Paragraph English

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Name : Lubna Rahmatul Apriliani

NIM : F1E02310043

Class : C
Developing an effective paragraph

Wall material

Title : Three Main Materials in Walls

Walls have a very important function in a building, there are three main
materials in the construction of a wall. The wall is a solid structure that
protects a space, so the material must be considered carefully. In general,
there are many types of wall material, for example red brick, light brick,
concrete block, wood, metal, concrete and so on. However, there are three
main and most frequently used materials, namely red brick, hebel and
concrete block. Because these materials are the key to the durability of a wall.
Briefly, the existence of these three materials is very important in the
construction of a building, because it affects the strength and durability of the
walls in the building.

Roof material

Title : Changes In Building Roof Materials

In this increasingly developing era, more and more new materials are
being discovered in making roofs. In ancient times, house roofs used a lot of
clay and even alang alang. But, this material is starting to become less
popular because installation is difficult and time consuming. Therefore, with
advances in technology, humans are increasingly able to create new materials
that are stronger and more efficient. The roofing material that is becoming
increasingly common lately is galvalum. galvalum consists of 55% zincalume,
1.5% silicon, 43.5% aluminum, and 1.5% zinc. Apart from that, galvalume
material is very easy to install and lighter than clay roofs. This condition
shows that technological advances have provided new innovations in the
manufacture of roofing materials, so that roofs materials offered now have
more varied.
Earthquake Resistance Construction

Title : Japan Earthquake Resistant Construction

Japan is one of the countries prone to earthquakes. The Japan

Meteorological Agency notes that there have been 1500 -2000 earthquakes
per year. Therefore, the Japanese government issued regulations requiring all
building construction to be earthquake resistant. Many building constructions
in Japan use reinforced concrete frames. Apart from that, the building is also
provided with seismic isolation in the form of rubber bearings which allow the
building to move horizontally. Miho Mazereeuw said "contextually it all comes
back to the idea that instead of resisting the movement of the earth, you let
the building move with it." In short, instead of preventing earthquake
movements, Japanese building construction tries to make buildings follow
earthquake movements, this allows buildings to be more flexible and not
easily collapse when an earthquake occurs.

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