Fundamentals of Programming

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1. Define the terms, digital security risk, computer crime, cybercrime, and crimeware.

 Digital security risk

 It is an event that could cause damage to computer software, hardware and
 Computer crime
 The act of illegally browsing or stealing a company’s or an individual’s private
 Cyber Crime
 Criminal activity that targets/uses a computer, network, r a networked device
 Aims to damage these computers or networks
 Crimeware
 The use of software to perpetrate crime
 Malicious software designed to carry out illegal activity

2. Differentiate among hackers, crackers, script kiddies, cyberextortions, and cyberterrorists. Identify
issues with punishing cybercriminals.

 Hackers
 An individual who uses computers to gain access to unauthorized data
 Cracker
 An outdated term used to describe someone who bypasses passwords, licenses,
computer systems, intentionally breaching computer security.
 Cyberextortion
 Occurs when cybercriminals target a business/company and threaten to disable
operations or compromise confidential data unless they receive payment.
 Cyberterrorism
 A politically motivated use of information technology to cause disruption or
instill fear in society.
 Identify issues with punishing cybercriminals

3. Identify risks and safety measures when gaming.

 Risks
 Exposure to Viruses and Malware/Ransomware
 Cyberbullying and harassment
 Online predators
 Privacy issues
 Leaking of personal information on devices
 Identity theft
 Phishing

 Safety measures
 Use strong passwords for your accounts
 Keep your personal information confidential
 Think before you click/click with caution
 Only trust legitimate websites
 Keep your operating system up to date

4. Define these terms: botnet, zombie, and bot.

 Botnet
 Is a network of computers that is infected by malware or malicious software
controlled by a single group.
 Zombie
 A computer connected to a network that is compromised by a hacker, virus or
 Bot
 A software or application designed to execute a specific task without human

5. Describe the damages caused by and possible motivations behind DoS and DDoS


 Consists of a website being flooded by requests during a short period of time

with the aim of causing it to crash.
 Can be caused by competitors trying to eliminate competition within the market
by attacking a company’s website.
 Attacks can occur because of those who disagree with the content of a
particular website.
 Politically motivated attacks happen due to people who disagree with some
political views.

6. Define the term, spoofing. How can you tell if an email is spoofed?

 What is spoofing?
 Occurs when someone impersonates a trusted contact or brand.
 The act of impersonating someone to access sensitive information
 How can you tell if an email is spoofed?
 Check email header
 Check for unfamiliar links or attachments
 Check for unsolicited request of personal information
 Contact the supposed sender to confirm the legitimacy of the email

7. List ways to protect against Internet and network attacks.

 Install an antivirus software

 Create strong passwords
 Use firewalls
 Monitor activity on the network

8. Describe the purpose of an online security service.

 It can protect your identity

 Manages cyber threats
 Prevents credit card theft
 Can retrieve stolen money

9. Define the terms, firewall and proxy server. List steps to set up a personal firewall.

 Firewall – monitors and filters incoming and outgoing network traffic. Shields the
computer or network from malicious software or cyber-attacks.

 Proxy server – serves as an intermediate between a user and the internet. A proxy
redirects your internet connection via a server. It keeps the user’s IP address hidden as
well as their location and identity.

 Steps to set up a personal firewall

1. Open the control panel on your pc

2. Click system and security
3. Click Windows Firewall
4. If your firewall is disabled, you’ll see Windows Firewall marked “Off.” To
turn it on, in the left navigation pane, you can click on Turn Windows
Firewall on or off.
5. In the Customize Settings window, select Turn on Windows Firewall and
click OK.

10. Give examples of unauthorized access and use of a computer or network.

 Phishing – steals user data and login credentials and credit card numbers
 Hacking – seeks to compromise digital devices. Hackers can gain access to
private information with the use of malicious software
 Guessing passwords – some individuals try to guess passwords to networks or
another individual’s account.

11. Explain how an organization uses access controls and audit trails.
 An access control is a security measure that defines who can access a device or
 An audit trail records in a file both successful and unsuccessful access attempts
to a device or network.

12. Differentiate among user names, passwords, passphrases, and pass codes.

 A username is given to a person as identification on a computer network.

 A password is a confidential phrase or word that can be used to gain access to
something or verify the user’s identity.
 A passphrase is a string of words that is longer than a traditional password and more
sentence like.
 A passcode is similar to a password but it is restricted to a smaller character limit and
are usually a set of numbers.

13. List tips for using a password manager safely.

 Never tell others your passwords

 Never use the same password for different accounts
 Make your passwords hard to guess, but easy to remember
 Try multi factor authentication

14. Describe the purpose of a CAPTCHA.

 Verifies and differentiates human activity from automated and potentially

malicious computer programs

15. Define the terms, possessed objects and biometric devices.

 Possessed objects
 An item that can be used to gains access a computer or computer facility (cards,
badges, etc.)
 Biometric device
 Is an electronic device that identifies and verifies individuals. (Finger print
scanner, facial recognition terminal, etc.)
1. Exposure to cyber attacks
2. Exposure to malware/malicious software
3. Data/privacy breach

Incidents of malicious infections associated with online gaming

According to an article by LoneStar in computer security, the following gaming related websites were
recently discovered to spread malware:







The article states that the websites listed above had malicious software that attacked online users who
have disabled their anti-virus software in order to free up CPU resources while gaming.

Research tips for increasing security when playing online games

 Unlink personal social media accounts from your games
 Use a VPN when you play
 Use a password manager
 Enable multifactor authentication for your accounts

Did you find other threats and security

tips in addition to the ones mentioned in this chapter?
 Avoid suspicious links, downloads or mods
 Buy your games from trusted online stores
 Avoided pirated games as much as possible
 Avoid using third-party cheating programs

Have you ever downloaded updates to a

game? If so, how did you ensure the updates were safe?
I verified that they were safe by making sure I updated the game through the official launcher or

Locate a list of games known to cause malware infections

According to data from Kaspersky, a popular and widely trusted anti-virus program, the following are
the most malware infected games of the year (2021)

 Minecraft

 The Sims 4

 PUBG (Player Unknown’s Battlegrounds)

 Fortnite

 GTA V (Grand Theft Auto 5)

 Counter-Strike GO

 Rocket League

 League of Legends

 FIFA 21

 Need for Speed Heat

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