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Microb Ecol

DOI 10.1007/s00248-016-0867-9


Bacterial Contribution in Chronicity of Wounds

Kashif Rahim 1 & Shamim Saleha 2 & Xudong Zhu 1 & Liang Huo 1 & Abdul Basit 3 &
Octavio Luiz Franco 4,5

Received: 8 August 2016 / Accepted: 21 September 2016

# Springer Science+Business Media New York 2016

Abstract A wound is damage of a tissue usually caused by chron ic wou nds, Staphy lo coccus , Pseud omo nas,
laceration of a membrane, generally the skin. Wound healing Peptoniphilus, Enterobacter, Stenotrophomonas, Finegoldia,
is accomplished in three stages in healthy individuals, includ- and Serratia were found most frequently in chronic wounds.
ing inflammatory, proliferative, and remodeling stages. Recently, it has been observed that bacteria in chronic wounds
Healing of wounds normally starts from the inflammatory develop biofilms that contribute to a delay in healing. In a
phase and ends up in the remodeling phase, but chronic mature biofilm, bacteria grow slowly due to deficiency of
wounds remain in an inflammatory stage and do not show nutrients that results in the resistance of bacteria to antibiotics.
progression due to some specific reasons. Chronic wounds The present review reflects the reasons why acute wounds
are classified in different categories, such as diabetic foot ulcer become chronic. Interesting findings include the bacterial
(DFU), venous leg ulcers (VLU) and pressure ulcer (PU), load, which forms biofilms and shows high-level resistance
surgical site infection (SSI), abscess, or trauma ulcers. toward antibiotics, which is a threat to human health in general
Globally, the incidence rate of DFU is 1–4 % and prevalence and particularly to some patients who have acute wounds.
rate is 5.3–10.5 %. However, colonization of pathogenic bac-
teria at the wound site is associated with wound chronicity. Keywords Wound . Chronic wounds . Biofilms .
Most chronic wounds contain more than one bacterial species Resistance . Antibiotics
and produce a synergetic effect that results in previously non-
virulent bacterial species becoming virulent and causing dam-
age to the host. While investigating bacterial diversity in Introduction

A wound is damage of a tissue, caused by a burn, bone frac-

* Octavio Luiz Franco ture, skin cut, or muscle punctures. The cause of a wound may be unintentional, such as an animal bite or accident fall [1] or
intentional, such as gun shots and surgical interventions [2].
Institute of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology, College of Life The discontinuity of the skin at such sites allows organisms
Sciences, Beijing Normal University, Beijing 100875, China
and other foreign bodies to gain access into the tissues [3, 4] or
Department of Biotechnology and Genetic Engineering, Kohat the internal organs. Proper management of wounds is there-
University of Science and Technology (KUST), Khyber
Pakhtunkhwa Kohat 26000, Pakistan
fore vital for timely healing. When the skin becomes compro-
mised, the normal wound healing process resolves the injury.
College of Biological Sciences, China Agricultural University,
Beijing 100193, China
In order to understand why an acute wound could end up
being a chronic wound, the process of wound healing needs
Centro de Análises Proteômicas e Bioquímicas, Programa de
Pós-Graduação em Ciências Genômicas e Biotecnologia,
examination. Understanding the wound healing process will
Universidade Católica de Brasília, Brazil 70790-160, Brazil provide insight for evaluating the stage at which healing stops
S-Inova Biotech, Programa de Pós-Graduação em Biotecnologia,
and the factor that may have contributed to the stalling pro-
Universidade Católica Dom Bosco, Campo Grande CEP 79.117-900, cess. Wound healing is a repair process of damaged tissues
Brazil and organs in the human body. This repair is accomplished in
K. Rahim et al.

three stages in healthy individuals, including inflammatory, wounds found in clinical practice. It is estimated that approx-
proliferative, and remodeling stages [5] (Fig. 1). imately 1 million patients in the USA currently have this con-
There are many types of wounds which could be chronic. dition [8]. The current standard clinical approach to therapy
In this review, we discuss some major chronic wounds such as includes aggressive compression of the lower limb with de-
diabetic foot ulcers (DFU), venous leg ulcers (VLU) and pres- bridement of the ulcer, which heals 50 to 60 % of venous leg
sure ulcers (PU), surgical site infection (SSI), abscesses, or ulcers [9]. Wounds that are infected by microbiota after sur-
trauma ulcers (Fig. 2). Nowadays, the basic issue is for dia- gery are known as surgical site infections, and this type of
betic patients, as almost 90 % of individuals with diabetic infections may be due to the instruments and unsterilized en-
issues and lower extremity amputation (LEA) have histories vironmental condition during or after the surgery. The infec-
of foot ulcers or have lower extremity findings consistent with tion may be superficial, deep, or covering the space between
peripheral arterial disease (PAD) and/or neuropathy [6]. two cut regions. In 2006, a prevalence survey was conducted
Moreover, the leading cause of morbidity and mortality are to find the rate of surgical site infections, and approximately
because of hospitalization (long time stay) of DFU Patients 8 % of affected patients in the UK were found to have
as compared to other complication in patients [7]. The second healthcare-associated infections. SSIs accounted for 14 % of
type of chronic wound is venous leg ulcers, which are these infections, and nearly 5 % of patients who had under-
present in patients who have experienced chronic venous in- gone a surgical procedure were found to have developed an
sufficiency; these are one of the most common chronic SSI, but most of these infections are after discharge from

Fig. 1 Schematic diagram of

wound types, healing process, and
prevalence of chronic wounds
Bacterial Contribution in Chronicity of Wounds

hospital [10]. Pressure ulcers are also a common problem have found associated S. epidermidis, S. aureus, E. coli,
among older adults in all health care. Activity or mobility E. faecalis, P. aeruginosa, and K. pneumoniae with bio-
limitation, incontinence, abnormalities in nutritional status, film formation in chronic wounds [19]. P. aeruginosa,
and altered consciousness are the most consistently reported staphylococci species, and E. coli were found to be the
risk factors for pressure ulcers. Pain, infectious complications, most common biofilm producers on chronic wounds.
prolonged and expensive hospitalizations, persistent open ul- Diverse microbial flora on wounds make the treat-
cers, and increased risk of death are all associated with the ment of patients more difficult, especially when a large
development of pressure ulcers. A pressure ulcer can increase number of resistance microorganisms are found on
a patient’s length of stay (LOS) in hospital, pain, and infection, biofilms of chronic wounds. Resistance is increasing
as well as contributing to mortality [11, 12]. According to the because of biofilm matrix production, horizontal gene
National Pressure Ulcer Advisory Panel (NPUAP), the inci- transfer, daily use of antibiotics, and microbial mutation.
dence range may vary from 0.4 to 38 % in hospitals [13]. Resistance to antibiotics in biofilm-producing bacteria is
Normally, skin and mucus membranes of human beings a crucial problem in the management and treatment of
harbor diverse groups of microorganisms that can be chronic wounds [20, 21]. Improvement in clinical prac-
widely divided into two major groups including resident tices is possible if biofilm-producing bacteria are isolat-
flora, which consists of comparatively fixed types of mi- ed and characterized from chronic wounds and their
croorganisms. The transient flora consists of nonpatho- antibiotic resistance patterns are determined.
genic or potentially pathogenic microorganisms that in-
habit the skin or mucous membranes for hours to weeks. Acute Wounds
Bessa [14] reported the most common bacterial species to
b e S t a p h y l o c o c c u s a u re u s 3 7 % , f o l l o w e d b y Wounds are the major cause of morbidity worldwide. Many
Pseudomonas aeruginosa 17 %, Proteus mirabilis 10 %, studies have reported that for every million patients with
Escherichia coli 6 %, and Corynebacterium spp. 5 %. wounds, at least 10,000 died from microbial infection [1].
Polymicrobial infection was found in 27.1 % of the sam- There is only the skin which works as a vital organ and serves
ples [14]. Most of the acute and chronic wound infections as a protective barrier between the external environment and
contained consortia of both aerobic and anaerobic micro- human body [2]. Breaks in the skin due to many issues, such
biota. The predominant skin resident microbiota are aero- as ulcers or traumatic wounds, expose the subcutaneous tis-
bic and anaerobic, such as diphtheroid bacilli (e.g., sue, providing suitable moisture, nutritive conditions, and
Corynebacterium, Propionibacterium), non-hemolytic temperature for microbial colonization [3]. Wound healing is
aerobic and anaerobic staphylococci (S. epidermidis and a highly active process including coagulation, inflammation,
other coagulase-negative staphylococci, occasionally cell proliferation, and tissue remodeling, which leads to rapid
S. aureus, and Peptostreptococcus species), Gram-posi- closure of the wound within 3–14 days [22]. The symptoms of
tive, aerobic, spore-forming bacilli that are ubiquitous in acute wounds are localized bleeding, pain, redness, swelling,
air, water, and soil, alpha-hemolytic Streptococci (virid- and pus production at the site of wounds. However, symptoms
ians streptococci) and Enterococci, and Gram-negative of acute wounds may also vary according to the nature and
coliform bacilli and Acinetobacter. Anaerobic and aerobic type of wound. For management of such wounds, emergency
bacteria often form synergistic effects to cause infections, techniques are employed, which usually resuscitate and re-
e.g., gangrene, necrotizing fasciitis, and cellulitis specific store optimized blood supply to the affected site in order to
to the skin and soft tissues. These bacteria are frequently control pain. If failure in pain control affects mobility, the
part of normal microbial flora. So, a mixture of microor- supply of oxygen consequently induces chronicity.
ganisms is usually involved in many skin lesions [15].
These pathogenic microorganisms produce biofilm on Chronic Wounds
acute wounds to turn into chronic infection. Biofilm con-
sists of a sessile community of multiple bacterial species A non-healing or chronic wound is a type of wound that does
enclosed by a protective carbohydrate-rich polymeric ma- not improve after 4 weeks or does not heal in 8 weeks [23].
trix that is resistant to antimicrobial and immune cell Chronic wounds remain in an inflammatory stage and do not
penetration [17]. Bacteria, whether free floating or incor- show progression due to some specific reasons, such as the
porated within a biofilm, are particularly detrimental to age of the patient, in which inflammatory and physiological
wound healing, mainly when they reach the level of crit- response are continuously decreasing, having a major impact
ical colonization. Dowd and his colleagues isolated on blood circulation, decrease in collagen production, and
Staphylococcus, Peptoniphilus, Serratia, Pseudomonas, membrane basement degeneration [24]. Similarly, other rea-
Finegoldia, Enterobacter, and Stenotrophomonas from sons are also responsible for not allowing the wounds to heal
biofilms of chronic wounds [18]. Hassan and colleagues within the proper time frame, in which the most important is
K. Rahim et al.

Fig. 2 Types of chronic wounds observed in studied patients. a Venous leg ulcer, b pressure ulcer, c abscess ulcer, d surgical ulcer, and e others

bacterial toxin production, causing collagen degradation, It is believed that vascular disease, ischemia, neuropathy,
stress, and malnutrition, preventing the normal healing of foot traumas, Charcot’s joint, and foot deformities may lead to
wounds [25]. Kane [26] also reported that stress delays the DFU [39–41]. A hospital-based study in Ethiopian diabetic
process of wound healing (Fig. 3). patients identified poor follow-up and reduced glycosemic
Chronic wounds are affecting approximately 25 % of indi- control as a potential factor in development of DFU [42]. In
viduals with diabetes [27]. Unfortunately, the result of DFU a cross-sectional study, overweight and poor self-care practice
can be amputation in some patients. Bakker and Riley [28] were recorded as contributing factors in the development of
have reported that globally, a patient with DFU loses a lower DFU in diabetic patients in rural residences [43]. In another
limb every 30 s [29]. Foot ulceration in diabetic patients is study from Saudi Arabia, Ahmad and his colleagues observed
significantly associated with mortality and morbidity. The that diabetic patients with inappropriate footwear, burns, ex-
mortality rate is 39–80 % in patients after development of ternal injury, and tinea pedis developed foot ulcers [44].
diabetic foot ulcer [30]. Moreover, DFU is a leading cause Population-based studies from India have reported that factors
of morbidity and hospitalization. Usually, patients stay for contributing to DFU are increasing age, severity of infection at
long time in hospital as compared to other complications de- clinical presentation, low socioeconomic conditions, barefoot
veloped by diabetes patients [7]. walking, inappropriate footwear, and poor care of diabetes in
Globally, the incidence rate of DFU is 1–4 % [31] and basic healthcare units with delayed referral of patients to spe-
prevalence rate is 5.3–10.5 % [30]. In a population-based cialists in secondary or tertiary healthcare units [45, 46].
study, it has been reported that DFU causes 75,000 deaths Ulceration of a lower extremity is a devastating fact that not
annually in the UK [32]. In the USA, DFU is the sixth main only affects the patient directly but is also significantly asso-
cause of death [33], and 8 % prevalence of DFU is reported in ciated with economic losses since many resources are used in
the USA [34]. The International Diabetes Federation reported treatment and prevention to reduce the progress of disease.
16.8 % prevalence rate of DFU in Saudi Arabia [35]. In a Venous ulcer is the predominant type of leg ulcer, accounting
study on randomly selected patients with diabetes in for 80 % of all kinds of ulcerations [47]. It has been estimated
Sweden, an incidence of 3.6 % has been reported, and another that about 60–80 % of leg ulcers have a venous component
study in the Netherlands found an incidence rate of 2.1 % in [48]. Venous ulcers are caused due to the incompetency of the
patients with type 2 diabetes. Foot ulcer in Ethopian diabetics venous valve and insufficiency of calf muscle pumps that
results in 12 % of patients dying [36]. In an epidemiological result in venous hypertension and venostasis. Consequently,
study, Pendsey and colleagues found 3 % prevalence of DFU localized tissue ischemic damages are observed [49].
in younger Indian diabetic patients [37]. Studies from Pakistan Simon and colleagues identified contributing risk factors
showed 4 and 10 % prevalence of foot ulceration in diabetic such as an artery disease, immobility, vasculitis, trauma, ear-
patients, and the amputation rate was found within the range lier leg injuries, neoplasia, phlebitis, deep venous thrombosis,
of 8–21 % following DFU [38]. edema, obesity, and diabetes in the development of VLU [50,
Bacterial Contribution in Chronicity of Wounds

51]. It has also been reported that the incidence of venous was found to be 18.1 % [71]. Furthermore, large variations in
ulcer increases with increasing age, obesity, diabetes, and the prevalence of PU have been reported in Intensive care
smoking habits [52]. In another study, chronic leg ulcer was units (ICUs) throughout the world, accounting for 49 % in
reported within a range of 0.6–3 % in individuals aged more regions of Western Europe [72], 50 % in Australia [73, 74],
than 60 years and 5 % in individuals older than 80 years. In the 22 % in North America [72], and 29 % in Jordan [75]. Results
USA, venous leg ulcers were found more prevalent in older of prevalence surveys conducted in nursing homes of the
persons, particularly women, and accounted for 1 % [53]. Netherlands and Germany showed that the prevalence rate is
Margolis and colleagues also found higher prevalence of 30.8 % in the Netherlands and 8.3 % in Germany [76].
VLU in women [54]. A multicenter study from Pakistan found Surgical site infection (SSI) is defined as an infection oc-
34.8 % prevalence of VLU in patients with history of deep curring within 30 days after a surgical operation or within
vein thrombosis, lack of exercise, and family history of chron- 1 year if an implant is left in place after procedure and affects
ic venous disease [55]. either incision or deep tissues at the operation site. These
VLU is a leading cause of morbidity, and the prevalence infections may be superficial, or deep incisional infection, or
rate ranges between 1.9 and 13.1 % in the community [56]. A infections involving organ or body space [77]. Postoperative
study by Sasanka reported that approximately 10 % of indi- surgical infection is among the most common problems for
viduals may develop chronic leg ulcer during the course of patients who undergo operative procedures and the third most
their life, with mortality rate of 2.5 % [57]. The incidence of frequently reported nosocomial infection in the hospital pop-
chronic leg ulcers in patients hospitalized at surgical units was ulation [77]. Postoperative surgical site infections are associ-
found to be between 1.5 and 20.3 % in China [58]. An epide- ated with increased morbidity, mortality, prolonged hospital
miological study conducted on chronic wounds in India esti- stay, and increased economic costs for patient care [78]. It has
mated the prevalence of venous leg ulcer to be 4.5 per 1000 in also been reported that these surgical site infections remain
the population [59]. In a population-based study conducted in common causes of morbidity and mortality due to emergence
Australia, it was found that leg ulcers affect 1.1 per 1000 [60]. of antimicrobial-resistant pathogenic bacteria [77, 78].
A study from Brazil reported prevalence of 35.5 % for vari- Surgical site infections can be reduced by appropriate use
cose veins and 1.5 % for chronic venous in patients with leg of surgical antimicrobial prophylaxis. In hospital practice, 30–
ulcers [61]. 50 % of antibiotics are prescribed for surgical prophylaxis and
Pressure ulcers (PU) are damage to the skin and underlying 30–90 % of this prophylaxis is inappropriate [79]. This inap-
tissue, caused by too much constant pressure on the skin for a propriate use increases selection pressure, favoring emergence
long time. They are a major health problem in individuals that of drug-resistant pathogenic bacteria [80], which makes the
live in institutional settings [62]. Risk factors for PU include choice of empirical antimicrobial agents more difficult, and
old age, incipient dementia, physical disabilities, and comor- hence increases the risk of postoperative wound infections.
bid conditions like malnutrition, edema, abnormal microcir- Studies on the magnitude of surgical infections are complicat-
culation, involuntary urination, and hypoalbuminemia, which ed by the heterogeneous nature of these infections. The prev-
have an effect on the integrity and healing of soft tissue [63, alence and incidence rates of postoperative wound infections
64]. The first sign of a pressure ulcer is red skin that gets vary widely between procedures, hospitals, surgeons, patients,
progressively worse, forms a blister, and ultimately results in and geographical locations [81, 82]. A study has documented
an open wound. PU most frequently occurs on shoulders, a high rate of SSI in dirty surgery (60 %), compared with
back, elbows, back of head, buttocks, hips, ankles, and heels. contaminated (27.3 %), clean contaminated (19.3 %), and
Poor oxygen supply and lack of essential nutrients in these clean surgery (14.3 %), the association being statistically sig-
body parts cause damage to soft tissues and as a result avas- nificant [81]. Studies have shown that introduction of minimal
cular necrosis [65, 66]. invasive surgery, like laparoscopic surgery, has resulted in a
The incidence rates of PU vary significantly in clinical decrease in the incidence of SSI. A review by Boni [83] re-
settings. According to the National Pressure Ulcer Advisory ported a decrease in SSI in patients with acute appendicitis to
Panel (NPUAP), the incidence range of PU is 0.4–38 % in 2 % with minimally invasive procedures compared to 8 %
hospitals, 2.2–23.9 % in rehabilitation services, and 0–17 % in with open procedures. Similarly, in patients undergoing cho-
home healthcare [13]. Pressure ulcer is significantly associat- lecystectomy, the incidence of SSI was reported to be low
ed with high morbidity and mortality; approximately 70 % (1.1 %) with laparoscopy in comparison with 4 % following
patients may die due to PU in 6 months [67]. The incidence open surgery [82].
of PU increases due to a long stay in a healthcare setting [68]. Several literature sources report varying SSI prevalence
In older hospitalized patients, PU causes increased mortality, and incidence rates in different parts of the world, ranging
accounting for 25–30 % [69]. A study from Sweden figured from 5.6 to 26 % [84]. A study at a University Hospital in
out 28.2 % prevalence of pressure ulcers, but prevalence fell to Brazil among general surgical patients reported a high rate,
26.7 % in surgical units [70]. In Europe, the prevalence of PU reaching 16.9 % of these infections, with a higher rate in clean
K. Rahim et al.

contaminated (17.8 %) as compared to contaminated surgery particularly the case in developing countries where few data
(12.5 %). Nevertheless, most interventions involved the diges- are available [94].
tive tract [84]. But, a study at [83] a hospital in Vietnam re-
ported a high incidence rate, 15.2 %, of surgical infections Bacterial Flora of Chronic Wounds
among orthopedic patients, which is higher than that of
France, with no difference in the surgical infection rate be- Chronic wounds are colonized by diverse populations of bacte-
tween patients who received appropriate antimicrobial pro- ria [95, 96], which directly and indirectly contribute to chronic
phylaxis and patients who did not (4.4 vs. 6.4 %, P = 0.4) wound phenotypes [97]. Colonizing bacteria such as
[85]. A study in Kampala, Uganda, among surgical patients, Staphylococcus epidermidis and Corynebacterium species live
reported 9.64 % of surgical site infections in the pre- on the skin and usually prevent colonization of pathogenic bac-
intervention phase, in which no antimicrobial prophylaxis teria [98]. However, colonization of pathogenic bacteria at
was administered, as compared to 2.56 % in the intervention wound bed is associated with wound chronicity. Most chronic
phase in which antimicrobial prophylaxis was administered wounds contain more than one bacterial species and produce a
preoperatively [86]. Limited studies have been done in synergetic effect that results in previously non-virulent bacterial
Pakistan to determine the extent to which surgical site infec- species becoming virulent and causing damage to the host [99].
tions occur. In one of those few studies, a prevalence rate of According to Wolcott [100], chronic wounds contain a diverse
9.294 % of surgical site infections was reported among hos- microbiota such as Staphylococcus aureus, Staphylococcus
pitalized surgical patients [87]. epidermidis, Pseudomonas aeruginosa, Stenotrophomonas
In most postoperative SSIs, the causative pathogens origi- maltophilia, Finegoldia magna, Enterococcus faecalis,
nate from endogenous flora of the patient’s skin, mucous Corynebacterium striatum, Staphylococcus haemolyticus,
membranes, or hollow viscera [77]. The most commonly iso- Propionibacterium acnes, Corynebacterium
lated bacterial pathogens are Staphylococcus aureus, tuberculostearicum, Anaerococcus vaginalis, Staphylococcus
Enterobacteriaceae, Coagulase Negative Staphylococci, lugdunensis, Delftia acidovorans, Streptococcus agalactiae,
Enterococci, and Pseudomonas aeruginosa [88, 89]. Acinetobacter baumannii, Proteus mirabilis, Streptococcus
Although the pathogens isolated depend on the surgical pro- salivarius, Serratia nematodiphila, Ralstonia pickettii,
cedure involved, recent reports have documented an increas- Fusobacterium nucleatum, Staphylococcus pettenkoferi,
ing proportion of Gram-positive organisms and a decrease in Staphylococcus lugdunensis, Enterobacter hormaechei,
the number of Gram-negative organisms associated with SSIs Prevotella bivia, Corynebacterium jeikeium, Bacteroides
[77, 85]. Furthermore, there is an increase in incidence of SSIs fragilis, and Flavobacterium succinicans, confirmed by 16S
attributed to antimicrobial-resistant pathogenic bacteria like rDNA pyrosequencing analyses [101]. Shin Yw in Malaysia
methicillin-resistant S. aureus (MRSA) [90, 91] and also reported the prevalence of microbiota on wounds
vancomycin-resistant S. aureus. Staphylococcus aureus 23.3 % and Pseudomonas aeruginosa
A recent study in the USA among patients who underwent 14.8 % that were the most prevalent bacteria found in wounds.
operation for hollow viscus injury documented Escherichia Staphylococcus aureus was found significantly more often in
coli as the most commonly isolated microorganism (64.7 %) patients with chronic wounds (48.8 %) than in patients with
followed by Enterococci species (41.2 %) and Bacteroides acute wounds (9.5 %), while Staphylococcus epidermidis was
(29.4 %) [92]. Another recent study at a University hospital found predominantly in acute wounds (17.9 %). At the time of
in Iran reported S. aureus to be the commonest bacteria path- study, patients with chronic wounds (58.3 %) had received more
ogen (43 %), followed by E. coli (21 %), Klebsiella spp. antibiotic treatments in the past previous 12 months compared
(13 %), Pseudomonas (10 %), and CoNS (5 %) among surgi- with patients with acute wounds (16.7 %) [101]. A study by
cal patients [93]. In that study, MRSA accounted for a rate of Thomas reported that individuals with chronic wounds are usu-
78.9 % of all S. aureus isolates [93]. Another study reported ally short of sufficient oxygen due to poor perfusion, and anaer-
that MRSA was the most frequent pathogen recovered and the obic bacteria take advantage of this condition, multiply, and
prevalence rate of MRSA SSI almost doubled during the study form microcolonies instead of aerobic bacteria [102].
period, increasing from 0.12 infections per 100 procedures to Moreover, host factors like age, immunosuppression, medica-
0.23 infections per 100 procedures [91]. tion, and concomitant diseases may also influence healing of
Bacterial contamination of the surgical site is a prerequisite chronic wounds (
for SSIs. The sensitivity pattern of SSI isolates is changing au/health/conditionsandtreatments/wounds-how-to-care-for-
due to increasing emergence of antimicrobial-resistant biofilm them).
producing pathogenic bacteria strains like MRSA [91], making While investigating bacterial diversity in chronic wounds,
the choice of empirical treatment more difficult and expen- Dowd [18] reported Staphylococcus, Pseudomonas,
sive. The magnitude of antimicrobial resistance among Peptoniphilus, Enterobacter, Stenotrophomonas, Finegoldia,
biofilm-producing bacteria globally is unknown, and this is and Serratia. Similarly, coagulase negative staphylococci and
Bacterial Contribution in Chronicity of Wounds

Fig. 3 Major healing and non-

healing differences between acute
and chronic wounds [16]

S. aureus have been isolated as the predominant bacterial spe- problems is defined as biofilm. The biofilm is further
cies from chronic wounds [96]. The most frequently identified divided in many types of infections; here, we will define
pathogen is P. aeruginosa, and this accounted for 7–33 % of some of the special cases like periodontitis, chronic lung
ulcers [103]. A bacterial culture study conducted by Fazli and infection in cystic fibrosis, catheters infections, and the
colleagues recognized S. aureus at the surface of wounds and major case of biofilm in chronic wounds. Chronic peri-
Pseudomonas aeruginosa in deeper layers of tissue [104]. odontal infections are common, and the prevalence of
A first-time study reported Bordetella trematum from a dia- severe periodontitis in Western countries has been esti-
betic leg ulcer patient, but the causative role of this pathogen was mated to be 5–15 % [112]. In Cystic fibrosis, bacterial
not clear in diabetic foot infection [105]. Other studies on patients biofilm is produced inside lungs and reduced its function
with diabetic foot ulcer documented MRSA as potential patho- which lead to death of the patient, Pseudomonas
gens, and this was found to increase the time of wound healing aeruginosa biofilms are highly found in this type of in-
process twofold [106, 107]. Wysocki [108] isolated several bac- fection [113], and biofilm on urinary catheters results in
terial species from patients with VLU, but only Staphylococcus persistent infections that are resistant to antibiotic [114].
aureus and Pseudomonas aeruginosa were recognized as sole Recently, it has been observed the bacterial roles in
wound pathogens. Recently, bacterial diversity was investigated chronic wounds infection which were analyzed by light
in German patients with chronic leg ulcers, and Staphylococcus and scanning electron microscopy [115]. Bacteria on the
aureus was found in 50 % cases, P. aeruginosa and wound bed multiply, form micro-colonies, and secrete
Enterobacteriaceae in 30 % cases and MRSA in approximately extracellular polymeric substances for formation of bio-
10 % cases [109]. Bacterial colonization of PU in Italian patients film matrix. Usually, components of biofilm are proteins,
who received care at home was investigated; MRSA, polysaccharides, and neutrophil or bacterial cell extracel-
Enterococcus, and bacilli species were identified as multidrug- lular DNA. However, the composition of biofilm may
resistant species of PU [110]. A prospective cohort study includ- vary depending on type of bacterial strain and chronic
ed patients with pressure ulcers and hospitalized in a basic health wound conditions [116, 117]. The bacterial species in
care unit and identified S. aureus in 20.7 % cases and bacilli single or mixed colonies take proteinaceous substrates
species in 32.5 % cases [111]. These microbiota diversities and and nutrients from moist wound bed that provides an
significant variabilities cause difficulties in selecting proper anti- ideal environment for development of biofilm [118].
biotics to cure chronic wounds. Moreover, bacterial communities within biofilm matrix
are resistant to antimicrobial agents, antibodies, and
Biofilm Formation toxins. The biofilm matrix formation consists of three
phases: initial and irreversible attachment, establishment
Naturally, attachment of microorganism on the surface of bacterial microcolonies, and dispersion of mature bio-
and microbial proliferation which causes many serious film. In the last phase, cells from biofilm are dispersed
K. Rahim et al.

and migrate to other surfaces to spread biofilm, and consequently, In a mature biofilm, bacteria grow slowly due to the defi-
the transition from local to systemic infection may occur [119]. ciency of nutrients that result in resistance to antibiotics of
It has been estimated that about 65 % of infections caused bacteria within biofilm. In one study, slow growth rate was
by microorganisms are significantly associated with formation observed for biofilm producing P. aeruginosa, E. coli, and
of biofilms, and cells in biofilm show greater resistance to S. epidermidis, and these were found to be resistant to cipro-
antimicrobial agents as compared to planktonic bacterial cells floxacin [136]. Furthermore, due to greater utilization of oxy-
[120]. Many studies have verified that several bacteria within gen and glucose in the outer layers, communities of anaerobic
chronic wounds develop biofilms. Using of peptide nucleic bacteria are produced deep in the biofilm, where these cells
acid-based fluorescence in situ hybridization (PNA-FISH) grow very slowly. Consequently, those antibiotics, which pen-
and confocal laser scanning microscopy Fazli and his team etrate into the biofilm, do not kill slow-growing bacterial com-
isolated S. aureus from outer layers and P. aeruginosa from munities within the biofilm [137]. In an investigation, Dowd
deeper layers of infected tissue and found it associated with [18] isolated 62 % of anaerobic biofilm-producing bacteria
biofilm formation [121]. Another study from Pakistan report- from pressure ulcer.
ed that 54.78 % S. aureus strains produced biofilms in chronic The biofilm age is an important factor that contributes to
wounds [122]. However, Attinger and Wolcott found biofilm- antibiotic resistance. Rani and colleagues observed that 10-
producing bacteria and fungi using PCR which are associated day-old biofilms are more resistant than 2-day-old biofilms
with more than 90 % of chronic wounds [123]. Clinical iso- [138]. This fact emphasizes the need for timely diagnosis as
lates were evaluated in a study, and different strains of well as treatment. Resistance to antibiotics is greatly enhanced
S. epidermidis, P. aeruginosa, and S. aureus were found pro- by the horizontal gene transfer mechanism in which resistant
ducing biofilms [124]. Similarly, Dowd and colleagues isolat- plasmids are transferred from biofilm-producing bacteria to
ed Staphylococcus, Peptoniphilus, Serratia, Pseudomonas, non-biofilm-producing bacteria. Such plasmids show resis-
Finegoldia, Enterobacter, and Stenotrophomonas from de- tance to antibiotics such as beta-lactams, aminoglycosides,
bridement of chronic wounds [18]. Hassan and colleagues tetracycline, erythromycin, sulfonamides, trimethoprim, and
found S. epidermidis, S. aureus, E. coli, E. faecalis, glycopeptides. Extensive bacterial communities and, conse-
P. aeruginosa, and K. pneumoniae associated with biofilm quently, a greater chance of contact between these cells in
formation in chronic wounds [19]. Moreover, Schaber [125] the biofilm matrix significantly favor the horizontal transfer
studied P. aeruginosa for biofilm formation in chronic burn of resistant plasmid. Hennequin [139] reported that
wounds and found that P. aeruginosa are quickly colonized in K. pneumonia is the most prominent bacteria due to its ability
burn wounds and produce biofilms around blood vessels. to transfer resistant plasmid at the rate of approximately 0.5/
Harris et al. also showed the biofilm phenotype of the bacterial donor cells.
isolates that were determined using confocal laser scanning Most bacterial cells present in outer layers of the bio-
microscopy (CLSM) and image analysis [126], as in previous film frequently come in contact with antibiotics and are
studies also proved the bacterial biofilm [127–130]. more susceptible to various antibiotics. These exposed
cells in the biofilm quickly die on exposure to antibiotics,
Antibiotics Resistance for example, ciprofloxacin. However, it is believed that
the persistent cells in the biofilm are found to be resistant
Antimicrobial agents, particularly antibiotics, are considered to the entire removal of biofilm-producing bacteria. These
to suppress the growth of metabolically active bacterial cells wild-type persistent cells remain in a dormant state in the
in biofilm, which usually have detrimental effects on the host presence of antibiotics and usually tolerate them [140].
tissue due to their ability to initiate inflammation [131]. Roberts and Steward found about 0.1 to 10 % persistent
However, biofilm is composed of dormant cells in large pro- cells in a biofilm [141]. Furthermore, Lewis described that
portion that exhibit resistance to antibiotics [132]. Actually, when antibiotic treatment is stopped, the persistent cells
the biofilm matrix acts as a diffusion barrier either by reducing become metabolically active to restart the formation of
the rate of antibiotic movement to the interior of biofilm or by biofilm [16]. In another study, the antibiotic susceptibility
reacting chemically with the antibiotic to delay its penetration of biofilm-producing E. coli was investigated, and three
into biofilm [133]. If the antibiotic takes a longer time to different antibiotics including ampicillin, ofloxacin, and
penetrate into biofilm than the time required for antibiotic kanamycin were applied to bacterial cells deep in layers
treatment, then this slow diffusion may be a reason for ob- of mature biofilms. The results of this study revealed that
served resistance to antibiotics [134]. Moreover, Lewis in kanamycin and ofloxacin were found to be effective anti-
[135] reported that the diffusion of positively charged antibi- biotics against biofilm cells, while ampicillin was found
otics, for example aminoglycosides, is prevented by negative- to be less effective against these cells; consequently, bio-
ly charged biofilm matrix either by molecular binding or film formation again started when the ampicillin therapy
chemical interaction [135]. was stopped [142].
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