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Eldar, the Sovreign’s Blade

Weapon (longsword)

Dungeons and Daphgar

(requires attunement)

Eldar is a beautifully crafted longsword with a hilt

resembling intertwined silver branches and a blade that
gleams with a golden hue. It was said to be forged in the fires
of unity and cooled in the waters of wisdom, a blade
befitting a ruler whose might was matched only by their
ability to inspire and lead.

Commanding Presence: While attuned to

Eldar, you gain a +3 bonus to attack and damage
rolls made with this weapon. Additionally, you have
advantage on Charisma (Persuasion) and Charisma
(Intimidation) checks as your voice carries the
weight of a true leader.

United We Stand: When you hit with an attack

using Eldar, you can choose to forgo half of your
damage to instead empower your allies. Any allies
within 30 feet of you that can see or hear gain the
number of the damage you forwent as temporary
hit points (minimum of +1).

Required Reading:

Eldar's abilities are designed to reflect the

Dungeons and Daphgar

commanding presence of a king and the power to

rally and inspire his subjects. Its powers are simple,
yet they embody the strategic and inspiring aspects
of leadership in combat.

This item should provide interesting tactical

options in combat, allowing the wielder to either
deal significant damage or to coordinate their allies
for a powerful group assault. As with any
homebrew item, feel free to adjust the abilities to
better suit your game and the power level of your

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