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Isomorphism and Cayley graphs on abelian groups

Department of Mathematics and Statistics
Burnaby, BC, VSA 186

We study the problem of determining when two Cayley graphs on a given abelian
group are isomorphic. The emphasis is on abelian p-groups.

1 Circulant graphs
Let us begin with a few basic definitions.

1.1 Definition Let S be a subset of a finite group G satisfying

(1) 1 ~ S, where 1 denotes the identity of G, and

(2) S = s- 1 , that is, s E S implies that s- 1 E S.

A subset S satisfying the above conditions is called a Cayley subset. The Cayley graph
X(G;S) is defined to be the graph whose vertices correspond to the elements ofG with an
edge between g and h if and only if h = gs for some s E S. We call S the connection set and
say that X(G; S) is a Cayley graph on the group G.

1.2 Definition A permutation of the vertex set of a graph X preserving adjacency is called
an automorphism of the graph. The group of automorphisms of X is denoted Aut(X). A
graph X is said to be vertex-transitive if Aut(X) acts transitively on the vertex set of X.
Likewise, X is said to be edge-transitive if Aut(X) acts transitively on the edge set of X.

1.3 Proposition Cayley graphs are vertex-transitive.

Proof It is easy to see that left multiplication by a group element on which the Cayley
graph is defined is an automorphism of the graph. The result follows easily from this. D

1.4 Definition A Cayley graph X(G; S) is called a circulant graph when G is a cyclic group.
*This work was partially supported by the Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council of Canada
under Grant A-4792. The author wishes to thank Aubert Daigneault, Geiia Hahn, Gert Sabidussi and the
Department of Mathematics of the Universite de Montreal for their support and organizational skills.
G. Hahn and G. Sabidussi (eels.), Graph Symmetry, 1-22.
@ 1997 Kluwer Academic Publishers.
2 B. Alspach

We shall use additive notation when dealing with circulant graphs. Thus, given that
IGI = n, the connection set S is a subset of {1, 2, ... , n- 1} satisfying s E S implies that
n- s E S, and i is adjacent to i + s for all s E Sandi= 0, 1, ... , n- 1. In this special case,
we use the notation X(n; S).
Circulant graphs are Cayley graphs on the most straight-forward of all groups. This leads
one to believe that circulant graphs are a good testing ground for questions about Cayley
graphs. We shall put them to the test regarding isomorphism. The basic question is what
can one say about the isomorphism of X(n; S) and X(n; S'). The first case we consider is
when n is a prime, but before doing so we introduce some notation.
The ring of i,ntegers modulo n will be denoted by Zn, and Z~ will denote the multiplicative
subgroup of units in Zn. The mapping Ta,b acting on Zn is defined by Ta,b(x) = ax+ b. If
aE z;,then Ta,b is a permutation of Zn·

1.5 Definition Let G 1 and G2 be permutation groups acting on the object sets n1 and
r! 2, respectively. We say that G1 and G2 are isomorphic as permutation groups, and write
G1 = G2, provided that there is a bijection t : n1 --t n2 and an isomorphism f : G1 --t G2 so
f(cr)(t(x)) = t(cr(x))
for every 0' E Gl and every X E nl.

In simple terms, the previous definition is telling us that if we rename the elements of
n1 in all the permutations of G 1 according to some bijection, then we obtain exactly the
permutations of G2. A basic and powerful tool is the following theorem of Burnside [25].

1.6 Theorem If G is a transitive permutation group acting on a prime number p of points,

then either G is doubly transitive or

G := {Ta,b: a E H < z; and bE Zp}·

We now shall consider some of the many applications of Theorem 1.6. The following
corollary is proved easily by noting that the only mappings of the form Ta,b without a fixed
point are those for which a = 1.

1. 7 Corollary If G is a transitive permutation group acting on a prime number p of points

and G is not doubly transitive, then G contains a unique subgroup of order p.

1.8 Theorem A graph X of order p is vertex-transitive if and only if X is a circulant graph.

Proof If X is a circulant graph, it is vertex-transitive because of Proposition 1.3. On the

other hand, let X be any vertex-transitive graph of order p. If Aut( X) is doubly transitive,
X is either Kp, the complete graph of order p, or the complement KP' Both of these graphs
certainly are circulants. Otherwise, Aut(X) is not doubly transitive and contains a subgroup
of order p by Corollary 1. 7. The subgroup of order p must be generated by a permutation of
the form p = (0 1 · · · p- 1). If i is adjacent to j in X, then i +sis adjacent to j + s for all
s modulo p. Hence, S = {j : Oj E E(X)} completely determines all the edges of X, and X
is isomorphic to the circulant graph of order p with connection set S. 0

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