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Technology and its effects on environment

Many of the items use today are a result of technology. our cell phone, microwave oven, washing machine, and plastic cup are all the result of scientific discoveries combined with engineering that have allow people to invent products that have improved the way people live. Technological advances have improved our health, the food we eat, the clothes we wear, how we travel, and how we communicate with one another. There are a few drawbacks to some aspects of technology (such as pollution) but overall technology has greatly improved many aspects of living for most people. The word technology comes from the Greek words techne which means craft and logy which means scientific study of. So technology means the scientific study of craft. Craft in this case, means any method or invention that allow humans to control or adapt to their environment.

The purposeful application of information in the design, production, and utilization of goods and services, and in the organization of human activities. Technology is generally divided into five categories (1) Tangible: blueprints, models, operating manuals, prototypes. (2) Intangible: consultancy, problem-solving, and training methods. (3) High: entirely or almost entirely automated and intelligent technology that manipulates ever finer matter and ever powerful forces. (4) Intermediate: semiautomated partially intelligent technology that manipulates refined matter and medium level forces. (5) Low: labor-intensive technology that manipulates only coarse or gross matter and weaker forces. 1. The application of scientific knowledge for practical purposes, esp. in industry: "computer technology"; "recycling technologies". 2. Machinery and equipment developed from such scientific knowledge.

Technology is a broad concept that deals with the usage and knowledge of tools and crafts, and how it affects the ability to control and adapt to the environment. In human society, it is a consequence of science and engineering, although several technological advances predate the two concepts. People's use of technology began with the conversion of natural resources into simple tools. The prehistorical discovery of the ability to control fire increased the available sources of food and the invention of the wheel helped humans in travelling in and controlling their environment. Recent technological developments, including the printing press, the telephone, and the Internet, have lessened physical barriers to communication and allowed humans to interact on a global scale. However, not all technology has been used for peaceful purposes; the development of weapons of ever-increasing destructive power has progressed throughout history, from clubs to nuclear weapons. The meaning of "technology" has been subject of continuous discussion. This selection of readings, ranging from primary sources to scholarly and critical works and literary renderings, is intended to furnish elements for that discussion. The history of the United States began with the advent of the industrial revolution, which, in turn, became an integral part of American national and cultural identity. Accordingly, that country provides an appropriate setting in which to examine the debate on technology. The reader is asked to relate the selected views herein included to his or her own notion of technology and progress as they both relate to the also controversial terms of culture, ideology, nature and gender.

The word "technology" can also be used to refer to a collection of techniques. In this context, it is the current state of humanity's knowledge of how to combine resources to produce desired products, to solve problems, fulfill needs, or satisfy wants; it includes technical methods, skills, processes, techniques, tools and raw materials. When combined with another term, such as "medical technology" or "space technology", it refers to the state of the respective field's knowledge and tools. "State-of-the-art technology" refers to the high technology available to humanity in any field. Technology can be viewed as an activity that forms or changes culture.[11] Additionally, technology is the application of math, science, and the arts for the benefit of life as it is known. A modern example is the rise of communication technology, which has lessened barriers to human interaction and, as a result, has helped spawn new subcultures; the rise of cyberculture has, at its basis, the development of the Internet and the computer.[12] Not all technology enhances culture in a creative way; technology can also help facilitate political oppression and war via tools such as guns. As a cultural activity, technology predates both science and engineering, each of which formalize some aspects of technological endeavor. Dictionaries and scholars have offered a variety of definitions. The Merriam-Webster dictionary offers a definition of the term: "the practical application of knowledge especially in a particular area" and "a capability given by the practical application of knowledge".[1] Ursula Franklin, in her 1989 "Real World of Technology" lecture, gave another definition of the concept; it is "practice, the way we do things around here".[7] The term is often used to imply a specific field of technology, or to refer to high technology or just consumer electronics, rather than technology as a whole.[8] Bernard Stiegler, in Technics and Time, 1, defines technology in two ways: as "the pursuit of life by means other than life", and as "organized inorganic matter."[9] Technology can be most broadly defined as the entities, both material and immaterial, created by the application of mental and physical effort in order to achieve some value. In this usage,

technology refers to tools and machines that may be used to solve real-world problems. It is a far-reaching term that may include simple tools, such as a crowbar or wooden spoon, or more complex machines, such as a space station or particle accelerator. Tools and machines need not be material; virtual technology, such as computer software and business methods, fall under this definition of technology

The rapid growing population and economic development is leading to a number of environmental issues in India because of the uncontrolled growth of urbanization and industrialization, expansion and massive intensification of agriculture, and the destruction of forests. Major environmental issues are forest and agricultural degradation of land, resource depletion (water, mineral, forest, sand, rocks etc.), environmental degradation, public health, loss of biodiversity, loss of resilience in ecosystems, livelihood security for the poor.[1] It is estimated that the countrys population will increase to about 1.26 billion by the year 2016. The projected population indicates that India will be the first most populous country in the world and China will be ranking second in the year 2050.[2] India having 18% of the world's population on 2.4% of world's total area has greatly increased the pressure on its natural resources. Water shortages, soil exhaustion and erosion, deforestation, air and water pollution afflicts many areas

Major issues
One of the primary causes of environmental degradation in a country could be attributed to rapid growth of population, which adversely affects the natural resources and environment. The uprising population and the environmental deterioration face the challenge of sustainable development. The existence or the absence of favorable natural resources can facilitate or retard the process of socio-economic development. The three basic demographic factors of births (natality),deaths (mortality) and human migration (migration) and immigration (population moving into a country produces higher population) produce changes in population size, composition, distribution and these changes raise a number of important questions of cause and effect. Population growth and economic development are contributing to many serious environmental calamities in India. These include heavy pressure on land,land degradation, forests, habitat destruction and loss of biodiversity. Changing consumption pattern has led to rising demand for energy. The final outcomes of this are air pollution, global warming, climate change, water scarcity and water pollution. Environmental issues in India include various natural hazards, particularly cyclones and annual monsoon floods, population growth, increasing individual consumption, industrialization, infrastructural development, poor agricultural practices, and resource maldistribution have led to substantial human transformation of Indias natural environment. An estimated 60% of cultivated land suffers from soil erosion, waterlogging, and salinity. It is also estimated that between 4.7 and 12 billion tons of topsoil are lost annually from soil erosion. From 1947 to 2002, average annual per capita water availability declined by almost 70% to 1,822 cubic meters, and overexploitation of groundwater is problematic in the states

of Haryana, Punjab, and Uttar Pradesh. Forest area covers 18.34% of Indias geographic area (637000 km). Nearly half of the countrys forest cover is found in the state of Madhya Pradesh (20.7%) and the seven states of the northeast (25.7%); the latter is experiencing net forest loss. Forest cover is declining because of harvesting for fuel wood and the expansion of agricultural land. These trends, combined with increasing industrial and motor vehicle pollution output, have led to atmospheric temperature increases, shifting precipitation patterns, and declining intervals of drought recurrence in many areas. The Indian Agricultural Research Institute of Parvati has estimated that a 3 C rise in temperature will result in a 15 to 20% loss in annual wheat yields. These are substantial problems for a nation with such a large population depending on the productivity of primary resources and whose economic growth relies heavily on industrial growth. Civil conflicts involving natural resourcesmost notably forests and arable landhave occurred in eastern and northeastern states.

Water pollution

Out of India's 3,119 towns and cities, just 209 have partial treatment facilities, and only 8 have full wastewater treatment facilities (WHO 1992).[3] 114 cities dump untreated sewage and partially cremated bodies directly into the Ganges River.[4] Downstream, the untreated water is used for drinking, bathing, and washing. This situation is typical of many rivers in India as well as other developing countries. Open defecation is widespread even in urban areas of India.[5][6] Water resources have not therefore been linked to either domestic or international violent conflict as was previously anticipated by some observers. Possible exceptions include some communal violence related to distribution of water from the Kaveri River and political tensions surrounding actual and potential population displacements by dam projects, particularly on the Narmada River.[7] Punjab is today another hotbed of pollution, for example, Buddha Nullah, a rivulet which run through Malwa region of Punjab, India, and after passing through highly populated Ludhiana district, before draining into Sutlej River, a tributary of the Indus river, is today an important case point in the recent studies, which suggest this as another Bhopal in making.[8] A joint study by PGIMER and Punjab Pollution Control Board in 2008, revealed that in villages along the Nullah, calcium, magnesium, fluoride, mercury, beta-endosulphan and heptachlor pesticide were more than permissible limit (MPL) in ground and tap waters. Plus the water had high concentration of COD and BOD (chemical and biochemical oxygen demand), ammonia, phosphate, chloride, chromium, arsenic and chlorpyrifos pesticide. The ground water also contains nickel and selenium, while the tap water has high concentration of lead, nickel and cadmium.[9] The Hindon River, which flows through the city of Ghaziabad, highly polluted and groundwater of this city has colored and poisoned by industrial effluents, Hindon Vahini is strongly opposing of water pollution activities. The Mithi River, which flows through the city of Mumbai, is heavily polluted

Air pollution

Air pollution is high in Indian cities.

Indian cities are polluted by vehicles and industry emissions. Road dust due to vehicles also contributing up to 33% of air pollution[12] In cities like Bangalore, around 50% of children suffer from asthma.[13] India has emission standard of Bharat Stage IV (Euro IV) for vehicles since 2005. One of the biggest causes of air pollution in India is from the transport system.[14] Hundreds of millions of old diesel engines are continuously burning away diesel which has anything between 150 to 190 times[15] the amount of sulphur out European diesel has. Of course the biggest problems are in the big cities where there are huge concentrations of these vehicles. On the positive side, the government appears to have noticed this massive problem and the associated health risks for its people and is slowly but surely taking steps. The first of which was in 2001 when it ruled that its entire public transport system, excluding the trains, be converted from diesel to compressed gas (CPG). Electric rickshaws are being designed and will be subsidised by the government but the supposed ban on the cycle rikshaws in Delhi will require a huge increase on the reliance of other methods of transport, mainly those with engines. It also appeared that the excessive pollution was having an adverse effect on the Taj Mahal. After a court ruling all transport in the area was shut down shortly followed by the closure of all industrial factories in the area. The air pollution in the big cities is rising to such an extent that it is now 2.3 higher than the amount recommended by WHO (world health organization


India, lying within the Indomalaya ecozone, hosts significant biodiversity; it is home to 7.6% of all mammalian, 12.6% of avian, 6.2% of reptilian, and 6.0% of flowering plant species.[23] In recent decades, human encroachment has posed a threat to India's wildlife; in response, the system of national parks and protected areas, first established in 1935, was substantially expanded. In 1972, India enacted the Wildlife Protection Act and Project Tiger to safeguard crucial habitat; further federal protections were promulgated in the 1980s. Along with over

500 wildlife sanctuaries, India now hosts 14 biosphere reserves, four of which are part of the World Network of Biosphere Reserves; 25 wetlands are registered under the Ramsar Convention. As the population in India is quite high it requires residence to live in for this builders destroy the greenery to make way for making buildings,colonies and complexes.

[Drought in India] [Global warming in India] [Fauna of India] [Environmental policy of the Government of India] [Asian brown cloud] [Ministry of Environment and Forests (India)|Ministry of Environment and Forests]

There are all kinds of great reasons to use technology, so dont be shy about getting involved with it. There are many advantages, and people of all ages and other groups can enjoy what technology has to offer no matter whether they use it for business or they just play around with it in their personal lives. Take advantage of all that technology can give to you, so you can have more fun in your personal life and potentially see more increase in your professional life, as well. There are all kinds of ways that you can use technology to bring you joy, happiness, and prosperity, so its very important that you dont forget about them. One of the main advantages of technology is staying in touch with people. You can talk to people all over the country and all over the world when technology is involved, and it doesnt really matter how far apart you are you can still be connected. Make sure that you show the people you care about how to use technology, so they can stay involved in your life and share in your joys and your sorrows. Social networking has become such a big deal today that there are always new people to meet and talk to, no matter where you live or what you do in your daily life. Technology is also being used to save lives, and medicine is advancing a lot so that people can lead better lives. Dont underestimate how powerful technology can be and what a great ally it can become if you use it correctly. When you dont use it right it can actually be harmful, so you dont want to let that happen. Its much better to learn how to use it, so you can move your life forward and make sure that you enjoy technology as much as possible.


Our means of communication has greatly improved in the dawn of the modern technology. We now have so many hi-tech gadgets that we use for everyday communicating with people from all over the world. The telephone is a very helpful mean tool for us to talk with people from remote places, then came out the cellular phones, which we can take with us wherever we go. Now, we are given the privilege to use computers and the internet that has such a wide variety of easy communication offers. It is one of the reasons why we should be thankful for technology.


There have been lots of advantages with technology when it comes to health. Our lives will never be the same again after the breakthroughs of many medicines and other discoveries. Lengthening our lives is very easy these days. We can choose whether we want to live a longer life, and there are certain methods for that


The production has also been increased. Now, we can create materials in just minutes with multiple productions at a time. This is what the modern machines contribute to our society.
Our ways of living has also been improved potentially. But still, there have been a lot of people who lost their jobs because man power has been replaced by machines. Also, if one wants to work with modern equipments, he cannot start work at hand because he has to undergo extreme training. It can be a disadThere can be no doubt that civilization has been enhanced through the advantages of technology. It began as soon as humans arrived on earth, and will unquestionably continue until such day that humans are no longer part of the world.

If asked the question, most people would credit first the invention of fire to the caveman. Perhaps it is because fire has had such an impact on our lives throughout history, or maybe simply because in those prehistoric days, there were only elements to be considered. Fire, water, earth and air were likely the rulers of the world in the early days, the cause of the creation of all other elements. Even man is from earthly beginnings, as the Book of Genesis in the Bible depicts how Adam was formed from it in the passage for dust thou art, and unto dust shalt thou return. That seemingly simple act has to be the ultimate beginning of technology, for what greater advance in civilization has been made other than that of the creation of man?

From the moment humans entered the picture, we have made continuous strives to improve our lot. Every generation has seen further advancement in this area; each taking steps that appear magnanimous at the time but small in retrospect as each led to yet a larger one. It is difficult to pinpoint the most important technological advances, since there are so many arenas in which they have been made. From fire, we could go to weaponry; to the wheel; to the creation of boats and vehicles using the wheel; to the development of dish and cookware; to clothing; to building homes, and then better homes. Farming brought innovative tools and equipment that improved working the land manually. Industry brought machines to produce clothing, create essential parts to other help other machines work, and the processing of natural raw elements into materials that would benefit many processes in life. We forge ahead with better ideas, better methods and better improvements. vantage for people who wants to start the job soon so that they can get the paymeThe light bulb, the telephone and electricity certainly must be counted as some of the greatest advancements that prove the advantages of technology. While each has been improved upon over the years, it is impossible to think of life without these luxuries. Indeed, when power outages are experienced due to weather or overuse, many operations come to a complete standstill and people are at a loss until the power is returned. Simple things such as paper and pencil emerged from sticks scratching in the dust, only to be replaced by keyboards and electronic devices. Technology is responsible for the information provided here; if not for the writing implements of long ago, historic details could not have been recorded in manuscripts, letters and books and then relayed to information seekers today.

All advances havent begun as material objects, but rather as ideas. Consider the contributions that the thought processes of Diophantus, Sir Isaac Newton and others have made. Without mathematical and scientific equations, we would not have many of the advantages of technology that we do. Radio transmission, television, telephones and computers are dependent upon string equations and data links, and form the beginnings as well as continuations of most information and communication discoveries.

Many amazing strides in technology have been made since the beginning of civilization, and more are certain to be on the horizon. It is unlikely that early man would have been able to visualize that someday their descendants would be traveling in a space exploration vehicle, yet they certainly set the world in motion toward that goal through their efforts to improve their world by realizing the advanta To conclude, although modern technology brings us some goods benefits, it also gives a lot of bad results. So, to make our world prosperous, we should use the modern technology in the good ways and find the effective solutions to the bad result. ges of technology.nt.

There are several disadvantages to modern technology. Let us take the internet, for example. Although it is a source of almost any material you can wish for, it is harmful when put in the wrong hands. There is a tremendous amount of distasteful material, such as indecent under age material, which can be shown, seen or viewed by the wrong people, which may lead to paedophilia. Other examples include mobile phone tapping. Recently a number of people in the UK have taken people to court because their mobile phones have been intercepted for voicemail messages and SMS text messages. This is dangerous because we now live in a society where there are no real privacy laws. You can be monitored online now for any such activity and the theme of Big Brother is really apparent. Often, people can gain access to your bank account details which may, in turn, lead to all sorts of other circumstances, ranging from extortion to withdrawing money. Scammers also live on the internet and, if given the opportunity, will try and scam you out of a lot of money through their devious schemes -Technology makes life more complex. - Sweatshops and harsher forms of slavery are more likely to be found in technologically advanced societies, relative to primitive societies. - The increasing oppression of technologically advanced societies over those which are not. - More people are starving (in total numbers and per-capita), in this most technologically advanced age, than at any other point in history or primitive pre-history. - The increase in transportation technology has brought stressful traffic congestion in some areas. - Technicism - New forms of danger existing as a consequence of innovative forms of technology, new types of nuclear reactors, unforeseen genetic mutations as the result of genetic engineering, or perhaps something more subtle which can destroy the ozone or warm the planet. - Potentially devestating nuclear weapons become more powerful and proliferation is made evermore easy with communication and transportation advancements. This leads to socially stressful military concepts like mutually assured destruction. The duck and cover drills accompany other lifestyle aspects of an advanced technological society. - New forms of entertainment, such as video games and internet access could have possible social

effects on areas such as academic performance. - Creates new diseases and disorders such as obesity, laziness and a loss of personality. -computer virus and bug -privacy and stolen copy right -make part of people over concentrate on computering, then lost of friendly and face to face communication chance. Bad for eye watching if over look for long time -no physical stock, easy buy fake product and cheating by people - people will lose their jobs to machines that will do the work for them - machines and robots are too complex for most people to us.

it is up to the individual what they do with this extra time. Unfortunately, instead of doing everyday tasks people tend to watch television or play video games. Furthermore, television companies encourage us to watch as much TV as possible. this can lead to an inactive lifestyle and people are becoming overweight and unhealthy.

Every one knows that technology is very helpful but it has some disadvantages too. Because many companies have adopted automatic machines so that they can improve their production with accuracy. As a result many people lost their job. Similarly house maids are loosing their job because robotic machines are doing their job. Owner need to pay one time only while maid get paid for every month. However machines and robots look inexpensive and good to use but, when any technical problem occurs in machine or robot, it took much time to fix it and also it can be expensive. As we found that in technology sector, there are many advantages and disadvantages, even then people cant imagine their life without technology including me. Everyday, technology sector is affecting us and there are several advantages and disadvantages of it. Lets find out more.
As wonderful as technology is thought to be, sometimes it can fall short of expections and not reach its full potential. This historical trend does not go unnoticed in the area of teaching learning disabled children. [Sentence is not very precise. You are not talking about a historical trend here, but a shortcoming. You don't want to put this sentence in the passive voice. This is equally true for technologies to assist learning disabled children.] Though technology plays an integral part in helping learning disabled children so does the teacher who incorporates the technology into the classroom. This second part of the equation, at times, is problematic. In Susan Partridge's paper, "Teaching Children, Including LD's, in This High Tech Age", she describes how important it is for the teacher to be expierenced and effective in using technology to meet the educational needs for each individual student (9). Partridge also discusses the importance of recognizing that all students, including LD's, have unique learning styles and unless the technology is customized to fit the individual, it will not be effective in the classroom (10). Partridge goes on to conclude that certain provisions should be implemented along with the technology such as: 1. Have adequate funding such as grants or donors to ensure proper equipment so planning will be effective. 2. Various learning disabilites can be dealt with appropriatly with the use of technology.

3. Teachers should have proper training and by supplied with individualized help if needed. 4. Teachers should become empowered and parents should become supportive. If these provisions are not met then the effectiveness of technology will greatly decrease (12-13). Not all teachers are trained and equipped with computer skills nor have the ability to adapt their curriculum and teaching techniques to properly involve technology in an interactive manner. This major drawback can have serious ramifications for the learning disabled student. Another issue raised by Partrigde is the availability of funds. If there is not enough money to fund technology how can it be available to the learning disabled student? This brings up a whole other [another] set of issues involving social and economic concerns. Even though technology breaks the discrimination barrier between learning disabled students and non-disabled students it simultaneously erects one between students of different social and economic classes. How can we be sure that every school district in every state has the same access opportunities to technology? The answer is we can't. Therefore, schools who do not have the funds to invest in technology are significantly disadvantaged and as a result the learning disabled students in those schools are also at a disadvantage. It is a vicious cycle controlled by the amount of funding available.

Nowadays the world is having a scientific revolution and a technology development, and this facts have been so fast that they are getting a new kind of man called the light man, like some light products had gotten fashionable, this kind of man is a result of the new age. This kind of man is superficial that he forgets the work on his hands, the technology has made the man so dependable that when he is far from it, causes boredom and makes that simple things get so difficult for example in solving mathematics problems, some people has the main necessity to have a calculator without using their reasoning. It has made that many people gets on conformism and forgets the essential things of the life, it has made that people gets more interested in staying all day at their computer ,this is not bad but only for a certain time because they can do more interesting thins such as playing a game, reading and practicing some sports.

The effects of the Internet cut across all social spheres, influencing individuals and society on personal, structural, and global levels. The issues raised by the introduction of Internet technologies into society include problems of morals, ethics, rights, logistics, statecraft, social utility, and interpersonal relationships. The effect of these technologies will likely influence our society at its very roots, putting into play issues related to many of the deeply constitutive social traits that have previously gone undisturbed in the course of other seemingly paradigmatic technological shifts. Although the individual chapters of this essay may appear to be diverse both in their attributions of cause and their policy recommendations, they all share a common conclusion: the recognition that the interface between Internet technology and society is a complex and multifarious boundary. Navigating this boundary requires observation from diverse perspectives, as well as the willingness to conduct continuing research and to implement complex and flexible social responses based on this research.


MUDs represent the highest level of immersion into the virtual world as they entirely envelop users in a virtual environment. If used properly, MUDs can also benefit our offline lives by promoting a higher level of social interaction and acting as a means of therapy for people who have weak social skills. Problems arise when online life begins to become substitute for offline life, and online friends become a person's only acquaintances. However, with policies that encourage MUD usage in moderation, this type of obsessive identity-sapping MUD abuse can be avoided. Because of MUDs and other virtual communities, our notions of identity are becoming more malleable, but perhaps this is the natural progression of society. As a complex understanding of the richness of human identity demonstrates that it is impossible to describe a person in a single word, perhaps an even richer understanding of this identity, spurred by the development of MUDs, will also demonstrate that it is too much to ask to describe a person's identity in terms of only a single external character.
Violence in Video Games

Observational studies have shown that children become temporarily more aggressive after either playing or observing violent video games. This data thus appears to support "social learning" theory. The literature on video game violence was further analyzed specifically with regard to gender, age, education, and class. With respect to gender, the evidence suggests that females are more affected by video game violence than males. Age, however, appears to have no appreciable effect. There also seems to have been little conclusive research done on the impact of video game violence specifically with regard to the players' level of education and socioeconomic standing. Finally, although many studies examine the effects of violent video games and aggression, these studies primarily focus on the possible short-term effects, and do not reliably support conclusions about the long-term effects of these games.
Machine Alienation

The computer user should one be the most important factor in the creation of a computer, and yet humans are often ignored in manufacturing computing components. For example, computer use is often physically uncomfortable because of inadequate ergonomic design. Clearly, computer manufacturers should attempt to improve human-computer interactions by making computers ergonomically sound or by selling ergonomically configured products at more reasonable prices. More average computer users should also be included in the creation process so that they can have input into the configuration of their machines. Another specific issue related to design is gender stereotyping. Gender neutral design with regard to the themes and colours of both hardware and software should be adopted to avoid recreating the gender stereotypes traditionally driven into children.
Social Skills

Research evidence on the Internet's effects on social skills can support a number of different, perhaps even contradictory, possibilities. This data alternatively suggests that the Internet might have negative or beneficial effects, or even no measurable effect at all on social skills (perhaps for the reason that the Internet's transformative effect is so powerful that we will be left without a basis its effects). Consequently, the uncertainty of these findings logically

points to policies that minimize the potential risks to social skills that might be posed by the Internet.
Internet Literacy

The development of Internet literacy in our children will require and investment in both instructional training for teacher and new facilities. Training is especially critical, as the accountability and bias of the diverse information offered by the Internet must always be questioned. At the same time, traditional critical thinking and basic reading skills must still be key areas of concentration in instruction, and we must avoid the trap of inadvertently contributing to an increase in future illiteracy by focussing too heavily on new Internet literacy skills to the detriment of traditional literacy. Another issue related to literacy and the Internet is that the ease of publication allowed by the Internet may result in a deluge of mediocre writing, making it impossible for the general public to seize upon and recognize new works of high literary value. This problem could be addressed through government programs aimed at funding, recognizing, and promoting works of artistic excellence in the public sphere.

The Internet is indeed a hostile environment for women due to environmental factors beginning in early childhood. Women have had to devise special strategies to overcome many of the barriers they face when dealing not only with the Internet, but also with computers in general. By continuing their struggle to revise and adapt the environment of the Internet to their needs and reference frames, women will not only begin to make the online environment friendlier for themselves, they will also succeed in contributing positive ideas and perspectives currently lacking in today's male-dominated online world.

Since the incorporation of the Internet as a pedagogical device into our systems of education is a recent phenomenon, its potential impacts are still being assessed. It can be stated with confidence, though, that education will change significantly as a consequence. However, whatever changes are adopted as a result of the introduction of this technology, instructors should not abandon the face-to-face communication between students and educators that seems to be imperative to education. Consequently, the best approach will likely be to employ a hybrid strategy that mixes technologically mediated and traditional pedagogical techniques.

Although telework will likely benefit women, disabled persons, and single parents, it may also lead to isolation and a narrowing of the job market. Clearly, telework is a complex social phenomenon that will likely have numerous and multifarious effects. It is hoped that through proper implementation, telework can become a viable complement to the traditional working environment.


Given that the protection of children is the primary motivation for censorship and that all attempts at the global control of explicit material will inevitably meet with major logistic and ethical problems, the most appropriate policies regarding the control of such material appear to be those that facilitate control at the level of the private household. Introducing effective tools that allow parents the ability to monitor and control the content viewed by their children and encouraging attentiveness on the part of parents are likely the best methods of stopping explicit materials from reaching minors. A joint effort by the government, the media, and the parents to become more aware of what the Internet has to offer will it easier to supervise a child's online exposure at home, allowing the Internet to be a useful and safe medium for all of its users.
Technology Exports

While the state no longer has absolute control over the flow of information technology, the more affluent nations still have a great deal of impact on its movement. These rich countries will maintain the division between themselves and the poorer countries through the strategic use of export policies; depending on the situation, different states have different strategic reasons for preferring more or less restrictive policies on the movement of technology. On a more theoretical level, some argue that a less restrictive global regime on information and technology transfer must be implemented to meet the ideals of freedom and democracy. However, other thinkers who are concerned with the individual's right to privacy argue that state regulation is necessary to restrict the collection and trade of personal information..

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