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Akelius Residential Property AB (publ)

year-end report
January to December 2020

2020 2019 2020 2019

Jan‒Dec Jan‒Dec Oct‒Dec Oct‒Dec

Rental income, EUR million 471 496 115 122

Like-for-like growth in rental income,
percent 3.6 5.7 -1.5 7.1

Net operating income, EUR million 259 260 60 61

Like-for-like growth in net operating income,
percent 8.4 2.9 2.5 2.3

Net operating income margin, percent 54.9 52.4 52.2 50.0

Adjusted net operating income margin,
percent 68.2 65.2 65.6 61.4

EBITDA, EUR million 221 227 51 53

Profit before tax, EUR million 72 464 -8 100

Property fair value, EUR million 12,139 11,964 12,139 11,964

Change in property fair value, percent 0.3 3.4 -0.2 1.4

Number of apartments 44,835 44,226 44,835 44,226

Real vacancy residential, percent 1.7 1.1 1.7 1.1

Vacancy residential, percent 7.5 8.6 7.5 8.6

Loan-to-value, percent 39 40 39 40
Interest coverage ratio excluding
realized value growth 12 months 2.5 2.0 2.5 2.0

Definitions on pages 39‒41.

The Edition, Washington D.C metro area

diversification reduces risk

Global changes, such as COVID-19, 8.4 percent net operating income
affect each market and industry differently.
Akelius experiences a lower impact in value
growth like-for-like
growth, vacancy, and rental income in The main contributors are higher rental
Scandinavia and Europe compared to North income due to reduced vacancy and higher
America. rent level.Vacancy decreased by 1.1
percentage points like-for-like while rental
Rent collection for apartments is on the
income grew by
aggregated portfolio at the same level as
3.6 percent like-for-like.
before COVID-19.
The adjusted net operating margin increased
This highlights the value of a diversified asset
from 65 percent to 68 percent.
value growth 0.3 percent improving cash flow and rental
Value growth on properties amounted to income
EUR 34 million or 0.3 percent. Akelius expects higher rental income in 2021
Values decreased in New York, London, and compared to 2020 despite a headwind in
Boston while values in Hamburg, Toronto, form of increased rent regulation and
and Montreal increased. COVID-19.
The value growth in 2019 was 3.4 percent, Akelius strives for improved cash flow by
a more normal growth pace for Akelius. completing current material upgrading
projects, and not adding new ones.
EUR 1,000 million for one percent The company expects fifty percent lower
In 2020 Akelius issued two senior unsecured vacancy and EUR 25 million higher yearly
bonds with a total volume of rental income after completion of material
EUR 1,000 million. projects end of 2022.
The average interest coupon is one percent
with a duration of eight years. first acquisitions following new
The average interest rate decreased from
acquisition profile
2.25 to 1.95 percent. In the last four months, Akelius acquired
three properties for EUR 130 million with an
loan-to-value 39 percent average initial yield of 4.8 percent.

The loan-to-value decreased from 40 to The income return for the total portfolio was
39 percent during 2020. 2.2 percent in 2020.
The company targets properties with strong
interest coverage ratio from cash flow and no upgrade need in all current
cities and in Ottawa.
1.8 to 2.5
The supply of such properties is higher
The interest coverage ratio increased from in North American cities than in Akelius
1.8 to 2.5. European and Scandinavian cities.
Main contributors are less debt in
combination with a lower cost of debt.
maximum 45 percent
rent cap in Berlin reduces rental
The new direction towards increased cash
flow from the properties enables a moderate
Rent regulation and Brexit show that changes increase in debt.
are often local. The revised financial policy allows a
Brexit affects both rental levels and property loan-to-value of a maximum of 45 percent.
prices in London.
Akelius is in a strong position today.
The rent regulation in Berlin is expected to This enables the company to add properties
reduce Akelius’ rental income by and to create an even larger and more stable
EUR 23 million during 2021. property portfolio.
A court ruling regarding the new rent law is
expected during 2021.

Ralf Spann,
CEO and Managing Director
year-end report, January to December 2020

property portfolio December 31, 2020

fair value properties EUR 12,139 million

Lettable space Fair value Capitaliza-

Residential thousand sqm EUR tion rate,
City units Residential Commercial Total million EUR/sqm percent
Berlin 14,418 904 55 959 3,079 3,209 2.01
London 2,232 88 17 105 912 8,728 4.12
Hamburg 3,606 197 12 209 856 4,089 3.66
Paris 1,555 48 5 53 429 8,099 4.03
Europe 21,811 1,237 89 1,326 5,276 3,978 2.85

Stockholm 5,925 424 34 458 1,771 3,870 2.68

Malmö 4,080 266 83 349 1,035 2,964 3.14
Copenhagen 1,031 82 6 88 335 3,793 2.99
Scandinavia 11,036 772 123 895 3,141 3,509 2.87

New York 1,736 118 4 122 863 7,078 4.30

Toronto 3,506 181 5 186 898 4,831 3.53
Montreal 3,894 260 7 267 857 3,212 4.30
Boston 1,029 65 2 67 526 7,852 4.24
Washington D.C 1,799 141 4 145 570 3,935 4.71
North America 11,964 765 22 787 3,714 4,722 4.17

Other 24 2 - 2 8 4,254 3.58

Total/Average 44,835 2,776 234 3,010 12,139 4,033 3.28

year-end report, January to December 2020

changes in the property portfolio

upgraded upgraded apartments
apartments 22,835 50.9 percent

22,835 4.2 50.9

47.7 -1.0

Dec 31 Dec 31 Dec 31 sales and like-for-like Dec 31

2019 2020 2019 purchases 2020

165 apartments sold

during 2020

development residential in-place rent

EUR million

436 11 -23
-1 435 11 434


Jan 1 sales Jan 1 change Berlin Jan 1 purchases Jan 1 in-place rent
2020 2020 rent 2021 2021 all unit types
regulation Jan 1 2021
year-end report, January to December 2020

like-for-like growth
rental income 3.6 percent net operating income 8.4 percent



5.1 5.1
4.3 4.1 4.0
3.2 2.9

2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020

net letting January to December 2020

number of apartments 518 rental income EUR 7.3 million

7,774 109.2

518 7.3
- 7,256 -101.9

move out move in net letting move out move in net letting

year-end report, January to December 2020

development vacancy rate, residential


8.6 0.0 8.6 -1.1

7.5 0.0 7.5

Jan 1 sales Jan 1 change Jan 1 purchases Jan 1

2020 2020 2021 2021


real vacancy rate, residential, 1.7 percent

1.3 1.4
1.0 1.1 1.1 1.1
0.7 0.7 0.7

2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 average

year-end report, January to December 2020

annual property return 2.4 percent


2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020

income return value growth average annual

property return

Growth Jan–Dec
EUR million percent
Fair value, Jan 1, 2020 11,964
Revaluations 34 0.3
Investments 381 3.2
Purchases 172 1.4
Sales -185 -1.5
Exchange differences -227 -1.9
Fair value, Dec 31, 2020 12,139 1.5
Net operating income 259 2.2
Total property return 293 Per annum: 2.4

capitalization rate 3.28 percent change in value EUR 34 million

Capitalization Discount EUR Return,

percent rate rate million percent
Jan 1, 2020 3.67 5.66 Cash flow -2,561 -21.41
Purchases 0.02 0.02 Required rate
Sales 0.00 0.00 of return 2,585 21.61
Like-for-like -0.38 -0.40 Sales 10 0.09
Exchange Purchases - 0.00
difference -0.03 -0.02 Total change
Dec 31, 2020 3.28 5.26 in value 34 0.29

year-end report, January to December 2020


loan-to-value ratio equity and hybrid capital ratio

39 percent 51 percent

50 51
4 8
40 39



Dec 31 Dec 31 Dec 31 Dec 31

2019 2020 2019 2020

unsecured loans hybrid bonds

secured loans ordinary equity

interest expenses and liquidity cash uses and sources

EUR million EUR million,
12 months forward 1,312
1,117 178



116 88

2019 Dec 31 2020 Dec 31 cash uses cash sources

2019 2020

interest expenses investments contracted sales

liquidity short-term loans profit before tax
and revaluation

year-end report, January to December 2020


debt maturities interest rate hedges

EUR million, year EUR million, year

2,203 2,246

1,200 1,174

647 642 617 569

233 216 221


0–1 1–2 2–3 3–4 4–5 >5 0–1 1–2 2–3 3–4 4–5 >5

fixed interest terms 5.0 years interest rate 1.95 percent

debt maturities 5.7 years

5.6 5.7 5.7

5.3 5.4
5.0 5.0
4.5 4.5 4.5

2.62 2.58 2.64


Dec 31 Dec 31 Dec 31 Dec 31 Dec 31 Dec 31 Dec 31 Dec 31 Dec 31 Dec 31
2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020

debt maturities
fixed interest term

year-end report, January to December 2020

EBITDA EUR 221 million interest coverage ratio 3.3

realized value growth

231 236 adjusted EBITDA
227 221


2.8 2.8 2.7
2.5 2.7
1.9 1.8 2.0

2017 2018 2019 2020 earnings 2017 2018 2019 2020 earnings
capacity1 capacity1

current interest and debt coverage capacity Earnings

2020 capacity as at
EUR million Jan-Dec Dec 31, 20201
Rental income 471 5042
Operating expenses -184 -185
Maintenance -28 -29
Net operating income 259 290
Central administrative expenses -37 -37
Other income and expenses -1 -1
EBITDA 221 252
Other financial income and expenses -3 -3
Adjusted EBITDA 218 249
Net interest expenses -87 -94
Interest coverage ratio excluding realized value growth 2.5 2.7
Realized value growth 65
Interest coverage ratio 3.3

Net debt as at Dec 31, 2020 4,792 4,792

Net debt/EBITDA 21.7 19.0
Net debt/EBITDA including realized value growth 16.8

1) The earnings capacity is based on the property portfolio as at Dec 31, 2020.
It includes the property portfolio’s gross rent minus real vacancy, estimated operating expenses,
maintenance costs and central administration during a normal year.
2) Includes EUR 441 million in residential rental value as of Jan 1, 2021,
EUR 37 million in rental income for commercial properties and parking,
EUR -14 million in real vacancy for apartments and EUR 40 million in other income.
Residential rental value of EUR 441 million minus vacancy and plus prepaid operating expenses is
equivalent to EUR 434 million in residential in-place rent.

year-end report, January to December 2020

Berlin Hamburg

like-for-like properties acquired properties 2020 sold properties or signed sales 2020

Berlin Hamburg
Property portfolio
Fair value, EUR million 3,079 856
Proportion of property fair value, percent 25 7
Capitalization rate, percent 2.01 3.66
Proportion upgraded apartments, percent 43 56
Average apartment size, sqm 63 55
Walk score 90 91

Average rent residential EUR/apt/month EUR/apt/month

Total portfolio Jan 1 2020 586 658
Sales and ended objects* 3 0
Like-for-like Jan 1 2020 589 658
Like-for-like increase -138 18
– Increase in percent -23.5 2.8
Like-for-like Jan 1 2021 451 676
Purchases and new constructions 0 -2
Total portfolio Jan 1 2021 451 674
New lease level 450 800

Vacancy rate residential percent percent

Real vacancy rate 0.7 0.6
Apartments being upgraded 2.1 3.4
Vacancy rate 2.8 4.0

*) A consequence of, for instance, a split of an apartment, where one apartment object is ended
and two new ones are created.
year-end report, January to December 2020

London Paris

like-for-like properties sold properties or signed sales 2020

London Paris
Property portfolio
Fair value, EUR million 912 429
Proportion of property fair value, percent 8 4
Capitalization rate, percent 4.12 4.03
Proportion upgraded apartments, percent 68 34
Average apartment size, sqm 39 31
Walk score 86 97

Average rent residential EUR/apt/month EUR/apt/month

Total portfolio Jan 1 2020 1,414 772
Sales and ended objects* - 0
Like-for-like Jan 1 2020 1,414 772
Like-for-like increase -8 26
– Increase in percent -0.6 3.4
Like-for-like Jan 1 2021 1,406 798
Purchases and new constructions - -
Total portfolio Jan 1 2021 1,406 798
New lease level 1,471 946

Vacancy rate residential percent percent

Real vacancy rate 3.7 2.1
Apartments being upgraded 12.4 32.0
Vacancy rate 16.1 34.1

year-end report, January to December 2020

Stockholm Malmö

like-for-like properties

Stockholm Malmö
Property portfolio
Fair value, EUR million 1,771 1,035
Proportion of property fair value, percent 14 9
Capitalization rate, percent 2.68 3.14
Proportion upgraded apartments, percent 56 59
Average apartment size, sqm 71 65
Walk score 72 89

Average rent residential EUR/apt/month EUR/apt/month

Total portfolio Jan 1 2020 805 759
Sales and ended objects* - -
Like-for-like Jan 1 2020 805 759
Like-for-like increase 19 20
– Increase in percent 2.3 2.6
Like-for-like Jan 1 2021 824 779
Purchases and new constructions 0 0
Total portfolio Jan 1 2021 824 779
New lease level 902 816

Vacancy rate residential percent percent

Real vacancy rate 0.0 0.0
Apartments being upgraded 1.0 0.6
Vacancy rate 1.0 0.6

year-end report, January to December 2020

Copenhagen New York

like-for-like properties

Copenhagen New York

Property portfolio
Fair value, EUR million 335 863
Proportion of property fair value, percent 3 7
Capitalization rate, percent 2.99 4.30
Proportion upgraded apartments, percent 41 42
Average apartment size, sqm 80 68
Walk score 95 97

Average rent residential EUR/apt/month EUR/apt/month

Total portfolio Jan 1 2020 957 1,820
Sales and ended objects* - 1
Like-for-like Jan 1 2020 957 1,821
Like-for-like increase 6 -40
– Increase in percent 0.6 -2.2
Like-for-like Jan 1 2021 963 1,781
Purchases and new constructions - 6
Total portfolio Jan 1 2021 963 1,787
New lease level 1,358 2,414

Vacancy rate residential percent percent

Real vacancy rate 0.0 3.0
Apartments being upgraded 1.9 13.0
Vacancy rate 1.9 16.0

year-end report, January to December 2020

Boston Washington D.C.

like-for-like properties acquired properties 2020

Boston Washington D.C.

Property portfolio
Fair value, EUR million 526 570
Proportion of property fair value, percent 4 5
Capitalization rate, percent 4.24 4.71
Proportion upgraded apartments, percent 77 53
Average apartment size, sqm 63 78
Walk score 92 88

Average rent residential EUR/apt/month EUR/apt/month

Total portfolio Jan 1 2020 2,167 1,696
Sales and ended objects* - -
Like-for-like Jan 1 2020 2,167 1,696
Like-for-like increase -29 12
– Increase in percent -1.4 0.7
Like-for-like Jan 1 2021 2,138 1,708
Purchases and new constructions -28 -56
Total portfolio Jan 1 2021 2,110 1,652
New lease level 2,157 1,726

Vacancy rate residential percent percent

Real vacancy rate 10.7 7.9
Apartments being upgraded 9.0 10.7
Vacancy rate 19.7 18.6

year-end report, January to December 2020

Toronto Montreal

like-for-like properties acquired properties 2020

Toronto Montreal
Property portfolio
Fair value, EUR million 898 857
Proportion of property fair value, percent 7 7
Capitalization rate, percent 3.53 4.30
Proportion upgraded apartments, percent 53 57
Average apartment size, sqm 52 67
Walk score 77 82

Average rent residential EUR/apt/month EUR/apt/month

Total portfolio Jan 1 2020 856 810
Sales and ended objects* 2 -
Like-for-like Jan 1 2020 858 810
Like-for-like increase 31 24
– Increase in percent 3.5 3.0
Like-for-like Jan 1 2021 889 834
Purchases and new constructions - -1
Total portfolio Jan 1 2021 889 833
New lease level 1,094 937

Vacancy rate residential percent percent

Real vacancy rate 2.8 2.7
Apartments being upgraded 5.9 15.2
Vacancy rate 8.7 17.9

year-end report, January to December 2020

rental income EUR 471 million EBITDA EUR 221 million
Rental income was EUR 471 million (496), EBITDA was EUR 221 million (227),
a decrease of 5.0 percent compared to the a decrease of 2.6 percent compared to the
same period in 2019. same period in 2019.
The decrease is due to property sales that The change is mainly explained by a reduced
have reduced the property portfolio in property portfolio due to sales.
comparison with 2019. See table of development of EBITDA on
Like-for-like growth in rental income was page 35.
EUR 15 million (20) or 3.6 percent (5.7).
During 2020, net financial items EUR -155 million
18,310 rental contracts (33,842) with an Interest expenses were EUR -88 million (-116)
annual rent of EUR 240 million (410) were and interest income was EUR 1 million (1).
renewed or renegotiated. The decrease in interest expenses is due to
The new yearly rent is EUR 245 million (418), lower interest rates and a decreased average
an increase of 2.0 percent (1.8). loan volume in 2020 compared with 2019.
The vacancy rate for residential units Interest expenses for the hybrid bonds were
decreased by 1.1 percentage points to EUR -29 million (-19).
7.5 percent (8.6).
This is mainly due to fewer apartments being Revaluations of financial derivatives affected
upgraded. earnings by EUR -35 million (-28).
In 2020, outstanding hybrid bonds increased
78 percent (88) of vacancy was due to by EUR 500 million.
upgrades or planned sales of apartments.
Other financial income and expenses
The real vacancy rate increased by amounted to EUR -4 million (1).
0.6 percentage points during 2020 to
1.7 percent (1.1),
due to recently finished upgrading projects.
profit before tax EUR 72 million
Profit before tax was EUR 72 million (464).
net operating income The increase in the fair value of properties
had a positive impact on the profit,
EUR 259 million although to a significantly lower degree than
Net operating income was for the same period in 2019.
EUR 259 million (260).
Property expenses totalled tax income EUR 44 million
EUR 212 million (236). Tax income totalled EUR 44 million (-79).
EUR 28 million (31) was attributable to EUR 57 million (-50) was deferred tax,
maintenance, mainly driven by the restructuring of the
corresponding to EUR 10 (10) per square German company structure,
meter and year. which has resulted in a lower deferred tax
Like-for-like growth in net operating income liability.
was 8.4 percent (2.9). Akelius has no ongoing tax disputes.
Increase in like-for-like rental income drove
the like-for-like growth in net operating
Net operating income margin was
54.9 percent (52.4).
Adjusted net operating income margin
was 68.2 percent (65.2).

year-end report, January to December 2020

property portfolio
fair value EUR 12,139 million property purchases
The fair value was EUR 12,139 million (11,964), EUR 172 million
which is equivalent to an average of Property purchases amounted to
EUR 4,033 (4,031) per square meter. EUR 172 million (181) during the period.
The average capitalization rate for was Properties purchased are located in Germany,
3.28 percent (3.67). The decrease is mainly Canada and USA.
due to the lower capitalization rate in Berlin. The average capitalization rate for purchased
See table on page 8. properties was 4.92 percent (4.15).

increase in property value property sales EUR 185 million

0.3 percent In total, Akelius sold properties for
The increase in property value was EUR 185 million (1,616).
EUR 34 million (423), or 0.3 percent (3.4).
Sales of properties amounted to
See table on page 8.
EUR 163 million in Germany, EUR 20 million in
A new rent regulation in Berlin limits rent Sweden and EUR 2 million in England.
levels for five years. EUR 20 million is related to the sale of a
Despite this, property to a tenant-owner association in
there has been no significant change in value 2018.
of Akelius' property portfolio in Berlin. Akelius has no longer control over the
The property valuations in Berlin assume a tenant-owner association but still owns
lower rental income over a period, apartments worth EUR 6 million reported as
which is offset by a lower capitalization rate. financial assets.
Akelius has not noticed significantly lower Income from the sale of properties totalled
property prices at the end of the period due to EUR 10 million (194) excluding EUR 4 million
Covid-19. (18) in transaction costs.

property investments assets and liabilities held for sale

EUR 381 million Akelius has signed agreements for the sale of
Investments in properties amounted to properties in Germany.
EUR 381 million (468). The sales will be finalized during the first
On an annual basis, quarter in 2021.
this corresponds to EUR 128 (147) per square EUR 18 million (131) relates to investment
meter. properties and EUR 3 million (13) to deferred
19 percent (32) of the total investments were tax.
due to apartment upgrades. A property in Canada,
Akelius completes planned projects and limits classified as asset held for sale in 2019 with a
the start-up of new comprehensive projects. value of EUR 6 million,
is per December 31 2020 reclassified back to
investment properties.
This due to cancelled sale during the second
quarter of 2020.

year-end report, January to December 2020

equity and hybrid capital ratio interest rate hedge 5.0 years
51 percent EUR 2,246 million (2,430) had a fixed interest
Equity decreased by EUR 152 million to rate term of more than five years and
EUR 5,374 million (5,526) during 2020. EUR 216 million (621) had a fixed interest rate
It is mainly due to dividends and changes in term of less than one year.
the Group’s currency translation reserve. During September a EUR 300 million bond
The equity and hybrid capital ratio amounted with an interest of 3.4 percent matured.
to 51 percent (50). Additionally, during September, the Group
The improvement is a result of Akelius issued a EUR 500 million bond with a fixed
Residential Property AB issuing a hybrid bond coupon of 1.00 percent and with maturity in
of EUR 500 million during the first quarter. 2028.
The Group issued a EUR 500 bond with
an annual coupon of 1.125 percent during
loan-to-value ratio 39 percent November.
Loans excluding the hybrid bonds increased by The bond matures in 2029.
EUR 186 million during the period,
On average, the underlying interest rate is
to EUR 5,043 million (4,857).
secured for 5.0 years (4.5).
The loan-to-value ratio decreased by
1 percentage point since the previous to average interest rate 1.95 percent
39 percent (40).
During the period the average interest rate
Secured loans were EUR 1,357 million (1,658). decreased from 2.25 to 1.95 percent.
Secured loan-to-value ratio was The decrease in interest rate is due to lower
9 percent (14). market rates across all markets.
The secured debt was borrowed from Debt with high interest which matured have
22 banks (26) in four countries. been replaced with new debt with lower
Unsecured debt includes 12 bonds (11)
and loans from large investors and related
companies. liquidity EUR 1,117 million
Available funds in the form of cash, liquid
debt maturities 5.7 years financial assets and unutilized credit facilities
totalled EUR 1,117 million (841).
Loans have an average maturity of
5.7 years (5.4). Unutilized credit facilities amounted to
EUR 844 million (814) with an average
EUR 233 million (590) mature within one year.
maturity of 2.13 years (1.38).
The average loan-to-value ratio on short-term Facilities intended to be kept are extended at
loans was 34 percent (37). least one year prior maturity.
Short-term loans consist of borrowings from The unutilized bilateral credit agreements are
7 banks (11). provided by 7 banks (7).
The fair value of the unencumbered properties
was EUR 6,324 million (5,766).

year-end report, January to December 2020

other financial information

cash flow credit rating
Operating cash flow before change in working In 2020, Standard and Poor’s confirmed the
capital was EUR 88 million (72). investment grade rating BBB with a stable
outlook for Akelius Residential Property AB
Cash flow from investing activities was
and its senior unsecured debt.
EUR -503 million (991).
Cash required for the acquisition of properties The rating for Akelius Residential Property
is secured before the agreements are signed. AB’s hybrid bonds is BB+.
On average upgrades can be stopped within a
three-month period. fourth quarter
Cash flow from financing activities was Profit before tax amounted to
EUR 622 million (-1,034). EUR -8 million (100).
Change in value of investment properties
parent company affected earnings by EUR -36 million (57).
Rental income was EUR 115 million (122).
Dividend of EUR 0.03 per class A ordinary
Property expenses totalled
share was paid on May 8, 2020,
EUR 55 million (61).
totalling EUR 96 million.
Net operating income was EUR 60 million (61).
Dividends of EUR 0.025 per class D ordinary
Net financial items totalled
share were or will be paid on the record dates
EUR -22 million (-9).
pursuant to the Articles of Association: May 5,
2020, August 5, 2020, November 5, 2020 and Cash flow amounted to EUR 237 million (2).
February 5, 2021, totalling EUR 22 million. Cash flow generated from operations was
EUR 24 million (4).
The profit before tax was EUR -59 million (71).
Net cash from investing activities amounted to
Financial income mainly includes interest
EUR -168 million (371).
income, currency exchange effects related
Financing activities had a positive effect on
to currency derivatives, bonds and other
cash flow of EUR 381 million (-373).
financial instruments in foreign currency.
Financial costs mainly includes interest
expenses, change in derivatives, and financial staff
exchange differences. 1,301 people (1,456) were employed as at
December 31.
The number of ordinary shares of related party transactions
class D was 220,000,000, Net debt from related parties decreased by
equivalent to EUR 341 million reported in EUR 6 million (58).
equity. The circle of related parties has not changed
D-shares represent 6.45 percent of the total significantly since the annual report 2019.
number of shares in Akelius Residential
Property AB. significant events after the end of
On December 31, 2020, the closing price the reporting period
per D-share was EUR 1.546.
There are no significant events after the end of
the reporting period.

year-end report, January to December 2020

consolidated income statement

2020 2019 2020 2019
Jan–Dec Jan–Dec Oct–Dec Oct–Dec
EUR million 12 months 12 months 3 months 3 months
Rental income 471 496 115 122
Operating expenses -184 -205 -47 -52
Maintenance -28 -31 -8 -8
Net operating income 259 260 60 62
Central administrative expenses -37 -34 -9 -9
Other income and expenses -1 1 - -
EBITDA 221 227 51 53
Depreciation and operational foreign
exchange differences -10 -5 -1 -1
Realized revaluation of investment
properties1 6 176 7 97
Unrealized revaluation of
investment properties1 24 227 -43 -40
Restructuring expenses2 -14 - - -
Operating profit 227 625 14 109
Interest income 1 1 1 -
Interest expenses -88 -116 -19 -20
Interest expenses hybrid bonds -29 -19 -8 -5
Other financial income and expenses -4 1 - -
Change in fair value of derivatives -35 -28 4 16
Profit before tax 72 464 -8 100
Current tax -13 -29 -4 -16
Deferred tax 57 -50 66 -12
Profit for the period 116 385 54 72

Profit attributable to
–owners of the Parent Company 112 379 52 70
–non-controlling interests 4 6 2 2
Earnings per share before and after
dilution, EUR 0.03 0.11 0.02 0.02

1) Net income from the revaluation and disposal for Jan-Dec 2020 include change in fair value of
properties of EUR 34 million (422), minus transaction cost of EUR 4 million (18),
minus revaluation reserve for owner-occupied properties of EUR 1 million (1).

2) EUR 12 million relates to personnel costs and EUR 2 million to intangible assets.

year-end report, January to December 2020

consolidated statement of comprehensive income

2020 2019 2020 2019
Jan–Dec Jan–Dec Oct–Dec Oct–Dec
EUR million 12 months 12 months 3 months 3 months
Items that may be reclassified to
profit or loss
Translation differences -218 124 58 15
Hedge of net investments 50 -98 -51 -32
Revaluation reserve 1 1 - -
Tax on items that may be reclassified 24 4 18 11
Other comprehensive income for the
period -143 31 25 -6
Total comprehensive income
for the period -27 416 79 66

Total comprehensive income

attributable to
–owners of the Parent Company -31 410 77 64
–non-controlling interests 4 6 2 2

year-end report, January to December 2020

condensed consolidated statement of financial

2020 2019
EUR million Dec 31 Dec 31
Intangible assets 23 19
Investment properties 12,021 11,760
Owner-occupied properties 100 73
Right-of-use-assets1 14 16
Tangible fixed assets 5 6
Derivatives 4 1
Deferred tax assets 4 2
Financial assets 5 4
Total non-current assets 12,176 11,881
Receivables and other asset 109 116
Derivatives 10 2
Cash and cash equivalents 250 19
Assets held for sale2 18 131
Total current assets 387 268
Total assets 12,563 12,149
Equity attributable to the Parent Company’s shareholders 5,292 5,441
Non-controlling interests 82 85
Total equity 5,374 5,526
Loans 4,810 4,267
Hybrid bonds 999 499
Lease liabilities 12 13
Derivatives 75 60
Deferred tax liabilities 869 935
Provisions 1 2
Other liabilities 16 17
Total non-current liabilities 6,782 5,793
Loans 233 590
Lease liabilities 2 3
Derivatives 21 4
Provisions 8 -
Other liabilities 140 220
Liabilities held for sale 3 13
Total current liabilities 407 830
Total equity and liabilities 12,563 12,149

Interest-bearing liabilities
- unsecured loans 3,686 3,199
- secured loans 1,357 1,658
Subtotal interest-bearing liabilities 5,043 4,857
- hybrid bonds 999 499
Total interest-bearing liabilities 6,042 5,356
1) EUR 8 million for leased offices and EUR 6 million for site leasehold agreements.
2) EUR 18 million is attributable to investment properties in Germany, sale price is EUR 18 million.
year-end report, January to December 2020

consolidated statement of changes in equity

Attributable to the Parent Company’s

Currency Non-
trans- con-
Share Share lation Retained trolling Total
EUR million capital premium reserve earnings Total interests equity
Balance at
Dec 31, 2018 211 1,460 -209 3,830 5,292 78 5,370
EUR conversion* -24 -145 24 145 - - -
Adjusted balance at
Jan 1, 2019 187 1,315 -185 3,975 5,292 78 5,370
Total comprehensive
income for the period - - 30 380 410 6 416
Acquired minority - - - - - 1 1
Dividend - - - -32 -32 - -32
Share issue 13 372 - -7 378 - 378
Redeemed shares -1 -585 - -21 -607 - -607
Balance at
Dec 31, 2019 199 1,102 -155 4,295 5,441 85 5,526
Profit for the period - - - 112 112 4 116
Other comprehensive
income - - -143 - -143 - -143
income for the period - - -143 112 -31 4 -27
Divestment of minority - - - - - -5 -5
Other transactions with
minority - - - - - -2 -2
Dividend - - - -118 -118 - -118
Balance at
Dec 31, 2020 199 1,102 -298 4,289 5,292 82 5,374

*) The Parent Company, Akelius Residential Property AB,

changed functional currency from Swedish kronor to Euro as of 2019.

year-end report, January to December 2020

consolidated statement of cash flows

2020 2019 2020 2019
Jan–Dec Jan–Dec Oct–Dec Oct–Dec
EUR million 12 months 12 months 3 months 3 months
Net operating income 259 260 60 62
Central administrative expenses -37 -34 -9 -9
Restructuring expenses -14 - - -
Other income and expenses - 1 - 1
Interest paid -114 -132 -30 -29
Income tax paid -6 -23 -3 -19
Cash flow before changes in
working capital 88 72 18 6
Change in current assets 14 -47 15 -14
Change in current liabilities 10 24 -9 12
Cash flow from operating activities 112 49 24 4

Investments in intangible assets -11 -10 -3 -3

Investments in properties -381 -468 -98 -140
Acquisition of properties -172 -181 -89 -5
Acquisition of net assets - 5 - -
Acquisition of other assets -23 12 -9 32
Proceeds from sale of properties1 185 1,616 38 435
Proceeds from sale of net assets2 -14 -49 - -
Proceeds from sale of other assets3 -87 66 -7 52
Cash flow from investing activities -503 991 -168 371

Share issue - 378 - 378

Repurchase of preference shares - -607 - -607
Transaction with minority -5 1 - -
Loans raised 2,320 1,686 552 514
Repayment of loans -1,586 -2,406 -156 -629
Settlement of derivatives 9 -44 -9 -15
Amortisation leasing -3 -2 - -1
Dividend A-shares -96 - - -
Dividend D-shares -17 - -6 -
Dividend preference shares - -40 - -13
Cash flow from financing activities 622 -1,034 381 -373

Cash flow for the period 231 6 237 2

Cash and cash equivalents
at the beginning of the period 19 13 13 17
Translation differences in cash and
cash equivalents - - - -
Cash and cash equivalents
at the end of the period 250 19 250 19

1) Jan-Dec 2020 includes EUR 20 million related to a realized sale to a tenant-owner association.
2) Jan-Dec 2020 includes EUR -7 million related to the amount still not received as Akelius still owns
the apartments in the tenant-owner association.
3) Jan-Dec 2020 includes EUR -84 million in prepayment received for signed property sale in
Germany 2019, EUR -4 million in transaction costs for sold properties.

year-end report, January to December 2020

Interest rate
Duration, hedge, Share, Debt maturities, Share,
years EUR million percent EUR million percent
0–1 216 4 233 5
1–2 617 12 647 13
2–3 221 4 118 2
3–4 569 11 642 13
4–5 1,174 24 1,200 23
5–6 461 9 454 9
6–7 347 7 282 6
7–8 678 14 638 12
8–9 544 11 499 10
9–10 74 1 41 1
> 10 142 3 289 6
Total 5,043 100 5,043 100

financial instruments
Carrying value and fair value of outstanding Compared to 2019, no transfers have been
derivatives and interest-bearing liabilities made between different levels in the fair value
excluding leasing are shown in the tables hierarchy for derivatives and borrowings and
below. no significant changes have been made to
valuation techniques.
Derivatives are measured continuously at fair
value through profit or loss.
Financial instruments that are not measured
at fair value through profit and loss are derivatives recorded at fair value
recognized at amortised cost using the
effective interest rate method. 2020 2019
The fair values of bonds are based on level 1, EUR million Dec 31 Dec 31
and the fair values of derivatives and other Assets 14 3
interest-bearing liabilities are based on level 2 Liabilities 96 64
in the fair value hierarchy.

carrying value and fair value of interest-bearing liabilities

2020 2020 2019 2019

Dec 31 Dec 31 Dec 31 Dec 31
EUR million Carrying value Fair value Carrying value Fair value
Loans 5,043 5,179 4,857 4,949
Hybrid bonds 999 1,038 499 532
Total 6,042 6,217 5,356 5,481

year-end report, January to December 2020

segment information
Total operat-
Operat- Net Revalu- Total prop- ing
ing operat- ation of proper- erty income Proper-
Jan–Dec 2020, Rental expens- Mainte- ing proper- ty return, margin, ty fair
EUR million income es nance income ties return percent percent value
Berlin 126 -44 -7 75 29 104 3.4 59.6 3,079
London 33 -9 -2 22 -20 2 0.2 65.3 912
Hamburg 37 -12 -2 23 29 52 6.3 61.4 856
Paris 11 -8 - 3 6 9 2.2 24.4 429
Other 1 -1 - - 1 1 0.9 -4.4 8
Europe 208 -74 -11 123 45 168 3.1 58.7 5,284

Stockholm 61 -20 -5 36 11 47 2.9 59.1 1,771

Malmö 45 -15 -3 27 -14 13 1.3 58.5 1,035
Copenhagen 12 -5 -1 6 3 9 3.0 58.1 335
Other - - - - -1 -1 1.0 - -
Scandinavia 118 -40 -9 69 -1 68 2.3 58.8 3,141

New York 33 -19 -1 13 -46 -33 -3.5 39.8 863

Toronto 36 -17 -3 16 7 23 2.5 46.3 898
Montreal 32 -14 -2 16 30 46 5.5 48.6 857
Boston 22 -9 -1 12 -4 8 1.4 54.8 526
D.C 22 -11 -1 10 3 13 2.7 43.5 570
America 145 -70 -8 67 -10 57 1.5 46.2 3,714

Total 471 -184 -28 259 34 293 2.4 54.9 12,139

year-end report, January to December 2020

segment information, continued

Total operat-
Operat- Net Revalu- Total prop- ing
ing operat- ation of proper- erty income Proper-
Jan–Dec 2019, Rental expens- Mainte- ing proper- ty return, margin, ty fair
EUR million income es nance income ties return percent percent value
Berlin 122 -48 -7 67 50 117 4.1 55.9 3,038
London 31 -9 -2 20 -20 - -0.1 63.0 951
Hamburg 41 -14 -2 25 55 80 8.8 59.9 816
Paris 10 -9 - 1 1 2 0.5 7.3 402
Other 24 -9 -2 13 158 171 22.2 54.1 123
Europe 228 -89 -13 126 244 370 6.4 55.3 5,330

Stockholm 66 -23 -6 37 33 70 3.4 55.9 1,657

Malmö 43 -15 -3 25 13 38 3.9 56.7 970
Copenhagen 12 -5 -1 6 15 21 7.2 54.3 322
Other - - - - 1 1 2.2 - 21
Scandinavia 121 -43 -10 68 62 130 3.9 56.0 2,970

New York 34 -20 -2 12 -58 -46 -5.0 36.3 943

Toronto 39 -19 -3 17 94 111 13.3 44.1 908
Montreal 33 -15 -2 16 59 75 11.5 48.2 828
Boston 22 -9 - 13 15 28 5.7 55.9 541
D.C 19 -10 -1 8 7 15 4.6 44.3 444
America 147 -73 -8 66 117 183 5.7 45.0 3,664

Total 496 -205 -31 260 423 683 5.5 52.4 11,964

year-end report, January to December 2020

key figures 2020 2019 2018 2017 2016

Dec 31 Dec 31 Dec 31 Dec 31 Dec 31
Equity, EUR million 5,374 5,526 5,370 4,901 4,279
Equity ratio, percent 43 45 43 46 46
Equity and hybrid capital ratio, percent 51 50 47 46 46
Return on equity, percent - 8 9 19 37
Net asset value, EUR million 6,324 6,533 6,284 5,840 5,127
Net operating income
Rental income, EUR million 471 496 482 469 472
Growth in rental income, percent -5.0 2.7 2.8 -0.6 1.8
Like-for-like growth in rental income, percent 3.6 5.7 3.2 5.1 4.1
Net operating income, EUR million 259 260 260 252 245
Growth in net operating income, percent -0.5 -1.3 3.3 4.4 6.3
Like-for-like growth in net operating
income, percent 8.4 2.9 5.1 10.7 8.0
Net operating income margin, percent 54.9 52.4 53.9 53.6 51.8
Adjusted net operating income margin,
percent 1 68.2 65.2 69.7 61.4 70.5
Loan-to-value ratio, secured loans, percent 9 14 19 18 24
Loan-to-value ratio, percent 39 40 44 44 43
Unencumbered asset ratio 1.89 1.87 1.74 1.63 1.18
Interest coverage ratio 12 months 3.3 7.8 2.8 4.7 4.5
Interest coverage ratio excluding realized
value growth 12 months 2.5 2.0 1.8 1.9 1.9
Average interest rate, percent 1.95 2.25 2.64 2.58 2.62
Fixed interest term, years 5.0 4.5 4.5 5.3 4.5
Debt maturities, years 5.7 5.4 5.7 5.6 5.0
Number of apartments 44,835 44,226 50,407 47,177 46,516
Rentable area, thousand sqm 3,010 2,968 3,422 3,228 3,236
Real vacancy rate, residential, percent 1.7 1.1 1.4 0.9 1.1
Vacancy rate, residential, percent 7.5 8.6 9.6 6.6 5.0
Turnover of tenants, percent 16 15 15 14 14
Fair value, EUR per sqm 4,033 4,031 3,617 3,292 2,834
Capitalization rate, percent 3.28 3.67 3.67 3.60 3.82
Change in capitalization rate2,
percentage points -0.38 0.00 0.02 -0.22 -0.49
Fair value of properties opening balance,
EUR million 11,964 12,379 10,624 9,171 7,965
Change in fair value, EUR million 34 423 553 886 1,343
Investments, EUR million 381 468 349 288 316
Purchases, EUR million 172 181 1,286 1,297 643
Sales, EUR million -185 -1,616 -300 -737 -957
Exchange differences, EUR million -227 129 -133 -281 -139
Fair value of properties closing balance,
EUR million 12,139 11,964 12,379 10,624 9,171
1) Adjustment for revenue from operating expenses invoiced to the tenants in Germany, France,
Canada, United States and Sweden amounted to EUR 91 million (97) for Jan–Dec 2020.
2) Like-for-like capitalization rate.
year-end report, January to December 2020

condensed income statement for the

Parent Company
2020 2019 2020 2019
Jan–Dec Jan–Dec Oct–Dec Oct–Dec
EUR million 12 months 12 months 3 months 3 months
Central administrative expenses -9 -5 -4 4
Restructuring expenses -1 - - -
Operating profit -10 -5 -4 4
Financial income 205 266 72 83
Financial expenses -244 -178 -89 -46
Change in the fair value of derivatives -39 -26 -27 -10
Profit before appropriations -88 57 -48 31
Appropriations 29 14 29 14
Profit before tax -59 71 -19 45
Tax 22 4 16 11
Profit for the period -37 75 -3 56

The Parent Company has no items in other comprehensive income.

year-end report, January to December 2020

condensed balance sheet for the

Parent Company
2020 2019
EUR million Dec 31 Dec 31
Shares in Group companies 2,665 2,629
Receivables from Group companies 4,369 4,161
Other receivables 5 7
Derivatives 4 1
Deferred income tax assets 66 44
Total non-current assets 7,109 6,842
Receivables from Group companies 57 46
Derivatives 10 2
Prepaid expenses and accrued income from Group companies - 4
Other assets 53 30
Cash and cash equivalents 211 -
Total current assets 331 82
Total assets 7,440 6,924
Restricted equity 202 202
Non-restricted equity 981 1,130
Total equity 1,183 1,332
Interest-bearing liabilities 3,533 3,388
Interest-bearing liabilities from Group companies 1,970 988
Derivatives 70 51
Total non-current liabilities 5,573 4,427
Interest-bearing liabilities 148 492
Interest-bearing liabilities from Group companies 460 624
Derivatives 21 6
Other current liabilities 53 43
Other current liabilities from Group companies 2 -
Total current liabilities 684 1,165
Total equity and liabilities 7,440 6,924

year-end report, January to December 2020

alternative performance measures

Calculation of alternative key figures using guidelines published by the European Securities and
Markets Authority.

2020 2019
EUR million Dec 31 Dec 31
Equity 5,374 5,526
Deferred tax 865 933
Deferred taxes reported as liability for sale 3 13
Derivatives 82 61
Net asset value 6,324 6,533

Total interest-bearing liabilities 6,042 5,356

Hybrid bonds -999 -499
Cash and cash equivalents -250 -19
Pledged cash assets -1 -
Net debt 4,792 4,838
Total assets 12,563 12,149
Cash and cash equivalents -250 -19
Pledged cash assets -1 -
Net asset 12,312 12,130
Loan-to-value ratio, percent 39 40

Net debt 4,792 4,838

Less senior unsecured debt -3,686 -3,199
Secured debt minus pledged cash,
cash and cash equivalents 1,106 1,639
Net asset 12,312 12,130
Loan-to-value ratio, secured loan, percent 9 14

Equity 5,374 5,526

Hybrid bonds 999 499
Equity and hybrid bonds 6,373 6,025
Total asset 12,563 12,149
Equity ratio, percent 43 45
Equity and hybrid capital ratio, percent 51 50

2020 2019
EUR million Dec 31 Dec 31
Cash and cash equivalents 250 19
Unutilized credit facilities 844 814
Liquid financial assets 23 8
Liquidity 1,117 814

year-end report, January to December 2020

alternative performance measures, continued

2020 2019
EUR million Dec 31 Dec 31
Intangible assets 23 19
Unencumbered properties 6,324 5,766
Right-of-use-assets 14 16
Tangible fixed assets 5 6
Deferred tax 4 2
Financial assets 5 4
Trade and other receivables 109 116
Derivatives 14 3
Unencumbered assets 6,498 5,932

Unsecured loans 3,686 3,199

Subordinated debt -6 -12
Cash and cash equivalents -250 -19
Net unsecured senior debt 3,430 3,168

Unencumbered asset ratio 1.89 1.87

2020 2019 Percent

EUR million Jan–Dec Jan–Dec growth
Rental income 471 496 -5.0
Purchases and sales -10 -41
Service revenue -35 -40
Exchange differences - -3
Like-for-like rental income 426 412 3.6

Net operating income 259 260 -0.5

Purchases and sales -9 -29
Exchange differences - -1
Like-for-like net operating income 250 230 8.4

2020 2019
EUR million Jan–Dec Jan–Dec
Proceeds from the sale of properties 185 1,616
Transaction costs -4 -18
Acquisition costs -93 -663
Accumulated investments -23 -262
Realized value growth 65 673

year-end report, January to December 2020

alternative performance measures, continued

Dec 2019–
EUR million Dec 2020
Like-for-like rental income 14
Like-for-like operating expenses and maintenance 5
Like-for-like net operating income 19

Purchase and sales rental income -32

Purchase and sales operating expenses and maintenance 12
Purchase and sales net operating income -20

Central administrative expenses -3

Other income and expenses -2

year-end report, January to December 2020

other information
basis of presentation The Group has changed the presentation
of the Group’s consolidated statement of
The Akelius Residential Property Group’s comprehensive income from 2020 to present
year-end report has been prepared in EBITDA.
accordance with IAS 34, Interim Financial Depreciation and operational foreign
Reporting and the Swedish Annual Accounts exchange differences have been reported
Act. separately and are presented on a separate
The financial statements of the Parent row below EBITDA.
Company, Akelius Residential Property AB, Depreciation was previously included in
corporate identity number 556156-0383, central administrative expenses and operating
have been prepared in accordance with expenses, foreign exchange differences were
the Swedish Annual Accounts Act and the included in other income and expenses.
accounting standard RFR 2,
Accounting for Legal Entities. Akelius has chosen to publish segment
information per city instead of per region from
Disclosures in accordance with IAS 34 Interim fourth quarter of 2020.
Financial Reporting are submitted both in the Segment information is reported separately
notes and in other sections of the year-end for Berlin, Hamburg, Paris, London, Toronto,
report. Montreal, New York, Boston, Washington D.C,
The figures in this year-end report have been Stockholm, Malmö, and Copenhagen.
rounded, while the calculations have been
made without rounding. new and amended IFRS standards
As a result, certain tables and key figures may adopted by the EU applied as at
appear not to add up correctly. January 1, 2020
New and amended IFRS standards that came
accounting principles
into effect after January 1, 2020 have not had
Accounting principles can be found in Akelius any material impact on the Group’s financial
Annual Report 2019. reports.
Information regarding Provisions, Contingent
definition of a business,
liabilities and Contingent assets is not included
amendments to IFRS 3
in the Annual Report 2019 and is presented
below. The amendment to IFRS 3 clarifies that to be
considered a business,
Under IAS 37 Provision, Contingent liabilities
an integrated set of activities and assets must
and Contingent assets, a restructuring
include, at a minimum
provision is recognised only when both of the
an input and a substantive process that
following conditions are met
together significantly contribute to the ability
- there is a detailed formal plan for the to create output.
restructuring and
The definition of the term outputs is changed
- the company has raised a valid expectation to focus on goods and services provided to
in those affected, customers, generating investment income
that the restructuring will be completed once and other income,
the implementation of the plan has begun and it excludes returns in the form of
or through the announcement of the main lower cost and other economic benefits.
features of the plan. Furthermore, it clarifies that a business can
Akelius has a detailed formal plan and has exist without including all the inputs and
started to implement the plan and announced processes needed to create outputs.
its main features in a press release in August Akelius acquisitions are classified as asset
2020. acquisitions and therefore this amendment
have not had any impact on Akelius financial
It may impact future periods if Akelius would
enter any business combinations.
year-end report, January to December 2020

other information, continued

interest rate benchmark reform, Contractual cash flows may refer to IBOR
amendments to IFRS 7, IFRS 9, and reference rates.
IAS 39 For accounting, the changes could lead to the
The ongoing Interest Rate Benchmark Reform derecognition of the financial instruments.
will replace existing benchmark interbank
No derecognition, if
offered rates, IBORs, with alternative risk-free
rates, RFRs. - the change in the basis for determining
The Group monitors the transition and contractual cash flows must be a direct
evaluates the extent to which contracts consequence of the reform
reference IBOR cash flows. - the new basis for determining the
Two effects are reviewed contractual cash flows must be ‘economically
- effect on hedge accounting equivalent’ to the previous basis immediately
preceding the change
- effect on financial instrument including the
reference to IBOR. Akelius expects no material impact as
- the addition of a fixed spread should
hedge accounting
compensate for the basis difference between
The Group apply hedge accounting, net an existing IBOR and the alternative RFR
investment hedge, and hedge the currency
risk related to net assets of foreign operations. - changes to the reset period, reset dates or
Modified contracts, that is substantially the number of days between coupon payment
different from the terms of original contract dates are expected to have a minor impact
may result in derecognition of the original - addition of a fallback provision may be
contract and recognition of a new contract. added to the contract to specify the hierarchy
Akelius expects no material impact as of rates to be used in the event that the
existing rate ceases to exist.
- currency derivatives have a maturity less
than one year and will be replaced by new
- the interest component is recognized
through profit or loss because it is seen as
ineffective portion, only foreign exchange
risk, spot element, is designated as hedging
instrument and included in the hedge
- the hedge is expected to be effective and
within the rang 80-125 percent.

financial instruments
Financial instruments have an exposure to
Contracts will be replaced or modified as part
of these new initiatives.
There is uncertainty as to the timing and the
methods of transition,
and whether some existing benchmarks will
continue to be supported.

year-end report, January to December 2020

other information, continued

risks and uncertainties
Operational risks are limited by concentrating
the property portfolio to residential properties
in metropolitan areas.
Strong residential rental markets in Sweden,
Germany, Canada, England, France,
the United States and Denmark reduce the
risk of long-term vacancies.
To reduce risk or variations in cash flow
further, interest rates are secured on a
long-term basis.
Access to capital from many banks and
through the capital market mitigates the
refinancing risk.
Overseas ­investments are hedged to reduce
the impact of currency movements related to
the Group´s equity-to-assets ratio.
There have been no material changes in the
company’s assessment of risks since the
publication of the 2019 annual report.

In addition to these,
risks associated to Covid-19 have occurred.
For information regarding its impact see
page 2, 3 and 19.

Ralf Spann,
CEO, Managing Director

Stockholm, February 8, 2021,

Akelius Residential Property AB (publ)

The year-end report has not been reviewed by

the company’s auditors.

year-end report, January to December 2020

adjusted EBITDA discount rate
EBITDA plus other financial income and Rate of return used in assessing the present
expenses. value of future cash flow and terminal value in
It is used to show results excluding interest the fair value assessment of properties.
expenses and changes in the value of assets
and liabilities. EBITDA
Net operating income plus central
adjusted net operating income margin administrative expenses, and
Net operating income margin excluding other income and expenses.
income from operating expenses included in Facilitates the analysis of current operating
the rent invoiced to the tenants, profit.
such as utility and property taxes.
It highlights the ongoing earning capacity earnings capacity
from property management related to rental The earnings capacity is based on the property
services only. portfolio at the balance sheet date and the
portfolio's gross rent, real vacancy, estimated
annual property return operating expenses and maintenance costs
Gain from the revaluation of properties and during a normal year, as well as central
net operating income on an annual basis in administrative expenses.
relation to the fair value of the properties at Interest expenses are based on net debt on the
the beginning of the year. balance sheet date calculated at the currency
It illustrates the total return on the property rate on the balance sheet date.
portfolio. No tax has been calculated as it relates mainly
to deferred tax that does now affect the cash
capitalization rate flow.
The rate of return used in assessing the The earnings capacity is not a forecast for the
terminal value of property in the fair value coming twelve months.
assessment. It contains no estimates of rent, vacancy,
currency exchange, future property purchases
cash sources and sales or interest rate changes.
Cash sources include liquidity, contracted
equity ratio
sales and profit before tax and revaluation.
Equity in relation to total assets.
cash uses It highlights the company’s financial stability.
Cash uses include investments, contracted income return
purchases and short-term loans.
Net operating income on an annual basis in
debt maturities, years relation to the fair value of the properties at the
beginning of the year.
Volume-weighted remaining term of It measures the yield on the property portfolio.
interest-bearing loans and derivatives on the
balance sheet date. in-place rent
It illustrates the company’s refinancing risk.
Contracted rent excluding rental discounts and
debt coverage capacity temporary charges.

Net debt in relation to EBITDA. interest rate hedge

Net debt in relation to EBITDA including
Volume-weighted remaining term of interest
realized change in value.
rates on interest-bearing loans and derivatives
It shows how many years it takes for the
on the balance sheet date.
company to pay off its debts with current
It illustrates the company’s sensitivity to
interest rate changes.

year-end report, January to December 2020

definitions, continued
interest coverage ratio net debt
Adjusted EBITDA plus realized value growth for Interest-bearing liabilities excluding leasing
the latest rolling 12-month less subordinated debt, cash and cash
period in relation to net interest expenses for equivalents, and pledge cash assets.
the latest rolling 12-month period. It is used to facilitate analysis of the company’s
It illustrates the company’s sensitivity to real indebtedness.
interest rate changes.
net financial items
liquidity The net of interest income, interest expenses,
The liquidity reserve consists of cash and cash other financial income and expenses and
equivalents, unutilized credit facilities and changes in the fair value of derivatives.
liquid financial assets that can be liquidized Summarizes financial income and expenses
within three working days. and is used to explain the financial items'
contribution to profit or loss.
liquid financial assets
Holdings in listed debt securities and equity net letting
securities with an investment grade rating. The sum of agreed contracted annual rents
Included in the calculation of liquidity. for new lettings for the period less terminated
annual rents.
like-for-like properties Demonstrates the effect of the vacancy
Properties owned during the compared development illustrated in annual rent.
This means that properties that were acquired net interest expenses
or sold during any of the compared periods are Total interest expenses less interest on
excluded. subordinated debt, one-off financing charges
It facilitates the analysis and the comparison and interest on cash, cash equivalents and
between different periods when properties that liquid financial assets.
do not figure in all the periods are excluded. It is used to facilitate analysis of the company’s
interest results.
loan-to-value ratio
Net debt divided by net assets. net operating income
This key figure shows financial risk. Rental income less property costs.
It highlights the ongoing earning capacity from
loan-to-value ratio, secured loans property management.
Net debt reduced by unsecured interest-
bearing debt divided by net assets. net operating income margin
This key figure shows financial risk. Net operating income in relation to rental
net asset It highlights the ongoing earning capacity from
Total assets minus pledged cash, cash and cash property management.
It is used to illustrate the company’s net assets. other income and expenses
Items from secondary activities such as
net asset value gains on disposals of fixed assets other than
Equity, deferred tax and derivatives. investment properties,
It is used to highlight the company’s income and expenses from temporary
long-term capital that is not services rendered after the sale of properties.
interest-bearing. It summarizes income and expenses from
business operations ancillary to the main
business operations.

year-end report, January to December 2020

definitions, continued
property costs unencumbered asset ratio
This item includes direct property costs, Unencumbered assets divided by unsecured
such as operating expenses, utility expenses, loans minus subordinated debt, cash and cash
maintenance costs and property taxes. equivalents.
It is used to assess unencumbered assets in
property portfolio relation to unsecured senior interest-bearing
Investment properties, owner-occupied debt.
properties, and investment properties
classified as assets held for sale. vacancy rate
The number of vacant apartments in relation to
realized value growth the total number of apartments.
Proceeds from the sale of investment The vacancy rate is measured on the first day
properties minus acquisition costs, after the period end.
accumulated investments and costs of sale.
This item demonstrates the actual result of value growth
sales measured from the acquisition to sale. Changes in the value of investments properties
excluding investment and change in currencies.
real vacancy rate It demonstrates the changes in value of
The total number of vacant apartments less properties cleared for currency effects and
the number of apartments vacant due to capital spent.
renovation work or planned sales,
in relation to the total number of apartments. walk score
Real vacancy is measured on the first day after Rating from 0 to 100 for how easy it is to carry
the period end. out daily errands without a car,
This rate facilitates the analysis of long-term where 100 is the best.
vacancy for the company. Walk score is provided by
and is disclosed to rate the location of the
renewed and renegotiated rental properties.
All changes in rental levels for remaining
This item highlights changes in contracts with
existing customers.

rental income
Rental value less vacancies and rent discounts.

rental value
12 months' rent for apartments,
including a market rent for vacant apartments.

return on equity
Comprehensive income divided by opening
It shows the return offered on the owners’
invested capital.

Head office, Sweden
Akelius in brief
Rosenlundsgatan 50
Box 38149 apartments for metropolitans
100 64 Stockholm All apartments are in metropolitan cities,
+46 (0)10-722 31 00 such as Berlin, Hamburg, Paris, London, Toronto,
Montreal, New York, Boston, Washington D.C.,
Stockholm and Copenhagen.

better living
Erkelenzdamm 11-13
Akelius helps families and individuals by providing a
D-10999 Berlin better living.
+49 (0) 30 7554 110 acquire via cherry-picking
Akelius prefers to make many smaller acquisitions of
Canada properties that are exactly right,
289 Niagara Street by cherry-picking,
rather than making a few large acquisitions of
Toronto M6J 0C3
properties that are not quite right.
+1 (416) 214-2626 strong capital structure,
low refinancing risk
Akelius has agreements with 27 banks, listed senior
10 Bloomsbury Way unsecured bonds and listed common shares of
London WC1A 2SL class D.
Akelius is one of Europe’s largest listed residential
+44 (0) 2 078 719 695
companies and has eleven thousand shareholders.
first-class personnel
More than three hundred employees have graduated
24 rue Cambacérès from the Residential Real Estate Management
75008 Paris program at Akelius Business School.
+33 1 40 06 85 00

United States
300 A Street, 5th Floor
financial calendar
Boston, MA 02210
+1 857 930-39 00 annual report 2020 March 12, 2021
interim report Jan-Mar 2021 May 3, 2021

Denmark interim report Jan-Jun 2021 August 9, 2021

Nørre Voldgade 80, 2. floor
1358 Copenhagen K
+45 88 62 62 78

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