Vo R B SHS: V R Governor General Stan E. Sodam E: Goewe Neur-Generaal Ag B (7) (7) de

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12. (1) The Governor-General may authorize any native 12.

(1) Die Goewe~neur-generaal ~ag 'n naturellekaptein

Beslegting ;J/ elVll b chief recognised or appointed under sub-section (7) of section wat kragtens sub-art1ekel
(7) van art1ekel twee erken of aan- van siviele
"':E~!~~i!rs two to hear and determine civil claims arising out of native gestel is, magtig om siviele eise wat
opkom nit naturellereg en geskille dE
· law and custom by Natives against Natives resident within gebruik! deur Naturelle _tee-n Naturelle
woo1_1agtig biD:ne sy ~:~fe!~:.-.
his area of jurisdiction brought before him : Provided that regsgeb1ed vo~r hom gebnng te hoor en te b~shs: Met
dte v~rthe
Governor~General may at any time revoke such authority stan~e. dat d1e Goewerneur-,generaal. te en~ger tyd
granted to such chief and, provided further, that a native magt1g1ng verleen aan sulk n kaptem k~n mtrek, en
.me~ d1e
chief shall not under this or any other law h~ve power to ve~stande verder dat geen naturellek~ptem kr~gtens h1er~1~ of
determine any question of divorce or separation arising out of emge ~~:n~er wet bev_oeg sal wees om e.mge
~wess1e va:n egske1dmg
any marriage which is not a customary union or which falls of sk~td~ng te b~sh~ wa.t op.kom mt emge huwel.tk
wat ~een
under the provisions of Chapter X of the Schedule to Law gebrmkhke · verbmdmg IS me of wat onder d1e
No. 19 of 1891 (Natal). . van Hoofstuk X van die Bylae tot Wet No. 19 van 1891 (Natal)
, (2) The judgment of such chief shall be executed in ac- val. . . , . . ,
cordance with such procedure as may be prescribed by regu- (2) Dte. vonms van son kaptem wor~ ten uttvoer
gclc .oorlation
under sub-section (5). . eenkomsttg sulke prosedure as by regulas1e kragtens sub-art1ekel
(3) Any party dissatisfied with the judgment of a native (5) voorgeskryf mag word: . . .
chief may, in the manner and within the period prescribed by (3) 'n P~rty wa~ met dte v~mms van ·~ nat'!
regulation, notify such chief (or his representative) o£ his in- geen ge.noee neem me mag, ~p dte w:yse en bmne
d1e termy?- by
tention to appeal to the native commissioner, and thereupon regul~ste voorgeskryf, daard1e kaptem (of sy
such judgment shall be suspended until the decision is given kenms. gee. van sy voorneme om ~e appeleer na
d1e naturell~on
such appeal: Provided tha.t such appeal is prosecuted ko~m~ssans, waarop s':lke vonms geskors ~ord totdat . die
within the period prescribed by regulation. beshs~mg oor, so 'n appel gegee ~ord : !'fet dte verstande d~t
(4) The court of native commissioner may confirm, alter or sodamge appel voortgeset word bmne dte termyn by
set aside the judgment. after hearing such evidence (wbich 1Voorges~rywe. . - . .
shall be duly recorded) as may be tendered by the parties to f 4). Dze naturelle~ommLSsarJs-hof mag,' nadat hY_
dte gethe
dispute, or may be deemed desirable by the court. ;~me~us (w~t behoorhk genotuleer. moet word) wa:t dte partye
(5) The :Minister may make regulations for t.he effective m d1e ~esk1l ~og voordr.a o£ wat dte hof m_og.w?ns
1k ag, gehoor
carrying out of the provisions of this section. het, dte vonms bekragtzg, verander of vermetzg. I (5) D:e Minister
mag regulasies uitvaardig om die~bepalings
~a.tive 13. (1) The Governor-General shall, as soon as practicable van hierdie artiekel doelmatig uit te voer ..
appeal court. after the commencement of this Act, by proclamation in the· 13. (I) Die Goewerneur-generaal moet
so spoedig as doenlik Naturelle·
Gazette, constitute one or more nat.i~e appeal courts for the na die inwerkingtreding van hierdie Wet by
proklamasie in die a.ppelhof.
hearing of appeals in any proceedings from courts oi native Staat.~koerant een of meer naturelle-appelhowe instel
om appels
commissioners. Such proclamation shall define the area in in enige regsgedinge van naturellekommissaris~howe te
respect of which the· several appeal courts shall exercise Sodanige proklamasie stel die gebied vas ten opsigte
jurisdiction. die onderskeie appelhowe regsmag sal uitoefen.
(2) A native appeal court shan· consist of three members (2) 'n Naturelle-appelhof bestaan uit drie lede (waarvan
(one of whom shall be president). ene voorsitter is) .
.. (3) The pr~sident shall be appointed by th~ Gov~rnor- (3) 'n Voorsitter word deur ·die Goewerneur-generaal
and 1£ not already a member of the -pubhc s~rvwe of gestel en as hy nie reeds 'n lid van die staatsdiens van di9
the Umon shall become a member thereof and s~all recetve ~uch Unie is nie, word hy 'n lid daarvan en ontvang
die salaris wat
salar.y as the _Gove:nor-General may determme : . . Provided die Goewerneur-generaal mog vasstel: Met die
verstande dat
that ~f the pres1dent IS una.ble ~o act as such the M1mster may die Minister, as die voorsitter nie kan ageer nie,
iemand mag
. ~ppomt any person to a.ct m ~IS stead and, unl~ss such person aanstel om in sy plek te ageer, en tensy so
iemand 'n lid van
IS a membe~ of the publ~c serv:lCe, he may pa7 hlm such salary, die staatsdiens is kan hy hom die .salaris betaal,
nie hoer dan
not ex?eedmg the salary pa1d to the pres1dent, as he may die salaris van die voorsitter, wat hy mag vasstel.
determme. · . (4) Die lede van die hof behalwe die voorsitter word van tyd
( 4) T~e members of_ the court ?ther th~n the preslde~t .shall tot tyd· deur die Minister soos vereis aangestel en
word gekies
be appomted, as reqmred from time to tnne, by the Mmlster, uit magistrate naturellekommissarisse of ander
and sha}l be. selected from magistrates, native commissioners persone. '
or other qualified persons. . . (5) Die Goewerneur-generaal mag van tyd tot tyd reels
(5) ~he Governor-General may from time to time make rules vasstel, tot reeling van- ·
regulatmg- . . . (a) die aanstelling en wer.ksaamhede van die amptenare
(a) the appomtment and dut1es of the o~cers of the court, van die hof, die a.antekenings wat gehou moet word
the records to be kept and the practiCe and procedure en die praktyk en prosedure in die hof;
in the court; . . (b) die manier waarop die verskyning van getuies en
(,b) the mode of compelhng the attendance of Witnesses assessors afgedwing word en die toelae wat aan bulle
and assessors, and the allowances to be paid to them ; betaal moet word ;
(e) thte fees which may be charged by advocates and (c ) dl' ~ f oo1· e wat advokate en prokureurs mag bereken,
a torneys, costs as between party and party and as d1e koste tussen party en party en tussen prokureur en
between attorney and client, and the taxation of k.Iient en die taksasie van koste ,·
costs; (d d f
d) h ) re ooie en leges wat amptenare van d;e hof moet
t e fees and charges to be imposed and taken by officers bereken en invorder ,·
of the coul't ;
(e) t~e noting of appeals and the suspension of the (e) die aa.nteke:i:ting van appels en die opskorting van die
Judgment appealed against; . vonms waarteen geappeleer word.
f) th f · f (f) die verskyning van partye of van 'persone namens
e appearance o partres or o persons on their behalf bulle,, in 'n naturelle-appelhof ·,
in a native appeal court ; (
(g) generally, all such other matters relating to the courts g) oor dl~ algemeen alle sodanige ander sak~ in verband
· · h G G met dre howe as wat die Goewerneur-generaal vir die
as t e overnor- eneral may deem necessary for the doeleindes van h' d' t' k 1 ·
purposes of this section. {6) Die naturelle-app"lh"i oewreiem aore tI e siet tinngo dhrgo ua go.p die tye
(6) The native appeal courts shall sit at such times andplaces en plekke, wat die Minister by kennisgewing in die-
the Minister may, by notice in the Gazette, appoint. koerant .mog ~ep.aal. · ;
(7) The decision of the majority of the members shall be the (7). Die bes~ISsmg van die meerderheid van die lede is
judgment of the court.

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