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Urban Studies
2015, Vol. 52(9) 1577–1593
Ó Urban Studies Journal Limited 2015
Are airports engines of economic Reprints and permissions:
development? A dynamic panel data DOI: 10.1177/0042098015576869

Volodymyr Bilotkach
Newcastle University, UK

This paper applies the dynamic panel data generalized method of moments estimator to the data
on commercial passenger air traffic at all primary airports in the United States to evaluate the
impact of traffic volume and number of destinations served with non-stop flights on the key
indicators of regional economic development. We find that number of destinations served with
non-stop flights has a much clearer and more robust impact on level of employment, number of
business establishments, and average wage in the region. Passenger traffic volume affects employ-
ment and average wage, but not number of establishments. At the sample median, connecting a
metropolitan statistical area with an extra destination, keeping everything else constant, creates
98 jobs and facilitates the opening of four new business establishments that employ people. The
corresponding numbers for the sample mean are 223 jobs and 15 businesses. The impact of air
travel on regional economic development is influenced by competition on the respective airline

airports, air traffic, development, dynamic panel data GMM

Received August 2013; accepted February 2015

Introduction and ultimately lead to business and job cre-

ation. This new business however will create
This paper examines the issue of the impact more demand for air services. Such feedback
of air traffic on economic development, necessitates a careful approach to data anal-
using data from the United States. While ysis. One of the contributions of this paper
intuitively we can suspect that a well- lies in this area: we use a data analysis tech-
developed and well-connected airport should nique, which has not been applied to
facilitate attractiveness of a respective met-
ropolitan area for business, quantifying this
relationship is not a straightforward task.
Corresponding author:
High-quality air services will facilitate face- Volodymyr Bilotkach, Newcastle University, 5 Barrack
to-face contacts with business collaborators, Road, Newcastle upon Tyne NE1 4SE, UK.
foster intercity agglomeration economies, Email:
1578 Urban Studies 52(9)

studying the air travel–economic develop- development (total employment, number of

ment link before. business establishments, and average weekly
Additionally, our study looks into several wage) at the metropolitan statistical area
questions with clear practical relevance for (MSA) level. We find that a 10% increase in
local governments. When thinking about the number of flights is associated with a
developing air service from a local airport, 0.1% increase in average wage, with the
local authorities may have to prioritise either impact of this variable on employment and
strengthening existing links (i.e. increasing number of business establishments not being
frequency of service to existing destinations) statistically significant. Air traffic volume
or attracting service to new destinations. measured by the number of passengers has a
Our study demonstrates that, other things positive and significant effect on employ-
equal, adding a new destination creates more ment and wage, but not on the number of
jobs in the area as opposed to increasing fre- business establishments. Number of destina-
quency to existing destinations. Another tions served by non-stop flights is found to
issue of relevance to the local authorities is have a robust positive impact on each of the
whether to promote services of airlines three measures of economic development. A
already serving an airport, or to incentivise 10% increase in this variable yields a 0.13%
entry of new carriers. Our study examines increase in employment; a 0.1% increase in
this dimension as well, suggesting that allow- the number of business establishments; and
ing the dominant carrier to develop its pres- about 0.2% increase in average weekly
ence appears to be good for business. This wage. At the sample median, connecting an
result appears consistent with the expected MSA with an extra destination, keeping
impact of airlines’ customer loyalty pro- everything else constant, creates 98 jobs and
grammes, keeping in mind that: (a) business facilitates the opening of four new business
travellers are more likely to be active users establishments that employ people. The
of those programmes; and (b) passengers liv- equivalent numbers for the sample mean are
ing in metropolitan areas with concentrated 223 jobs and 15 new business establish-
airports are more likely to benefit from cus- ments. We also found a statistically signifi-
tomer loyalty programmes (Borenstein, cant relationship between our measures of
1989, 1991). We thus demonstrate that the air traffic volume and the average MSA
impact of commercial passenger air travel wage. Yet, economic significance of this
on regional economic development indica- relationship is not remarkable, as a substan-
tors is influenced by competition on the air- tial increase in traffic volume would be
line markets. This finding is of notable required to yield appreciable changes in
interest, as previous studies (see Bilotkach mean wages.
and Lakew, 2014, for a recent review) have Thus, the main lessons from this work for
focused exclusively on the impact of airline local authorities are the following. Most
competition on prices and other measures of importantly, adding new destinations yields
consumer welfare within the airline markets. a stronger impact on regional development
Ours is among the first works to evaluate than adding traffic to existing destinations.
how competition between the airlines may At the same time, while increase in air traffic
affect other sectors of the economy. can contribute to creating jobs and busi-
Our dataset is a 17-year panel covering nesses, one should not expect a sizeable
all US metropolitan areas with airports increase in average income. We should note
offering commercial passenger air services. that our results represent aggregate effect –
We consider three measures of economic we have not evaluated which sectors of the
Bilotkach 1579

economy benefit more from increase in air services we mentioned in the opening para-
traffic, whether it comes from extra flights graph). The main finding of that study is
to existing destinations, or from adding new that a 10% increase in passenger enplane-
services. We will leave this issue for future ments yields a 1% increase in service sector
studies. employment. A somewhat similar approach
The rest of the paper is organised as fol- (instrumental variables in a cross-sectional
lows. The next section reviews the relevant setting) is employed by Sheard (2014). The
literature. This is followed by a discussion of finding of that study is that air traffic volume
the data and estimation methodology. has a positive impact on service industry
Estimation results are presented and dis- employment; however, the effect on manu-
cussed in the following section, and the final facturing employment is negative. Bel and
section concludes. Fageda (2008) analyse whether the number
of non-stop intercontinental flights deter-
mines location of large firms’ headquarters.
Literature survey They find support for this hypothesis. Their
Academic studies on the impact of aviation dataset is also a cross-section.
on economy are relatively scarce. Yet, over Button and Yuan (2013) focus on the
the recent years we have seen a renewed relationship between air freight volume and
interest in careful examination of this rela- metropolitan area income and employment.
tionship. The general consensus from the lit- Their dataset covers 35 airports from 1990
erature is, not surprisingly, that air services to 2009, and their estimation technique of
have a positive impact on regional develop- choice is the vector autoregressive (VAR)
ment. The main differences between the model. They conclude that air freight is
studies are in the data and methodologies indeed a driver of local economic develop-
employed. It is therefore understandable that ment. Button and Yuan’s (2013) study spans
quantitative estimates of the air traffic– nearly the same time period as ours (our
economic development relationships also dif- data span 1993–2009); however, our study
fer across studies. Additionally, some papers encompasses the entire population of air-
find that the relationship only holds for ports in the US, providing commercial pas-
some but not other sectors of the economy. senger air services.
Studies most relevant to this paper Studies by Green (2007) and Blonigen
include van den Berg et al. (1996), Brueckner and Cristea (2012) focus on the effect of air
(2003), Green (2007), Bel and Fageda (2008), service on growth rates in key economic per-
Button and Yuan (2013), Blonigen and formance indicators. Green (2007) finds that
Cristea (2012), Chi and Baek (2013) and a 10% increase in passenger enplanements
Sheard (2014). The first paper in the list is per capita leads to a 3.9% higher population
rather descriptive in nature, building an growth and a 2.8% increase in employment
argument for cooperation between airports growth over the 1990–2000 period. Green’s
and the nearby businesses. Brueckner (2003) dataset is a cross-section of 100 largest US
uses a cross-sectional approach, analysing airports. Blonigen and Cristea (2012) exploit
the air traffic–employment relationship in the airline deregulation as a quasi-natural
the US metropolitan areas in 1996. The experiment leading to an increase in air traf-
instrumental variables approach is used to fic. They choose to examine the impact of
address the endogeneity problem (which is deregulation-induced change in passenger air
another name for the feedback between the traffic on long-term growth rates in over 300
employment levels and demand for air US metropolitan areas. The study confirms
1580 Urban Studies 52(9)

the positive impact of air service on regional housing a primary commercial passenger
growth, with the magnitude of this effect dif- airport. Primary airport is defined by the
fering across the metropolitan areas. Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) as
Chi and Baek (2013) focus on the aggre- an airport with annual scheduled commer-
gate data for passenger numbers and flight cial passenger air traffic exceeding
volumes for the US aviation sector. The 10,000 passengers. Our data span the years
study finds that both passenger traffic and 1993–2009. We can define three broad cate-
freight volumes tend to increase with eco- gories of variables in our dataset. First, we
nomic growth. This is in contrast to Button have the key dependent variables, which
and Yuan’s (2013) study, which suggests are the indicators of regional economic
that causality runs the other way. development. Second, we use two demo-
Thus, our study expands the scope of graphic control variables. The third set of
methodological approaches used to examine variables includes airport-level measures,
the relationship between air travel and which in turn consist of our key measures
regional economic development. Our dataset of air traffic, and airport-level controls rep-
encompasses all US primary commercial resenting the degree of airport concentra-
passenger airports over a lengthy time tion and airline market competition.
period, which includes all phases of the busi- This study uses three indicators of
ness cycles. Unlike prior studies, we also regional economic development: total
control for the impact of changes in the air- employment, number of business establish-
line market structure, by including airport- ments with employees, and average weekly
level concentration and airline market shares wage. The respective data come from the
at airports into our specifications. Bureau of Labor Statistics – a division of the
In addition to the above studies, we United States Department of Labor. All the
should mention the rather substantial litera- data are annual figures at the MSA level;
ture on the effects of air traffic noise on average weekly wage is adjusted for inflation
property values. A relatively recent contribu- using 1995 as the base year. Employment
tion by McMillen (2004) includes an exten- and average earnings are clear indicators of
sive survey of prior studies in this area. regional economic development. Number of
Our paper is also related to the literature business establishments can be thought of as
on the impact of public infrastructure invest- an indicator of competitive environment in
ment. Indeed, airports in the United States the area. Also, using this variable allows us
are run as public enterprises, owned by local to draw parallels between our work and Bel
authorities. Here we should note that the and Fageda (2008). Natural logarithms of
studies of the effects of public infrastructure the respective variables will be used in all
(most notable seminal contributions include specifications.
Aschauer, 1989 and Holz-Eakin, 1994) have The two demographic control variables
not reached a consensus as to whether this are MSA-level population and unemploy-
public expenditure contributes to the local ment rate. These are obtained from the US
economic growth. Census Bureau. In regressions, we will use
natural logarithms of the respective vari-
ables. Increase in population is expected to
Data and methodology
yield higher employment and more business
Our dataset is a 17-year panel of annual establishments, as well as potentially lead to
observations for each US metropolitan area an increase in average wage. Increase in
Bilotkach 1581

unemployment rate, other things equal, a larger impact on economic development

should lead to a decrease in each of the three than attracting non-stop flights to an addi-
key measures of economic development. tional destination. This question is clearly an
The majority of airport-level variables are important one for airport managers and
computed from the T100 Segment databank, local authorities, especially keeping in mind
provided by the United States Department that commercial passenger airports in the
of Transportation (DOT). This dataset United States are operated as public enter-
includes information about all commercial prises. As is the case with other variables,
airline services departing from US airports. our key dependent variables will be included
For this paper, we are only including the ser- into our specifications in the logarithmic
vices on the US domestic market. The infor- form. This will of course enable us to inter-
mation in the raw dataset is provided pret the corresponding regression coeffi-
monthly at the airline-origin-destination-air- cients as elasticities.
craft type level (e.g. Delta Air Lines Boeing- Other airport-level variables we will use in
757 services from Los Angeles International regressions as controls are airport-level con-
to New York John F. Kennedy airport in centration, airline market shares at the air-
January of 2000 are recorded separately port, and average airfares for flights
from the Boeing-737 services of the same originating at the corresponding airport. As
carrier on the same route in the same month) the measure of airport-level concentration,
and includes the number of flights per- we will use a conventional Herfindhal-
formed, seats provided, and passengers car- Hirschman Index (HHI). HHI is the sum of
ried. We have aggregated the data at the squared shares of flights, across all the air-
annual level, giving us the total passenger lines at an airport. Before computing HHI
volume and the number of flights performed and airlines’ flight-based market shares, we
from each airport. We have also computed have merged regional airlines with the
the number of unique destinations (at the respective major carriers.1 Average annual
airport level) served with non-stop scheduled airport-level airfares are computed by the
passenger flights from each airport in every DOT from the 10% sample of actual itiner-
given year. In this computation, we only aries.2 We adjust those fares for inflation
included those destinations served with at using 1993 as the base year. Last but not
least 100 flights per year – roughly two least, each specification we will estimate will
flights per week were thus required for a des- include year indicator variables, to control
tination to count. for the corresponding heterogeneity.
The three key measures of commercial Other things equal, we can expect higher
aviation activity we have computed will be airfares to be less conducive to regional eco-
our key independent variables. The research nomic development, thereby yielding lower
hypotheses are straightforward – increase in employment, number of businesses, and
both the number of flights and number of potentially lower wages in the metropolitan
destinations is expected to increase each of area. We can of course expect this variable
the three key indicators of regional eco- to be endogenous, as an unobserved shock
nomic development. We will be interested in that increases employment will also yield
comparing the magnitudes of the corre- higher airfares for flying to/from the area.
sponding effects, with the view of under- The effect of airport concentration on eco-
standing whether increasing traffic volume nomic development can potentially tell us
(in terms of number of passengers or fre- something about the importance of airlines’
quency of flights) at existing routes will have loyalty programmes. Specifically, airlines
1582 Urban Studies 52(9)

dominating a local airport will likely attract 0.51 is equivalent to a symmetric duopoly, or
most local travellers into their frequent flier two airlines each performing half of all the
programmes. On one hand, this may be a flights from the airport. Bilotkach and
source of the dominant carriers’ market Lakew (2014) also report high levels of con-
power (Borenstein, 1989, 1991; Lederman, centration in both large hubs and smaller
2008). On the other hand, considering that airports in the US.
frequent flier miles are essentially fringe ben- The choice of our estimation methodol-
efits, businesses might be drawn to concen- ogy will be driven by the econometric chal-
trated airports. Further, large concentrated lenges we are facing. As noted above, the
airports are hubs, which brings us back to key issue to be addressed is that of endo-
Bel and Fageda’s (2008) evidence that hub geneity inherent in the data generating pro-
airports attract multinational firms. cess. Clearly, an unobserved shock that
Before we continue our discussion, it is increases the region’s attractiveness for busi-
necessary to explore the issue of multi- ness will also likely yield an increase in air
airport metropolitan areas. Some of the traffic to the region’s airport. This means
largest MSAs in the US are homes to several that the error term in the least squares
airports, such as Midway and O’Hare in the regression will be correlated with the depen-
Chicago area. Where this is the case, we dent variable, rendering coefficient estimates
summed up total flights from all airports in biased and inconsistent. Additionally, our
the MSA; summed up all unique destina- estimates must take proper account of
tions served by non-stop flights from those MSA-specific heterogeneity, and the possi-
airports; and computed passenger-weighted ble autocorrelation within and heteroscedas-
airport HHI and airline market shares. The ticity across the cross-sections. To address
airport groupings thus obtained largely cor- these issues, we will be taking advantage of
respond to those suggested by Brueckner et both the panel nature of our dataset and the
al. (2014), with a couple of notable excep- recently developed dynamic panel data anal-
tions. First, Baltimore airport was consid- ysis techniques.
ered separately from Washington Dulles and We will be using MSA fixed effects mod-
Washington National, and San Jose was not els to account for regional heterogeneity.
grouped with San Francisco and Oakland, Further, taking advantage of the panel
by virtue of being located in different MSAs. nature of our dataset, we will lag all the
Descriptive statistics for all the variables dependent variables (except for year dum-
are presented in Table 1. The distribution of mies) one year. Clearly, an unobserved
the main variables is understandably skewed, shock this year is less likely to be correlated
as the data include observations from both to last year’s level of air traffic. Yet, last
many smaller and few very large metropoli- year’s traffic could also contribute to this
tan areas. Mean employment and number of year’s unobserved shock, so that the endo-
businesses are both about five times larger geneity problem is not completely solved by
than the corresponding median figures. The simply using lagged independent variables.
same is true for the total number of flights Additionally, we will be using second lags of
from the airport. We can also see that an total flights, number of non-stop destina-
average US airport is quite well-connected to tions, average airfare and airport-level HHI
the US aviation network, with a median air- as instruments for first lags of same. This
port featuring non-stop flights to 16 US des- completes the setup for MSA-level two-stage
tinations. At the same time, airports are on least squares fixed effects estimation. As a
average rather concentrated: mean HHI of final note, we will be using standard
Bilotkach 1583

Table 1. Descriptive statistics.

Mean Standard deviation Median

Dependent variables
Total employment 565,551 1,328,718 120,366
Total number of establishments 33,885.5 85,889.1 6,693.12
Real weekly wage 496.22 104.86 474.83
Airport level variables
Total flights 25,222.1 53,841.3 5101.00
Total passengers 1,782,273 4,302,731 180,930
Number of non-stop destinations 33.02 39.12 16.00
Airport level HHI 0.5120 0.3039 0.4311
Mean airfare, constant dollars 307.07 110.31 310.75
MSA level controls
Population 1,189,265 2,854,425 254,401
Unemployment rate 5.44 2.48 4.90

Note: Sample includes all metropolitan areas with airports handling over 10,000 passengers via scheduled commercial services.

errors robust to autocorrelation and issues with dynamic panel data models (i.e.
heteroscedasticity. biases in the coefficient estimate for the
The fixed effects estimation is a useful lagged dependent variable). The idea behind
first step in our data analysis exercise, and the Arellano-Bover estimator involves using
provides a clear reference point. However, further lags (as well as lagged differences) of
the issue of the dynamic nature of the under- dependent variable to build a set of instru-
lying data generating process is not ments to yield consistent estimates in this
addressed by this technique. There is an dynamic setting. We implement the
inherent path-dependency in each of the key Arellano-Bover estimator in the following
indicators of regional economic develop- way. In all cases, we will include first lag of
ment we are using: this year’s employment the respective dependent variable into the
and income will clearly be positively corre- econometric specifications. Instruments will
lated with last year’s. This is a clear case of be constructed based on third to fifth lags
omitted variable bias, rendering estimates for specifications with employment and
biased and inconsistent. Including a lagged average wage as dependent variables; and
dependent variable on the right-hand side of second and third lags for regressions with
the regression specification does not, how- number of business establishments as depen-
ever, solve the problem, as this variable is dent variable. These lags were chosen for
now correlated with the error term. instrument specifications as they satisfy both
In order to address this endogeneity of the fundamental conditions for the system
threat, we will employ the generalized GMM estimator: no correlation between the
method of moments (GMM) estimator for instruments and the residuals, and no auto-
dynamic panel data. Specifically, we will use correlation in the residuals.
the system estimator proposed by Arellano The GMM estimator we are using has
and Bover (1995), which built on and gained popularity in the literature, as studies
improved the Arellano and Bond (1991) have demonstrated its desirable properties in
GMM estimator. System GMM analysis is settings similar to the one we are facing (e.g.
specifically designed to address endogeneity Bun and Windmejer, 2010). We should also
1584 Urban Studies 52(9)

note that this dynamic panel data GMM Results and discussion
estimator has been applied to studying such
Results of our data analysis exercise are pre-
issues as agglomeration economies (Brülhart
sented in Tables 2–8. Tables 2–7 show results
and Mathys, 2008) and the impact of public
using number of flights as the measure of air-
debt on economic growth (Panizza and
line traffic, with the aim of demonstrating,
Presbitero, 2014).
inter alia, the difference in results between
To sum up our discussion, we will esti-
the two stage least squares (2SLS) fixed
mate specifications of the form:
effects and Arellano-Bond dynamic panel
X data GMM regressions. Tables 2–4 report
logYit = ai + bt It + g1 logðTraffici, t1 Þ
the fixed effects estimation results, whereas
+ g 2 logðDestinationsi, t1 Þ + dXi, t1 + eit Arellano-Bover dynamic panel data GMM
results are in Tables 5–7. Each table corre-
where Yit is one of the three measures of sponds to specifications using the same indi-
regional economic development in metropol- cator of regional economic development as
itan area i at time t; ai represent MSA fixed the dependent variable. Results for total
effects; bt are coefficients measuring year- employment are in Tables 2 and 5; output
specific effects, with It representing the cor- for number of establishments with employ-
responding indicator variables. The key ees are in Tables 3 and 6; and results for
regression coefficients for our purposes are average weekly wage can be found in Tables
g 1 and g 2 . For each of the three dependent 4 and 7. Within each table, we report six
variables, we will run specifications where specifications. First, we report regressions
either g 1 or g2 will be restricted to zero – which only include one of the two key inde-
that is, only traffic or only number of desti- pendent variables, as well as a specification
nations will be included. Further, Xi, t1 is that includes both. Further, each of the three
the vector of control variables: natural loga- specifications is run excluding and including
rithm of area population, unemployment the airline effects (individual airlines’ airport
rate, airport-level concentration, average air- market shares, lagged one year). As a remin-
fare, and airlines’ market shares at the area der, we lag all the independent variables
airport(s). Then, d is the vector of coeffi- except the year dummies one year. We also
cients on those control variables. The error treat number of flights, number of destina-
term is denoted via eit . Finally, note that tions, airport HHI and average airfare as
both key independent variables and control endogenous variables, as use second lags of
variables are lagged one year to mitigate the those as instruments. Thus, fixed effects
endogeneity problem. results reported in Tables 2–4 are obtained
We will apply to the above specification using the two-stage least squares estimation
both the conventional two-stage least technique.
squares MSA fixed effects estimator, and In specifications reported in Table 8, we
the Arellano-Bover estimator as described use total traffic volume instead of the num-
earlier in this section (technically, applica- ber of flights. To save space, we only report
tion of Arellano-Bover estimator will require dynamic panel data GMM results from
including at least one lagged dependent vari- specifications which include airline market
able in addition to the key variables and var- share variables. Table 8 reports two specifi-
ious controls). The estimation results are cations for each dependent variable: regres-
presented and discussed in the next section. sion where traffic volume is included as the
Bilotkach 1585

Table 2. Regressions for total employment, fixed effects.

(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6)

Constant 3.9860** 3.0291** 3.9953** 3.1147** 3.9940** 3.1111**

(0.8575) (0.6856) (0.8419) (0.7683) (0.8407) (0.7691)
Log(total flights) 0.0093* 0.0063 – – 0.0041 0.0041
(0.0054) (0.0052) (0.0064) (0.0061)
Log(number of destinations) – – 0.0222* 0.0112 0.0204 0.0095
(0.0141) (0.0139) (0.0154) (0.0150)
Log(population) 0.6370** 0.7182** 0.6385** 0.7132** 0.6361** 0.7110**
(0.0703) (0.0564) (0.0700) (0.0643) (0.0690) (0.0636)
Log(unemployment rate) -0.1025** -0.1015** -0.1054** -0.1031** -0.1050** -0.1027**
(0.0085) (0.0082) (0.0092) (0.0089) (0.0094) (0.0091)
Log(average airfare) -0.0096 -0.0158 -0.0118 -0.0163 -0.0113 -0.0161
(0.0153) (0.0136) (0.0130) (0.0125) (0.0136) (0.0130)
Log(airport HHI) 0.0230** 0.0273** 0.0251* 0.0265** 0.0275** 0.0290**
(0.0101) (0.0104) (0.0129) (0.0130) (0.0119) (0.0120)
Airline effects No Yes No Yes No Yes
Adjusted R-squared 0.9994 0.9994 0.9994 0.9994 0.9994 0.9994
Durbin-Watson statistic 0.5250 0.5977 0.5493 0.5980 0.5505 0.6007
Sargan statistic 0.0584 0.1435 0.1196 0.1234 0.1282 0.1330
(p-value) (0.8089) (0.7047) (0.7294) (0.7253) (0.7202) (0.7153)

Notes: Dependent variable is the natural logarithm of total employment at the MSA level.
Number of observations = 4412.
Estimation methodology = two-stage least squares with MSA fixed effects.
All independent variables are lagged one period. Second lags of total flights, number of destinations, airfare and HHI are
used as instruments.
Year indicator variables are included into all regressions.
Airline effects correspond to individual carriers’ market shares at the airport, lagged one period.
Conventional significance notations are used: * \ 10%; ** \ 5%.

only measure of air transport activity is report Jansen’s J-statistic and the corre-
complemented with a specification where sponding p-values to demonstrate validity of
number of destinations served is added to it. instruments. The p-values demonstrate that
That is, specifications reported in Table 8 we cannot reject the null hypothesis that the
are equivalent to regressions (2) and (6) instruments we selected are valid. Overall,
from Tables 5–7, the only difference being we observe that moving from fixed effects to
the replacement of total flights with the total Arellano-Bover specifications, the magni-
passenger volume as the measure of traffic. tude of the coefficients that retain signifi-
Generally speaking, fixed effects specifi- cance in both is reduced by about a half
cations demonstrate remarkable fit to data, (with some exceptions).
which is not unusual and is also found else- We will build our discussion by compar-
where in the literature. Values of Durbin- ing fixed effects and dynamic panel data esti-
Watson statistics are reported in the corre- mation results. For total employment, fixed
sponding tables to clearly demonstrate the effects do not show robust effects of either
presence of significant autocorrelation in the total air traffic or number of non-stop desti-
data, and motivate the use of dynamic panel nations. While those variables are significant
data GMM technique. In Tables 5–8, we in specifications (1) and (3) in Table 2, these
1586 Urban Studies 52(9)

Table 3. Regressions for number of establishments, fixed effects.

(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6)

Constant -0.8419 -0.8951 -0.8370 -0.8923 -0.8416 -0.9042

(1.0428) (1.0391) (1.0638) (1.0546) (1.0434) (1.0366)
Log(total flights) 0.0144** 0.0135** – – 0.0142** 0.0137**
(0.0051) (0.0052) (0.0053) (0.0053)
Log(number of destinations) – – 0.0068 0.0046 0.0007 -0.0010
(0.0077) (0.0085) (0.0076) (0.0084)
Log(population) 0.7843** 0.7890** 0.7926** 0.7969** 0.7843** 0.7898**
(0.0853) (0.0846) (0.0861) (0.0850) (0.0853) (0.0845)
Log(unemployment rate) -0.0467** -0.0465** -0.0480** -0.0478** -0.0468** -0.0464**
(0.0087) (0.0086) (0.0087) (0.0085) (0.0087) (0.0086)
Log(average airfare) 0.0004 0.0009 -0.0011 0.0004 0.0004 0.0009
(0.0113) (0.0109) (0.0114) (0.0110) (0.0112) (0.0109)
Log(airport HHI) 0.0111 0.0112 0.0027 0.0030 0.0112 0.0111
(0.0086) (0.0087) (0.0085) (0.0086) (0.0088) (0.0089)
Airline effects No Yes No Yes No Yes
Adjusted R-squared 0.9993 0.9993 0.9993 0.9993 0.9993 0.9993
Durbin-Watson statistic 0.4365 0.4537 0.4230 0.4446 0.4363 0.4542
Sargan statistic 0.1808 0.1914 0.2153 0.2009 0.2038 0.2081
(p-value) (0.6706) (0.6617) (0.6426) (0.6539) (0.6516) (0.6482)

Notes: Dependent variable is the natural logarithm of the number of establishments with employees at the MSA level.
Number of observations = 4412.
Estimation methodology = two-stage least squares with MSA fixed effects.
All independent variables are lagged one period. Second lags of total flights, number of destinations, airfare and HHI are
used as instruments.
Year indicator variables are included into all regressions.
Airline effects correspond to individual carriers’ market shares at the airport, lagged one period.
Conventional significance notations are used: * \ 10%; ** \ 5%.

effects do not survive including airline mar- a bit smaller: a 10% increase in the number
ket shares into regressions. In contrast to of destinations leads to a 0.1% increase in
this, dynamic panel data estimates show that employment.
number of destinations has a significant Let us now translate the above reported
robust effect on total employment, whereas elasticities into the number of jobs created as
the number of flights does not. Passenger traffic volume and/or number of destinations
volume has a positive and significant effect served from the region’s airport(s) increases.
on total employment. The corresponding We will report these estimates for both sam-
elasticity is still quite small – a 10% increase ple mean and median (this is appropriate as
in the number of passengers is associated the distribution of MSAs by the key develop-
with a 0.06–0.09% increase in total employ- ment indicators is rather asymmetric). If we
ment. The effect of additional destinations connect a median MSA with an extra desti-
keeping traffic volume constant is modest as nation (which will be equivalent to a 6.25%
well: a 10% increase in the number of desti- increase in this variable, given that a median
nations will yield a 0.13% increase in total airport is connected to 16 other airports with
employment, based on results from Table 5. non-stop services); our estimation results
The corresponding estimate from Table 8 is imply that this will create 98 jobs in the
Bilotkach 1587

Table 4. Regressions for average wage, fixed effects.

(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6)

Constant –3.0564** –2.4603** –2.2156* –1.0983 –2.0382* -0.8870

(1.3077) (1.1146) (1.2154) (1.1343) (1.2428) (1.1533)
Log(total flights) –0.0100* -0.0160** – – –0.0326 –0.0352**
(0.0055) (0.0057) (0.0076) (0.0074)
Log(number of – – 0.0902** 0.0874** 0.1015** 0.0992**
destinations) (0.0154) (0.0159) (0.0181) (0.0183)
Log(population) 0.8069** 0.7604** 0.7133** 0.6205** 0.7189** 0.6241**
(0.1030) (0.0869) (0.0965) (0.0893) (0.0973) (0.0894)
Log(unemployment rate) –0.0444** -0.0526** –0.0531** -0.0601** –0.0554** –0.0626**
(0.0135) (0.0138) (0.0136) (0.0135) (0.0140) (0.0138)
Log(average airfare) –0.0907** –0.0807** –0.0911** –0.0752** –0.0921** –0.0736**
(0.0367) (0.0337) (0.0304) (0.0312) (0.0360) (0.0372)
Log(airport HHI) -0.1003** –0.0886** –0.0426** –0.0411** –0.0606** –0.0600**
(0.0144) (0.0141) (0.0141) (0.0134) (0.0141) (0.0135)
Airline effects No Yes No Yes No Yes
Adjusted R-squared 0.8832 0.8939 0.8888 0.8947 0.8871 0.8935
Durbin-Watson statistic 0.8468 0.8462 0.8332 0.8411 0.8420 0.8571
Sargan statistic 0.2559 0.2416 0.2894 0.2990 0.3229 0.2751
(p-value) (0.6128) (0.6230) (0.5905) (0.5844) (0.5698) (0.5999)

Notes: Dependent variable is the natural logarithm of the mean weekly wage at the MSA level.
Number of observations = 4412.
Estimation methodology = two-stage least squares with MSA fixed effects.
All independent variables are lagged one period. Second lags of total flights, number of destinations, airfare and HHI are
used as instruments.
Year indicator variables are included into all regressions.
Airline effects correspond to individual carriers’ market shares at the airport, lagged one period.
Conventional significance notations are used: * \ 10%; ** \ 5%.

region, other things equal. The equivalent corresponding number at the sample median
number for the sample mean is 223 jobs. will be 323.
Results from Table 8 imply that adding 100 Results for the number of establishments
passengers per day to the volume served by are quite interesting, as the key variables
the local airport creates 98 jobs at the sample change their significance as we move from
mean and 314 jobs at the sample median. fixed effects to dynamic panel data results.
This difference is driven by the fact that the Specifically, fixed effects results suggest that
hypothetical traffic increase corresponds to total traffic is a more important determinant
2% of the mean, but 20% of the median pas- than number of destinations, whereas
senger volume. Further, if the hypothetical Arellano-Bover estimates reach the opposite
additional 100 passengers per day travel to a conclusion. Further, results from Table 8
destination which has not yet been served imply that passenger volume affects the
from an MSA, the number of jobs created at number of establishments negatively, even
the sample mean will increase to 254, with though the coefficients never reach statistical
nearly three quarters of these jobs created significance. The elasticity implied by the
through the new destination rather than an dynamic panel data estimates is similar in
increase in passenger volume. The magnitude to that reported above for the
1588 Urban Studies 52(9)

Table 5. Regressions for employment, dynamic panel data GMM.

(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6)

Lagged dependent 0.4511** 0.4457** 0.3919** 0.3861** 0.3939** 0.3884**

(0.0705) (0.0702) (0.0791) (0.0791) (0.0784) (0.0784)
Log(total flights) 0.0034 0.0035 – – 0.0005 0.0006
(0.0025) (0.0025) (0.0025) (0.0025)
Log(number of destinations) – – 0.0130** 0.0132** 0.0127** 0.0128**
(0.0040) (0.0040) (0.0039) (0.0039)
Log(population) 0.3294** 0.3328** 0.3672** 0.3719** 0.3657** 0.3702**
(0.0584) (0.0575) (0.0629) (0.0625) (0.0624) (0.0620)
Log(unemployment rate) -0.0564** -0.0561** -0.0631** -0.0628** -0.0628** -0.0625**
(0.0085) (0.0085) (0.0095) (0.0095) (0.0093) (0.0094)
Log(average airfare) -0.0067 -0.0045 -0.0071 -0.0052 -0.0070 -0.0052
(0.0054) (0.0056) (0.0056) (0.0059) (0.0055) (0.0058)
Log(airport HHI) 0.0110** 0.0109** 0.0149** 0.0147** 0.0152** 0.0151**
(0.0035) (0.0035) (0.0035) (0.0035) (0.0039) (0.0039)
Airline effects No Yes No Yes No Yes
Jansen’s J-statistic 53.82 52.90 45.88 45.06 46.03 45.24
(p-value) (0.1478) (0.6270) (0.3941) (0.8536) (0.4293) (0.8750)

Notes: Dependent variable is the natural logarithm of total employment at the MSA level.
Number of observations = 4057.
Estimation methodology = dynamic panel data GMM with MSA fixed effects.
Third to fifth lags of dependent variable are used to construct the instruments utilised by the estimator.
All independent variables are lagged one period. Second lags of total flights, number of destinations, airfare and HHI are
used as instruments.
Year indicator variables are included into all regressions.
Airline effects correspond to individual carriers’ market shares at the airport, lagged one period.
Conventional significance notations are used: * \ 10%; ** \ 5%.

total employment. That is, a 10% increase our claim that fixed effects regressions
in the number of destinations served is asso- potentially suffer from the omitted variable
ciated with a 0.1% increase in the number of bias, rendering the coefficients biased and
establishments with employees (0.13% if we inconsistent. As with fixed effects, total
look at Table 8). Our results suggest that an flights, passenger volume, and number of
extra destination will facilitate the opening non-stop destinations are found to be signif-
of 15 new business establishments with icant determinants of average wage.
employees at the sample mean; the corre- However, the magnitude of the effect is
sponding number for the sample median is much larger for the latter variable. While a
four. 10% increase in the total number of flights,
Fixed effects results for the average wage average wage increases by 0.07–0.16%; the
are quite surprising: even though both total same figure for the 10% increase in the num-
air traffic and number of destinations are ber of destinations is 0.17–0.3%.
found to be significant determinants of aver- Admittedly, the economic significance of
age income, the sign of the effect of total this effect is dubious: the median wage in
traffic is opposite to what we expected. This our dataset implies the median annual
anomaly disappears in the dynamic panel income of $24,700 (in year 1993 dollars), so
data estimation results, further supporting that even a 1% increase in this figure will
Bilotkach 1589

Table 6. Regressions for number of establishments, dynamic panel data GMM.

(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6)

Lagged dependent 0.7010** 0.6625** 0.6439** 0.6080** 0.6527** 0.6187**

(0.0512) (0.0509) (0.0531) (0.0533) (0.0541) (0.0539)
Log(total flights) 0.0024 0.0026 – – 0.0008 0.0007
(0.0025) (0.0026) (0.0027) (0.0026)
Log(number of destinations) – – 0.0103** 0.0103** 0.0099** 0.0096**
(0.0040) (0.0040) (0.0041) (0.0040)
Log(population) 0.2689** 0.2979** 0.3269** 0.3539** 0.3147** 0.3397**
(0.0817) (0.0830) (0.0825) (0.0839) (0.0837) (0.0853)
Log(unemployment rate) -0.1292** -0.1315** -0.1304** -0.1310** -0.1307** -0.1305**
(0.0240) (0.0235) (0.0240) (0.0236) (0.0243) (0.0236)
Log(average airfare) -0.0456** -0.0462** -0.0472** -0.0470** -0.0467** -0.0462**
(0.0117) (0.0115) (0.0119) (0.0118) (0.0120) (0.0117)
Log(airport HHI) 0.0133** 0.0137** 0.0156** 0.0157** 0.0159** 0.0160**
(0.0054) (0.0054) (0.0056) (0.0055) (0.0057) (0.0057)
Airline effects No Yes No Yes No Yes
Jansen’s J-statistic 38.32 33.87 34.79 31.76 34.94 32.06
(p-value) (0.1803) (0.8351) (0.2917) (0.8968) (0.3274) (0.9107)

Notes: Dependent variable is the natural logarithm of of the number of establishments with employees at the MSA level.
Number of observations = 4057.
Estimation methodology = dynamic panel data GMM with MSA fixed effects.
Second and third lags of dependent variable are used to construct the instruments utilised by the estimator.
All independent variables are lagged one period. Second lags of total flights, number of destinations, airfare and HHI are
used as instruments.
Year indicator variables are included into all regressions.
Airline effects correspond to individual carriers’ market shares at the airport, lagged one period.
Conventional significance notations are used: * \ 10%; ** \ 5%.

require increasing the number of destina- wages to their employees. The statistical sig-
tions served with non-stop services by at nificance of this effect is however not robust,
least a third (if we take a higher-end estimate and its economic significance is dubious.
of the respective effect). Average airfare negatively affects the num-
Our control variables behave as expected. ber of business establishments in the area, as
Population has a strong positive effect on well as the average wage, and has no effect
each of the three indicators of regional eco- on the total employment.
nomic development, whereas unemployment The airfare–wage effect we observe
rate affects each of them negatively. Airport deserves some discussion, as the reader will
concentration positively affects total be understandably sceptical about the direc-
employment and number of business estab- tion of causality here. Indeed, we can expect
lishments, as we expected. However, the lower income areas to exhibit lower demand
effect of this variable on average wage is for air travel, naturally yielding lower air-
negative. This result is quite consistent with fares. However, we can look at this issue
frequent flier miles being considered a fringe from the supply side and suggest that lower
benefit: firms located in areas, where airfare may induce a reduction in air traffic
employees are more likely to earn and volume or quality of service, suppressing
redeem miles3 appear to be able to pay lower business activity in the area. We should also
1590 Urban Studies 52(9)

Table 7. Regressions for average wage, dynamic panel data GMM.

(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6)

Lagged dependent 0.6214** 0.7032** 0.5959** 0.6906** 0.6314** 0.7029**

(0.0870) (0.0570) (0.0891) (0.0582) (0.0794) (0.0559)
Log(total flights) 0.0162** 0.0107** – – 0.0069* 0.0045
(0.0056) (0.0037) (0.0038) (0.0030)
Log(number of destinations) – – 0.0291** 0.0196** 0.0235** 0.0170**
(0.0076) (0.0046) (0.0061) (0.0040)
Log(population) 0.2136* 0.1651** 0.2793** 0.2191** 0.2570** 0.2101**
(0.1135) (0.0954) (0.1137) (0.0941) (0.1072) (0.0936)
Log(unemployment rate) -0.0568** -0.0536** -0.0547** -0.0509** -0.0535** -0.0505**
(0.0237) (0.0192) (0.0228) (0.0186) (0.0216) (0.0183)
Log(average airfare) -0.0429** -0.0258** -0.0416** -0.0246** -0.0374** -0.0236**
(0.0160) (0.0110) (0.0152) (0.0107) (0.0140) (0.0105)
Log(airport HHI) -0.0127* -0.0063 -0.0100* -0.0039 -0.0042 -0.0008
(0.0065) (0.0046) (0.0061) (0.0044) (0.0051) (0.0041)
Airline effects No Yes No Yes No Yes
Jansen’s J-statistic 27.11 43.45 27.95 46.19 32.90 48.28
(p-value) (0.9636) (0.8485) (0.9520) (0.7723) (0.8675) (0.7265)

Notes: Dependent variable is the natural logarithm of mean weekly wage at the MSA level.
Number of observations = 4057.
Estimation methodology = dynamic panel data GMM with MSA fixed effects.
Third to fifth lags of dependent variable are used to construct the instruments utilised by the estimator.
All independent variables are lagged one period. Second lags of total flights, number of destinations, airfare and HHI are
used as instruments.
Year indicator variables are included into all regressions.
Airline effects correspond to individual carriers’ market shares at the airport, lagged one period.
Conventional significance notations are used: * \ 10%; ** \ 5%.

recall that airfare in our specification is exhibits both economic and statistical signifi-
lagged one year, and the second lag is used cance. Impact of the number of non-stop
as an instrument, lessening the possibility of destinations on average wage is significant
the causality running in the wage–price statistically, but not economically. Second,
direction. Including airline market shares air traffic volume, when measured by the
does not qualitatively affect dynamic panel number of flights, has little robust significant
data estimation results. Quantitatively, we effect on either of the three measures of eco-
only observe visible changes in values of the nomic development. When measured by the
estimates in average wage regressions. number of passengers, however, we can con-
Summing up, we can suggest the follow- clude that volume of air traffic positively
ing takeaway messages from our data analy- affects employment level, and the magnitude
sis. First, number of destinations served with of this effect sometimes approaches that for
non-stop flights from the area airports comes the number of destinations served with non-
out as a robust predictor of each of the three stop flights.
indicators of regional economic development Our study leaves several questions open
used in our study. The size of the effect is at this stage, and we believe that further data
small, but impact on both employment level analysis could shed light on them. First, we
and number of business establishments have not considered the question of air
Bilotkach 1591

Table 8. Dynamic panel data GMM results with total passenger volume.

Dependent variable
Log(employment) Log(establishments) Log(wage)

Lagged dependent 0.4257** 0.3799** 0.6458** 0.5987** 0.6090** 0.6360**

(0.0727) (0.0797) (0.0511) (0.0536) (0.1001) (0.0970)
Log(total passengers) 0.0087** 0.0058* -0.0015 -0.0055 0.0238** 0.0162**
(0.0031) (0.0032) (0.0032) (0.0036) (0.0094) (0.0081)
Log(number of destinations) – 0.0101** – 0.0133** – 0.0148**
(0.0039) (0.0045) (0.0063)
Log(population) 0.3425** 0.3742** 0.3298** 0.3730** 0.2072* 0.2206*
(0.0584) (0.0627) (0.0835) (0.0856) (0.1159) (0.1212)
Log(unemployment rate) -0.0558** -0.0617** -0.1359** -0.1315** -0.0579** -0.0493**
(0.0083) (0.0093) (0.0050) (0.0238) (0.0210) (0.0208)
Log(average airfare) 0.0013 -0.0012 -0.0500** -0.0513** -0.0203 -0.0187
(0.0058) (0.0062) (0.0127) (0.0128) (0.0126) (0.0130)
Log(airport HHI) 0.0124** 0.0160** 0.0116** 0.0238** -0.0103 -0.0039
(0.0033) (0.0036) (0.0050) (0.0054) (0.0062) (0.0058)
Jansen’s J-statistic 49.33 43.77 32.82 30.76 22.72 30.87
(p-value) (0.7235) (0.9009) (0.8697) (0.9346) (0.9999) (0.9955)

Notes: This table presents specifications equivalent to (2) and (6) from Tables 5–7.
Number of observations = 4057.
Estimation methodology = dynamic panel data GMM with MSA fixed effects.
Same lags as in the corresponding GMM specifications reported in Tables 5–7 are used to construct instruments.
All independent variables are lagged one period. Second lags of total flights, number of destinations, airfare and HHI are
used as instruments.
Year indicator variables and are included into all regressions.
Airline market shares at the airport, lagged one period, are included into all specifications, but not reported.
Conventional significance notations are used: * \ 10%; ** \ 5%.

traffic–employment relationship by sectors The data analysis could also be repeated

of economy. Note that some of the previous in the future, to see whether the recent wave
studies have focused on the service sector, of mergers in the US airline industry had
and Sheard (2014) even indicated that the changed any of the relationships we reported
relationship between air traffic volume and here. Since 2005, there have been several
manufacturing sector employment is nega- high-profile mergers in the US airline indus-
tive. The main contribution of this study is, try: US Airways–America West, Delta–
however, in introducing a new methodologi- Northwest, United–Continental, and
cal approach to analysing the air traffic– Southwest–Airtran consolidation events
economic development relationship, which have each led to the disappearance of a
justifies, in our view, working with the major player in the industry. We have
aggregate data. Second, we have conducted demonstrated the link between airline mar-
our analysis for the entire population of US ket structure and regional economic devel-
metropolitan areas. Further studies could opment, and future studies could evaluate
separately focus on larger versus smaller whether recent events which appear to have
metropolitan areas, to evaluate whether reduced the extent of competition in the US
effects we found here hold for different sub- airline industry could have affected regional
samples. development.
1592 Urban Studies 52(9)

Concluding comments destination, keeping everything else con-

stant, creates 98 jobs and facilitates the
This study examines the issue of the link
opening of four new business establishments
between air traffic and regional economic
that employ people.
development. Our approach is different from
Our results have very clear implications for
other studies in the literature in several impor-
airport management and local authorities.
tant dimensions. First, this paper is the first to
Specifically, our results suggest that attracting
apply the dynamic panel data GMM metho-
services to new destinations will have a larger
dology to this issue. Second, we are using a 17-
impact on local economy than expanding ser-
year panel covering all metropolitan areas in
vices from a local airport to existing destina-
the US, whereas previous studies have dealt
tions. This could potentially clash with the
with cross-sections and/or samples of metro-
incentives of network carriers, especially at
politan areas. Third, we examine the potential
smaller airports – those airlines may be more
impact of both traffic volume and the number
interested in responding to higher demand by
of destinations served with non-stop flights:
expanding services to their hubs than in open-
the literature suggests that both can matter,
ing new routes from an airport. Further, local
but the two metrics have not yet been consid-
authorities should not be afraid of increased
ered together in a systematic way. Fourth, we
airline concentration at the local airports, as
explore the relationship between airline market
long as the potential price increase from
structure and regional economic development.
higher concentration is not too high – the two
At the same time, we have selected to use the
variables tend to have opposite effects on the
aggregate employment figures in this study,
local economy, and there is a substantial liter-
without considering the impact of air traffic on
ature demonstrating the positive link between
employment by sectors of the economy.
airport concentration and airfares (see
We consider three measures of economic
Bilotkach and Lakew, 2014, for a recent
development (total employment, number of
review of this body of work). At the same
business establishments, and average weekly
time, it would probably be an exaggeration to
wage) at the MSA level. We find that a 10%
call local airports ‘engines of economic devel-
increase in the number of flights is associ-
opment’. It is true that there is a relationship
ated with a 0.1% increase in average wage,
between air traffic and employment; however,
with the impact of this variable on employ-
the size of the corresponding effect is quite
ment and number of business establishments
modest. Further, the effect of air traffic on
not being statistically significant. Air traffic
average wage is significant only statistically,
volume measured by the number of passen-
but not economically.
gers has a positive and significant effect on
We would like to conclude by saying that
employment and wage, but not on the num-
this study introduces a new promising meth-
ber of business establishments. Number of
odological approach to examining the
destinations served by non-stop flights is
important issue of the relationship between
found to have a robust positive impact on
air traffic and regional economic develop-
each of the three measures of economic
ment. Further work will be required to ela-
development. A 10% increase in this vari-
borate on this issue.
able yields a 0.13% increase in employment;
a 0.1% increase in the number of business Funding
establishments; and about 0.2% increase in This research received no specific grant from any
average weekly wage. At the sample median, funding agency in the public, commercial, or not-
connecting an MSA with an extra for-profit sectors.
Bilotkach 1593

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