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Email or ph #

??????? [Name] a man or woman who acts as ?????? [position] for service corporation ???????
Name of the service corporation providing protect and serve services.
Email and or fax


Re: Trespass / Genocide verified occurring

Good Day ????? [their 1st name]

This final notice is based on 2 years by those working for service corporations [law enforcement] right across
this great country demonstrating complete disregard, neglect & willful ignorance of verified FACTS as filed.

Top people at OPP, RCMP and many local police detachments across this country given verifiable evidence.

One truth is the only conversation right now to stop genocide underway globally…it’s this simple;

1. SARS-COV-2 is a lie… it does not exist… never isolated or purified anywhere in the world
2. Evidence [now hundreds of FOI’s] from over 200 institutions including CDC, FDA and WHO no
one has produced evidence

The verified evidence for all to witness is at … this includes PDF’s & Video as filed.

We demand all who receive this Final Notice acquire written verifiable evidence of purification /
isolation from bodily fluid/tissue (and sequencing, characterization and controlled experiments
proving a replication-competent intracellular obligate parasite that transmits between hosts and
causes disease via natural modes of exposure) produced from every man/woman who created a ‘pandemic’
lie/false narrative acting as Prime Minister of Canada, Premier[s] of provincial Governments, Health
Minister’s, Attorney Generals including every agent/officer at the federal, provincial and municipal level.

All of these people as you act for ‘Service Corporations’... All have knowingly committed a horrific trespass.

No Service Corporation[s] in the world write law[s] fact…. Unless these people further produce evidence…

1. Who claim i [we the people] are property?

2. Who claim contract with i [we the people] are property?
3. Who has contract from a service corporation i [we the people] are property?

This truth applies to every man/woman in the world… if answer is NO to all three questions then NOTHING
any man/woman in this world who puts pen to paper, says or act through a corporation has any jurisdiction.

Start with Justin Trudeau and the service corporation Canada… who will answer yes?... NO one will.
Therefore, NOTHING that these people do or say has jurisdiction [control] over we the people period.
This also applies to every man and woman active in law enforcement unless a claim of trespass is made
causing wrong or harm or a contract is produced with a service corporation you act for then no jurisdiction.

God is recognized as the Supreme Law of this land [Canada] not a ‘legal system’ that does not apply to man.

A crisis of Biblical proportions is occurring worldwide as SARS-COV-2 lie is intentionally suppressed.

All who receive this communication… we require [demand] evidence of isolation and purification produced.

All who receive this communication have until Sept 11th 2022 to produce in writing verifiable evidence.

Failure to produce required evidence then you will act assisting Christopher James and insure access to
courthouse so he will move claim and court before the whole country to secure arrest warrants immediately
for all involved. This is the moment the great men and woman in law enforcement are also given truth.

We the people do not require any investigations… it’s done… produce evidence or stand with us as one.

We are in the hundreds of thousands now ready to stand together with you to do your jobs and protect the
access for every man and woman to move claim and court outside of a corrupt legal system once and for all.

Foundational truths have been kept from all of us from the first breaths we have taken but now we all have
the truth and we must stop this genocide confirmed occurring and be a light to this world and face this evil.

Failure to produce required verifiable evidence in writing or stand with Christopher James [the people] then
all of you will be shown to the entire world as corrupt and will then deal with we the people on mass.

Our efforts have remained peaceful while our friends & family are being murdered including the elderly and
children. The line in the sand is drawn we cannot allow evil to continue for the future of mankind is at stake.

So it is in this historical moment of our world…we must come together and face this evil together.

We are not asking… time is running out as the powers that be are moving against all the people worldwide.

If SARS-COV-2 never existed… purified/isolated… then the entire corrupt narrative is exposed and those
who have created this false pandemic terrorizing our country and attempting to implement massive death and
destruction over us all while stripping our freedoms and life away will stop… and this evil will not succeed.

Christopher James is available 24/7 to speak with a collective of Chiefs of police to fast track court actions.
He can be reached at as i…am sure many of you are aware of his work already.

The BAR a private society has no jurisdiction over we the people unless answering yes to the 3 questions.

This is an enormous task before us all… but your training has prepared you all for this very moment.

Love is the most powerful force on this earth… this lie affects everyone you love and hold dear you must act.

With Honor, Respect and Love…

God Speed and God Bless
?????? one of We The People

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