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Prayer to Lift Depressed Text for Video

1. Our Lord and God

2. You are compassionate
3. and gracious,
4. abounding in lovingkindness,
5. a refuge for the oppressed,
6. a stronghold in times of trouble.
7. You, Lord, are near to the broken-hearted
8. and you save the crushed in spirit.
9. When the Psalmist, David, was in distress, he cried to you for help,
10. his cry reached your ears, and you heard him from heaven.
11. Then you reached down,
12. held him,
13. and lifted him from the deep and raging waters,
14. rescuing him from his powerful enemies.
15. You, Lord, go before this dear soul who is listening
16. and will be with him.
17. You will never leave him nor forsake him,
18. so may this dear one not be afraid or discouraged.
19. When this dear soul is weary and burdened,
20. inspire him to come to you and you will give him rest.
21. The sufferings he endures now are not worth comparing
22. with the glory that is to be revealed in him.
23. God of hope,
24. teach this dear soul to trust in you
25. so you will fill him completely with joy and peace,
26. and so he will overflow with confident hope through the power of the Holy
27. Give this dear one beauty for ashes,
28. the oil of joy for mourning.
29. Lift the spirit of depression,
30. replacing it with the garment of victory, joy, and praise.
31. Then, like a magnificent, towering tree, standing for what is right,
32. he will stand to your glory, to the glory of the Eternal God who planted him.
33. Turn his mourning into dancing,
34. his crying into laughter,
35. his sorrow into gladness.
36. Free this dear soul from the sad, dark heaviness
37. and cover him with joyful light,
38. that his soul may sing praise to you and not be silent.
39. Permeate the countenance of this dear soul with cheer, satisfying his heart with
40. so he bursts forth rejoicing.
41. I pray in the mighty name of Jesus. Amen.

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