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l I2C is a Serial Interface of only two signals:

l SDA Serial DAta

This line transfers data to or from the master.

l SCL Serial CLock

This controls when data is sent and when it is
read. The master controls SCK.

Getting Startred: I2C Master Mode © 2001

I2C is a Serial Interface and uses only the following two signals to serially exchange
data with another device:

SDA - This signal is known as Serial Data. Any data sent from one device to
another goes on this line.

SCL - This is the Serial Clock signal. It is generated by the master device and
controls when data is sent and when it is read. As mentioned earlier, the signal can
be forced low so that no clock can occur. This is done by a device that has become
too busy to accept more data.

I2C – Signals
l Signal Levels
l Float High (logic 1)
l Drive Low (logic 0)

+5 +5

Float High Drive Low

Getting Startred: I2C Master Mode © 2001

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