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R EADY Total

NAME: ____________________________SURNAME: ______________________________

Time allowed: 2 hs
SECTION A: Reading Comprehension
Read the text and circle the correct option, true (T) or false (F).

Slow TV
It’s Friday night. What would you like to watch on TV? How about a reality show to find the best singer in
the country? Or the funniest comedy programme on TV? Or how about watching a complete seven-and-a-
half hour train journey from Oslo to Bergen in Norway?
One Friday night in 2009, against all predictions, a million people in Norway (20% of the population)
decided to watch the programme about the longest railway in the country! This programme was the start
of the phenomenon called ‘Slow TV’.
‘It was the 100th anniversary of this route and we’d planned a couple of short documentaries,’ says Rune
Møklebust, head of programming at the Norwegian public TV channel (NRK). ‘Then someone said “why
not film the whole trip?” We thought it would be something completely new and cheap.’ The programme
went out at the same time as The X Factor and a popular comedy programme. It was the most popular
programme that night. Many people said they only planned to watch for a few minutes, but they ended up
watching it for hours and hours.
Some Slow TV programmes are longer and slower than that first programme. There has been a nine-hour
programme which showed the process of getting the wool from a sheep and turning it into a jumper.
There has also been a 12-hour programme showing a wood fire burning. And an 18-hour programme
showing somebody fishing (it took four hours to catch the first fish!). The longest programme so far was
134 hours, showing the coast of Norway from a ship.11 cameras were used for that, which filmed for five
and a half days. Many people went to the coast to appear in the programme. 3.2 million people watched
it. That’s more than half the country!
So why is Slow TV so popular? Life is faster and more stressful than in the past. For many people, Slow
TV is more relaxing than modern programmes where the pictures and sounds change quickly. Also, more
and more people live in big cities. Maybe Slow TV helps them to feel in contact with nature again. After
all, this is real ‘reality TV’, with no editing, not like the programmes they call ‘reality shows’.
Adapted from Gateway – Macmillan

1. More than half the people in Norway watched the train programme in 2009. T/F AACI use
2. A lot of people watched the train show because there was nothing better on TV. T/F
3. The head of programming didn’t plan to make a long programme of the train journey. T/F
4. The train programme has been the longest one so far. T/F 2nd
5. Many people like Slow TV because it is less stressful than current TV shows. T/F

SECTION B: Language in Use

I. Choose the most suitable alternative.
1. She is likely _____ tomorrow’s competition.
a) win b) to win c) to winning
AACI use
2. I’m renting the house _________ I used to live.
a) that b) where c) which 1st

3. I am used ______ on the left side of the road.

a) to driving b) driving c) to drive 2nd

4. We’ll call you ___________ we get there.

a) as soon as b) unless c) whether 3rd

5. They told me _________ here until they come back.

a) wait b) to wait c) waiting R
II. Fill in the blanks with the correct form of the verbs in brackets.
Women warriors of Ancient Rome
If you believed all gladiators were men, you 1) _____________ (have to) guess again. A
recent excavation in Great Dover Street in a London suburb, 2) _________ (uncover) the grave of a AACI use
woman in her 20s. The presence of expensive lamps indicated that the woman 3) __________
(have) an expensive funeral back then. However, she 4) __________ (find) in the ‘poor’ side of the
cemetery. Archaeologists think that the poor woman could have been a ‘gladiatrix’ or female 2nd

gladiator, especially because on one of the lamps there 5) __________ (be) an image of a gladiator.
It is believed that most gladiators, male or female, 6) __________ (be) slaves or fought
because they needed the money. However, some historians believe that some high class women R

used 7)___________ (compete) as gladiatrices to get attention, or because they wanted 8)

__________ (become) famous. In those cases, both women and men 9) _____________ (declare)
winners and allowed to live.
Although we can’t be sure whether the Great Dover Street woman was a gladiatrix or not,
there 10)__________ (be) no doubt that female fighters existed, until they were prohibited in AD
(Adapted from Insights - Macmillan)

III. Complete each of the following sentences using the word given so that it means the same as
the original sentence.
1. I arrived at the church at 9.30 but the wedding started at 9.00. HAD

By the time I arrived at the church___________________________________________________.

2. I didn’t like classical music when I was young. Now I do. USE AACI use

I ______________________________________________________________ when I was young. 1st

3. Jane studied really hard. She will probably pass the exam. LIKELY
Jane _____________________________________________________as she studied really hard.
4. Our teacher told us not to bring a dictionary on the day of the test. ALLOWED

We _________________________________________________________ on the day of the test. R

5. Paris is the capital of France. It is one of the most visited cities in the world. WHICH

Paris, _________________________________________________________________________.

6. ‘What is your favourite movie?’, Peter asked Jill. ASKED

Peter _________________________________________________________________________.

7. They want someone to check their water heater. HAVE

They want to ___________________________________________________________________.

8. I have lived in the city for six months now and still find it strange. USED

I still haven’t ___________________________________________________________________.

9. They don’t talk to each other. I am sure they aren’t friends. CAN’T

They ___________________________________________________they don’t talk to each other.

10. I don’t know how to drive, so I can’t teach you. COULD

If ____________________________________________________________________________.
SECTION C: Writing
Choose one of the following tasks. Write between 100- 120 words.
1. You have decided to enter a short story competition. The competition rules say that your story
must begin or end with the following sentence:
“I have never felt happier in my life!”
Write your story.

2. Here’s part of an e-mail you have received from a friend.

Our class had a discussion on useful ways to help our environment inside and outside the classroom.
The teacher asked us to think of different ideas and present them in class, but I cannot think of
anything. Do you have any ideas you can share with me? Tell me about them, please!
Write an email.















AACI use




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