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Wenshen Hsu


ASA 189H


This week of class, we begin with USA is king of BS country. When I hear it

from professor, I have to say I totally agree with this statement. There are so

many examples to show that USA is king of BS country. Talk show can be an

example, the host and guest just totally talk in non-sense and audience is fall in

love with these non-sense. Also there is also a lot of people occupation is

comedian which is just making people laugh by just talking a lot of BS.

Another topic that professor is mention in class is that talk out of your ass.

This is might the reason why American can make a living by just talking a lot.

This kind of culture can really symbolize the US culture. The comedian, Kevin

hart, is the most popular comedian of this century by just talk out of your ass.

Also there is a youtuber that we watched in class. He is basically just talking and

introduces food to his audience. People actually like to watch this kind of video

that people just talking a lot and introduce something to his/her audience. So

now talking out of your ass become a mainstream of United State culture.

The symbol of Starbucks logo is really a interesting topic. We drink Starbucks

everyday, but we never really know the meaning behind of Starbucks logo. The

image of Starbucks is a “glorified” female with her hair covering her naked body.

The symbol attract to female because of promoting the women power. The logo
draws male attention with the sex appeal and gender. From the logo, it

symbolizes the order of Staten. The two stars and circular rings around the log

represent a secret society. So why do a coffee company use this symbolism as

their logo. It means they sell their soul to the devil for riches, fame, and


Another hidden meaning of the symbolize logo is apple, this logo history is

back to the time of your iphone and Mac tribute to Alan Turing. He ate the poison

apple and then die. That’s why the apple logo that has a bit on the apple. The

apple computer symbolizes knowledge. In the bible, Adam and Eve are attempted

to taste the fruit from knowledge tree. After take a bit of apple, Adam and Eve

have first taste of knowledge. They see each other naked, and feel ashamed. The

first bit of apple represents the fall of man. Once people start to use apple

product, they can’t resist to keep using their products. Apple use of the logo is

extremely powerful. The simple design of logo deftly brings the heft of centuries

of meaning. Even the first price set by the apple is $666.66 that the number

represents the evil. This is not set by accidently, it’s set by the propose. Apple

likes their logo so much because it symbolizes so much behind of itself. They

don’t like when other people try to use apple in their logo.

In this week of class, by watching the video of symbolism, which knows more

about that the logo, has a lot of meaning behind itself. Also, talk out of ass is

really important in our everyday society. Now, People easier get promoted if you

can really talk a lot. If you can talk from nothing, you can really success in any
field of company. We can see every very successful company, their logo always

have a lot of meaning. So I think that maybe create a good logo might be a key to

become a successful company.

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