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Retrieving Multimodal Information for Augmented Generation: A Survey

Ruochen Zhao1 Hailin Chen1 Weishi Wang1 Fangkai Jiao1

Xuan Long Do1∗ Chengwei Qin1 Bosheng Ding1 Xiaobao Guo1
Minzhi Li 2 Xingxuan Li 1 Shafiq Joty1,3†
Nanyang Technological University, Singapore
National University of Singapore, Singapore
Salesforce Research
{ruochen002, hailin001, xuanlong001, weishi001, fangkai002, chengwei003, bosheng001}@e.ntu.edu.sg
{xiaobao001, xingxuan001}@e.ntu.edu.sg, li.minzhi@u.nus.edu, srjoty@ntu.edu.sg

Abstract the factuality and rationality of the generated con-

As Large Language Models (LLMs) become
tent. Recently, there have been emerging studies fo-
popular, there emerged an important trend of us- cusing on retrieval-augmented approaches (Mialon
ing multimodality to augment the LLMs’ gen- et al., 2023), which aim to provide information that
eration ability, which enables LLMs to better is more grounded and factually dependent. Among
interact with the world. However, there lacks a them, most (Nakano et al., 2021; Guu et al., 2020b)
unified perception of at which stage and how to retrieves textual information, which matches the
incorporate different modalities. In this survey, data format used during pre-training and offers a
we review methods that assist and augment gen-
natural medium for interaction. However, there
erative models by retrieving multimodal knowl-
edge, whose formats range from images, codes, is more world knowledge stored in different struc-
tables, graphs, to audio. Such methods offer a tures and modalities, such as images and videos,
promising solution to important concerns such which is often inaccessible, unavailable, or not de-
as factuality, reasoning, interpretability, and ro- scribable in traditional textual corpora.
bustness. By providing an in-depth review, this Therefore, there arises an important research in-
survey is expected to provide scholars with a
tersection that retrieves multimodal knowledge to
deeper understanding of the methods’ appli-
cations and encourage them to adapt existing augment generative models. It offers a promising
techniques to the fast-growing field of LLMs. solution to current challenges such as factuality,
reasoning, interpretability, and robustness. As this
1 Introduction field is very recent, there lacks a unified under-
Generative Artificial Intelligence (GAI) has demon- standing of recognizing these methods as a specific
strated impressive performances in tasks such as group, visualizing their innate connections, con-
text generation (Ouyang et al., 2022; Chowdhery necting their methodologies, and outlining their
et al., 2022; Brown et al., 2020) and text-to-image applications.
generation (Ramesh et al., 2021a; Poole et al., Therefore, we survey recent advancements in
2022). The recent advancements in Multimodal multimodal retrieval-augmented generation (RAG).
Large Language Models (MLLMs) (Driess et al., Specifically, we discuss current research by group-
2023; OpenAI, 2023; Huang et al., 2023b) have ing them into different modalities, including im-
further improved the models’ capabilities to handle age, code, structured knowledge, audio, and video.
multi-format information, opening up possibilities For each modality, we systematically search the
for developing general-purpose learners. ACL Anthology and Google Scholar with relevant
Nevertheless, generative models are not ex- keywords and perform manual filtering to deter-
empt from inherent limitations, including the ten- mine their relevance to the survey. As a result, we
dency for generating hallucinations (Ye and Dur- collect 146 papers for detailed analysis. In Ap-
rett, 2022), struggling with arithmetic tasks (Patel pendix A.1, we include search details, statistics,
et al., 2021), and lacking interpretability . Conse- and a trend analysis figure, which shows that mul-
quently, a promising solution for enhancing their timodal RAG papers have indeed developed very
capabilities lies in enabling them to interact with fastly since the emergence of large-scale general-
the external world and acquire knowledge in di- purpose models. Within each modality, we discuss
verse formats and modalities, thereby improving relevant papers by grouping them under different

Now affiliated with NUS applications. By providing an in-depth survey, we

Work done while the author is on leave from NTU hope to help researchers recognize the importance
of incorporating knowledge in different formats to a large amount of multimodal data and designing
and encourage adaptation and advancements on ex- a network that produces semantically meaningful
isting techniques to the fast-growing field of LLMs. outputs.
In summary, our contributions are as follows:
• We establish retrieval augmented generation with 2.2 Retrieval-Augmented Generation (RAG)
multi-modality as an important group of methods
RAG typically consists of two phases: retrieving
that emerges with the recent advances in LLMs.
contextually relevant information, and guiding the
• For common modalities, we provide an in-depth
generation process using the retrieved knowledge.
review of research papers by contextualizing their
innate connections and shared challenges. Recently, RAG has gained popularity in Natu-
ral Language Processing (NLP) due to the rise of
• We provide an informative analysis of future di-
general-purpose Large Language Models (LLMs)
rections, which could contain promising solu-
(Chowdhery et al., 2022; OpenAI, 2023), which
tions to many current challenges.
have boosted performances in a wide range of NLP
2 Definitions and Background tasks. However, there are two primary challenges:
To better understand the state and advancements Firstly, because generative models rely on the inner
that inspired multimodal retrieval augmentation, knowledge (weights), they result in a high amount
we first define and discuss the background of two of hallucinations (Zhao et al., 2023b). Secondly,
key concepts: multimodal learning and retrieval- due to their large parameter sizes and the high costs
augmented generation (RAG). of updating, the traditional pretraining and finetun-
ing approaches have become infeasible. As a solu-
2.1 Multimodal Learning tion, RAG methods (Gu et al., 2018; Weston et al.,
Multimodal learning refers to learning a unified 2018; Cai et al., 2019b; Lewis et al., 2020) offer a
representation of data from different modalities. It promising solution for LLMs to effectively interact
aims at extracting complementary information to with the external world.
facilitate compositional tasks (Baltrušaitis et al., RAG is applied to a wide range of downstream
2018; Gao et al., 2020). In this survey, we include NLP tasks, including machine translation (Gu et al.,
all modalities whose formats are different from 2018; Zhang et al., 2018; Xu et al., 2020; He et al.,
natural language, including image, code, structured 2021), dialogue generation (Weston et al., 2018;
knowledge (e.g. tables, knowledge graphs), audio, Wu et al., 2019; Cai et al., 2019a), abstractive
and video. summarization (Peng et al., 2019), and knowledge-
Multimodal generative models have a wide range intensive generation (Lewis et al., 2020; Izacard
of applications, such as text-image generation, cre- and Grave, 2021). Among them, most methods fo-
ative writing generation, and multilingual transla- cus on retrieving textual information. For example,
tion. For instance, the image recognition task can Guu et al. (2020b); Lewis et al. (2020); Borgeaud
benefit from analyzing images and videos in con- et al. (2022); Izacard et al. (2022) jointly train a
junction with textual descriptions (Ju et al., 2022; retrieval system with an encoder or sequence-to-
Alayrac et al., 2022a; Jia et al., 2021; Radford sequence LM, achieving comparable performance
et al., 2021b). Conversely, incorporating visual to larger LMs that use significantly more parame-
information also aids language understanding and ters. Recent research also proposes combining a re-
generation (Zhou et al., 2020; Lei et al., 2021; ?). triever with chain-of-thought (CoT) prompting for
Moreover, they have the potential to significantly reasoning to augment language models (He et al.,
improve machine learning systems across various 2022a; Trivedi et al., 2022; Zhao et al., 2023c).
domains by enabling models to learn from and in-
tegrate multiple sources of information (Tsai et al., 3 Multimodal Retrieval-Augmented
2019; Acosta et al., 2022; Nagrani et al., 2021). Generation
Additionally, there has been growing interest in de-
veloping generative models that can output multiple For each modality, there are different retrieval
modalities of data (Ramesh et al., 2021b; Crowson and synthesis procedures, targeted tasks, and chal-
et al., 2022; Lin and Byrne, 2022a; Chen et al., lenges. Therefore, we discuss relevant methods by
2022a). However, there remain challenges for mul- grouping them in terms of modality, including im-
timodal generative models, such as gaining access age, code, structured knowledge, audio, and video.
3.1 Image a reward function to train a more fine-grained cap-
tioning model. Beyond retrieving image elements,
Recent advances on pretrained models shed light on
Sarto et al. (2022); Shi et al. (2021); Ramos et al.
general image-text multi-modal models (Ramesh
(2023); Yang et al. (2023b) retrieves relevant cap-
et al., 2021a; Alayrac et al., 2022b; Aghajanyan
tions to the inputs. Zhou et al. (2022a) tackles news
et al., 2022; Yu et al., 2022; Dou et al., 2022; Li
image captioning by retrieving visually grounded
et al., 2023a). However, these models require huge
entities in news articles.
computational resources for pretraining and large
Visually grounded dialogue This task (Lee et al.,
amounts of model parameters — as they need to
2021b) requires retrieving visual information to
memorize vast world knowledge. More critically,
produce relevant dialog responses. Fan et al. (2021)
they cannot efficiently deal with new or out-of-
augments generative models with KNN-based In-
domain knowledge. To this end, multiple retrieval-
formation Fetching (KIF) modules that retrieve im-
augmented methods have been proposed to better
ages and wiki knowledge. Liang et al. (2021) re-
incorporate external knowledge from images and
trieves a correlated image to the dialog from an im-
text documents. In general text generation tasks,
age index to ground the response generator. Shen
image retrieval can also improve generation quality
et al. (2021) trains a word-image mapping model to
by expanding text generation contexts with more
retrieve response visual impressions and then uses
both textual and visual information for response
Visual question answering (VQA) To tackle generation.
open-domain VQA, RA-VQA (Lin and Byrne, Text generation For general text generation tasks,
2022b) jointly trains the document retriever image retrieval can also help expand contexts. Yang
and answer generation module by approximately et al. (2022a) augments a text model’s “imagina-
marginalizing predictions over retrieved docu- tion ” by retrieving existing images and synthesiz-
ments. It first uses existing tools of object de- ing newly generated images. As a result, fueling
tection, image captioning, and optical character language models with imagination can improve per-
recognition (OCR) to convert target images to tex- formances in many downstream natural language
tual data. Then, it performs dense passage retrieval tasks. Similarly, Zhu et al. (2023) compares “imag-
(DPR) (Karpukhin et al., 2020a) to fetch text docu- ination” augmentation with synthetic and retrieved
ments relevant to the target image in the database. images and argues that machine-generated images
Finally, each retrieved document is concatenated could provide better guidance due to better con-
with the initial question to generate the final predic- sideration of the contexts. Moreover, Fang and
tion, similar to RAG (Lewis et al., 2020). Besides Feng (2022) shows that machine translation can
external documents, PICa (Yang et al., 2022b) and be significantly improved by retrieving visual in-
KAT (Gui et al., 2022) also consider LLMs as im- formation at the phrase level, especially when the
plicit knowledge bases and extract relevant implicit textual context is limited. Image RAG can also help
information from GPT-3. Plug-and-Play (Tiong low-resource tasks such as medical report genera-
et al., 2022) retrieves relevant image patches by tion (Wu et al., 2022a) and architectural description
using GradCAM (Selvaraju et al., 2017) to localize generation (Mille et al., 2020).
relevant parts based on the initial question. It then Beyond retrieving images before generating text,
performs image captioning on retrieved patches Re-Imagen (Chen et al., 2022c) leverages a multi-
to acquire augmented context. Beyond text-only modal knowledge base to retrieve image-text pairs
augmented context, MuRAG (Chen et al., 2022b) to facilitate image generation. RA-CM3 (Yasunaga
retrieves both text and image data and incorporates et al., 2022) can generate mixtures of images and
images as visual tokens. RAMM (Yuan et al., 2023) text. It shows that retrieval-augmented image gener-
retrieves similar biomedical images and captions ation performs much better on knowledge-intensive
and encodes them through different networks. generation tasks and opens up new capabilities such
Image captioning To generate multi-style cap- as multimodal in-context learning.
tions, Zhou and Long (2023) uses a style-aware
visual encoder to retrieve image contents before 3.2 Code
generating captions. Beyond simply encoding vi- Software developers attempt to search for rele-
sual information, Cho et al. (2022) further uses the vant information to improve their productivity from
multimodal similarity between image-text pairs as large amounts of available resources such as expla-
nations for unknown terminologies, reusable code the decoding phase. This idea is further explored
patches, and solutions to common programming by Liu et al. (2021), where retrieved code-summary
bugs (Xia et al., 2017). Inspired by the progress pairs are used to augment the original code prop-
of deep learning in NLP, a general retrieval- erty graph (Yamaguchi et al., 2014) of source code
augmented generation paradigm has benefited a via local attention mechanisms. To capture the
wide range of code intelligent tasks, including code global semantics for better code structural learn-
completion (Lu et al., 2022b), code generation ing, a global structure-aware self-attention mecha-
(Zhou et al., 2022b), and automatic program re- nism (Zhu et al., 2019) is further employed.
pair (APR) (Nashid et al., 2023). However, these
Code Completion Recent advances in retrieval-
approaches often treat programming languages and
based code completion tasks (McConnell,
natural languages as equivalent sequences of tokens
2004) have gained increasing attention. No-
and ignore the rich semantics inherent to source
tably, Hashimoto et al. (2018) adapts the
code. To address these limitations, recent research
retrieve-and-edit framework to improve the
work has focused on improving code generaliza-
model’s performance in code auto-completion
tion performance via multimodal learning, which
tasks. To address practical code completion scenar-
incorporates additional modalities such as code
ios, ReACC (Lu et al., 2022b) takes both lexical
comments, identifier tags, and abstract syntax trees
and semantic information of the unfinished code
(AST) into code pretrained models (Wang et al.,
snippet into account, utilizing a hybrid technique
2021b; Guo et al., 2022; Li et al., 2022d). To this
to combine a lexical-based sparse retriever and a
end, multimodal retrieval-augmented generation
semantic-based dense retriever. First, the hybrid
approach has demonstrated its feasibility in a vari-
retriever searches for a relevant code from the
ety of code-specific tasks.
codebase based on the given incomplete code.
Text-to-Code Generation Numerous research Then, the unfinished code is concatenated with the
studies have investigated the utilization of relevant retrieval, and an auto-regressive code completion
codes and associated documents to benefit code generator will generate the completed code based
generation models. A prominent example is RED- on them. In order to address project relations,
CODER (Parvez et al., 2021), which retrieves the CoCoMIC (Ding et al., 2022) decomposes a code
top-ranked code snippets or summaries from an ex- file into four components: files, global variables,
isting codebase, and aggregates them with source classes, and functions. It constructs an in-file
code sequences to enhance the generation or sum- context graph based on the hierarchical relations
marization capabilities. As another such approach, among all associated code components, forming
DocPrompting (Zhou et al., 2022b) uses a set of a project-level context graph by considering both
relevant documentation as in-context prompts to in-file and cross-file dependencies. Given an
generate corresponding code via retrieval. In addi- incomplete program, CoCoMIC retrieves the most
tion to these lexical modalities, Hayati et al. (2018) relevant cross-file entities from its project-level
proposes a syntax-based code generation approach context graph and jointly learns the incomplete
to reference existing subtree from the AST as tem- program and the retrieved cross-file context for
plates to direct code generation explicitly. code completion.
Code-to-Text Generation Retrieval-based code Automatic Program Repair (APR) Inspired
summarization methods are studied extensively. by the nature that a remarkable portion of com-
For example, RACE (Shi et al., 2022) leverages rel- mits is comprised of existing code commits (Mar-
evant code differences and their associated commit tinez et al., 2014), APR is typically treated as a
messages to enhance commit message generation. search problem by traversing the search space of
Besides, RACE calculates the semantic similarity repair ingredients to identify a correct fix (Qi et al.,
between source code differences and retrieved ones 2014), based on a redundancy assumption (White
to weigh the importance of different input modali- et al., 2019) that the target fix can often be recon-
ties. Rencos (Zhang et al., 2020) retrieves two sim- structed in the search space. Recent studies have
ilar code snippets based on the aspects of syntactic- shown that mining relevant bug-fix patterns from
level similarity and semantic-level similarity of a existing search space (Jiang et al., 2018) and ex-
given query code. These similar contexts are then ternal repair templates from StackOverflow (Liu
incorporated into the summarization model during and Zhong, 2018) can significantly benefit APR
models. Joshi et al. (2022) intuitively ranks a col- idea of transforming structured commonsense gen-
lection of bug-fix pairs based on the similarity of eration tasks into code generation problems and
error messages to develop few-shot prompts. They employing LLMs of code as the solvers. One such
incorporate compiler error messages into a large work is CoCoGen (Madaan et al., 2022) which con-
programming language model Codex (Chen et al., verts each training sample (consisting of textual
2021) for multilingual APR. CEDAR (Nashid et al., input and the output structure) into a Tree class in
2023) further extends this idea to retrieval-based Python. The LLMs of code then perform few-shot
prompts design using relevant code demonstrations, reasoning over the textual input to generate Python
comprising more modalities such as unit test, er- code, and the Python code is then converted back
ror type, and error information. Additionally, Jin to the original structure for evaluation. Besides,
et al. (2023) leverage a static analyzer Infer to ex- the success of LLMs of code such as Codex in syn-
tract error type, error location, and syntax hierar- thesizing computer code also makes them suitable
chies (Clement et al., 2021) to prioritize the focal for generating formal codes. Motivated by this,
context. Then, they retrieve semantically-similar Wu et al. (2022b) propose to prove mathematical
fixes from an existing bug-fix codebase and con- theorems by adopting Codex to generate formal-
catenate the retrieved fixes and focal context to ized theorems from natural language mathematics
form the instruction prompts for program repair. for the interactive theorem prover Isabelle (Wenzel
et al., 2008).
Reasoning over Codes as Intermediate Steps
While large language models (LLMs) have recently 3.3 Structured Knowledge
demonstrated their impressive capability to per- An open challenge in generative models is hallu-
form reasoning tasks, they are still prone to logi- cination, where the model is likely to output false
cal and arithmetic errors (Gao et al., 2022a; Chen information. Thus, A potential solution is to ground
et al., 2022d; Madaan et al., 2022). To mitigate generation with retrieved structured knowledge,
this issue, emerging research papers have focused such as knowledge graphs, tables, and databases.
on using LLMs of code (e.g., Codex (Chen et al.,
Question Answering (QA) A natural setting to
2021)) to generate the code commands for solving
use knowledge is QA. To augment Knowledge Base
logical and arithmetic tasks and calling external
(KB) QA by extracting the most relevant knowledge,
interpreters to execute the commands to obtain the
Hu et al. (2022b) uses dense retrieval and Liu et al.
results. Notably, Gao et al. (2022a) proposes to
(2022b) uses a cross-encoder ranker. Shu et al.
generate Python programs as intermediate reason-
(2022) employs multi-grained retrieval to extract
ing steps and offload the solution step to a Python
relevant KB context and uses constrained decod-
interpreter. Additionally, Chen et al. (2022d) ex-
ing to control the output space. In table QA, Nan
plore generating chain-of-thought (CoT) (Wei et al.,
et al. (2022) proposes a dataset that requires re-
2022) for not only text but also programming lan-
trieving relevant tables for answer generation. Pan
guage statements as reasoning steps to solve the
et al. (2021) then proposes a method that uses a
problem. During the inference phase, answers are
transformer-based system to retrieve the most rel-
obtained via an external interpreter. Similarly, Lyu
evant tables and locate the correct cells. More-
et al. (2023) propose Faithful CoT that first trans-
over, to improve Video QA, Hu et al. (2023) re-
lates the natural language query to a symbolic rea-
trieves from Knowledge Graph (KG) encodings
soning chain and then solves the reasoning chain
stored in the memory. The most prominent RAG
by calling external executors to derive the answer.
usage remains in open-domain QA, where multiple
Another example is Ye et al. (2023), which uti-
datasets are proposed (Lin et al., 2023; Ramnath
lizes LLMs to decompose table-based reasoning
et al., 2021). For retrieval, Ma et al. (2022) verbal-
tasks into subtasks, decouples logic and numerical
izes the KG and then uses dense passage retrieval.
computations in each step through SQL queries by
Fan et al. (2019); Gupta et al. (2018) encodes KG
Codex, and calls SQL interpreters to solve them (a
information into dense representations. Pramanik
process called "parsing-execution-filling").
et al. (2021); Jin et al. (2022) builds graph embed-
LLMs of code are also known as good-structured dings to retrieve question-relevant evidence. Xu
commonsense reasoners, and even better-structured et al. (2021); Baek et al. (2023) use semantic sim-
reasoners than LLMs (Madaan et al., 2022). As ilarity and text-matching methods. Synthesis can
a result, prior studies have also investigated the occur at different stages. At the input stage, Xu
et al. (2021); Baek et al. (2023) feed in the re- tual premises iteratively and combines them with
trieved contexts as additional inputs or prompts to generation. Yang et al. (2022c) proposes a math
the PLM. (Ma et al., 2022; Fan et al., 2019) adapt reasoner that first retrieves highly-correlated alge-
the generator to accept the context representations braic knowledge and then passes them as prompts
as inputs. At model inference stage, an interesting to improve the semantic representations for the gen-
work is Hu et al. (2022c), which inserts an inter- eration task. With the recent advances in LLMs,
action layer into PLMs to guide an external KG He et al. (2022a); Li et al. (2023b) retrieve from
reasoning module. KG and KB, such as Wikidata, based on reason-
General text generation External knowledge ing steps obtained from the chain-of-thought (CoT)
retrieval can improve general text generation to prompting (Wei et al., 2022).
be more factually grounded. Liu et al. (2022a) Knowledge-grounded dialogue Dialogue gen-
presents a memory-augmented approach to condi- eration based on relevant tables and knowledge
tion an autoregressive language model on a knowl- bases has been a practical research application (Wu
edge graph (KG). During inference, Tan et al. et al., 2020b; Li et al., 2022b; Nakamura et al.,
(2022) selects knowledge entries through dense 2022; Gao et al., 2022b; Lu et al., 2023). To tackle
retrieval and then injects them into the input en- the challenge, Li et al. (2022c) and Galetzka et al.
coding and output decoding stages in pretrained (2021) retrieve relevant knowledge, process it into
language models (PLMs). For domain-specific text a dense representation and incorporate it into dia-
generation, Frisoni et al. (2022); Yang et al. (2021); logue generation. On top of dense representations,
Li et al. (2019) retrieve medical report chunks or Gu et al. (2020) and Jung et al. (2020) leverage at-
report templates to augment input prompts. Then, tention mechanisms to flexibly adjust which knowl-
they use self-devised decoders or graph transform- edge to depend on during generation. Some meth-
ers to generate grounded reports. To improve in- ods (Zhang et al., 2021; Dziri et al., 2021; Chen
terpretability, RAG could be used to select facts et al., 2020) first generate subgoals or responses
as interpretable reasoning paths (Aggarwal et al., and then use them to retrieve relevant knowledge.
2021; Jansen and Ustalov, 2019). Moreover, RAG The retrieved knowledge then helps amend pre-
is especially useful for low-resource generation vious responses. Besides knowledge, Cai et al.
tasks, such as question generation (Yu and Jiang, (2019b) and Wu et al. (2020a) improve dialogue re-
2021; Xin et al., 2021; Gu et al., 2019), document- sponse generation by retrieving templates or proto-
to-slide (Sun et al., 2021), table-to-text (Su et al., type dialogues to augment inputs. Recently, Kang
2021), counterargument generation (Jo et al., 2021), et al. (2023) retrieves relevant subgraphs from KGs,
entity description generation (Cheng et al., 2020) and then utilizes contrastive learning to ensure that
and text-based games (Murugesan et al., 2021). the generated texts have high similarity to the sub-
Recent research has attempted to reduce hallu-
By retrieving from relevant sources, RAG not
cinations in LLMs by leveraging external struc-
only improves factuality but also provides the
tured knowledge. For example, during fine-tuning,
grounding contexts while generating, thus address-
LaMDA (Thoppilan et al., 2022) learns to consult
ing interpretability and robustness concerns. With
external knowledge sources before responding to
the potential to handle more information types with
the user, including an information retrieval system
recent advances in LLMs (OpenAI, 2023), RAG
that can retrieve knowledge triplets and web URLs.
with structured knowledge could be further en-
Some papers treat the generative model (often large
hanced. There are still challenges to be addressed.
language models) as black-box and retrieve struc-
For example, there could be new designs for bet-
tured information without fine-tuning. For exam-
ter retrieval systems that could promote efficient
ple, BINDER (Cheng et al., 2023) uses in-context
interactions suitable for diverse knowledge bases.
learning to output designed API calls that retrieve
Synthesizing this information correctly is also an
question-relevant columns from tables.
open challenge, where it is hard to decide which
Reasoning with knowledge By selecting knowl- parts need augmenting in the textual outputs.
edge, reasoning tasks can be solved in a more
grounded and interpretable way. To generate an 3.4 Audio
entailment tree explanation for a given hypothe- Audio RAG is useful in incorporating audio infor-
sis, Neves Ribeiro et al. (2022) retrieves from tex- mation in specific audio-language tasks, such as
music captioning, music and text generation, and Music generation Royal et al. (2020) uses deep
speech recognition. Moreover, using audio RAG neural hashing to retrieve music building blocks
for audio data augmentation has also been proven and then performs generation by using the current
useful in mitigating the lack of audio-text training music segment to retrieve the next. In automatic
data. It could be a promising future direction (Li speech recognition (ASR), Chan et al. (2023) uses
et al., 2022a). a k-nearest neighbor (KNN) approach to retrieve
external knowledge related to the audio and text
Text-audio data augmentation For text-audio
embeddings. The retrieved knowledge significantly
tasks, one of the most important challenges is the
reduces domain adaptation time for ASR.
lack of training data on audio-text pairs. Therefore,
retrieving audio and textual cues can alleviate the The audio modality is closely intertwined with
data scarcity problem and improve performance. In other modalities, such as video. Therefore, recent
audio captioning, which aims at translating the in- advancements in using audio features for text-video
put audio into its description, Koizumi et al. (2020) retrieval (Falcon et al., 2022; Mithun et al., 2018)
retrieves guidance captions similar to the input au- can benefit RAG tasks involving other modalities.
dio from the training set. Then, the retrieved guid- Moreover, although audio-text retrieval has been
ance captions are fed into a PLM to help gener- a long-standing task (Liu et al., 2015; Milde et al.,
ate new captions, which improves generation per- 2016a,b), exploring recently discovered techniques
formance. To augment scarce speech translation (Hu et al., 2022a; Lou et al., 2022; Koepke et al.,
(ST) data, Zhao et al. (2023a) proposes Spoken- 2022) could lead to further improvements.
Vocab, a technique to convert machine translation 3.5 Video
(MT) data to synthetic ST data. To form synthetic Retrieving video snippets for generation is used
speech, SpokenVocab retrieves and stitches audio primarily in two tasks: video-grounded dialogue
snippets, corresponding to words in an MT sen- and video captioning. Recently, augmenting LLMs
tence. Experiments show that stitched audio snip- with video retrieval also demonstrates good perfor-
pets can improve translation quality. Kim et al. mances, especially in few-shot settings.
(2023) leverages a PLM to tackle the data scarcity Video-grounded dialogue Given video con-
issue. It retrieves features from the input audio, texts, the model learns to engage in a relevant di-
maps them to continuous vectors using mapping alogue. Pasunuru and Bansal (2018) introduces
networks, and uses vectors as prefixes for pre- a video-context, many-speaker dialogue dataset,
fix tuning the PLM. With the additional informa- which challenges researchers to develop visually-
tion from retrieved audio, it outperforms previous grounded dialogue models that generate relevant
methods. In text-to-audio generation, Huang et al. responses from live videos. Similarly, Lei et al.
(2023a) applies audio-text retrieval to get pseudo (2020) proposes TVQA+, a dataset that requires re-
text prompts, which enhance audio generation in trieving relevant video moments to answer textual
data-scarce scenarios. To augment the argumenta- questions about videos. Then, it proposes a unified
tion mining (AM) task in political debates, Mestre framework that encodes video segments into repre-
et al. (2023) integrates audio features into PLMs, sentations, uses an attention mechanism to locate
which improves performance when data is scarce. relevant information, and produces textual answers.
Music captioning Music captioning is the task To better perform visually-grounded dialogue tasks,
of generating a text description or lyrics given the Le et al. (2020) retrieves visual cues from prior user
music audio. And RAG is explored to learn better queries. The cues are then used as contextual infor-
audio-lyric alignment. Manco et al. (2021) pro- mation to construct relevant responses. On video
poses the first music audio captioning model, Mus- QA, it substantially outperforms prior approaches.
Caps. Firstly, a pretrained multimodal encoder Recently, Le et al. (2022) extracts visual cues from
obtains audio representations that retrieve musical the video to augment video-grounded dialogues.
features in the input. As the pretraining bridges the The video retrieval is performed with neural mod-
gap between the audio modality and textual under- ule networks, which are instantiated with entities
standing, the method improves task performance. and actions in previous dialogues.
He et al. (2022b) learns an audio-lyric alignment Video captioning Sharing a similar motivation
through contrastive learning, which results in a to RAG, Long et al. (2018) first proposes to use
higher-quality generation of captions for music. attention layers to automatically select the most
salient visual or semantic features and use them to into a two-stage (rationale generation and answer
augment caption generation. As a result, it stably inference) framework, surpassing GPT-3.5 by a
outperforms previous methods. (Whitehead et al., large margin with a much smaller fine-tuned model.
2018) then develops a retrieval-based approach for Similar to Zhang et al. (2023b), kosmos-1 (Huang
video description generation. For news videos, it et al., 2023b) breaks down multimodal reasoning
retrieves topically related news documents and then into two steps. It first generates intermediate con-
generates a description using a knowledge-aware tent as the rationale based on visual information
video description network. and then uses the generated rationale to induce the
LLM augmentation Wang et al. (2022) attempts result. However, both methods may have difficul-
to augment an LLM to generalize to various video- ties understanding certain types of images (e.g.,
to-text tasks from a few examples. As the LLMs maps), which could be mitigated by retrieving in-
cannot accept video inputs, it first translates video formative image-text pairs.
contents into attributes using image-language mod-
4.2 Building a Multimodal Knowledge Index
els and then prompts the retrieved content to in-
struct the LLM. It demonstrates good few-shot per- In order to facilitate multimodal RAG, one of the
formances on a wide range of video-language tasks. most fundamental aspects is building a multimodal
Currently, the video-text research bottleneck knowledge index. The goal is twofold: Firstly,
mainly lies in the representation gap between dif- dense representations should support low storage,
ferent modalities. Research has been attempting dynamic updating of the knowledge base, and ac-
to learn a better mapping between video-text via curate search. Secondly, it could enable faster
joint learning (Xu et al., 2015; Sun et al., 2019). search speed with the help of local sensitive hash-
Recent studies on dense video representation learn- ing (Leskovec et al., 2014), which combats scaling
ing can also be useful for future video RAG. Be- and robustness concerns when the knowledge base
sides, some papers (Yang et al., 2023a; Wang et al., is scaled up extremely.
2021a) try to introduce fine-grained interaction be- Currently, the dense representations for text snip-
tween different modalities to learn better aligned pets are widely studied for documents (Karpukhin
representations. Zeng et al. (2022) encourages mul- et al., 2020b; Gao and Callan, 2021; Gao et al.,
tiple pretrained models in different modalities to 2021), entities (Sciavolino et al., 2021; Lee et al.,
exchange information with each other in a zero- 2021a), and images (Radford et al., 2021a). Be-
shot manner. Most recently, Zhang et al. (2023a) sides, there are studies optimizing dense representa-
trains Video-Llama to better align pretrained video tions in an end-to-end manner (Lewis et al., 2020).
and audio encoders with LLM’s embedding space. Nevertheless, few papers (Chen et al., 2022a) have
explored building a multimodal index at the same
4 Future Directions time for downstream generation tasks. How to map
With the development of multi-modal LLMs, re- a multimodal knowledge index into a unified space
trieving multimodal information to augment text remains a long-term challenge.
generation will be a promising direction to better
4.3 Pretraining with Multimodal Retrieval
ground textual generation in real-world contexts,
contributing towards building a model that is fully To better align the abilities to handle different
aware and can better interact with the world. Specif- modalities in a pre-trained model, future work
ically, we describe some potential directions that could be built on employing retrieval-based ap-
can be of benefit to the community. proaches during pre-training. Currently, some
methods fine-tune the pre-trained generative model
4.1 Retrieval Augmented Multimodal to learn to retrieve from different modalities. For
Reasoning example, LaMDA (Thoppilan et al., 2022) calls
One potential application of multimodal RAG is an external toolset for fine-tuning, including an in-
multimodal reasoning. Lu et al. (2022a) first in- formation retrieval system. Similarly, during fine-
troduces ScienceQA, a large-scale multimodal sci- tuning, Toolformer (Schick et al., 2023) augments
ence question dataset annotated with lectures and models with API calls to tools including a QA sys-
explanations. Then, Zhang et al. (2023b) proposes tem and a Wikipedia search engine.
Multimodal Chain-of-Thought (Multimodal-CoT) When similar retrieval abilities are leveraged
which incorporates language and vision modalities during pretraining, the generative models can inter-
act with retrieval tools much better. Then, instead gramme (AISG Award No: AISG-PhD/2021-01-
of relying solely on internal weights, they could 001).
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promising field. Moreover, we hope it could en- toine Miech, Iain Barr, Yana Hasson, Karel Lenc,
courage future research in the domain, including Arthur Mensch, Katie Millican, Malcolm Reynolds,
Roman Ring, Eliza Rutherford, Serkan Cabi, Tengda
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Mikolaj Binkowski, Ricardo Barreira, Oriol Vinyals,
Limitations Andrew Zisserman, and Karen Simonyan. 2022b.
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Modality ACL Google Total analyzed recently, with peaks reached around end of 2022.
The observation is consistent with our hypothesis
Image (67) 17 6 23
that multimodal RAG is especially important and
Code (177) 9 24 33
Structured (108) 44 11 55 helpful in the age of large-scale general-purpose
Audio (17) 6 14 20 models.
Video (22) 7 7 14
Total (291) 83 62 145

Table 1: Paper statistics. Number in parenthesis is the

number before manual filtering. “Google” represents
searching on google scholar and manually filtering. “To-
tal analyzed” represents the number of total papers after
manual filtering
4 Figure 1: Paper trend analysis
A Appendix
A.1 Search Criteria and Results
8 For searching the ACL anthology articles, we use
a keyword search over titles and abstracts. We
strictly enforce the keyword “retriev”. Then, we
enforce either “generat” or “ground” to appear. For
each modality, we then add modality-specific key-
words: “image” for the image modality, “code”
for the code modality, any one from “structured
knowledge/table/database/knowledge graph” for
the structured knowledge modality, any one from
“audio/speech” for the audio modality, and “video”
for the video modality.
For searching on Google Scholar, we add the
keyword “language models” to select more NLP-
related articles. We then perform manual filtering
on the top 3 pages of returned results.
The number of retrieved and analyzed research
papers can be found in Table 1.
A trend analysis of how the number of papers
change across time is shown in Figure 1 We could
observe that the domain of multimodal retrieval-
augmented generation has indeed developed a lot

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