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भारतीय रज़व ब क

Reserve Bank of India

क ीय ाि औ र सं करण क

Centralised Receipt and Processing Centre (CRPC)

आरबीआई/सीएमएस/N202324026011108/ 2023-24 दनांक : 18-03-2024

RBI/CMS/N202324026011108/ 2023-24 Date :18-03-2024

ी/सु ी Swarnendu Majumder

Shri/Ms. Swarnendu Majumder

Joy Chand Road Khagra Berhampore Murshidabad West Bengal


Madam/Dear Sir

िशकायत बं द करने क सू च ना : िशकायत N202324026011108 STATE BANK OF INDIA के िव

Closure Intimation: Complaint N202324026011108 against STATE BANK OF INDIA

कृपया STATE BANK OF INDIA के िव आरबीआई को िे षत दनांक 18-03-2024 16:07:10 का अपनी िशकायत देख

Please refer to your complaint dated 18-03-2024 16:07:10 against STATE BANK OF INDIA sent to RBI.

2. चूं क आपने अपनी िशकायत एक अिधव ा के ारा फाइल कया है इसको रज़व बक - एक कृत लोकपाल योजना, 2 0 2 1 के खंड 10(2)(f), िजसे िन न कार
पढा जाए, के तहत अ वीकाय माना जाता है और इसको बंद कया जाता है:

“A complaint under the Scheme shall not lie unless the complaint is lodged by the complainant personally or through an authorised representative other
than an advocate unless the advocate is the aggrieved person.”

2. As your complaint, was filed through an advocate, it was classified as Non-Maintainable and closed under clause 10(2)(f) of the Reserve Bank -
Integrated Ombudsman Scheme, 2021, which reads as under:

“A complaint under the Scheme shall not lie unless the complaint is lodged by the complainant personally or through an authorised representative other
than an advocate unless the advocate is the aggrieved person.”.

3. कृपया यान द क उपयु खंड के तहत बंद क गई िशकायत रज़व बक - एक कृत लोकपाल योजना, 2021 के तहत अपील यो य नह ह

3. Please note that the complaints closed under the above clause are non-appealable under the Reserve Bank - Integrated Ombudsman Scheme, 2021.

4. इस के संबध
ं म कोई सूचना/ स्पष्टीकरण हेतु, आप “Toll Free Number: 14448 (Between 9:30AM - 5:15PM)” पर संपक कर सकते ह

4. For any information/clarification, you may approach us on “Toll Free Number: 14448 (Between 9:30AM - 5:15PM)”

5. यह एक िस टम जनरेटड प है और इसम ह ता र क आवश्यकता नह है इस ई मेल के िलए उतर न द इस ईमेल पर िे षत उतर के िलए कसी भी कार का जवाब नह दया जा सकता

5. This is a system generated letter and does not require a signature. Please do not reply to this email. Replies to this email cannot be responded to.

आरबीआई सीआरपीसी

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