. For
any reason, if the ship’s staff is unable to witness gauging of the barge quantity or the samples, please issue a
letter of protest to reflect the same.

If a shortage is noted between the ship and supplier quantities, vessel must contact Scorpio Operations
IMMEDIATELY while hoses are connected and before the BDN is signed. The quantity shown on the BDN once
signed by Master is binding, regardless of any protest issued by Master for shortage; nevertheless if an
agreement cannot be reached and the Master is forced to sign the BDN in order to release the ship, he has to
receive instructions from this office.

Also Master/Chief engineer are requested to use extreme care in checking and witnessing the dripping sampling
in order to be sure that the samples received from the barge are actually the ones representative of the product
received and that same are sealed, and the correct seal numbers stated on the BDN.

This because in case of a dispute, the physical suppliers’ retained sealed sample (witnessed/signed by vessel's
representative), defined as “commercial sample” to distinguish it from the “MARPOL annex VI” sample, and as
listed on the BDN, is the only sample admissible for joint analysis to determine quality of product supplied

Please assist the BQS surveyor in all possible ways to help him ascertain the received and on board quantities.
Also, when requested, please present the ship’s figures for ROB quantities.

On completion of bunkering operation, Master should send the Bunker Delivery Note (BDN) and BQS Report.

2.14 Notice of Readiness

The Notice of Readiness (NOR) is always to be tendered in accordance to the terms of the governing Charter
Party. This should always be in writing. Unless otherwise advised, the NOR should be tendered upon arrival at
the customary anchorage area for the port. However, if the vessel proceeds directly to the berth from the sea
buoy without anchoring, then NOR should be tendered upon arrival at Pilot boarding point and re-tendered
upon ALL FAST at the berth. Please keep in mind that the NOR is an extremely important legal document which
will trigger the commencement of laytime.

For multiple berths, in the same port area, the NOR should be tendered at the time of hose disconnection from
the previous berth for the next scheduled berth

When the vessel is ordered to anchor or drift outside the port, NOR should be tendered at the time the vessel
arrives at the designated area and re-tendered at the customary anchorage or upon all fast at the berth (as per
the previous paragraph). If you are ever unsure that your original tender may not be valid, you should always
re-tender notice with remarks “This Notice of Readiness is tendered without prejudice to any notice previously
tendered.” Please contact Scorpio Operations for any clarifications that may be required with regard to vessel
tendering a valid Notice of Readiness.

Also, please ensure Notice of Readiness is re-tendered at 0900 LT on daily basis via e-mail up to commencement
of loading / discharging, without prejudice to any previous NOR tendered.


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SMRP – Guidelines for Master
Venezuela: Maracaibo Lake Ports – NOR should be tendered on arrival of pilot at the Guaranao pilot station and
re-tendered without prejudice to any previously tendered NOR on arrival at the customary anchorage for the
actual port the vessel is calling at Guaranao.

SW Pass/Mississippi River: NOR should be tendered on arrival of pilot at SW pass pilot station and re-tendered
without prejudice to any previously tendered NOR on arrival at the customary anchorage for the actual port
the vessel is calling. For this purpose, vessel must confirm the customary anchorage for the river port from
local agents. In case of berthing directly, vessel should re-tender her NOR upon ALL FAST

2.15 Early Departure Procedure (EDP)

Some Charterers or terminals will put into effect early departure procedures to expedite the vessel’s departure.
In these cases, an original B/L is normally not available for the Master’s review and signature prior to vessel’s
departure. The agent will, upon receiving the B/L, fax or e-mail a copy to your attention. Only on your
confirmation in writing to the agent, the original B/Ls will be signed and released. For order sake, we require
that you remind the agent of this policy in writing prior to departure. Early Departure Procedure must be
executed only after permission has been obtained from Scorpio Operations.

2.16 Port Cost/Towage/ Agents

Scorpio seeks the cooperation of the Master in minimizing port costs. Master should always identify services
that are compulsory and those that are optional.

In some ports, the number of tugs to be used is at the Master’s discretion. In addition, the use of Tugs Lines and
the time for which tugs are kept on standby can substantially increase the calling costs. It would be prudent to
check with agents prior to arrival on recommended number of tugs required for Mooring operations For ships
fitted with bow thruster, we recommend Master to judiciously use the bow thruster to minimize use of tugs,
and accordingly advise agents to arrange the correct number of Tugs. However, Master’s discretion on the
number of tugs to be deployed will be binding.

Most voyages are fixed with Charterer’s nominating the port agent. In these cases, although the agent is
appointed and paid for by us, some agents may not always act in the best interests of the Owner. Please try to
ensure that the agent is acts in your interest. Any inconsistencies with regard to the ship’s call or delays should
be questioned and the Operations department should be notified accordingly.

In some ports we have found it prudent to nominate a “protective” agent. The protective agent is appointed
directly by us and should always work in the best interest of the vessel. Thus, in these cases you may have two
agents handling the vessel. The charterer’s agent should arrange the port clearance, pilots etc. while the
protective agent will handle the funds advanced and will oversee the port operation. In these cases, you must
copy both agents on all ETA messages.

2.17 Operations Requiring Approval

The following Operations should NOT be carried out without the prior written approval by Scorpio:

 Signing Bills of Lading where the stated cargo quantity exceeds the ship’s figures (±0.3% with VEF applied) or
as instructed in the voyage order (always the lower percentage value of the two to take priority)
 Signing Bunker Delivery Note where the stated quantity exceeds the ship’s figures by ±0.3% or 5 MT
whichever is less.
 Introducing seawater or a product other than the nominated cargo into the cargo system or cargo tanks.
Heavy weather ballast may be taken at the Master’s discretion for maintaining safety of life and vessel, in

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SMRP – Guidelines for Master
accordance with the relevant regulations. Where such ballasting is part of a planned operation, as far as
practical, Scorpio should be informed in advance.
 Ballasting empty cargo tanks while the vessel has cargo on board in other cargo tanks
 Breaching sea valve seals while the vessel has cargo on board
 Decanting of Slops in Laden Condition
 Water washing empty cargo tanks while the vessel has cargo on board in other cargo tanks
 Displacing product in shore lines with sea water
 Receiving shore line displacement content, other than the nominated cargo into cargo tanks
 Loading more than one grade of cargo outside of Vessel’s Natural Segregation
 Loading one grade or parcel of cargo on top of another grade or parcel of cargo (co-mingling)
 Shifting cargo between cargo tanks after ullage reports have been signed at load port
 Shifting cargo between cargo tanks before ullage reports are signed at discharge ports
 Introducing additives into a cargo such as dyes, stabilizers, pour point depressants
 Exceeding C/P performance parameters such as speed, loading rate, discharging rate, temperature at which
cargo is carried or heated
 Planned stoppages at sea

Where approvals are required urgently it may be obtained by the quickest possible means, provided verbal
authorizations are followed up by written approvals.

2.18 ROB and Cargo Claims

Most Charter Parties permit Charterers to make a deduction from freight or charter hire if the cargo remaining
on board a vessel after completion of cargo discharge operations is found to be “liquid and pumpable” by an
independent surveyor. In some cases a large or abnormal non liquid ROB can be the subject of a cargo claim
where it is established that the high ROB is a result of negligence on the part of the ship’s staff or the failure of
ship’s equipment.

Cargo Surveyors at the discharge port are always appointed by the receivers of the cargo. These surveyors
represent cargo receiver’s interests and therefore cannot be considered independent surveyors.

The final ROB report issued by the Cargo Surveyor and the ship must be in agreement on the following subjects:

 Quantity of cargo remaining on board

 Whether the cargo is liquid or non- liquid
 Whether the cargo is pumpable with ship’s equipment being in good working order

On every occasion that:

 A vessel has a high liquid ROB

 A higher than normal non liquid ROB
 Where the Cargo Surveyor and ships staff disagree on whether the cargo on board is liquid or non-liquid
 Where the Cargo Surveyor and ships staff disagree whether the cargo on board is pumpable or un-pumpable

Scorpio should be contacted and advised of the situation, before signing the ROB certificate and sailing from the
port. The Operator of the vessel will then advise the Master on a suitable course of action that will best protect
our interests. It is also essential that at least one cargo hose or chiksan is kept connected and shore lines are not
drained into ships tanks until the ROB certificate has been signed.

When signing an ROB certificate, the following remarks must always be inserted:

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 OBQ prior loading both liquid and non-liquid in bbls.
 The ROB of liquid and non-liquid cargo (in bbl.) is unpumpable and unreachable with ship’s fixed equipment
being in good working order

2.19 Commingling, Blending and Additivation on Board

In many instances, the Charterers may want to load various grades in order to meet a specific sales specification
or obtain a “homogeneous blend”. These grades may be loaded at the same port or different ports. In these
cases, the voyage orders will normally indicate that the grades be “volumetrically blended on board.” We will
always try to comply with the Charterer’s request, provided the blending can be carried out safely and within
the vessel’s acceptable parameters for stability, trim, draft etc.

In these situations we will request your confirmation that the blending operation can be accomplished safely.
We will also request you to submit the loading plan for each grade and tank for forwarding to the charterer prior
to loading. If for some reason you cannot comply with these instructions, please notify us immediately.

In order to protect the Owners for the outcome of the blending operation, we will ensure that we have a clause
in the Charter party or obtain an LOI from the Charterers holding the vessel harmless for blending the cargoes
and the final specification.

In some cases, Charterers may request that an additive be injected into the cargo after loading or before
discharging. This creates a number of problems from both a safety and liability view. Our standard policy is not
to add anything to the cargo once on board, unless we get Charterer’s confirmation that they will accept all/any
liability and the Master/Owners accept the proposed procedure. Thus, you should always reject any request
made with regard to adding any product or substance to the cargo on-board, unless confirmed acceptable by
Scorpio Operations. However, such addition / injection can be carried outside the manifold.

Sometimes charterers may require the vessel to carry additives or dyes in drum, placed on board at the Load
Port, so that the same can be used at the discharge Port. When such instructions are received by the master
locally, he should notify Scorpio immediately.

2.20 Inert Gas System (IGS)

It is a standard charter party requirement that all vessels comply with International and local requirements.
According to SOLAS regulations, any vessel with an inert gas system fitted is to maintain the cargo tanks under
inert conditions at all times.

2.21 Crude Oil Washing (COW)

Crude Oil Washing should always be carried out in accordance with MARPOL regulations. There may be instances
when the Charterer and /or terminal require Crude Oil Washing. In these cases, it will be stated in the voyage
orders. Crude Oil washing should be noted in the pumping log.

2.22 Letter of Protest (LOP)

Refer Forms PRT 002, 005, 005A, 006, 006A and 007

Generally, throughout all loading and discharging operations a letter of protest (L.O.P.) must be issued to loading
and discharging terminals whenever the vessel’s loading and discharge performance is restricted by the
respective terminal(s) and/or whenever a delay occurs.

All LOP's must be countersigned by shore terminal representatives and agent; if a signature is refused, then
another note of protest is to be issued recording this refusal.

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LOP should be issued immediately in case:

 Free Pratique is not received (within 6 hours) upon tendering NOR

 Insufficient numbers of hoses (and size) are offered and connected to the vessel
 Loading rates are slow
 Any interruptions/reduction of pumping at shore request
 Excessive backpressure
 Delay of more than three hours after the end of loading in receiving cargo documents
 Free water in cargo
 If terminal representatives do not sign statements of facts and pumping log
 Cargo temperature is too low
 Any circumstances which could result in an exposure to a liability on account of the failure of the Shippers,
Terminal or Receivers to fulfil their obligations under the Charter Party

For our demurrage claims, a full explanation is required when you document the above, particularly if vessel is
unable to maintain the minimum required back pressure.

If you are requested to sign time sheets, please treat them as statements of facts only, thereby avoiding any
commitments as to demurrage calculations. It is important that all dates/times/details/quantities are correct
before signing all time sheets/cargo documentation.

Letter of Protest received by vessel should be claused “For Receipt Only”. Also, a remark stating “Please refer
to vessel’s SOF” should be always inserted in the Terminal’s SOF.

2.23 Bill of Lading (B/L)

Normal practice is that the Bill of Lading(s) be signed by the Master prior to departure from the load berth or
port. As the B/L is a legal document, it is important that all information contained on the B/L is completely

The Master must ensure that all details are correct. Prior to signing the Bill of Lading, please ensure following
have been checked and are in accordance to C/P, Voyage Instructions:

 Loading Date
 Freight section “does not” state as prepaid. Normally this should read as “Freight Payable as per C/P”
 Discharge Port Range
 Name of Supplier & Receiver as per C/P
 Cargo Grade
 Cargo Quantity

If Carriage of one original B/L on board is requested by the shipper same should be notified to Scorpio, and the
following wording should be prominently endorsed on all of the original bills of lading:

“One original bill of lading retained on board against which bill delivery of cargo may be properly be made on
instructions received from shippers/charterers” -

If you have any questions or concerns regarding the B/L, please notify us immediately.

2.24 Electronic Shipping Documents

When required by the voyage charter on certain voyages, the process of Electronic Shipping Solutions (ESS) can
be used, which is primarily a method used in managing the Bs/L electronically. While using ESS, there is no need
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for paper documentation to be carried out and at any point of time if required by Charterers/ Receivers, paper
Bs/L can be issued.

For carrying out an ESS the Shippers, Receivers, Terminal and Charterers must all agree to the process. In case
any of the foregoing do not agree then Electronic Bs/L cannot be used.

This procedure has been approved by the P&I Clubs and is considered to be safe. Nevertheless prior to the same
being carried out, owner’s approval will be sought.

In case ESS is required to be carried out on any voyage, detailed guidelines on the process will be sent by the
operator to the master.

2.25 Letter of Indemnity (LOI)

Cargo should never be discharged unless an original B/L (properly endorsed by the receiver) is presented to the
Master or agent prior to discharging or an acceptable LOI has been received from the Charterer.

In most cases, an original B/L will not be available at the discharge port; thus the cargo will be discharged against
a Letter of Indemnity (LOI). The charterer will normally send us or invoke the LOI as the case may be and after
reviewing it, we will pass on the same to the Owners who shall review and instruct the vessel accordingly.

No cargo should be discharged without an original B/L or confirmation that a proper LOI or invocation of same
has been received.

2.26 Vetting and Oil Major for Trading

Charterers have some kind of vetting or screening procedure in place to try and ensure that the ship carrying
their cargo is safe. Oil majors like ExxonMobil, BP, Shell etc. have their own in-house, formal and sophisticated
program which is usually closely monitored by their top management. Smaller customers and traders tend to
have less sophisticated programs.

We at Scorpio always maintain an acceptable status with as many Charterers as possible. We realize that the
inspection process puts additional burden on the Officers and Crew. However, we want to emphasize that this
process is critical to successful trading and request all Masters to be guided accordingly when accommodating
vetting inspections.

2.27 Terminal Inspection

Some terminals place a safety or pollution control inspector on-board while the vessel is at the berth. This is a
common practice at ExxonMobil facilities. Others may carry out a safety inspection while alongside. In most
cases, the inspector, or shore superintendent evaluating the ship’s performance, will issue a report. These
reports are normally passed to the vetting department of the Charterer or the Owner of the terminal. If possible,
Master should always try to obtain a copy of the report. If Master becomes aware of any negative comments or
problems occurring while at the berth, it is critical that to pass this information to us. Any negative comment on
the report could result in loss of vetting acceptance, which would have a negative effect on the trading potential
of the ship.

2.28 Ordered Speed

Ordered speed – unless otherwise instructed, is 13.0 knots in laden and ballast passage. On receiving the
instruction to reduce /increase to (or to perform the voyage at) minimum/maximum and eco safe speed, the
ordered speed must be indicated in the Veslink Report and in the absence of order, 13kts is to be mentioned.

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2.29 Voyage Optimisation and Weather Routing
Pool will provide weather routing services from 3 rd Party to vessels on voyages where optimisation is required.

Instances where voyage optimisation will be provided are including but not limited to

 Bad Weather
 Trans-Oceanic voyages
 When required by voyage charterers
 When master requests it for a particular passage

Please send mail format exactly as per below when requesting for weather routing:

CC:;; Other Concerned Parties
Email Subject: (Vessel Name): Service Required for Weather Routing.
Email Body:
Good day,
Kindly provide (Vessel Name) with weather routing service.
Voyage Number:
Start Date:
Passage Start Port
Estimated End Date:
Estimated Passage End Port:
PFA Order Form.
For good order sake, always keep in CC, when activating/deactivating weather
routing services.

2.30 Panama Canal Transit

Whenever a vessel is required to transit the Panama Canal, she has to send a 96 hours’ notice to the ACP
(Authority Canal de Panama). By such notice ACP gets to know the vessels which are in the vicinity of Panama,
and helps to plan their traffic ahead of the planned transit.

If a vessel is in a port close to the Panama canal, and ETA is uncertain – or if the vessel is in ballast, and transit
is uncertain, the vessel should notify ACP (through the transit agent) as early as possible (at least 96 hrs before
arrival – or even earlier), and then change the ETA day by day – or even cancel the transit, if the vessel is NOT
transiting the Canal. If the 96 Hrs notice is not given, ACP will pick those vessels which have given 96 hours’
notice, even if arrived later.

2.31 Trading in Ice (Ice Class Vessel)

In case we employ the vessel to trade in ice (subject to vessel class condition), we recommend adopting extreme
caution and Owner’s specific guidelines on trading in ice.

Scorpio will employ the services of Ice Pilotage for all vessels which enter into ice infested waters. Details of
same will be provided by the concerned operator.

Currently we have a contract with Montreal Marine Services to provide Ice Pilots. Our general
guideline/suggestion is as follows:

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 The Master and bridge watch keeping officers must be aware of the vessel's Ice Class and be aware of its
limitations of navigation that may be effected by certain ice condition.
 The vessel's passage plan must contain the relevant details of navigation when ice is encountered.
Consideration must be given to the vessel's draft and trim, along with the immersion of the propeller and
rudder prior to entering any ice areas.
 The Master shall ensure that the latest ice information is obtained. This should include the expected thickness
and density of ice. The extent of the reported ice shall be plotted on the chart, it should be noted of the wind
force direction and any subsequent changes that are forecast or may occur.
 Before entering ice covered waters the most recent ice chart should be made available.
 In case of a vessel receiving Ice Breaker assistance, all instruction issued from the icebreaker shall be
followed. We also suggest considering and evaluating the proper use of following cargo related equipment
during ice trading:
o Heating cargo system
o Heating system for ballast tank (Please consult the operator)
o Heating/steaming of sea chest/suction/overboard valves
o Main engine heater
o Main engine SW re-circulation
o Main engine fresh water heater
o Main engine heating and the purifier by increasing of flow and temperature (during vessel stay in port)
o Cargo hydraulic system starting in cold climate
o Winches hydraulic system starting in cold climate
o Cargo line to be blown thoroughly after every operation as a matter of routine irrespective of the carried
o COW line to be blown thoroughly and checked for inadvertent liquid carry over that must drained into
slop tank if necessary
o Bunker line on main deck to be blown thoroughly specially the athwart ship line at the manifold (area
susceptible to residue accumulation) prior to entering ice area and after every operational use in the ice
o Steam lines to be drained and free of water in case no heated cargo is being carried
o Tank cleaning line to be drained and free of water.

2.32 Optional Pilotage

Should the master deem necessary to use a non-compulsory pilot, he is requested to kindly advise Scorpio office
in advance, since the cost for this additional service will usually be borne by Owners and must be agreed by


The use of Pilot during the passage through Danish Waters is not compulsory, unless the vessel is bound to or
proceeding from a Danish port. Nevertheless, we recognize that all our managed vessels entering or leaving the
Baltic for non-Danish destinations should use the applicable Pilot services as described as below:

 Vessel in ballast: All ships should employ the Sound Pilot from HELSINORE to DROGDEN and vice-versa. It is
worth to recall that the SOUND passage is available up to the draft of 7.7 m (see Note 1); therefore the vessel
has to adjust her draft accordingly, if applicable.
 Vessel Loaded: As a laden tanker, when draft does not exceed 7.0 m, vessel should employ the Sound Passage
as above but when her draft exceeds 7.0 m but is less than 11.0 m, she should enter / exit Baltic through the
Great Belt, employing the Pilot from GEDSER to DW T9 and vice-versa, or from the SKAW to GEDSER and vice-
versa if her draft exceed 11.0 m.

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Note 1: This draft restriction is not applicable for vessels intending to use the Sound Passage for arriving
to/departing from intermediate ports in the Sound (e.g. Malmo), provided the intended route remains clear of
the area of Sound where the 7.70 m draft restriction is applicable

Above draft limits are based on present IMO recommendation. Should they be changed in future, these
recommendations will be amended accordingly.


Masters shall appoint for (as per below requirements/procedures):-

- SOUND Transit: Swedish Pilot.
However, on occasions where Master cannot comply with the Swedish Pilots Draft requirements (max draft
7.2m) as well as Air draft requirement (max 55m), such times Master can opt for Danish Pilot services provided
complying with Danish Pilots draft requirement of max. 7.7mtrs.

- GREAT BELT Transit: Danish Pilot.


Unless the vessel is proceeding to or coming from a Danish port, no agent is required. To book Danish Pilot,
Master will notify the same on the following addresses keeping this office in copy:
Phone: +45 7591 4496

Master will notify Danish Pilot of his ETA to the concerned Pilot Boarding Station. As usual please copy Scorpio
Operations all messages to/from Pilots.

Required information when ordering DANISH pilot/pilots:

Request for pilotage must be sent by mail at least 24 hours prior to ETA. Following information to be provided:
a) the name, call signal and IMO number of the vessel,

b) the gross tonnage, length, width, draught and speed of the vessel,

c) the location from which the pilotage is requested and the expected time of arrival to this location,

d) the location to which the pilotage is requested,

e) any faults and/or deficiencies relevant for the manoeuvrability of the vessel.

f) Full style invoice address

Danish Pilot Boarding Areas – Route Tango

Skaw 1 (Pilot Boarding Position) Position: 57°47.0N 10°38.0E

Sjællands Rev - T13 Position: 56°04.5N 11°08.5E
Great Belt South - DW 56 Position: 54°44.2N 10°46.8E
Gedser NE - T74 Position: 54°37.0N 12°16.0E

Payment of Pilot's service will be done directly by this office at the below address:

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GeoServe Energy Transport DMCC
Unit No: 4201 – A
JBC 1, Plot No: JLT – PH1-g2A
Jumeirah Lake Towers
Dubai, UAE
Email :

All managed vessels in ballast and laden condition are required to take a qualified Pilot when transiting the

Pls. note that we have a non-exclusive contract with Swedish Maritime Administration for providing Pilotage
services, for the Sound Transits.
Transit requirement is max. draft 7.2m and max air draught 55m at mean water level.
Transit Route: From/To: The Sound north, Buoy M1
To/From: The Sound south, Flinten SW


Master to send a preliminary pilot order 12 hrs before arrival for Sound transit, in order for Swedish Maritime
Admin to ensure a smooth procedure as possible.
Confirmation of ETA: 3hrs before arrival/departure.
For Cancelation of Pilot send notification at least 5 hrs before required time.

For pilot ordering send an email to with information about your intended
route and the information as per below.

To smoothen the reporting procedure with Swedish Pilots, we have been advised by the Swedish Maritime
Administration to include the text “Vessel managed by Scorpio” whenever booking the Sound Transit Pilot.

For Example:
To: ''

***** Vessel Managed by Scorpio ******

Good day Sir,

Please arrange pilot for the Sound transit.

1. Ships name:
2. Ships callsign:
3. IMO number:
4. Embarking point:
5. ETA:
6. Disembarking point:
7. Deepest draft and air draft (max draft for sound transit 7,2m MWL):
8. E-mail contact/company: Pls. share ship’s email id & your respective Pool’s commercial ops email id.

Pilot Contact details:
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phone: +46 771 630680
telefax: +46 40 30 18 68
telex: 32435 MLOTS S

Pilot Boarding Areas

Southbound vessels, boarding at:
Lt buoy M1 (56°07' N 012°31',70 E) Lt buoy Malmo road (55°38',5 N 012°57' E)
Helsingborg pilot station arranges boarding for vessels from north.

Northbound vessels, boarding at:

Trelleborg Road (55°20' N 013°08'E)
3nm SSW of Lt Flintrännan SW (55°28,2 N 012°43,0 E)
Malmö pilot station arranges boarding for vessels coming from the south.

Master will notify Swedish Pilot of his ETA to the concerned Pilot Boarding Station. As usual please copy
Scorpio Operations all messages to/from the Pilots.

Payment of Pilot's service will be done directly by this office at the below address:

GeoServe Energy Transport DMCC

Unit No: 4201 – A
JBC 1, Plot No: JLT – PH1-g2A
Jumeirah Lake Towers
Dubai, UAE
Email :

To Summarize, Masters shall appoint for (as per above requirements/procedures) :-

- SOUND Transit: Swedish Pilots. However, on occasions where Master cannot comply with the Swedish Pilots
Draft requirements (max draft 7.2m) as well as Air draft requirement (max 55m), such times Master can opt
for Danish Pilot services provided complying with Danish Pilots draft requirement of max. 7.7mtrs.
- GREAT BELT Transit: Danish Pilots

2.33 Charter Party/ Laytime and Demurrage

Although there are exceptions, a period of total 72 hours is allowed for all loading and discharging operations.
Time normally starts once the ship is either all fast at the berth, or when gangway has been landed, or when
arriving at the customary anchorage, allowing for some standard deductions and normally ends once the last
cargo hose is disconnected or as deemed relevant in Charter Party.

If the berth or anchorage area for cargo operations are occupied on arrival, the time starts 6 hours after
tendering the NOR and continues until the last hose is disconnected or as deemed relevant in Charter Party.
However, shifting time from the anchorage area to the berth or lighter area is discounted. Thus, if the allowed
laytime is exceeded with no fault of the ship, we invoice Charterers for demurrage at a rate roughly equal to our
daily time charter cost (normally between $10000- $30,000/day depending on market conditions). The success
of our demurrage arguments rests largely on the proper tendering of the NOR and completion of all cargo
documents. Should the vessel be detained by Charterers for commercial purpose, the SOF should reflect such
times to protect Owner’s interest. These events could include awaiting cargo documents, waiting to deliver STS
equipment after completion of STS operation etc.


Time sheet / SOF to third parties

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SMRP – Guidelines for Master
While the vessel is in port, Master has to provide the daily port event to Charterers / agents or other third
parties. We request that the schedule or time line that you provide to all these third parties should include only
the events that are of commercial importance. Events like ballasting, de-ballasting, bunkering (fuel oil, lube oil),
crew change, stores/spares etc. are non-commercial operations and are not to be inserted in the time sheet that
vessel reports to third parties (Charterers / Agents / Brokers / Terminal etc.)

3. Forms
Please refer to the Scorpio Sea forms Excel sheet and guidelines sent to the vessel for the use of Cargo
Heating log and SOF with ROB should be filled and sent to: ,in order to review
the Port performance of the vessel.

3.1 Index of Forms

PORT FORMS Form No. Frequency


LOP 1 – LOADPORT PRT 005 Every Load port
LOP 2 – LOADPORT PRT 005A Every Load Port
LOP 1 – DISCHARGE PORT PRT 006 Every Discharge Port
LOP 2 – DISCHARGE PORT PRT 006A Every Discharge Port
LOP – GENERAL PRT 007 As Required
ROB/OBQ PRT 009 Every Port
PUMPING LOG PRT 010 Every Discharge Port
KEY MEETING PRT 011 Every Port
SOF PRT 012 Every Port
COW PRT 013 As Required

BUNKER FORMS Form No. Frequency

BUNKER REQUEST FORM BKR 001 Every Bunker Request

GENERAL FORMS Form No. Frequency

STOWAGE PLAN GEN 001 As required
HEATING LOG GEN 002 As required
TANK WASHING GEN 003 Every Tank cleaning Operation
ICE DELAY GEN 007 As required
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AMS FORM GEN 011 As required
*Form GEN 012 & GEN 013 is to be sent as required but particularly sent in cases where an issue needs to be
raised or flagged.

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