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Pashtun society's social issues. The Pashtun society, which is
mainly concentrated in Afghanistan and Pakistan, is facing a
number of social problems that are deeply rooted in their culture
and traditions. These social problems are the result of years of
conflict, political instability, and poverty in the region. In this
article, we will discuss some of the most pressing social
problems that the Pashtun society is currently facing.
1. Gender Inequality: One of the most significant social
problems in Pashtun society is gender inequality. Women in
this society have limited rights and opportunities. They are
often discriminated against in terms of education,
employment, and decision-making. Women are also
subjected to violence, forced marriages, and honor killings.
2. Honor Killings: Honor killings are a common social problem
in Pashtun society. In many cases, women who marry
against their family's wishes or who are suspected of having
an affair are subjected to honor killings. This practice is
deeply ingrained in Pashtun culture, and it is difficult to
3. Lack of Education: Education is not considered a priority in
Pashtun society, particularly for girls. Many families do not
send their daughters to school, which limits their
opportunities and perpetuates poverty.
4. Drug Abuse: Pashtun society has a high rate of drug abuse,
particularly among young men. This is due to the lack of
opportunities and the prevalence of conflict in the region.
5. Terrorism: Terrorism is a significant social problem in
Pashtun society. The region has been a breeding ground for
terrorist organizations such as the Taliban and Al-Qaeda.
This has led to instability and violence in the region, which
has further exacerbated the social problems facing the
Pashtun society.
6. Child Labor: Child labor is prevalent in Pashtun society,
particularly in rural areas. Children are often forced to work
in hazardous conditions, which limits their opportunities and
perpetuates poverty.
7. Poverty: Poverty is a significant social problem in Pashtun
society. Many families live below the poverty line, which
limits their opportunities and perpetuates social problems
such as gender inequality, lack of education, and child labor.
In short, Pashtun society is facing a number of social problems
that are deeply rooted in their culture and traditions. These
problems can only be addressed through a comprehensive
approach that includes education, economic development, and
cultural change. By addressing these social problems, Pashtun
society can create a more equal and prosperous future for all of
its members.

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