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Has has
Have + participle have been + ……ing
(ha estado ………ando)
With stative verbs over a period of time
To say how many/
how much we`ve done
so far – up to now – for ages – yet – for – since -

PRESENT CONTINUOUS a changing situation

A temporary situation
+ always annoying habits
Now – at the moment
PRESENT SIMPLE A regular event
A long term situation
Stative verbs: (don´t take ING)

Be: ser o estar Believe: creer

Forget: olvidar Hate: odiar

Hear: escuchar Hope: esperar

Know: conocer Like

Love Mean: significar

Need: necesitar Prefer

Remember: recordar See: ver

Sound: sonar Think I think it`s wrong. (in my opinion)

Understand: entender Want: querer I`m thinking of buying a new bike. (plan)

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