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CSC248 – Data Structure

Group Project (20%)

The assessment is designed to attain the followings:

Course Learning Outcomes:

CLO3 - Demonstrate lifelong learning skills through the development of data structures application
using data structure programming tool (A3).

Bloom taxonomy
A3 - Valuing
The worth a student attaches to a particular object, phenomenon, or behavior. Ranges from
acceptance to commitment (e.g., assumes responsibility for the functioning of a group). Attitudes
and appreciation. Valuing is based on the internalization of a set of specified values, while clues
to these values are expressed in the learner’s overt behavior and are often identifiable.

Achievement of MOHE Learning Outcomes:

LO14 - Personal Skills

Achievement of Soft Skills Learning Outcomes:

SS4 - Ethics & Moral Professionalism


This Group Project must be completed in THREE phases, and first you need to form a group of 2-3
students for this project.

Phase 1: Proposal (Week 8)

Based on the theme (industry) decided by your instructor: (Example- list of industries in Malaysia :

No. Group Theme (industry)

1 CDCS1103A Education

2 CDCS1103B Health care

3 CDCS1103C Information and Communication Technology

4 CDCS1103D Transportation

5 CDCS1103E Retailing

a) Propose a collection of data from the industry chosen by defining the object’s class related to your
proposal that consists of the object’s attributes and necessary methods. State the processes to be
fulfilled at the end of the development.

b) Propose at least FIVE (5) processing (should include: removal, searching, update and traversing
the list). Insertion is compulsory processing other than the 5 processing. The processing should be
logical and applicable to your chosen class of objects.

Oct 2023 – Jan 2024

CSC248 – Data Structure
Group Project (20%)

Phase 2: Development & Implementation (Week 8 - 10)

Students need to solve each of processing proposed in Linked List and Queue data structure. The
development of each processing will be in both data structure (Linked List and Queue).

a) Define a class of objects that consists of the object’s attributes and necessary methods.

b) Define a linked list ADT and node class that would be able to do the following processing:
i. insert node at front and at the back of the list.
ii. remove node anywhere in the list.
iii. provide traversal from head until the last node in the list. (getHead() and getNext()).
iv. determine the size of the list.
v. status of whether the list is empty or has element(s).
vi. a method to display details of all elements in the list.

c) Define a queue (ADT) data structure with all the necessary methods.
i. add data at the end of the list (enqueue).
ii. Removes data at the beginning of a list (dequeue).
iii. Determine size of the list.
iv. Determine whether the list is empty.

d) Define TWO application classes:

i. First is to implement the 5 processing in Linked List data structure.
ii. Second is to implement the 5 processing in Queue data structure.

*The data for processing should be stored and read from an input File (.txt).

Phase 3: Report and Presentation (Week 12)

Present your work as scheduled by your lecturer and submit a report that consists of:
a. Front page
b. Table of contents.
c. Introduction of project and group members.
d. Distribution of works between team members
e. Complete coding of all classes.
f. Sample input and output.
g. Conclusions of your finding: which of the data structure best applied in your case study


Activities Timeline
Phase 1 Week 8
Phase 2 (a) Week 8
Phase 2 (Create input file) Week 9
Phase 2 (b) Week 8
Phase 2 (c) Week 10
Phase 2 (d)(i) Week 9
Phase 2 (d)(ii) Week 10
Phase 3 Week 12

Oct 2023 – Jan 2024

CSC248 – Data Structure
Group Project (20%)


Project Title:

List of group members :

Name Matric No.

Class of objects with attributes and methods:

List of processing :

Oct 2023 – Jan 2024

Name : Group Class:
GROUP PROJECT’S EVALUATION (Final Calculated Marks: 20%)

According to the problem given by instructor solve the problem in full program as per requirement.

Total Marks:

Project’s proposal (10%)

Tasks 0 1 2 Weight Total

The class propose Lack in some area, Well defined, can 5 /10
could not be can be improved be easily
Object’s class
implemented and but relevant. implemented and
not relevant relevant.
Not achievable or Achievable but level Achievable and 5 /10
Processing 1 below expectation. of complexity is acceptable level of
below expectation. complexity.
Not achievable or Achievable but level Achievable and 5 /10
Processing 2 below expectation. of complexity is acceptable level of
below expectation. complexity.
Not achievable or Achievable but level Achievable and 5 /10
Processing 3 below expectation. of complexity is acceptable level of
below expectation. complexity.
Not achievable or Achievable but level Achievable and 5 /10
Processing 4 below expectation. of complexity is acceptable level of
below expectation. complexity.
Not achievable or Achievable but level Achievable and 5 /10
Processing 5 below expectation. of complexity is acceptable level of
below expectation. complexity.
less than 10 less than 20 Sufficient with more 5 /10
Data in input file
records records than 20 records
TOTAL (70)

Oct 2023 – Jan 2024

Name : Group Class:
Project’s implementation (60%)
0 1 2
Incorrect/ Weight Total
not exist Complete
Linked List
Class definition 3 /6

Queue Class definition 2 /4

Object Class Class definition 2 /4

Data Structure
2 /4
object’s declaration
Data insertion into
the data structure 2 /4

Processing 1 3 /6

Main Class 1
Processing 2 3 /6
(Linked List)

Processing 3 3 /6

Processing 4 3 /6

Processing 5 3 /6

Data Structure
2 /4
object’s declaration
Data insertion into
the data structure 2 /4

Processing 1 3 /6

Main Class 2
(Queue) Processing 2 3 /6

Processing 3 3 /6

Processing 4 3 /6

Processing 5 3 /6

1 2 3
Tasks Executed Weight Total
Poor Moderate
Overall execution – program run
2 /6

Oct 2023 – Jan 2024

Name : Group Class:

Logic on data structure 3 /9

Data Casting ability 2 /6

1 2 3
Task Poor All Weight Total
Able to solve
problem- problems
some problem
solving skills Solved

Problem Solving 3 /9

TOTAL (120) /120

Oct 2023 – Jan 2024

Name : Group Class:

Presentation and Report (20%)

1 2 3 4 5
Weak Fair Good Very Good Excellent Weight Total
Delivery of ideas Not able to deliver Able to deliver Able to deliver Able to deliver Able to deliver 3 /15
(Communicative ability) ideas clearly and ideas and require ideas fairly clearly ideas clearly ideas with great
require major further and require minor clarity
improvements improvements improvements
Confident and articulate Not able to deliver Able to deliver Able to deliver Able to deliver Able to deliver 2 /10
delivery of ideas idea confidently ideas with limited ideas fairly ideas confidently ideas with great
(Communicative ability) and articulate confidence and confidently and effectively and confidence, effect
effect and require effectively and articulately and articulately
further require minor
improvements improvements
Understand and respond Not able to Able to Able to Able to respond to Able to fully 1 /5
to questions understand and understand and understand and questions well understand and
(Communicative ability) respond to a answer questions answer questions respond to
question but not able to satisfactorily questions very
accurately answer well
the question
Clarity, accuracy and Not able to write Able to write Able to write Able to write Able to write 2 /10
systematically written ideas ideas ideas ideas ideas
academic discourse (Slide systematically systematically systematically systematically, systematically
content) and with limited BUT with limited AND fairly clearly clearly and AND with
clarity and clarity and and accuracy accuracy excellent clarity
accuracy accuracy and accuracy
Total (40 marks) /40

Oct 2023 – Jan 2024

Name : Group Class:
1 2 3 4 5
Weak Fair Good Very Good Excellent Weight Total
Introduction: Poor description. Fair description. Satisfactory Good description. Excellent 1 /5
amendment from proposal description. description.
Operations or Describe 1-2 Describe 3-4 Describe 3-4 Describe 3-4 Describe 3-4 1 /5
functionalities of the operations from operations from operations from operations from operations from
proposed application: object class object class object class AND object class AND object class AND
amendment from proposal 1 -2 operations 1-2 operations 3-4 operations
from 1 data from 2 data from 2 data
structure class structure classes structure classes
Project source code and Provide Provide complete Provide complete Provide complete Provide complete 2 /10
documentation uncomplete object Object class OR Object class AND Object class, Object class,
class OR complete complete complete complete
uncomplete application class application class application class application class
application class AND One Data AND Two Data
Structure class Structure classes
Project testing with Provide simple Provide simple Provide 2 /8
sample input data and sample input OR sample input AND comprehensive
sample output sample output sample output sample input AND
sample output
References Provide LESS Provide MORE 1 /2
than 3 references than 3 references
Total (30 marks) /30

Oct 2023 – Jan 2024

Name : Group Class:
Teamwork by Peer Evaluation (Individual)

Each member will evaluate every team member individually

Goal 1 point 2 points 3 points 4 points Total

Equal work Did little or no Did almost as Did an equal Did a full share /4
work much work as share of work of work or more
Cooperation Did not Could be Work agreeably Took an /4
cooperate persuaded to with others initiative to get
cooperate the group
Participation Not Listen to others Participated in Provided many /4
participated in but made few discussions and ideas
discussions suggestions made some
and made no suggestions
Support Took little Seemed pre- Offered Assisted other /4
interest in the occupied with encouragement partners
project other projects to other partners
Communication Never Rarely Usually shares Clearly /4
expressed expressed ideas communicated
ideas ideas ideas

TOTAL (20) /20

Team member 1:

Evaluation Total Marks Percentage counted Marks calculated

Proposal 70 10%
Project’s implementation 120 60%
Report and presentation 70 20%
Teamwork 20 10%
Total /100

Team member 2:

Evaluation Total Marks Percentage counted Marks calculated

Proposal 70 10%
Project’s implementation 120 60%
Report and presentation 70 20%
Teamwork 20 10%
Total /100

Team member 3:

Evaluation Total Marks Percentage counted Marks calculated

Proposal 70 10%
Project’s implementation 120 60%
Report and presentation 70 20%
Teamwork 20 10%
Total /100

Prepared by:
Zuriati Ismail
Resource Person CSC248

Oct 2023 – Jan 2024

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