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© Nisa Ambrose 2023


I dedicate this book to my parents who give me all the love of the world and made

me believe in myself and helped me chase stars.Who have supported me and given me

all the happiness of life And I hope I can make you proud of me in the Future .


Its just the dark side of the world, icluding the dark fantasies of an author. Be aware of a

nasty roller coaster rides.




I did my very best to self publish this book. Although the road to publishing was rocky, I

guess I managed to publish it.

Hope you guys enjoy it !!!


" Me being abused, Me hearing my mom sell her body, Me being touched without my

will. None, none of that hurt as much as much seeing this all did."

Did I even deserve it?


Loyalty is something which is uncontrollable. Love is something which is selfish and

egotistical. Many things in life are which you can’t control and that includes someone's

LOYALTY. Betrayal is something which shatters our heart into tiny pieces. Greed is the root

cause of Betrayal. Greed comprises many factors e.g. love, money, attention, etc.

People in this world have to fight for their rights. Happiness isn’t a right hand thing that

if you wish for it you get it instantly, for some people it might take months, for others it

might take ages and for some maybe happiness is hopeless and undefined. A simple word

with no meaning.

This story book is about betrayal in love and friendship. It’s about greed. Greed for

money, power and positions. People trap you inside their trap of love, making it easier for

them to betray you and break you from inside. And your friends whom you have known for
years betray you because you got something that they think they deserved.

Rose is a girl who has lived 14 years of her life in sorrow and pain. Yearning to see her

father, not knowing who he is. After she gets to know him a new chapter starts in her life. She

faces many troubles and betrayals. Even seeing her father's death by her own eyes. She has to

solve a mystery. A mystery that her father left her. A mystery that will turn everything back

to normal. A mystery that after finding out will give her a desire to take revenge.

“You played the game and now be ready for the consequences,
Life has taught her many things, you can never control someone's loyalty,

Revenge tastes sweet and is as beautiful as roses. “









2023, hidden basement in the city of Houston.

I am in a dark basement. It's hot here. Maybe, destiny wanted me to kill people in here.

This basement WOW it’s crepy. I wipe my sweat and face a person who’s sitting on a metal

chair covered with chains and blood. I point my gun towards him and speak in a loud,

horrific, brave way.

“Worrying is a total waste of time. It changes nothing, all it does is steal your joy, so be

happy, you are going somewhere, where you really badly deserve to go. So, you should be

happy, don't you think Mr?” I look at his facial expressions. He understands what I am

talking about. He looks at me with a stunned expression.

“No, please forgive me. I have a family to look after. My wife and daughter. How will

they live without me?", he speaks with a pleading voice. Family, wife and daughter, these 3
words piss me off. I look at him with dark eyes. He gets scared because he knows he has

messed things up.

“Family” I say. “Your daughter and wife, you know they can live perfectly well without

you. "I shouted at him.

“And you should be ashamed, you were touching someone's daughter, someone's wife

inappropriately. How would you feel if someone touches your wife or daughter that way? "

His face hardens, but he doesn’t answer the question I asked him.

“Answer me” I speak loudly. Slowly he looks up at me with fire in his eyes and says,

“I would have killed them.”

He doesn’t know that I just decided that I will use his answers on him, so sad.

“I would have killed that man. No one has a right over them instead of me.” Every

second he spoke, my hate for him grew. Why do people like him exist in this world?

“Don’t you think that the girl's parents and her husband had a right to her?,”

I speak in my usual voice, which is loud and deep which scares people. He replies with a

disgusting voice

“Her parents died when she was young and she does not have a husband because she’s

not interested in marrying someone and she thinks we men are useless, we think about

nothing other than sex.” Does he think I am most dreaded for nothing? I know and have

information about every person in this world and he’s so disgusting, I pity his parents.

“And when you knew, she thought this way then why did you touch her." I ask him back

because I want to play a really interesting game with him. A venomous and torturous game.

“She’s a girl and I hate girls, who are pretty, have a sexy body but think about boys that

way. So shouldn’t we show them that not only we enjoy it but they do too?” These lines

break my heart.

“You are right with your point, so as you have cleared yourself, I think I must let you
go free forever. What do you think?” I spoke in the calmest voice I could fake. I put my gun

on the table that was on my right. He looks at me with a big smile on his face. I want to

destroy his smile right this instant but let’s control ourselves for now.

“I am glad that you understand the story from my point of view. And you’ll do a great

job by setting me free." He speaks with a proud voice, so he really fell for it.

“I just asked you, should I set you free, and you answered I will do a great job indeed,

even this world doesn’t need punks like you so, Bye.” I smirk at him as reality hits him.

I pick the gun from the table and aim the gun at his head. He pleads with me. The proud

face that was moments ago is now filled with tears and I am very much liking this condition.

He is struggling to get free but the chains are tightly closed and by moving he’s only giving
himself bruises as the metal digs into his skin and then out. I really want to make him suffer

badly but I don’t have time for that. I am quite busy. I was about to pull the trigger but his

words stopped me.

“My wife's 2 months pregnant.” I close my eyes tightly and open them. It’s extremely

nauseating, his wife is carrying his child, and he is touching another girl and I know I am

doing bad by separating the dad and the unborn child but his family does not deserve to live

with his deeds. I close my eyes again and take a deep breath. As I open my eyes they meet

with his fearful eyes. I completely pull the trigger and the bullet goes directly into his head.

Blood splashes everywhere. I wanted to torture him to death but in the memories of his not

yet born child I gave him a safe trip. I order to clean the mess. I would have been happy if

only he had not told me that his wife is pregnant.

Now I’ll have to live with the guilt of separating the unborn child and the dad. I turn my

head towards Lisa.

“Go inform the police, that we’ve killed him, take his body to. Make sure no one sees

you and bring his family safely back to the mansion. Make sure that they don’t get hurt or

scared. Okay.” She gives me her warm smile. She knows how I am feeling. I just nod my

head and go out. She follows me almost running to catch me because I came out on the speed
of fast and furious two.

“Where are you going?" She asks me with concern. As I remain quiet, she speaks.

“You know you have many enemies and it’s also 2 am.” I look away. Why, Do I have

the urge to die?

“Rose, I know how you feel but remember, out of a thousand people not everyone hates

you. And always want you safe and sound in front of them.

2022, city Atlanta, Beams Cafe,

“Rose, Rose, wake up.” I toss and turn in my sleep. This was enough to poke Lili’s


“Roseanna, wake up.” She shouts. I woke up alarmed. Lili starts laughing hard, while

putting her left hand on her stomach and pointing the other hand at me. I look at my positions

and realise why this crazy girl started laughing out of thin air. My legs are wide open and a

bit bent and I am holding a chair in self defence.

I sigh and put the chair down and sit on it. I place my right hand on my heart. It’s

beating fastly and loudly. It's not because I thought an intruder was here, it’s because I had a

very strange dream. As Lili notices my serious expression. She pulls a chair to sit next to me.
She places a hand on my shoulder and speaks

“Rose, what happened? You know you can share it with me.”I look at her and frown


“Why did, what?” She asked me with clear concern in her voice.

“Why did he come in my dream?”I am at the edge of breaking down. Lili widens her

eyes as she realises whom I’m talking about.

“Your d…dad dad c…came in your dream?”I look down while tears start falling out of

my eyes. Lili gets up and embraces me in her warm eyes.

“Ssh, don’t cry, wasn't it your dream to always see your father. "I… I know that he is not

dead, he is alive. Mom lied to me.”I try to convince myself.

“Yeah, it was but..” Lili pulls back and wipes my tears away. “What but? Tell me I am

getting scared.” I know she is telling the truth because I know how to read eyes and whatever

I have seen in everyone's eyes is always true.

“He is not dead, my mother lied to me.” Lili opens her mouth to say something but no

words come out. Instead, she just closes her mouth and hugs me.

I back away and look at her. Why was she present there in my dream and crying loudly.

I let out a tired sigh and hug her tightly as if my life depends on it. Well, it does. If it wasn’t

for her , maybe today I would not be available today.

“You girls, what are you doing?” I flinch by the sudden loud voice and back away from

the hug. We both stand, side by side and face an angry looking Miss Charliann. She’s the

owner of this cafe. And I work under her. I’ve been working for about 5 months but have

never seen her pleased with anything.

“You know customers are waiting, Go and do your work.And wash your face

Roseanna,I don’t want my customers to get scared and run away.”

Lili and I quickly rush out because who wants to get scolded by an angry looking bull. I
don’t know when or how time passes and it’s already 6 pm. It’s time for me to leave.

Lili left 1 hour ago because she had important work to do. I'm done packing my bag. I

don’t want to go home. I take a deep breath and walk out of the cafe.

I really don’t want to go home or my holy ears would turn un holy. My mother has sold

her body for money. My mother beats me when she is angry or stressed out. She always tells

me how useless I am and that I can’t even give her money. When I was 10, I tried finding a

job but there was no job. I was good at art, that's why I sketched and then sold them. But I

couldn’t do that for long because the profit was less. On my 11th birthday, I was waiting for

mom to arrive home. Expecting her to at least say happy birthday. I have always wanted her

to say those 2 words but she never has. She came home and asked me if I had money. I told
her that I had stopped selling the sketches. She started beating me and asked me to find a job

before dawn. I had walked a long way and finally came to a cafe shop known as “Tito Mito”.

The only cafe, which was open at that hour. The boss there was really pervert, he tried

touching me inappropriately. I bared that for 2 and a half months but I couldn’t bare that for

long so that’s why I left and again started selling sketches. With many troubles I finally

passed the year.

On my 12th birthday I didn’t want to see mom, that's why I sold sketches and bought a

strawberry pastry to cut for my birthday. And I also bought a plastic knife. I sat on the

footpath in front of the same bakery. I was opening the cake happily, that's when I felt 2 pairs

of eyes watching me. As I looked behind me, I saw Lili standing there. She walks towards me

and puts a candle on my cake and lights it with a lighter. She tells me to quickly make a wish

before the candle blows out.

“I wish that I can be someone who can banish evil, while being feared and helping those

who are helpless and innocent. Take revenge from all those who are guilty of bad deeds and

protect those who are innocent.”

I blow out the candle and smile at Lili. She gives me the knife and I cut the cake as Lili

sings the happy birthday song. She claps loudly as she finishes. I give one bite to her and feed
myself. I hadn’t eaten anything since morning. This was our first meeting. Lili's my best

friend but I have never told her about my mom. I just told her that I needed a job and that my

wish was to meet my dead dad, whom I think is alive but my mom told me that he’s dead and

I haven’t really told her the full story that happened with me but I always feel as if she knows

everything.When I was really little, I asked my mom about dad, she got really angry and

dropped a vase at my feet, saying

“Your father is dead and don’t talk about him anymore.” My room used to be an old

storeroom so I was just cleaning it when I found my dad’s and mom’s wedding album and

since then I have always wondered why he left me because I have a feeling inside me that he

is alive.
Something inside me is not ready to agree with the reality. Either way we should know the

truth is always brutal like a poison in your favourite drink. If you know what I mean. AHH ,

why are these tears falling. Sometimes I hate to be an oversensitive person.


2023, home

I wake up as the sunlight hits directly on my face. I look at the sun, what the hell, what

time is it? I picked an alluring watch. Lili gave me a present on my 13th birthday. It's 7am.

Oh no, I am getting late.I am so not ready. I jump off the bed and go to my cupboard. I

finally found a jumper, without a hole in it, it's in plain green colour. I run into the washroom

and brush my teeth with one hand and struggle to pull the jeans up with the other hand.

At last, after many struggles I got dressed. I look at my sneakers. Lili bought them for

me on my 12th birthday. They are white and have 2 black stripes on each side. They are super

comfortable and the best. Rich people have so many facilities.

They are from Adidas.I always used to dream about owning this brand. I mean who

doesn’t. Being super rich is not something you get for granted. Even if the CEO of Adidas

does get his food in bed does not mean that he uses second hand material for making shoes. H
eworks with honesty and with honest money he might hire a hundred cars.Although he might

get sad and baul his eyes out that his netwroth is lesser than Nike. They should get inspired

by me the one who earns hardly above $10 and doesn’t even get to keep it. And we were

talking about the shoes when Lili gave me these, I literally cried for five hours and squeezed

her soul out of her by hugging her tightly. And since then, I’ve kept them as clean as glass. I

smile at my thoughts.

But as my eyes fall on my wrist. I gasp, quickly grab my bag and run downstairs and

outside the house. I am always late to work. I mean if I ever owned a company I would never

scream and yell at my employees for being late. I was crazily panting when I reached the

cafe. I run a hand through my hairs in order to put them in place. Now Rose, inhale and now
exhale. Either way you are busted.My stipid brain laughs at my heart and why is it calling it a

loser. My brain can not even think about a single thing to say to Miss Charlian when we get


Now repeat the process again. I am doing this because I know I am going to get severely

scolded. I tip toe and reach the backdoor to the kitchen safely. I am safe.

I was about to jump in victory but stop when I heard a familiar voice. “Finally, you're

here.” I slowly turnaround and face an exasperated looking Miss Charliann, I quickly bow to

her and say


“Miss Roseanna, I clearly see that you have a watch in your hand". I hold my ears and

bow again while saying.

“Miss, I'm really sorry I got late again but from now I’ll wake up early in the morning.

Please forgive me for the last time. "I stood up straight after saying these lines because my

back started hurting. I look at her with puppy eyes. She looks away and says,

“Better be on time, next time. "I smile widely and bow to her. I don’t know what

happened to her, she never forgives someone this easily.I usually get scolded for 15 minutes

straight without her even breathing.Literally, she’ll pass the good kisser test and that also on
first position.

Finally, after 5 hours of working, I am free. As it’s Saturday today, I had to work from

8am to 1pm.

Lili didn’t come to work today. She said she has important work to do and that she is

busy, so she took a leave. Hope, she’s doing fine? To be quite honest, Lili gives me vibes that

she’s a spy or is a mafia. Because all her stories have a link to them.Oh my god, that just gave

me chills.
By the way, I won’t go home early today because last night I don’t think mom was

happy because she beat me a lot. She didn’t stop until her arms got tired. I am now literally

piqued by her.

I want to turn 18, so that I can run away. Why am I only 14, this isn’t the right time to

run away. I hear a sound of a stick breaking, as if someone stepped on it. I look around me

but there’s no one instead of me. I just started walking; I always like someone watching or

following me.

And by the word following, as I was saying Lili gives me Mafia vibes because she

always observes the way I talk about particular things. She hasn’t even given me her phone

number and address. Well, why would she give me her phone number? I don't even have a

phone but at least she should have given me her address.

Now shut up my brain, I need to relax. I sit on the bench and look around. And start

singing Lily always says that I my voice is the best. It helps the demons in her head go away.

“Oh, she don't see, the light that's shining

Deeper than the eyes can find it

Maybe we have made her blind

So she tries to cover up her pain

And cut her woes away

Cause covergirls don't cry

But there's a hope that's waiting for you in the dark

You should know you're beautiful just the way you are

And you don't have to change a thing

The world could change its heart

No scars to your beautiful

We're stars and we're beautiful “

Even the song is depressing. I am a covergirl. I always cover up my pain and say thta

everuthing is alright. But this line is such an emotional damage to me THERES A HOPE

THAT’S WAITING FOR YOU IN THE DARK. I seriously believe that in our darkest times

hope is wating for us. So that we can reach out to it for help.

Good Gracious what am I even thinking. I am here to relax and I won’t let my thoughts

ruin it.I am in the park right now and there are big trees, progress being made in thoughts,

with very prepossessing pink flowers. There's a path in between, where there are benches. I

look behind me and see a big tree. This tree is giving me peace. I pick a rock and engrave the

letter “R” into the tree. I slightly smile. I sit back on the bench and that’s when I hear the

sound of teen girls talking.

“Look at these shoes, they are from Adidas.My mom bought them for me. Aren’t they

beautiful? "The first girl spoke.

“They are Fabolous. The other day when you gave me a dare to get angry at mom. I

seriously couldn’t believe what my mother did. She literally bought me half of the Gucci

shop. That's not how much she loves me. She says that these actions are just a way to prove

my love for you and please don’t be angry with me. I would never think of losing you.
"Second girl says while smiling.

My hearts aching

“Yeah, that's what every mother does. Their actions are just enough to tell us how much

they love us. Look at my shirt. “Mommy loves her little princess.”She bought this specially

for me yesterday because it was my birthday. Third girl speaks.

Many more girls speak but I don’t want to listen to them because they are indirectly

hurting me with their words. Tears start to fall out of my eyes. I harshly wipe them and start

I want to go far away, where there will be no one but only me. See the pain always

reaches out to me.


No one can believe that one day can change your entire life

1 week has passed since that event happened. And I don’t even feel like talking to

anyone. Lili has been asking me, what’s the problem but I just don’t feel like telling her.

It’s Tuesday today, And I am walking back home through a dark alley. It looks as if it’s

abandoned. There are high, dark grey buildings but they are all broken and there’s only one

street lamp, which is also glowing dimly.

I don’t know what exactly I am feeling but I need to keep on moving for the story to

begin and end. I stop as I hear footsteps behind me. I slowly take my bag off and take a knife

out of it and leisurely turn around. Although my heart is thrashing against my ribs,I face the

people standing there. They were dressed in all black. They were wearing black shirts with a

golden crown drawn on it and leather jeans with it. They are wearing black sneakers and
black masks with a golden crown. They point their guns towards me.

I notice that they have a string on their right thigh, which has the police telephone,

which they use for conversation.What do we call it? They are all wearing the same outfits,

with a crown on it. They are all covering their faces, this means that they might not be


Wait, what, no never. This can’t happen. It can’t be the Kings. Lili told me stories about

them and I saw them. I gasp and cover my wide open mouth with my both hands and my eyes

hot open in shock. Am I literally going to fight the biggest mafia group in the world? They

are the world's no#1 dreaded mafia group and my biggest fear after what happened.
I try to remain calm but literally who would be calm when they are encountered by the

world's biggest mafia group but I knew they would come here. I hear a shadow coming

forward. I try to move but I can't because my legs are not moving. He stands with a safe

distance between us.

As the light falls on his face. I see that he has doe shaped eyes and his eyeball is of

brown colour. We make eye contact but I just break it after 1 minute. I can't stand his intense

staring. He looks a lot younger. He speaks in a deep, calm voice

“We come in peace; we don’t want to harm you. So please silently come with us.”

What the hell is he talking about? Seriously, should I believe him when he says that we

come in peace. This is it. I shout at him.

“Do you call this peace, when the world's biggest and most feared mafia groups men

come to you and most of all come to a 16-year-old girl, in the middle of an abandoned street,

where there is only one light, which is also dim. And then they say, “we come in peace.””I fly

my hands in the air. “And the next moment, they are saying come with us. Now tell me, who

is this idiot to believe in a stranger, especially members of a gang. I won’t come with you.

Although I suck at fighting but still, I won’t come with you.” I shake my head multiple times.

And point my knife at everyone standing in front.

“You all go and sit in the car and you 3 go and guard that side. Send a signal, if

something happens.” They all follow his orders. He looks towards me and I just gulp by

seeing him. “You will be a great leader but for now come with us.” The boy speaks.

“Why do they want me? Where are you guys going to take me? I’m telling you I sulk at

everything. "I threw the knife on the floor.

“My mom always told me I’m useless but how come I come in the eyes of the biggest

mafia. I'm coming with you

guys because even if I die, no one will be waiting for me here.

Even if I die, No one will be crying for me.” This is enough for me that I fall on the

ground and start crying. The boy walks towards me and engulfs me in his warm arms. His

scent is so addictive. I don’t know why but I am feeling safe in his arms. I slowly wrap my

arms around his small waist. After 5 minutes I pull back and mutter loud enough for him to

hear “Thank you.” He gives me his hand. His skin is milky white and he has long and

attractive fingers. He leaves my hand as soon as I get up. I pout because I want to hold his

hand for a longer time.

He starts moving ahead and I start following him like a lost puppy. He sits inside a black

van. I shockingly look at the van, it’s also in black. My favourite colour. Wow. I am going to

go to hell while driving in my favourite colour van. I grab a handle and get in.

As I step in the door behind me automatically gets closed and they start the car

suddenly. Due to the sudden motion, I fell on the same boy’s lap. They should have at least

waited for me to sit. I try to get up but he pushes me back on his lap and slides his hand

behind my waist .It’s quite dark in here that’s why I can’t see his eyes which I don’t know

from when but hold a whole new world inside them. He speaks in my ears “Sleep,we have to

travel a long distance. "I whisper in his ears.

“Who else is here in this van?”

“No one.”

What no one. Why do I have to worry about that.I put my head on his shoulder and drift

into dreamland.

I slowly open my eyelids and find myself in someone’s arms. I was about to get up but

that man’s addictive scent hits my nose and then I realise where I am.This man is soul

recking. I slowly speak in his ears, still keeping my head on his shoulder.

“For how long have I been asleep?” He speaks in a low, yet deep voice. Don’t get me

strarted on his voice. I want to hear him get mad. I am hundered percent sure that he will look

even more beautiful than Lucifer. Well , he has lready surpassed Lucifer.

“1 hour. " I slowly pick my head from his shoulder and take my hand away from his


I slowly touch his face. I know he’s looking at me but he doesn’t remove my hands. I

touch his eyes gently, then his nose and I reach to his lips when I touch them, I get stunned.

His lips are so soft. Slowly my hand slides down to his jawline and from there I bring my

hand from his neck to his heart. His heart is beating so fastly. Hearts a persons most secure
place. And you should never let anyone touch it. I place my head on his chest and listen to his

heart beat. It feels as if I’m listening to music. I whisper in his ears with desire in my voice,

“What are you doing to me?”

“What do you mean?” he asks. My poor heart can’t get enough of his voice. Oh


“Place your hand on my heart.”He puts his hand on my heart. My heart is throbbing

against my chest.

“You know, not going to lie but after what my mother has been doing. I thought that’s

what everyone lives for. I warned my heart never to beat anyone or else they’ll use you and

after that leave you alone to be a crying mess. But now my heart has betrayed me. I think I
have fallen for you. I didn’t see your full face but I am in love with those almond shaped eyes

which I saw in the dim light and I didn’t fail to notice that they hold a whole universe inside

them.And these arms in which I somehow feel safe and get warmth, which not even my best

friend Lili has given me.And most of all I love this deep voice of yours which drives me

insane. I know I am going to be used or killed or tortured but that’s what I have always been.

I just confessed earlier because you are the first person I fell in love with and who knows

whether I’m going to live…”

My words get cut off, when I feel a soft pair of lips against mine. I didn’t expect him to

kiss me. I kiss him back with affection. After 2 minutes he breaks the kiss. I hug him and he

pulls me closer towards him. I slowly drift away into dreamland after hearing his heartbeat. A

calm music to my cracked heart.

After I don’t know ages, I wake up and find myself in an unfamiliar room. I am sleeping

on a dark grey couch. And there’s a glass round table In Front of me, which has magazines. I

look to my right and find glass walls. I was amazed by the view. It looks like I’m on the top

floor. I can see the whole of Atlanta from here. I was going to get mesmerised by the beauty

that’s when I shake my head and look at the other side. There's an office table and a chair

which has wheels. On the table there’s a laptop, it's in black colour. I think whoever's office

has a good taste. Wait, this laptop has a half-eaten apple drawn on it. What the hell, am I
dreaming that I am again seeing this brand. Lili has an iPhone.

She told me this is the sign of the world's biggest brand. When I am going to grow up,

then I’ll buy the same. I can’t even describe an office properly. I think I am sick.

What are you even thinking? Rose’s brain, you are going to die. I sigh, cross my arms

and look out of the glass wall. The door opens behind me and closes. I tightly close my eyes,

maybe they are here to take me away.

“Drink this juice.”

Wait, it's Angel. I turn around to say something but my mouth remains open.
He literally looks like a Greek god. And I was right he is the most handsome man in the

planet, no universe and in heaven. Lucifer is of no match. I know that, if the biggest mafia

group doesn’t kill me this boy is going to for sure kill me by his looks. He has black hair. He

has double eyelids and the shape of his eyes is exactly like an almond. The colour of his

eyeball is brown. He has a sharp nose and he has a mole on his nose. His lips are in heart

shape and they are plump. He's so fit.

“Are you done admiring me?” He asks. I close my mouth and shyly look down.

He puts one glass on the office desk and walks towards me, Why the hell is my face

burning. He lifts my face with his index finger. And he makes eye contact with me and puts

the juice in my hand. He removes a strand of hair from my face and speaks in his deep, sexy


“You are beautiful, these beautiful eyes which have double eyelids. This small nose.”His

hand also moves to the features he’s talking about. “Then these cheeks, which are looking

really adorable with the pink tint on them.”I blush more, after hearing his words. “And then

these lips which are really tasty.”I wide my eyes and look at him but when I see him looking

at me with his dark aura as he licks his lips, I shyly look down again.

“They’ll be here to take you in 2 hours and don’t be scared. They'll never hurt you.” I
again look up at him with an astounded expression. He smiles at me.

“Sit on the couch. "I quietly sit on it.

My heart beats really fast as if it’s going to come out any minute. It knows something

big is going to happen.


I was sitting, lying and most of all waiting. Angel has been working on his laptop since


“What’s the time Angel? "He looks up from his work and looks around his office. When

he finds no one, he looks at me with a bewildered expression.

“Whom are you talking to?”

“You". He looks at me with a muddled expression. He points his finger at himself after

looking at his back.

“Oh my god, how can the biggest mafia appoint such an idiot person for his work.”He

widens his eyes at me.

“What are you talking about? I'm the most intelligent one in the group. And why are you

calling me angel?”He asks with curiosity.

“To be honest you look like a Greek god but you descended from heaven and hell” He

again points his finger at himself.

“I descended from heaven and hell, wow! But how did you know that I descended from

heaven and hell? "He looks at me with an astounded expression.

“Let me answer that. God was making you a devil at first, thats why you are really

handsome, hot and sexy and heaven , Lili told me Angels give us hope, they brighten our

mood and make them fall in love with everything. I don’t think about everything but you

surely made me fall hard for you. And you have superpowers.”

“Superpowers? "He questions.

“Yes, you summon butterflies in my heart and stomach with your touch and voice. And

when you speak or come near me, I feel really intense heat around me.” He tells me to come

to him. I get up and slowly walk towards him. I go and stand near his chair. He pulls me by

my arm and I fall on his lap. He removes a strand of hair from my face and gently tucks it

behind my ear and speaks in a serious voice.

“Your feelings towards me are authentic because in my life I have always been broken,

after my father got to know my mom was only behind him for money and that before

marriage, she had sold her body just for money, he was really broken and disgraced. I hate

these kinds of women and I promised myself that I would never fall in love with anyone but

you are making me fall harder for you, every minute please tell me are your feelings real

towards me?”Tears slid down my eyes.

“I am heartbroken, not hearing that you are doubting my love because I know in which

position I confessed my love for you. I am sad hearing that you and I are on the same page.

My mother also sold her body for money and always used to make me work hard and call me

useless. You suffered a lot and it’s natural for you to doubt me. I was the same as you. I also

hated men who took advantage of the women's situation. Who only loves your body but not

your true self. And more than those men I hate my mother, she made my life hell, since the

day I was born she used me only as a source of money. And about the question you asked. I
really love you. I told my heart and brain to never fall for someone they might be behind you

for money or use your body but my heart and brain both betrayed me. And to be honest, I was

going to ask you the same question. Are your feelings towards me real?”He caresses my face

and wipes the tears from my face.

“I really love you, Rose.” We both smile.He quickly leans in and gives a quick peck on

my lips. I gasp at his sudden action and I feel heat on my cheeks. That's why I hide my face

in the crook of his neck. My safe place.

“Is my love shy?”Love, I am again feeling butterflies in my heart. I nod my head and

ask him
“You wouldn’t leave me, right?”

“Of Course, I would. "I look at him appalled.

“Of Course, I would leave you when you go to your house or change your clothes or

when you are going to the washroom.”I hit him with my fist and again put my head on his


“You scared me, answer the question.”I look up at him and find him staring at me.

“I’ll never leave you.”I can feel the sincerity behind his every word.

“Rose.” I hum in reply.

“Can you please not discuss this with anyone because we never know our enemies, they

can use it against us. And I don’t want your career to get ruined.”

“I don’t know anything about my career but if this helps you then I agree.”

“Angel ,ask me if I have ever be in love before and do I wish to be involved in this love


I wait for him to answer but before he could we hear a knock on the door, I quickly get off

Angel's lap and Angel arranges himself and speaks in his dark aura.

“Come in.” Suddenly the door opens revealing ……….


“L.l.Lili''. I quickly went and hugged her tightly. She backs away from the hug and looks

at me from head to toe.

“You are fine?” I nod as tears fall down my eyes. She again hugs me as tears fall from

her eyes. She looks behind me and looks at Angel. She runs towards him and they hug each

other tightly. I don’t know why but due to their closeness I am jealous. They back away from

the hug and Lili thanks Angel for bringing me safely here.

I frown as I notice what Lili’s wearing. Her light brown hair is tucked up in a high

ponytail and her bangs are fixed on their place. On her big almond eyes, she has applied liner

as usual. Her small nose and those pouty lips with the peach lipstick. Then she’s wearing a

black shirt with a leather jacket and black leather jeans and black boots. And she has a gun in

her pocket.

I look at them. Angel holds Lili by her waist and asks her.

“Now my bestie, tell me how did your mission go?” Lili smiles widely and says

“It was the best one.” Lili lied to me. I feel my heart will burst out.

“So, you really worked for the mafia." I say as tears start to fall out of my eyes. Lili

comes towards me and holds my hands.

“I know you are heartbroken that I hid everything from you but you just got to know a

little about me when you fully get to know I know you will hate me a lot. That's why promise

me that after you get to know more things about me you won’t hate me because this was all

for your safety.You mean a lot to me and even if I have to lose my dignity for you”Tears fell

out of Lili’s eyes and I quickly hugged her.

“I promise I won’t get angry at you after knowing everything.”

She backs away from the hug and kisses my hands.

“When is uncle going to arrive?”Angel asks Lili leaves my hand and takes her phone out

of her pocket.

“I’ll call dad. "Lili turns the speaker on and after a few minutes of ringing whoever they

are talking about attends the call.

“Yes, princess, what happened?”

“Just wanted to ask you when you are going to arrive at Alan's office.”

“I’m just coming, now princess tell me how did the mission go?”

“You know the mission went great and I got all the information.”She says while

beaming with happiness.

“Umm, princess.”

“Yes King ''.

“Are you umm b…bears of..fice?”Lili and Alan start laughing loudly. “You both

stop laughing or else I will make you guys do such a hard mission, that you both will never

laugh again.”

“I never really wanted to laugh but the biggest mafia in the world is stuttering and I am

at Alan’s office and Rose is here.”

So, they are talking to the biggest mafia in the world. And that mafia is really close to

them that’s why he’s laughing with them. And why was the mafia stuttering while asking for

me. “Is she really here? I am coming in 5 minutes. I'm just outside Bear's office.” The mafia

speaks in a cute voice.

“We are waiting for you.” Lili cuts the call. They both smile. With this call I got to

know many things.

First, Angel's real name is Alan but I’m still going to call him angel. Who cares, I mean

he is the king of heaven and hell. Second, the mafia is really close to Angel and he is Lili’s

father. Third, the mafia is really a childish person.

Lili told me that the mafia never smiles but that he was sounding like a child on the


But due to doing these things many questions are building up in my mind but most of all

why was the mafia excited to meet me? Why am I getting the vibes that I have seen him

before? I place my hand on my heart and it's crashing against my lungs fastly. It’s beating the

same as it did when dad came in my dream last night.Is it something related to my dad.

No, no it can’t be, he's dead. Why are you saying that he is dead now when you have

believed your whole life that he is alive. My brain is going nuts. Lili holds my hand and

makes me sit on the sofa beside her. I place my head on her lap and close my eyes. Angel

goes back to doing his work. After 15 minutes. The door opens revealing……..

“D..da..d.” I stutter as I see the person standing in front of me. The person whom I

thought I would never ever see in my whole life was standing in front of me. He is standing

in front of me. I had always known he was alive.

I had imagined when I would meet him, I would hug him and we would talk about

many things. But now my legs are not even moving. They have never been this weak. They

still walked home even though they knew how much pain mom would give. They still went

to the Titto Mito store even though they knew what kind of a person was the boss but why

aren’t they moving now. Most of all he’s a mafia. Tears start falling out of my eyes. Dad

slowly walks towards me and hugs me. I quickly wrap my hands around him. After 3

minutes, he says “My daughter, I am sorry. "I harshly pull back and tuck my hairs behind my


“What do you want from me?'' I speak in my cold voice. Lili and Angel widened their
eyes at me, this is the first time both of them saw me talking like this with someone. But who

cares. When I was suffering my whole life. Where was he ? When I was dieing, where was he

? Am I some decoration peice that anyone can get when they want and throw away when they

find it useless.

“Just listen to me first.'' He holds my hands but I just yank them away. He was alive but

he left me when I needed him the most. He left me to suffer in the pain. But I should listen to

him first.Maybe he had his own reasons.

“I’m listening to you because I think you have your own reasons for leaving me.'”He

smiles widely and tells me to sit down. Lili, Angel, and dad sit in front of me.

“Now speak, who’ll go first?”

“I’ll go first.” Dad raises his hand. “And then princess you’ll go and then bear you’ll

go.'' I raise my eyebrows; they all look at me and gulp.

“My name is Bill David. I had one mother and one father.'' I facepalm my face. “Did I

say something wrong?”

“Mr. David, tell me how many mothers you want to have?” He points his fingers at

himself and looks at the Angel and Lili for help as they are trying to suppress their laughter.

He pouts and looks back at me. I glare at him so he quickly looks down and continues

“I only wanted one mother and she also left me alone in this world when I was 5 years

old, she was killed by dad’s enemies and I lost my mother who was really a close person to

me, and my dad was killed by his enemies when I was 17 years old. I inherited his kingdom

and vowed to take their revenge but I never could. I really loved the name Kings that’s why I

named the kingdom the kings. I was on a mission when I saw your mother for the first time. I

fell in love with her. It was love at first sight.”

I look at Angel and find him staring at me. Our love was also love at first sight. Angel

nods his head,he understands what I am telling. I smile at him and look away.

“We got married but after a few months of our marriage one of my closest friends met

with your mother. And he noticed her and told me that she always chases people for money.
He even gave me evidence. Although he has lied to me many times before, this time, I knew

he wasn’t lying because I also started to doubt your mother.”

“What was your friend's name? "I cut in between.

“Does it really matter; we are not really friends anymore.” “Just answer the question

because everything matters.”My dad looks at me proudly. “His name was Bud Evans.”I nod

and motion him to continue with his own story.

“I was going to divorce your mother but she told me she was pregnant with my child but

I didn’t believe in her. I ignored her and still signed the papers. She cried in front of me,

begged in front of me but I didn’t listen to her and threw her out of the house. But after a few

years I got to know she was really pregnant. I went to bring you but I saw you were a bright
child, even though you were only 3 years old. You were laughing and playing. I thought

because of my work I wouldn’t be able to give you enough time and you are happy with your

mom so I left you.”

He stops speaking. I know he stopped because he would cry if he spoke further. I look at

Lili and motion her to speak.

“Rose, my original name is not Lili, it's Laila.”

That hurts.You were right. I thought I knew what kind of a person you were but I don’t

even know your full name.

“I was an orphan, I used to roam around the streets. I was 6 years old when I was

roaming around and my tummy was growling like a bear. Dad was passing by like a lifeless

soul. So, I stopped him and made him sit on the footpath, it was the same footpath where we

first met. To be honest, I was intelligent and had seen many faces of people so I knew when

or where, why or what someone is thinking or feeling. So, I asked him what the problem was,

and he shared it with me. And then he had cried in my embrace but the embarrassing part was

that he heard my tummy growling. So,he took me home with him and fed me. Since then, I

have lived with him. But then one day, he told me to spy on you.”

So, you were there to spy on me. I have to listen to you and forgive you because I made
a promise to you. A promise is a promise.

“We got really close to each other, but I got to know that you are really good at hiding

your feelings. And whatever you are feeling you don’t tell anyone.”

“Wait, she doesn’t tell anyone about what she is feeling at the moment but why to me

suddenly.” Angel speaks. I glare at him.

“You stupid head, don’t you listen to me. I told you my feelings because I thought that

incase, I die after that this one thing should be known to you.” Angel gives me “Are you

serious” look, so I just roll my eyes and look at Lili or can I say Lisa.
“What are you guys talking about? "I shake my head indicating there’s nothing so she

continues from where she left.

“I always used to follow you and always used to see you crying. And the way you were

always hesitant to go home, no matter how tired you are with work. And the way you used to

flinch when you used to hear loud voices etc. After the change in your behaviour after a few

days. I told your dad. He got extremely worried and Alan will continue. "I look at Angel.

“My name’s Alan. I am 17 years old. My mother left me when I was 9 years old because

my parents divorced and the reason is what I told you before (a tear makes its way down

Angel's cheeks.) My dad and uncle were really good friends. So, we were really close with

them. I was also getting trained by your father for the job. When I was 16 my father passed

away and all the responsibility of handling the company was on my shoulders and with the

help of my uncle, I could do that. Then uncle came to me and told me to follow you and

notice the paths you normally take because Laila couldn’t do that, she was on a mission, so I

followed you and noticed that you always took the longest route to your house because you

didn’t want to go home early. Then I trapped you but the shouting you gave us was

brilliant.”I look at him and sassily flip my hairs.

“Roseanna is good at everything and if you want to give a lesson to anyone just call the,
brilliant one. "I wink at him.

“By The way, why did you bring me here? "I look at them and they all are nudging one

another to speak. So, it looks like dad will speak

“So what Lisa’s idea was (he looks at Laila who gives him a death glare) I mean it was

Alan’s idea (he looks at Alan who also gives him a death glare too.)Fine, it was my idea.”He

says with a pout. “As you are my daughter, you will be the next heir to the throne of the

kings. So, I was thinking that we should start training you.”

“Are you fucking kidding me?” They all flinch by the sudden loud shriek.

“Are you in or are you out?” Dad asks me while being confused. I smile widely and

“This is the most fabulous thing I have ever heard in 16 years. I am in. You think so

generously dad.” Dad looks at me with heart eyes . I guess because I called him dad.

“I know because I am always the best.” he flips his imaginary hair sassily.

It’s been 2 days since I met with dad. It's 6 am right now. Today I had to wake up at 5am

so that I could take a bath and get dressed. I am finally ready. Lisa dyed my hair silver,

saying that it suited me. I tied them up in a high ponytail. And I am wearing a black plain full

sleeves shirt. And I have tucked it in my black leather tights which are extra stretchable. I can

easily do jumps and kicks in it. Well, Rose the athlete coming up. I wear shiny black leather

boots. Which are super comfortable. Lisa told me to do makeup. So, I applied baby cream

and sunblock with liner and mascara. I apply a light baby pink shade of lip balm and match it

all up with a leather jacket.

I slap my cheeks because I am really excited, it's my first day of training.

“hustle life I gotta make it fire baby”. Oh shit, I am getting late. I go downstairs and sit

on the dining table.

Dad and Lili are already sitting there. The maids come and serve the food. I eat right
away because I know by just looking at Lili and dad how they are going to train me. I don’t

want to die. Dad and Lili know what I was thinking so they smile and eat their own food.

After 2 hours we reached our destination. We are in a black room. It’s underground and

there is only 1 light at the corner. It’s creepy, this place reminds me of the street from where

they kidnapped me and brought me here.

Once, I used to be a girl who always used to be neglected, never had money.Now she

lives with the people who love her unconditionally and lives in a big mansion with no

problem of having money.

But as I have entered this life, I think there’s a great burden on me. I’ll become the next

mafia. And once I become the mafia, I’ll take my revenge from my mom and when I met
with dad, he told me that some enemies killed my grandparents but he could not catch them.

I'll take revenge from them and I will banish evil from the world.

“Rose, Rose, where are you lost?” Lisa calls out. I come out of my thoughts and smile at

Lisa and go to her.

“What are we going to learn first?” I ask, being all excited but deep down I know I am

going to lose many things and I am scared I am starting a new life.

Is this fear? But why is it taking over me? Rose, Calm down. “So rose, first we will

understand the original meaning of a few words.” Meanings, I hate meanings. I sit on the

chair and look at dad who smiles at me.

So, when we are out there in the original world. People don’t know the original meaning

of words. And some words you need to know are really important for you because they will

help you face the real world with justice and motivation.

When we hear the word, Justice. Justice is truth in action. Justice is present when

collectively we see each other as persons, who are truly human, uniquely created and worthy

of attention, affection and affirmation. Justice does not mean being neutral in right and wrong

but in finding the right and upholding it wherever found against the wrong. If we do not

maintain justice, justice will never maintain us. This is what justice really is.

Our next word is fear, fear is something more than an obstacle that stands in the way of

progress. In overcoming our fears, we can move forward, stronger and wiser within

ourselves. Fear has 2 abbreviations.

First one is:


And the second one is:


“Our third word is Death. Death is not the greatest loss in life. The greatest loss in life is

our true self that dies inside us while we live.” His right mom was the same, all her doors of
humanity closed just and only for money. “We all die, the goal isn’t to live forever, the goal

is to leave something good from which people will remember us.”

The abbreviation of death for good-hearted people is:


And for bad people it is:


“Do You understand?” I nod my head, dad’s right. All his words are coming to mind.

“Our last word is MAFIA. Once you are in, there's no getting out." Dad's right I have

taken an enormous step and once I am in, I can’t get out but I have to do this for my

grandparents, my dad, and for the innocent people.

“Knowledge will give you power but character will give you respect. Let no one know

what’s on your mind. Let no one waste your time twice. Be aware of the calmest person in

the room. Your greatest weakness will be impatience and your greatest mistake will be


I am really affected by the words dad has said. I can relate it all to mom. “You can have

a break of 5 minutes.” Only 5 minutes.

“Dad, why only 5 minutes." I ask him.

“Rose, today you will have to listen to another speech and then you’ll learn how to

protect yourself while using your hands and legs. You have to learn this all today and we

won’t be able to go home until you learn it. Me and Lili slept early and peacefully yesterday

because we knew you had training today.”

“Yeah, dad's right it’s your fault we told you about 1000 times last night to sleep but you

just wanted to finish your new Korean series, what was the name of the drama you started?”

“Eternal Monarch" dad tells her.

“Lee min ho’s drama. She's madly in love with him.”

“Dad, just look at his personality. He looks so cool and hot while riding his horse and

going to save his.”

“Is he really that handsome?" I hear Angel's voice from behind me. I quickly run and

hug him tightly.

“Not more than you." I whisper in his ears. As we pull back, I remember I am angry at


“Angel, can't you see something." I say as I look away trying to look as if I’m really


“I can see everything. I can see you, dad and Lili in this room and there is someone else

in this room too.” I look behind and Infront of me but I find no one. Out of curiosity I asked

him “Who else is here?”

“Anger, do you want to know where?” Is that the name of something?


“On your nose.” On my nose. I widen my eyes as I realise what he is talking about.

“You stupid...” dad cuts in between. Why does everyone keep cutting me in between?

“We don’t curse our friends; we only curse our enemies. We should add this into your
Usb.” Usb?

“Daddy, I don’t have a…”

“If you are going to say that you don’t have an usb then don’t,” Lili requests.


“Actually, dad meant to keep it in your mind. "How come Lili knows about it and I


“Now, learn to drive.”

“I have to take a break now. I don’t think I have a brain now.” I am so exhausted they

have been rambling about the rules and techniques of fighting. And I can’t even feel my feet.

They are gone numb and I know they are going to sleep. Is it too late to quit ? I mean Lili is

also dad's daughter and can take over the job. But what if she feels uncomfortable about it?


“Now we are going to……”

“Stop, I am telling you I won’t get up from here now.” I sat on to the cold cocrete floor.

“But you have to learn fighting and you are going to have a mission next week. This is

so much important for you. We don’t have that much time till you take over the throne and

become the next mafia queen.” Alan roars out.

“Why are you shouting at me? I told you guys I am trying and I have been practising for

so long.” I shout back at him. Am I some kind of robot, that they think will learn veryhting in

one day.

“You know anything can happen during the mission. And I cannot dare to lose you.
Please if you even love yourself a tiny bit then pracctis. Atleast learn the basics.”

I sigh loudly. It is much harder than I thought it would be. “You all are making me feel

miserable. I am for once going to have a frech leave. Tehn be worried. “ I say with my

trembling lips.

“This is literally Belling the cat.”


“Wow, this basement is so crepy.” I say. The basement was so spacious, it had the

accommodation of fitting thousand elephants and 2000 hippopotamus and the whole of

Africa. There are five shooting targets at the very corner of the room. Then next to it are

dummies and there are red spots in their bodies. One is on their heart. The second on is on

their liver. Then the third one is on the private part. The fourth one is in the middle of thier

forehead. Last one was on the hand,

“Why the hand?” I look back at them confused. All the other places can instantly kill the

man but the hand cannot.

“Oh, its disarming the man. If he has a gun in his hand. And he may shoot you.” Lili

answers in a drained voice. As if she’s exhausted and that's when I realised she has been gone

for so long.

“Where were you?” I ask her but her expression changes into panic when dad also looks

at her with furrowed eyebrows. She takes a quick glance at Angel. He gives her a calm nod.

And she turns to me with a teasing smile.

“Missing me.” She says.

“Not at all.” I don’t think asking her where she was is a good idea, it might be something

important if dad also doesn’t know.

“Shall we start?” They nod their heads.

“Who’s teaching me?” I ask as none of them mentioned it.

“It’s me Benjamin the great and powerful, haha.” He ends with the weird witch cackle.

All of us look at him with the weird expression. Boy, this man is really =eerie, you know the

eerie with strange. I mean by looking at his health does it even look like he knows how to

fight. He is so SKINNY.
“Okay, now serious. I am very sincere and strict when it’s about teaching fighting

because I am Benjamin the great. I would have knocked down your dad's guards when they

were dragging me here. If I hadn’t known better. I mean who blind folds someone, just to

bring them to an ordinary basement. I figured out something was fishy. Miss Roseanna.”

“Yes, it also seems like that.” I say with an awkward grin, trying hard to be polite.

“Okay, so for fighting start is the most important thing. There are many ways of fighting

but today I will teach you the position and how to punch someone without getting hurt.” I nod

like an obedient child I am.

“So, first, we have STANCE, it is your pose. A pose in which you are comfortable. That

determines your dominant side and non dominant side. If you use your left hand, then your

right leg will be forward and if you are right-handed, then your left foot will be forward. Now

as my dominant hand is right, My left leg will be forward. Your legs should be open to the

width of your shoulders.”

He adjusts my posture. I listen attentively to him like an obedient student.

“No, don’t open your legs too much because that will make you a lot stiffer and you

won’t be able to move easily. And do not close your legs too much that will make you an

easy target and you will get easily.”

He opens my legs to the width of my shoulders. So that's what till the width of shoulders


“Be on your toes all the time. Jump like a rabbit from the front to the back and vice


I sing better than him. I groan when the pain bursts into my ankles while jumping. My

legs are going to burst. Oh god, please help me. This definately isn’t a “ childs play.”

After a torture of another 2 hours, I finally get hold of the fighting and “not a childs

play”. “Lets go and learn shooting.” Lili exclaims excitedly. I stare at her dumfoundly. Yeah,
great after a very long day. I fall tiredly on my bed. I learnt how to shoot. Its so fun, it makes

me feel so superior and it makes me feel as if I have a sense of authority.



I wake up as the alarm on my side table starts its horrible tune. I rub my eyes and look.

Oh my god, it's 12am and I have to get ready. It's my first mission today. Finally, the day is

here. All that training broke my skull. I quickly jump off the bed and run into the washroom.

Thank God, I took a bath before going to sleep. I splash water on my face. I take the

dress out of my closet which Lili prepared for me. It’s a full black jumpsuit. I wear a plain

golden locket which has the words I;V written on it.

Me and Lili went shopping yesterday so there was this one jeweller who said

“Tell me any name and I will make a locket with that name on." He made it in 5
minutes. It impressed me.

I tie my silver hair in a high ponytail. There's a belt in the middle of the jumpsuit which

has a gun and a communication device. And I'm wearing plain black boots beneath. This is a

perfect costume for mafias. I also applied BB cream, liner, mascara and a pinkish, peach


And now the Mafia queen is ready to go on her first mission. Today’s my first ever

mission. I am so excited but scared too. We are going after someone who has taken a lot of

money and hasn’t returned yet. I jump on my bed and kick my legs up and down in

excitement. I need to calm myself down. WOW, my first mission. I am also going to use my
gun. Okay, serious mode. I try to surpress my smile as I walk down the stairs and find 3 faces

looking at me.

“I was just coming to call you, then I must go in my room and pack a few things.” with

that dad left.

“You are looking so pretty, Rose.” Lili compliments me. She is looking even more

gorgeous. She’s wearing a red jumpsuit with a belt in the middle. It also has a place where

she has kept her gun and her communication device and a few bullets. She also tied her hair

up in a high ponytail. Her red lipstick and her bangs. Oh good, she's going to kill me with her


“Oh, you don’t have any bullets, wait here I am going to bring some.” She exits. I face

Angel, who’s looking at me. He slowly comes towards me and holds me by my waist. He

caresses my cheek with the other hand.

“You don’t even know how much I missed you. But I had to go to Newyork for my

business trips.”

“I also missed you." We both leaned in to kiss, our lips were inches away when I heard

Lili’s voice. I quickly pushed Angel away. And look at the direction from where I heard

Lili’s voice.

“Are 10 bullets fine.” She's busy looking at the box filled with bullets.

“I don’t care. "I look back at Angel whos’ pouting like a baby. I quickly go to him and

give a quick peck on his lips.

After 5 minutes, we were ready to go out. We are going in a van which has 2 seats in

front and then there’s a wall kind of thing in between which separates it from the driver’s seat

and the back seat. Dad and Lili sat in the front seat and I sat with Angel in the back.

As I was about to sit, he pulled me by my hand and I fell on his lap.

“I missed you so much." He speaks in his sexy voice, which sends shivers down my

spine. I pull him by his collar and whisper.

“But don’t you know you should decorate your baby girl with your love." He attacks on

my lips like a tiger without even giving a single thought. He bites my lower lip; I moan

slightly as he takes it as a chance to slide his tongue inside my mouth and explore every part

and he pulls back and joins our foreheads together. Slowly he joins our lips together and we

share a passionate kiss. We backed away after 5 minutes due to lack of oxygen. I guess all the

training affected my breathing. He kisses my forehead and murmurs

“I love you.”

“I love you too." I place my head on his shoulder and close my eyes, while listening to

his musical heartbeat. After 1 hour, we reached our destination. I looked at the place, it's

really creepy but I am in love with creepy places. We slowly go inside after taking our guns

out. Voices really echo in this building. Even the steps we take echo. But if these little voices

are echoing then why not the voices of the people.

I turned back, and what I saw shocked me. I see a gun being pointed at dad's head. I

follow the line and see some other person hiding behind a half-broken pillar is a person, he's

aiming the gun at dad. Dad's looking at the other side, completely unaware of the fact that the

man was going to kill dad. I quickly shout

“Dad looks behind you.” Angel, Lili and dad move around to look at what I was
shouting at. As soon as dad turns around the man pulls his trigger and the bullet goes directly

into his forehead in the middle. I am beyond shock. I stay rooted to my place. My legs can't

move at all.

I see dad collapse to the floor as blood fills the area he falls on. Lili and Angel quickly

run towards him. I look back at the area where the person was but there’s no one there. I look

back at dad and with a heavy heart walk towards him. I can’t see him like this. I bent down

and sat on my knees. I hold his hand. Trying to assure him that everything will be fine. But

my heart’s not agreeing.

“I called the ambulance." Angel says, I pass a smile to him. I can also sense the pain

behind his words. I look at dad who looks at me and opens his mouth to speak.

“My daughter, you have to be as tough as nails. Be as quick as lightning. When on

mission, be as silent as a grave. Be as brave as a lion and as cold as ice. When danger arises

or anyone betrays you be as loud as thunder that even their next generations get afraid of

doing the same thing. Your enemies for you are as cheap as dirt. Never ever think that

nothing is as good as gold. When a hard time arises, never think of yourself as helpless as a
baby because once you know the problem and know how to cope up with it, everything

becomes as easy as ABC. Always keep your mind as sharp as a razor. Always be as regular

as clockwork, then everything will go as smoothly as velvet. Always be as strong as a bull, be

as straight as an arrow, as steady as a rock, be as smart as a fox, as sharp as a needle. Keep

your mind as clear as crystal and be as tough as leather. Be on the correct path, never harm or

kill innocents. “

“Roseanna, I know you my daughter will carry the greatest legend of all time. But do

me a favour and find the victims who killed your grandparents. Make the culprits suffer. You

know I am really sorry, for spending really less time with you. I love you; I love Lisa and I

love you bear. You all were my strengths in my hard time. I know you all will work together.

My daughters and my son. I love you. Bye. Bye.”

With, the last words his head hangs on the other side and his hand drops on the ground.

We all shake him but he doesn’t give any response.

“Dad, wak.. e up." I cry out to him. “I kn… ow y.. ou ar… re listening to me. Where is

the ambulance, we have to take him quickly?”

I look at Angel knowing that he will have the greatest idea. “Let’s go in the car there’s a

nearby hospital. If we get out now, we'll reach there in 10 minutes." Me and Lili quickly back

away, as Angel carries's dad in his arms and runs to the van. Me and Lili sit in the back seat

with dad. Whereas Angel drives the car at the highest speed.

1 hour has passed since we’ve been waiting. Angel has been taking rounds of the

hospital going back and forth. Lili and I are sitting on the waiting area chairs.

After, 10 minutes the doctor comes while hanging his head lower.

“Who is his family?" I knew what Lili and Angel were going to reply so I quickly


“We all are his children." Angel and Lili look at me with a bright smile but their smiles

soon drop as they hear further. I can’t breathe.

“I’m sorry but we couldn’t save him." My legs give away but before I touch the ground.
Angel holds me. I hug Angel tightly, while crying. Lili hugs me from behind and we all cry

while being in each other's arms. I am lucky to have them and wish they will be with me until

the day I die.


I look at myself in the mirror. My silver hairs are straightened.I applied bb cream, A

liner, a mascara, and a baby pink lip balm. And then a black shirt tucked into my leather skirt

which has frills in the end. I am wearing Adidas white sneakers and a small golden watch.

“Rose,come down." It's been 5 minutes since they have been disturbing me and calling

me to come downstairs. With a last look at myself I walk downstairs. “Now let’s go." Lili

exclaims excitedly. She closes my eyes with her palms. Now what is this girl up to. “Lili, can

you please not destroy my liner and mascara? "I say. “Just shut up for now. "I closed my eyes

and let Lili lead my way.

After 2 minutes I asked her again “Lili can I open my eyes. As soon as she lets go, my

eyes fill with happy tears. Angel stands in front of a brand-new Porshe, holding a sign. “My

love Rose, this is a gift from me to you." I run and hug him. He pulls me closer towards

himself. As I pull back.

He asks me “You really wanted a Porsche.”I nod my head trying to control my tears.

When I used to walk across the roads. I used to see these cars and really wanted to have them.
I hug him again while saying thanks to him again and again. “Won’t you ask me for its key.

"I extend my hand and Angel puts a key on it. “Wow, perfect scene. "I look at Lili who’s

making a video of me and Angel. I look at the keys in my hand. “As you have your dream car

now, you will drive us to Houston and I will chill in the backseat. Lili says.

“But I don’t know how to drive a car. "Hey”, both look at me and start laughing. I pout.

“What, did I say something wrong?”

“You might not know this but some people are born with the talent of doing something

and it can clearly be seen in you that you are born with the talent of driving. Now let’s get

going before we get late. And you were brilliant in the practices."
Angel says and leaves. He sits in the passenger seat and I sit in the driving seat. Lili sits

at the back seat spreading her legs all over the space. “To Houston.” Lili screams. “I am

literally going there after so many years." Lili says while putting a lot of pressure on the word


“Angel, how am I going to drive to Houston? I don't even know the location." I look at

him and he doesn't even look unbothered. “Google Maps tells you the location so just listen

to them and follow the directions. "I nod slightly but still confused.

At first, I was a bit scared and feeling scared. But after a bit of warming up. Here I am

driving like a pro. And might be wondering that how can I drive without a licence, well the

mafia is useful in these kind of things.

It’s as if I have been learning to drive for ages. After 2 hours I stopped in front of a

petrol pump just to get some snacks from the tuck shop. “Hey your sleepy head, go and get

something I am hungry.” I say to Lili who has been enjoying the whole ride listening to

music and lying and what about me I was driving the whole time.

“Me but why me?” She whines. “You should follow the orders of your future Mafia

queen. "I say in a dark and deep voice. They both look at me with an amazed expression.

“What are you both looking at, Lili go and get food. I'm hungry. "Lili leaves while pouting
like a baby.

“Angel, I am already tired of driving although this car seat everything’s awesome and

comfortable. But how long do I have to drive? "He looks at me and smiles. “Don’t worry

baby, the total ride is 11 hours and 44 minutes or if we go faster then we'll reach there 25

minutes earlier. So far, we have been driving for 2 hours. We departed at 5 pm.” He’s so into

doing math.I hate maths.

“So approximately we’ll reach at 4 or 5 am tomorrow morning. Then without any

further delay we’ll go to the secret headquarters. All the people and men of the Kings would

reach there at 6 am. And then we’ll have a meeting for about 6 hours.First meeting would

start from 6 am to 8 am . Lili and I are going to explain to you about all the people and their
positions. This was supposed to go into your training session but we didn’t have time for


“So, we’ll do it there. And also, all the major details would be told to you. Right after

the first meeting the second meeting the second meeting will take place and, in that meeting,

you’ll take an oath. Don't know when that’ll end. But usually, it lasts for about 2 hours. After

that you’ll be given free time and in that you’ll have to prepare for the visit to your father’s

grave. Then you’ll go to his grave and then take oath their that’s when you’ll be given your

gun and some important documents would be handed over to you which contains the history

and the whole information of this mafia group and also techniques through which our

enemies can destroy us you have to protect that with your whole life.”

“ This will last for about 3 hours. In the meantime, of all the meetings you’ll have to

think about the name of the group you want and then the designs of the costumes. So that

after returning from your father's grave, we'll hold a meeting in which we’ll discuss the name

of the gang and the costumes. After that we’ll have dinner and then we’ll go to our homes.

But we’ll have to come early in the morning, sharp at 6 am or miss if you are


I look at him with my mouth hanging open. What does he expect from me? “Fine, fine,
that much work but before that there are some questions in my mind?” He nods his head and

says “I will be glad to clear your confusion.”

“First of all, my father’s grave, you said but why were there no proper funeral people

giving blessings?”

“Actually, your great great great, I don’t know how many greats to add but around the

1817’s when your grandpa Richard 3, was ruling he made this a law that it doesn’t suit a

mafia to be given blessings and mourned by people. We should all bury the mafia without

telling anyone that he is dead. And make the other generations swear on their left-over bones

to protect their pride." He answers

“And don’t we have to inherit the name of the group our parents left us for example dad

left me the mafia group known as the kings then isn’t it my job carry this name further and

not change it because if it’s the most feared group people will ask questions that how did it

finish and they wouldn’t even know that the mafia group just changed its name.”

“In the late 1760s this was the question raised by your great grandpa loyal to the 4, he

said the first mafia was given the right to choose the name for the group and then after that no

one had the right to change the name. And how would the community know that a new heir

has taken the throne. So, he implemented the law that once a new heir comes to the throne, he

has to change the name of the group and tell people that he/she has taken place. This law was

finished when loyal the 6 came on throne, he made a new name for his own kingdom after

that he banned this law in the 1780’s but was re-imposed when his son came on the throne.”

“Very interesting, but how do we have to tell the public that a new mafia gang has arisen

and make the public fear us.” “That’s something you have to figure out yourself.” He says

these lines while looking into my eyes.

I know that he wants me to read his eyes which are clearly telling me the answer. I get

the answer so I smile at him and nod my head.

“I am back.”Lili shouts while entering the car. “What took you so long? "I asked her.
“My beauty. "Her beauty.

“What about your beauty?”

“You know people thought I was an idol because of my looks and you know everything

about me is perfect. "I sigh. Lili and her beauty.


The whole ride was silent. I still can’t believe what has happened. I got someone who

wasn’t part of my life for so long and turned it into a god damn girls dream but know he’s

gone. Finally, we reach the mansion. We all hold each other's hand because we have

memories together in this house. Maybe I spent less time with him but we made a lot of

memories together in the past few days. We all look at the mansion.

“You know when I used to get late to the cafe. I always used to inhale and exhale before

going in. That always used to ease my mood. And made me relax a bit. So, let’s try that.” We

inhale and exhale and when our hearts feel a little light, we go in.

“It’s already 5 am, we should go to sleep because we have to do many things in the

morning.” Lili says and leaves to her room. I know she is going to cry but she needs time for

herself too. I look at Angel and speak. “Carry me to my room

because you are sleeping with me.” He without any hesitation picks me up and takes me to

my room. “I really want to sleep but I have to take a bath.”I look at my clothes, which are
covered in blood and then look back at him.

“Won’t you take a bath?” I ask him, as he looks at me while leaning against the door


“I can join you if you want?” he says with a wink. I blush really hard and quickly run

into the washroom. I lock the door behind me. My heart is racing. Oh god. I hear him chuckle

and the sound of a door closing. I take a hot shower but all the thoughts of dad race into my

mind. I can’t help it, at last I lose all my control over my emotions and start crying hard.

After half an hour, I put on my clothes and come out of the washroom. I see Angel,

sitting on the bed with an emotionless face. His eyes are also puffy which means that he also
cried while taking the shower but he is trying to remain strong for me and Lili. I wave my

hand infront o fhis face but he’s dazed, gone far far away.

“Angel, Angel, where are you lost?” He looks up at me and blinks his eyes. He shakes

his head multiple times and passes me a smile. He opens his arms for me to come. I quickly

lay down beside him and closed my eyes, keeping my head on his chest. He wraps his hands

around my waist. There was silence for quite a few minutes. After sometime Angel

says “You’ll have a tough day tomorrow.” I nod my eyes and tears again start to fall out of

my eye. Angel rubs my back.

“Don’t cry, you'll have to do a lot of work tomorrow. Be strong but are you really ready

for becoming the next mafia.” I don’t think I am. “I will take a great step tomorrow which

will change my life.”

“You took a great step the day you agreed to get the training. You can’t change what has

happened but you can delay taking the authority until or unless you are ready. "I know he’s

worried about me.

“Why are you getting really worried? Everything will be alright trying to assure him but

his answer gets me by shock. “You are only 16 and about to turn 17. Don’t you think you are

too innocent. Mafia’s have blood and blood and only blood in their lives. It ruins the cells of
happiness in our body. We feel as if our true self has left us. We don’t feel any warmth

around us. Even if we try to find warmth, we only find coldness around us and as the time

passes the coldness wraps completely around you making you go cold.”

I can feel the pain behind his every word.

“When my parents left me, I was only 16. The responsibility of handling the whole

company was on me. I tried my best to handle it. I started becoming cold because I didn’t

believe in anyone.Your dad was the closest person to me. He used to praise me and tell me

that I would become the greatest person if I ever joined the group. I decided to join the gang.

They tried stopping me and telling me that I am very young but still I joined. I used to go to

my mansion, look around and realise that what I was missing was happiness and care. And
what I was getting was loneliness. And I don’t want you to feel what I felt and do feel.”I look

at him with tears in my eyes. He wipes my tears and gives a peck on my forehead.

“We’ll have a lot of work to do tomorrow. So, sleep peacefully. Goodnight”

“Good night. "I murmur back and after battling with my thoughts god knows when I fall


“Rose, wake up. 'I tried to pull the covers above my head. But someone again pulls it

away from my face.

“Wake up.”

“Just five more minutes." I turn to the other side. “I only slept for only one


“You are getting late; you have to go to the cafe. Miss Charliann is waiting.” Miss

Charliann Oh what the hell am I late for the cafe again.


A CROCODILE.” I pull the covers of me but when I see Angel and Lili looking at me with

an amused expression I sigh with relief. “Thank God I don’t have to see that bastard. Wait,

you both.” I again get up as they both run downstairs while laughing. The whole mansion
filled with laughter.In 5 minutes I caught both of them. I guess all that horrendous training is

getting to me. “You scared me, with the name of that old crocodile. Now you both will have

to pay. "I slowly walk towards them and suddenly start tickling them. They both in return

start tickling me.

“I am hungry.”I ask with a pout. Angel looks at me with adoring eyes. “I’m

going to make it,”Angel says.

“Do you know how to cook? "I ask him.

“Yes, I told you I live alone and for that I have to do all the work by myself.” I nod in

“I’ll join you. "I say and get up.“If you both are going then I’ll join too.”I know we are

all trying our best to lighten the atmosphere, whereas we are empty from the inside and the

pain is wanting to rule and the tears want to fall. I sadly smile and walk towards the kitchen.

We all set the table together. And eat. “How does it taste? "I try to form

words but my mouth is filled with food. I give two big thumbs up. Lili and Angel chuckle at

my childish behaviour. “Actually, today at 5pm we will leave and go to

Houston, "Alan says.

“Houston but why Houston?”

“Because the main headquarters are there. "I nod as if it’s quite plain to me but should I

wait till I reach a certain age. Will this job be quiet as easy as it seems? No no, why will it

be? It never has been and never will be. Angel and Lili, they both look at me. I put my spoon

and the fork back on my plate and look at them with a serious expression.

“Can I ascend the throne but keep it a secret like not doing anything for at least 1

year.Like umm let’s not completely do anything let's find the information of the people who

killed my dad. And also the information of those who killed my grandparents. That way I will

also turn 18 and become a little more mature. And then as time passes all the “REVENGES”

I want to take I’ll take them, And also on behalf of other people too.” I say putting pressure
on the word revenges. They both look at me with big smiles on their faces. They put both

their hands together and start clapping. Suddenly a question arises in my


“Angel, I really don't want to ask this but….?” He looks at me waiting as I hesitate to

ask but finally gathering the courage I ask “Do you want to take revenge from your Mother?”

His face instantly hardens, his jaw clenched so hard I am surprised it hasn’t broken yet. His

irises turning completely black, removing any trace of brown form them.

“Why can’t you take it?” I ask him back.

“This community is really judging what people would say when they hear that a boy

killed his own mother.”

“Really that’s why you are not going to take your revenge. Are people in this society in

favour of the Mafias. These people will only notice your mistakes without even knowing the

reason they’ll judge you. And would you think we should do what our heart says or what

these judging people say? And the unhappiest people in this world are those who always care

about what others think the most.” He looks at me with a smile which contains a lot of

sadness. I know he understands what I am saying. “Are you going to take

revenge from your mother? "Lili questions me. I make eye contact with her and answer

“Yes, she made my life hell. And I can’t forget people like her. She once said that I am

her biggest enemy, so let’s keep it that way. "An idea crosses my mind and I


“What are you smirking at? "Lili asks me.

“I really have a great plan to disturb my dear mommy.”

“Really". Angel asks while becoming happier.

“My mommy loves money a lot and she’ll do whatever she wants to get the money. She

goes to a club named ..” Lili completes my sentence by cutting in “Ethereal eight, which

apparently belongs to dad” I look at her and widen my eyes. I only knew the former and not

in my wildest dreams had the idea of

“Then it would be easier to pursue my plans. I should go and play games with her and

become friends with her and then slowly make her suffer but for that...” Lili again cuts in “I

have a much better idea, Alan you’ll play games with her because you are best in games. And

then ask her out on dates and even if she tries to hit on you or kiss you just don’t hesitate and

do it because it’s for your own good.” Angel widens his eyes.

“Miss. Lili, can you please keep your stupid ideas to yourself because they are useless."

I say with jealousy in my voice. My mom has taken everything from me. My childhood, my

happiness but not my love, never my love. What if Angel falls in love with her. No that can’t

happen. I trust him. “Why can’t my idea work?” I look at Angel and find him staring at me

intensely. He smirks, he knows I am getting jealous. “Don’t tell me you two love each other.”
“Miss Lili, not just love, already confessed. Rose, I love you. "I blush at his sudden

confession. Lili widens her eyes. “Why didn’t you tell me that before? "I walk towards

Angel's chair and sit on lap, wrapping my hands around his shoulder. He wraps his hand

around my waist, securing me in his arms. “I can’t let my mother take something really

important to me "I place my head on his shoulder. “But the plan...”I cut her in between “Shut

up and the plan that I made was awesome. I don’t need your stupid plans.”She throws her

hands in the air. “Fine, go on with your silly plans. By the way, let's watch a movie and then

get ready to go to Houston. "The afternoon passes with us laughing and enjoying ourselves.

Making each other smile and trying to forget about the pain deep inside them.

I stand in front of the big room. Many people are standing and bowing to me. This is so

much for me. And this is the right time because from now on we’ll say goodbye to evil. I

motion them all to sit as I walk towards my seat. I am feeling Hella nervous right now. My

palms started sweating so I just closed them up in a fist. I sit down on the chair and say

“Good Morning everyone.” my voice came out louder than I expected.WOW. Thats a first.

“As you know about the incident that happened 2 days ago. "They all look down and say

“che dio lo benedica” What language are they speaking? Gosh that’s not my problem right

now. “I am Roseanna David's daughter from Bill David. The next heir to the throne of the

mafia gang. "Everything comes out of my mouth in flow as if I have always spoken like this.

“So, let's take the oath. "I speak in my calm deep voice. I don’t want them to be scared of me

because we have to work together until the day I die. Angel comes forward and asks me to

raise my hand, palm facing frontwards. And places a pile of papers in front of me. Indicating

me to read from here when he’s done speaking. He starts speaking

“I am Roseanna David, daughter of Bill David. I am going to be the next heir of the

throne to the mafia group. Which was first established by my great grandpa Arnold. I
solemnly swear that I will protect this kingdom with my full heart. I won’t ever let my loyalty

become slavery. I know when to let go of things and would never compromise on my respect.

Loyalty is never grey, it's either black or white. You're either completely loyal or not loyal at

all. I regard loyalty with loyalty and disloyalty with death. I'll never let loyalty make a fool of

me. Real friends have the same enemies. I’ll be careful with whom I choose as my friend. I

must always be prepared to kill a friend. It is one of the many open secrets of a business since

it is the truest test of ability to rule and command the respect of his crew. Everyone shows

their true identity. I will observe them with keen silence and precise wits. If somebody

messes with me then I will mess them up. Money doesn’t change people; it takes the mask of

people’s faces.
Money only speaks one language:

“Save me today and I will save you tomorrow.”

Don’t mistake my kindness for weakness but when somewhen is unkind to me,

weakness is not what you are going to remember about me.

In a war one team has to die and one team has to win.

I’ll always go with the true standards of the mafia and will rule with justice, peace

and strength. If necessary, I will give my...” He stops and looks at me with sadness in his

eyes. The sentence is about me giving my life, that’s why he has stopped. I look at him with

pleading eyes to continue. He takes a deep breath and completes the sentence “life. I

promise.” I pick the paper up and recite the whole vow. “As I speak the last line and seal my

vows with a promise. Something big lands on my heart. It's feeling heavier.

I look at the time. Half an hour is left until this meeting ends. “So now that I have taken

the vows although many more vows are left. I hope that from this moment onwards we

become good friends and work with collaboration. "I speak in a deep voice. Despite how hard

I am trying to speak in a normal voice, this voice is not leaving me. They all get up and bow

to me. They all go out one by one. As the last one closes the door behind him. I put my hand

on my heart, it's beating so fastly puts Angel puts his hand on my shoulder, I look up at him
and he gives me a warm smile.

I look around and find that Lili is not there. “Where Lili?”I asked Angel. “She’s gone to

uncle’s grave. "He answers. “Why?” “She said she wanted to sit by uncle’s grave alone. "I

nod. “By the way, it's your break shouldn’t you get ready to go to uncle's. "I get up from my

chair and hold Angel's hand.

“Lead the way. "Angel looks at our hands. “You remember the talk we had in our

office.” I look up at him and find him still staring at our joined hands, scared as if nothing is

going to happen. I slowly, with a heavy heart take my hand away from him. He looks at me,

visible tears shining in his eyes. “I remember, now I understand what you meant but." I
couldn’t continue as I broke down crying. He hugs me as I pull him closer to me. “This mafia

thing is going to completely change my life.”

“But you knew this from the start. "He whispers back. “Yeah, I did. "I nod in his

shoulder. He pulls back and wipes my tears. “You are a mafia now and mafia queens don’t

cry, they have to be strong. "I nodded my head. “Let’s go.” We go out and he takes me

through weird passageways. I am trying to remember the way because Angel said that it will

be my personal room when I am here.

I open the door and look around. The walls are full black. A bed is on one cover with

black sheets then there is a dressing table in front of the bed. There's no window in this room.

And in the right corner of the room there is a black big cupboard. I look behind me and find

that Angel has already left. I sigh and lay down on the bed facing the ceiling. I have only

taken 1 vow so far and my heart is already feeling so heavy I don’t even know how I will feel

after sealing all the final vows. My eyelids are feeling so heavy.I look at my wrist, there are

20 to 25 minutes till I have to go to dad’s grave I’ll just close my eyes for a sec.

“Rose, Rose, wake up.” Angel calls. “Just one more minute. "I say back as I face the

other side. “Rose, your meeting is going to start in 5 minutes. "Angel speaks while shaking

me. “What meetings do I not know about? By the way, mixing ketchup and mayo in
strawberry ice-cream will taste like Delishia” I speak in a sleepy tone.

“What are you even saying, don't you remember today you are going to be declared the

mafia? "I shot open my eyes and jumped off the bed. “Thank God, you woke up. It's a really

hard job to wake you up. Now let’s go before we are late. "I look at myself in the mirror and

arrange myself. I nod and go out with Angel.


I look around the field, it's filled with graves. My eyes meet a specific grave. It has fresh

rose petals spread all over it. I smile at the grave. Dad, I miss you. In this life many people

have betrayed you. From love at first sight to the bestest friend. But today I swear I will take

your revenge. I face the sky because I don’t want people here to witness that a soon to be

mafia is crying.Lili pats my shoulder and gives me an assuring smile.

People stand in straight lines. Angel approaches me and gives me a bottle of water to

pour on my father's grave. With a heavy heart I pour the water. Lili gives me the flowers and

I throw them on dad's grave. I kneel down on his grave and hold the mud in my hands. Dad, I

miss you and love you. I didn’t even get to prove that all to you. I pat the mud on his grave

and stand up. “Let’s start the oath.” After 30 minutes I finished taking my oath.

As expected, a rock fell in my heart, again. Angel and Lili come towards me while 4

men follow them with big ancient kinds of boxes in their hands. Maybe these are the

important documents. “They all go on their knees.” I look at them confused and without even

thinking I say.

“Hey, what are you doing, you all never bow like this.” They all looked at me with a

confused expression. Did I do something wrong? I look at Angel and Lili, they give me a soft

smile. Oh, so that means I am the first mafia who is stopping them from bowing. “We all

have to work together so I hope we’ll cooperate and please never bow like this. We don’t

bow in front of each other, there's a likely chance we’ll bow in front of our enemies too. Let's

all be friends. "

I really wanted to say this in a friendly tone but this cold, deep voice is not leaving

me.Huh, Rose do onething correct and make a blunder init as well. They all look at me with

glowing eyes and nod their heads.

Angel comes up and asks me to follow him. I follow him up to a stage. It's made up of

concrete. And then there is a gloomy looking throne above it. I stand in front of the throne.

Angel and Lili stand on either side of me.

“As per the rules and regulations of the mafia group we’ll provide you with your gun.

Which you will use in your war and those bullets will be shot from your gun straight into the

hearts of the enemies. "Angel says. Lili gives me the gun. I take it and kiss it. Then they pass

me a few different kinds of stuff. I kiss them and put them in a black small wooden box.

The only thing they give me is that they wrap a belt on my waist. It has hooks and

pocket’s which hold things. They put the gun and the old-fashioned telephone, which is used

by police to communicate. And then handcuffs.Why do I need these I’ll ask them later. I bow

at them all.

“Can you all please take your masks off?” They all look at me amazed but then take

their masks off. I observe their faces closely trying to memorise them. “I don’t know many of

the rules but I am going to go our way, not the way my ancestors ruled. And I hope we work

cooperatively. Thank you, let's quickly proceed to the next meeting.” Thank God, I have a

photogenic memory. Everyone walks out.

As the door closes behind. I sigh and fall on the throne. I grab my head as it's aching
badly. It’s because of the pressure that’s on my head, not much of a problem. I have to go,

everyone's waiting for me. I have to put on a strong face. I sigh heavily before getting up and

reaching the front door while taking heavy steps with a heavy heart.

I enter the conference room and everyone goes dead silent. “So now it’s time that we

decide the name and the costumes. Our group name should be a sensible one which matches

us well. So, I decided that let’s name our group I; V. I stands for me and V stands for all of

us. It shows our dignity and fellowship. And just as I said before, please take your masks

off.” They all take their masks off. And a smile is clearly visible on their faces. I internally

smile at them. Most of them are young. Around 18-19 years old.
“And for the costumes I want to ask your ideas as well because it’s you guys who are

going to wear those clothes and I want you all comfortable.” They all look at me amused. But

none of them answers. “Feel free to answer, it's not like that if you guys speak against me, I’ll

shoot you on the spot.” A girl approaches me.

She has brown hair and brown eyes. She has a small nose and her lips are baby pink.

“May I know your name? "I asked her. “My name is Jio” I smiled at her. “It’s been my dream

to open a fashion company but my father had to pay a debt to your dad that’s why he forced

me to join this mafia group.” I feel so sorry for her. I mean her dreams, they got shattered. “If

you really want to open a company before that, tell me some cool ideas.” I ask her. She

excitedly tells me.

“Okay, so first of all for girl clothes. I would prefer having black leggings because they

are stretchy and comfortable or maybe black jeans and a black shirt which has 3 buttons on

the top and it should be quite skin fitted so that it can cut down on air resistance.” I nod while

smiling at her ideas. They are quite trendy. “Will you please meet me in my office after this

meeting is over.” She nods. I turn towards everyone and ask “So females are you all okay

with her idea.” One girl raises her hand. “Her idea is really unique but I would like to add my

own choice in between.” I motioned her to continue. “

My name Jen and I think we should have a leather jumpsuit. Skin fitted as it will also cut

down on air resistance. And it will also be quite comfortable when we will be doing a

mission. So, I say that the clothes ideas that Jio gave us should be used while having formal

meetings but when we are on missions, we can use the idea I stated. "I smile and nod my

head in agreement.

“Everyone, we still have ideas left to make males clothes.” A man speaks while looking

down. “They both are the best at designing clothes. I think that we should let them decide on

the clothes.” The others nod their heads in agreement. “So, you both stay here and the others

may leave. The meeting is dismissed.” All bow and leave. I discuss the designs. I am so tired

right now that I can’t even look around. I sigh and take my phone out of my pocket. It's 11

pm already. I have a text from Angel. I take it out and see it.







I smile at his text, grab my belongings and head out. I inform the guard to announce that

everyone should arrive here at 10 am and do the work Mr. David told them to complete. And

I won’t be here tomorrow because I have some important work to complete and will arrive

the day after tomorrow and I should have those documents till then. I sit in my car and hear

the loud speaker. The guard has announced it. I am going to meet mom tomorrow. I'll go

home, take a shower, get dressed in a presentable way so that when I reach my mom's house,

I will be able to impress her and make her fall in love with me. And I also have to get the


I have reached my mansion, it's even bigger than the previous one. I enter and speak.

“Hello.” but no one answers and my voice echoes around the big walls. I quickly take a bath
and get dressed. I run into the study and open the nearest file. I thought it was going to be

something really important. But it’s just about making files for a woman who got raped and

the police wanted out help and in return they are giving us 50 million dollars. This way we

can make the police announce that the gang known as King’s new heir has arrived and its

name is I; V. I go through my dads cupboard and break laws.

I turn my dads computer on and hack into all his personal accounts. Well, no one should

think that a Rose is small and delicate. It has thorns that sting. When finding nothing other

than the usual. I sigh and relaxe back into the chair. And thats when I notice the frame on the

wall a bit tilted. What did I tell dad about “every little detail is important.” I look at the frame

and notice many words overlappping and regarding the pant of the frame it looks as if its new

and only painted a month ago.

I take it off and place it carefully on the floor but what shocks me is the plain white wall

behind, that in one glass would look normal and a normal person would simply walk away

but thats the thesis of normal. I am far from normal. I punch my knuckles into the wall and

volla there in the far corner my knuckles burst through a peice of cardboard painted white to

hide the ugly secrets that is creeping inside the scary wall of this mansion.

I push my hand inside the wall hoping that a bee doesn’t sting my arm, I pull out 2 dark

rotten leather dairies, coated in layers of dust. I sit against the wall, ignoring the dust and the

smell and start reading one dairy entry after another. One page after another page delivered

written were the words of agony and dried tears pasted on the page.

And as the time slowly passes, reality dawns onto me. This is my fathers journal.

My great grand uncle known as “Ronald” killed the heir to the throne of Eagle Eyes out

of greediness. And another reason was that the one mafia king married a woman who had a

non-marital child before marriage with the king of Eagle Eyed. Then the Eagle eyes mafia

tricked the king's mafia by saying that the women are only behind people for money. But

when the King of the mafia got to know the real reason, that his wife had a non-marital child

before marriage still not knowing who she had it with, he gave divorce to his wife, without

even listening to her that she was pregnant with his child this time. He befriended his friend
too. But he still didn’t know the name of the Eagle-eyed king. As he was tracking the people

who killed his parents. He found out the name of the Eagle Eyes. He was surprised, shocked

and everything he could be.

And he was the same person who killed his parents but he was threatened because the

person had warned him that he would do anything. He would kill his ex-wife and his 3-year-

old daughter. He was scared to lose them. That's how he couldn’t take revenge on his parents.

He wanted his child back but his wife didn’t trust him enough.”

It all relates to the story dad told me when we first met. I have to ask mom everything.

She will tell me when I give her money. I quickly rushed out of the mansion. I sat in my car

and drove to my mom's house as fast as I could. I have to get there as soon as I can. My mind
jumbled up with confusion. I have a brother who's the heir to the throne of the Eagle Eyes.

And who’s the present king? And my parents. It was Bud Evans who created a

misunderstanding between my parents. All the answers are with mom.


I reach in front of my ex-house. All those beating thoughts come to my mind. I used to

be nothing back then, a girl who yearned for freedom and love. I did get freedom and I did

get love. I smile and enter the house.

This house has not changed in these past 3 weeks but it’s quite dirty as if someone has

not cleaned it for ages. I go into the kitchen and find the same spoon on the kitchen island

that I placed in a hurry when I was leaving for work.

Where is mom? Is she alright? I quickly run towards her room but don’t find her there. I

go into the washroom but there’s no one there as well. I look at the left side of the washroom.

It's my room. I doubt that she will even enter there. But when I open the door, I get shocked

to see mom, lying on my bed and hugging my t-shirt. I can’t believe it. I mean why will she

even hug my shirt; she hates me. I go towards her. She is sleeping but dry tears are visible on

her cheeks and she’s feeling weak.

I never thought I’d feel that worried for her but seeing her this enfeebled, it's breaking

my heart. I quickly called the doctor. After 15 minutes, the doctor arrives. She checks moms
on mom and turns to me. We go outside the room and she speaks. “She is quite weak. She

hasn’t been taking proper food. And her body is also dehydrated. Umm make sure she takes

less stress because she has been going into depression because of some things.”

I thank her and give her a fee. I slowly opened the door and saw mom looking towards

the ceiling. Her eyes were blank, she had an emotionless face. As she heard the door creak,

she looked towards me and engulfed me in a tight hug.

“I missed you. How are you? Did your father hurt you somewhere?”.Why is she even

worried about me? I know she’s not worried about me; she's just doing this act to gain

sympathy and get all the money.

“Cut it out mom, if you want money, I can give you. But please stop this acting." I say

and take myself out of her grip. “You are saying that I am acting." She sounds hurt.But do I

care, the answer is No actually the answer is Yes. No matter how she treated me she was my


“Yes. I do think that you are acting because you hated me but now why so suddenly you

are showing so much love and care. And for your kind information dad passed away." As

soon as I say this mom sits on the bed and starts crying. I have never seen her crying like this,

so I quickly hug her.

“Mom, stop crying. "She looked at me with so much love. “I know you hate me but I

guess you should know the truth for my actions." I look at her with my jumbled-up eyes. “As

you have already become the Mafia of the gang's name?”

“Umm, I; V”. “Oh, I; V you might have read in the document papers about the gang

named as Eagle Eyes." I nod my head in agreement. “That story is ours. Your dad, me and

Bud Evans. "I was shocked.

“So, you mean Bud Evans is the leader of the Eagle Eyes. And he is the one behind my

grandparent's death. "She continues. “Yes, he is, when he got to know that I know his plan of

ruining David. He spilled the tea." She stopped and started crying again. I took her in my

“What tea are you talking about? "I say while rubbing her back. “I was 17 when I fell in

love with Bud Evans. We started hanging out. My mother was a torturer, she always used to

hit me. I really hated and loathed her. And Bud was the only one who gave me support in

those days. For once he went on a long business trip that’s what he told me but he went on a

mission, mafia mission." She was sniffing all the while she was talking. “But when he

returned, he told me he was a mafia. I didn’t mind him being a mafia because he might be

evil to the world but he never treated me badly, harshly. I told him I was fine with it. But then

one night everything changed. He came drunk because an employee had betrayed. He came

and raped me. And then he left me. I became pregnant with your brother.”
“But when he was 3 years old, I was selling hand knitted socks that I saw your father

who was looking at me with love filled eyes. It was as if he was love struck. I was scared that

he might also kick me out of the house just like my parents did when they found out that I

have a non-marital child. I gave my child Alan to your dad’s best friend." What the hell, I

backed away from the hug. “You mean Alan, dad's closest friend's son. "She nods her head in


“When after marriage I went to meet him, my son. He called me many names. He was

my everything and I really couldn’t hear the hateful words he said to me or the hatred he had

for me in his eyes. Then I heard Bud talking to someone on the phone planning to kill David.

I was going to warn David about it but Bud got to know that I overheard his conversation.”

“He threatened me that he’ll kill my son and he will tell David everything. He did tell

David everything but kept my son out of it. And I know he was planning something that’s

why he didn’t tell David that I once was pregnant with his child. Then I got to know that I

was pregnant with David's child that very same day, Bud told him that I had a non-marital

child before marriage. He divorced me.”

“I treated you that way because you always reminded me of David and I wanted you to

hate me so that one day when your dad would take you away from me and I can’t do
anything. Then you won’t hate me just like Alan did and does. Or I won’t sorrow you and go

in despair when you leave me.” I felt so bad for her. Seriously, I never realised this all.

“Mom, please stop crying.” I try to calm her dowm. As tears fall from her eyes, they

burn a whole in heart.

“Tell me, have you forgiven me? Please do I did so much to make you hate me but I

never really realised that in that process I never gave you the love of mom that you really

needed when you were a kid. I’m so sorry.” I hugged her tightly. “Mom, it's not really late, I

am still a teen.” She looks at me with wide, happy, tear-filled eyes.

“So, you forgive me.” she asks with a happy tone. “Of course, I do. I actually love my

mother but I hate her as a person.” She smiles at my words. “I’ll try to change. The break ups

and the feeling of being left alone made me like this. "I smile at her words.

“Let’s go and eat something. The doctor told me that you haven’t been taking care of

yourself. And I also have to leave today. I have a lot of important work to do. "Mom jumps

out of the bed like a little kid. “I’ll get ready. "She goes into her bedroom. I go into the

kitchen and start cleaning it. Then I cleaned the TV lounge too. The house is not that big

enough that it will take me ages to clean.

After half an hour, “Mom, when are you going to come.” “Just 1 minute.” She comes

out looking like an angel. “Wow, you look so young.” She laughs and we head out. She

widens her eyes as she sees my car. “Did you buy it?” I chuckle sadly and open the passenger

door to make her sit in it and then sit on the driver's seat. “Your son gifted it to me. My

brother.” She becomes confused for a second and then looks down.

“You met him.” I hum in response. “How is he doing?” She asks me. “He’s doing great,

I don’t know whether he still remembers you or not. And dad and Alan were pretty close.”

She smiles. “Oh, great. But what does he do?”

“Hmm, his foster mother got divorced when he was 9 years old and his dad passed away
when he was 16 years old. Now, he's handling his father's work. "I hear her sigh. “He went

through a lot. Let’s go." That's when I realised I wasn’t driving and was busy adjusting to the

thoughts that I am in love with my own brother.

“Is something troubling you? "I start the car. “Yes, there is, Alan and I both are dating,”

“Okay wait what, you are dating your own brother. "I break down into tears. “I am in love

with him. I don’t even know the mistake I have made. How am I even going to confront him?

How am I even going to tell him that he's my brother?” “Please stop crying, wipe your tears."

She wipes my tears.

For the first time I am feeling a mother's love and I am grateful for God that he changed

everything. I got everything I needed. As I was about to take a turn, I saw a bus with round
blue furious kind of looking eyes driving towards the other lane. Wait, can it be the Eagle


“Mom, can you tell me what the Eagle Eyes bus looked like? "She looks at me with

furrowed eyebrows. “Um, sure they have 2 blue dangerous kinds of looking eyes. And

overall, it’s black in colour." I take my gun out of the hidden spot I made for it and tuck it in

my pocket. “What are you going to do?” She asks me terrified.

“Nothing mom, just stay in the car and don’t open it even if someone asks you to.” I get

out of the car. I sneakily sneak towards the corner and peak. They stopped the car in front of

mom's house. Is Bud Evans here to threaten mom? But what leaves me in shock is that Lili

and Angel are getting out of the car. With Jio and Jen.

They are wearing different costumes too. I wait for 4 minutes. Then I peek into my room

by the window. I step on some piles of brick. They all were standing there. I ran into the

house and was about to open the door of my room when my heart shattered into pieces after

listening to Angel or can I say Alan’s voice. “I really want to kill Rose.”

“But not before she gets tricked with us in signing the papers and giving me the right to

be the mafia for the gang known as I; V.” Lisa says, putting pressure on the word I; V. “Bro,

let’s go,” Jio says.

“Yeah, she’s right darling.” Jen says. “Juli, did you check the TV lounge?” Lisa asks.

So, the real name of the girl known as Jio is Juli. “And Jade baby, what about the washroom.”

Angel asks. He was cheating on me. And Jen’s real name is Jade.

I can’t believe I fell in love with him. “Yes, I did but there are fresh water droplets on

the sink that means she just left now.” Jade answered. “I am going to end those who ruined

my life. We already have killed my dear daddy.” They all laugh like maniacs. But suddenly


“We are going to kill my mom and then trick Rose into signing the papers due to which

all the property and the mafia throne will go to your name.'' There was a question that was

hitting me but Juli asked it.

“Why didn’t you take it from her when her father died.

“Because it was dad’s will to name everything hers and you can’t have it unless or until

you are the natural heir or the natural king gives you the throne you have to sign the papers.

Then I will get the rightful throne I claim. I will become something I really wanted to be. I

thought that idiotic girl would refuse her dad to join the mafia but she did. I helped dad in

every situation. When he wasn’t feeling right, she wasn’t the one who looked after him, it

was me but what did that oldy do. He destroyed the inner self of mine. After she has signed

the papers, we’ll kill her."

It can’t be Lili whom I trusted with my whole heart is going to do this with me. And

Alan whom I loved, whom I thought was my only Saviour. I break down into silent tears.

And run out of the house making sure that I don’t get seen by them through the window. Alan

has a little sister and her name is Juli. And he is dating a girl named Jade. And Lisa is my

enemy. They all are playing a game.Alan wants to remove everything from his life that refers

to mom. Or someone who got love or got to stay with them.

I know Alan's jealous because I got to stay with mom and he didn’t when he was young.

He killed my dad because he was the one for whom mom left him to stay with dad. And he

killed his own dad because he wanted to take REVENGE on him for leaving his mother
alone. And he wants to kill mom because she left him for someone else.

And Lisa wants to take revenge because she was the one who took dad's care when I

wasn’t around. She tried hard to impress but still dad chose me over her no matter what she

tried. I wipe tears harshly before sitting in the car.

“What happened darling? I have been waiting for you for the past 15 minutes.” I say

nothing and just start the car and go to the restaurant far away from the house. Where there

would be likely chances that those horrid people won’t come.

Life is mystery worth being solved.It’s full of agony and affliction. It’s just like a

cigratte. It will end as the ashes make their way up wards, it does end in the end although it

leaves a lot of marks, destroying our lungs but in the end it does finish, just like that the pain

will end too in the end leaving many marks and memories but guess what,it did end right?

Pain makes you feel cold whereas hope even colder. You feel as if you are sitting in the

middle of Antarctica back in 1983, with the temperature -89.6 c. But it won’t affect you like

the winds or the frostiness of Antarctica. This cold is different, it will change you. In this

coldness, everything inside you would shut down. You would feel as if you are a mere ghost

roaming around in the streets or even in the Hogwarts castle. Your nights darken and your

thoughts only start and end with death, blood, pain, hope. You would feel so heartbroken

when you realise that hope has betrayed you.








Right now, sitting in my dads office under his desk I am questioning my life choices, my

sanity. All that I see right now is Black, maybe red. I want to see my pale fingers covered

with blood but that’s the thing, it is not mine. It is my obsessions. Thats the fucking thing. I
want him but at the same time when I think of him leaving me, my heart clenches and my

insides feel as if I am going to puke.

This is also the thing I cannot feel anything apart from the fact when I think about

killing Angel Alan. My hand accidently presses a swtich and “HURTS SO GOOD = By

Astrid S.

And the lyrics convey all kind of emotions that I can’t even decipher in my thoughts or

in my words.

Every time that I swear it's over

It makes you want me even more

You pull away and I come in closer

And all we ever stay is torn

And baby, I don't know

Why I try to deny it

When you show up every night

I tell you that I want you but it's complicated

So complicated

When it hurts but it hurts so good

Do you take it?

Do you break it off?

When it hurts but it hurts so good

Can you say it?

Can you say it?

And slowly she takes her first sip of her alcoholic beverage. The champagne burning all the

way down her throat. She listens as the words of the song sink in her but as time passes she

tunes the songs out. She tunes her thoughts out. She tunes her surroundings out. And she

tunes the world out. She stares ahead without any thought in her mind and stares directly out

into no where, the World of Blank.










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