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1. Music takes me away from everyday life.

Mood management 4
4. I can specifically influence my mood through music. 5
17. My emotional receptivity to music used to be different than it is now. 5
21. With music I can forget my worries. 5
26. I can relieve anger through music. 4
30. I can relax through music. 4
34. Music helps me manage stress. 4
2. I am tempted to use my musical abilities to the full. Achivement and ambition 3
41. It means a lot to me to be able to do something in the field of music. 3
42. I would like to know more about the technical possibilities in the field of music. 5
18. I would like to know more about music. 4
9. I would like to be able to do more in the field of music. 5
22. I am musically untalented. 1
25. Learning an instrument is too exhausting for me. 1
28. I would like to be more creative in the field of music. 5
32. I could have become a great musician. 2
3. The social aspect of music means a lot to me. Community and communication 4
24. I'm good at meeting people through music. 2
38. For me, music is more of a community experience than for others. 3
36. I go to musical events to meet people. 1
5. I can sing well. Ability expertise 1
8. My musical ability is above average. 3
12. I can teach others about music. 2
15. I find it easy to pick out individual voices or harmonies. 4
35. I am an expert in certain genres of music. 1
6. My body reacts differently to music today than it used to. Rhytym and movement 4
10. When I listen to music, I move to the rhythm of the music. 5
39. I find it easy to move to music. 4
7. Listening to music can be a spiritual event for me. Spirituality 2
14. My receptivity to spirituality in music is different now than it used to be. 2
23. I can get in touch with God through music. 1
27. For me, spirituality in music is more important than for others. 1
37. My spiritual approach to music has changed over the years. 1
40. I'm not the type for spiritual experiences with music. 5
11. I'm interested in how musical instruments work. technique 3
16. The technical possibilities of editing music fascinate me. 4
19. I attach great importance to the technical quality of my playback devices. 2
29. I am concerned with the question of how music is made. 2
31. I would like to better understand the characteristics of different styles of music. 4
13. I am passionate about dancing. dance 3
20. I go dancing to satisfy my need for movement. 3
33. I avoid dancing because I'm not into it. 1
Mood Manegement31, 7q #4.4

Achivement and ambition24, 9q #2.6

Community and communication10, 4q #2.4

Spirituality8, 6q #1.3

Rhytym and movement13, 3q #4.3

Technique17, 5q #3.4

Ability and Expertise11, 5q #2.2

Dance7 ,3q #2.3

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