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Lessons Learned:

1,000 Days of
Distributed at
A note from our
Team Anywhere is one of the biggest It’s bold to make a dramatic change to
bets Atlassian has made in our 20 year how a company operates. There are trade
offs that every company has to consider,
Founders We believe that work is distributed and
including Atlassian. But it was important
to us that we put a stake in the ground
that it will be even more so in five and
even if we didn’t have it all figured out.

ten years. So we decided to chart a new

course by building the future of work We didn’t, and still don’t, have all the
while living it.
answers. We are experimenting with how
to foster cohesion, support new
Three key ambitions drove us to design a
graduates, and keep teams humming
new distributed world for Atlassian.
effectively across time zones.

1 We wanted to offer employees more For leaders, our biggest call out is this:
flexibility. Team Anywhere means that the flexibility to choose where to work is
Atlassians can choose where they not a perk - it fundamentally changes
work, every day. how people live and how your company

2 We saw this as an opportunity to hire

more diverse talent. Proximity to an Today, 92% of our employees say that the
office is not a defining factor on if you way we work makes them more
would be a great fit for Atlassian. productive. Can your company say the
same? Something that impactful
3 We knew we had to live the realities
shouldn’t be put in the “too hard” basket.

of being highly distributed ourselves

so we could create products and We’re excited to share all that we’ve
practices to help others do this well, learned over the past three years. As we
Mike & Scott
too. Why would you buy teamwork explore this new way of working, we’ll
Co-Founders and co-CEOs software from a company that continue to be open about what’s going
doesn’t understand how teams well and where we have can improve.

collaborate online?
Here’s to the road ahead.

Lessons Learned - Introduction 2

Table of contents

2 Introduction

4 Team Anywhere: A snapshot Being distributed is not

8 Your teams are (already) distributed
controversial. It's just a
14 Our approach to distributed work
word that describes how
16 Our location policy: Key decisions

18 The challenges of distributed work

almost all work gets done
19 Productivity today: on the internet.
26 Connection
Annie Dean

29 Offices Global Head of Team Anywhere, Atlassian
33 Culture

38 Key learnings

Team Anywhere: A snapshot
Team Anywhere is Atlassian’s approach to distributed work.
Since 2020, Atlassians have been able to choose to work
from home, one of our 12 global offices, a mix of both, or
somewhere else entirely.
Atlassians save
That’s nearly half a billion
This decision means our workforce has become highly ~10 days per year in time minutes of saved time

distributed: we went from contained to 12 locations to they would have previously for our entire workforce
spread across 10,000+. spent commuting since 2020

1,000+ days We’ve hosted

1,600 team gatherings over

of being all-in on the past year, with an average
distributed work of 16 attendees at each

Additionally, Atlassians
~50m hours have attended 5,000+
of distributed work social gatherings in
their local areas

Given that we’re highly distributed, we need to get really People want to work here

good at collaborating online. We don’t have everything

92% of Atlassians say our distributed work
figured out, but we’re already seeing clear business benefits

policy allows them to do their best work

to the evidence-based approach we’ve chosen to take.

91% say it’s an important reason why they

stay at Atlassian

We’re bringing on top talent faster

We jumped up 40 spots on Fortune’s 100 Best
T he number of candidates per role is Companies to Work For list (from #47 to #7) in
more than 2 x g hi her since T e

eam Anywher one year for “leading the charge when it comes

to employee flexibility in the new era of work”

Candidate offer accept rate has

in rease d 20%

C m
We have greater access to talent

onsistent perfor ance

43% Our workforce is 40% remote, up from just

We haven’t seen any dips in productivity 25% remote 2 years ago; in the past year, 57%

of our new hires were remote

Representation of women at Atlassian in

’r v m y on r l st t
We e sa ing one ea e a e
India is more than 2x higher now

w il v in t ri ing offic s
h e still in esting h v e

Ov 8
’r figuring out m v w ys to work
er 0% of Atlassians visited one of

our offices at least once each quarter We e ore effecti e a

over the past yea r
We’ve helped Atlassians spend 1 % 3
Without Team Anywhere, we believe less time in meetings and report a

we would need 2x the office space 3 v

2% impro ement in fo uc s

we have today, which translates to

Our intentional team gatherings
meaningful annual savings
boost c c
onne tion by 27%

Stories from

As a single mom, Team

Anywhere gives me the
flexibility to enjoy my life –
and my son’s life - on my own Team Anywhere for me is
time. That is priceless. flexibility, autonomy, and the
Being able to work flexibly pursuit of a life. Happiness.
Amelia is an extrovert who enjoys
was my safety net after facing
working from an office. But in Darryl and his wife love to explore
health issues. previous jobs that required her to go the world. Three years ago, they took
in from 9 to 5 every day, her rigid an adventurous leap and moved
In 2022, Tarra suffered a stroke. As schedule meant she wasn’t able to from Taiwan to Amsterdam. Darryl
she recovered, Team Anywhere spend much time with her son. With credits Team Anywhere with
allowed her to return to work part- Team Anywhere, she can still see her allowing him to experience a
time from home and still attend all colleagues at the Austin office, but different culture and form
her rehab sessions. “The flexibility to also has the flexibility to head out in relationships with new colleagues
set my schedule allowed me to still the afternoon to pick up her son. “He (he usually works from the
provide for my family (we are a is at at an age where he wants to Amsterdam office) while still being
single income family), which would tell me everything about his day. able to easily visit his friends and
not have been possible without And I want to listen. Back in the day, family back in Taiwan.
Team Anywhere.” I didn’t get the chance to do that.”
Darryl , Pre-Sales Solutions
Tarra, Head of Design Amelia, Partner Specialist Engineer

Lessons Learned - Team Anywhere: A snapshot 6

Stories from

I’m grateful to balance family

time with my child and elderly
parents, whilst fully
contributing to my team and
I’ll always feel indebted to Atlassian for making it possible for us to customers.
work in a distributed way, which has such a positive impact on my Team Anywhere is the primary
and my family’s life. reason Pooja jumped at the chance
to work at Atlassian. She saves 3
When Niraj’s wife was admitted to the prestigious business school IIM Indore, it hours of commute time every day,
was a dream-come-true moment. But as parents of two toddlers, the couple which she is now able to spend
worried about how they would balance work, school, and childcare. Because of digging deeper into her work and
Team Anywhere, Niraj was able to move back in with his parents so that they with her family. Distributed work
could help with the children while his wife continued her education. “Team also gave her the flexibility to travel
Anywhere was the single factor that made this possible.” Today, Niraj’s wife has back to her hometown and help her
an MBA, is working as a product manager, and says she will always be grateful elderly parents without taking a lot
that Atlassian made it possible for her to achieve her dreams. of time off work.

Niraj, Principal Engineer Pooja, Engineering Manager

Lessons Learned - Team Anywhere: A snapshot 7

Your teams are Distributed work
The biggest blockers to productivity,
connection, and innovation are not

(already) A term that describes how work

gets done, not where. Distributed
location-based. They center around how
work gets done: back-to-back meetings,
vague priorities, confusing email threads,
distributed work is done online (vs shoulder to
shoulder). Most knowledge workers
and streams of distracting notifications.
All knowledge workers face these
use the internet to collaborate
challenges, regardless of where they
across a distributed network, most
In September 2023, we work.
of the time, regardless of where
surveyed 200 US enterprise they’re working.
executives about
Modern teams almost always
How their teams collaborate across floors, offices, and
collaborat time zones—not to mention that their
clients and other partners are usually
Their biggest organizational spread out all over the world. In fact,
industry research shows that only 19% of
teams are co-located. And at Microsoft,
Every Fortune 500 executive told us that though 61% of the company’s teams sat
their teams work in a distributed way, shoulder-to-shoulder pre-pandemic, that

whether they have an in-office policy or figure dropped to just 25% today.
not. And almost all (99%) agreed that
work will only become more distributed But even the few teams that are co-
in the future. located are likely not working “together”
in the traditional sense. Research has of executives agree that
long shown that we don’t talk regularly where teams work isn't
to colleagues who sit more than 30 feet
away, even if we technically can.
the problem, it's how
In other words, we can’t rely solely on
offices to solve the challenges of modern

Lessons Learned - Your Teams are (Already) Distributed 8

Executives' top Top organizational challenges

challenges are Low productivity 43%

how to work Tracking progress

against goals

problems Obtaining top talent 39%

Stakeholder 37%
Enterprise leaders say their management
organizations are struggling with
productivity, collaboration, and tracking Not enough time for 35%
focused work
progress against goals. These are how to
work problems that are not 0% 25% 50%
automatically solved by office
Top organizational priorities
Executives are 3x more likely to say Collaboration 42%
that how teams work is a bigger
problem than where they work
Culture 40%
Only a third of executives with an in- R etention 40%
office mandate think that their in-
office policy has had any impact on nnovation
I 39%
Efficiency 37%
99% of execs say that the future of 0% 25% 50%
work will only become more

Methodology: We surveyed 100 Fortune 500 and 100 Fortune 1,000 executives in September 2023. Some
questions asked leaders to rank their top three answers, and some asked them to choose one option. 9
Survey results

Biggest barriers to collaboration

1 Employees don’t know who to collaborate with 39%

2 Employees don’t know how to collaborate effectively 38%

87% 3 Lack of ownership over tasks 37%

of executives say their teams

do not have visibility into each

other ’s goals
Survey results

Top challenges when teams aren’t together in person

1 Less organizational loyalty 41% agree

2 Cross-functional silos 38% agree

It ’s a ti e

2 Harder to coordinate work 38% agree

Methodology: We surveyed 100 Fortune 500 and 100 Fortune 1,000 executives in September 2023. Some

questions asked leaders to rank their top three answers, and some asked them to choose one option. 10
So what can leaders do to create more focus time, drive

clear goals, and easily coordinate work? The answer lies in

helping their teams adopt strong distributed-first norms.

Our research shows that highly distributed

teams with well designed timezone principles

(members are spread across timezones but have

at least 4 overlapping work hours per day)

establish more productive ways of working.

At Atlassian, we’re taking an evidence-based approach to

determining the exact distributed norms that lead to

effective, high-performing teams.

Going all-in on
At Atlassian, our goal is to build a
company that thrives over the next 100+
Because we’ve given Atlassians
flexibility in where they work, we’ve

distributed work years. Executives agree that work is only

going to become more distributed as
had to be slightly prescriptive about
when they work (e.g. a team whose
time goes on, so we decided to build for members are spread across the US
the future, not the past.
needs to be mindful of time zone
“Most modern teams work in a Atlassian is the largest known enterprise differences), and fairly prescriptive on
distributed way. We want to company explicitly committed to how they work.
help them do this well - and advancing how distributed teams
collaborate. We are distributed-first, We’re taking an evidence-based
the best way to do that is to meaning that Atlassians choose where perspective to determine the best how.
live it ourselves.” they work, every day.
And because we're in the business of
collaboration, we’re committed to
Scott Farquhar
Our workforce is now spread across 13
sharing what we learn.
co-founder and co-CEO, Atlassian countries and more than 40% of
Atlassians live 2+ hours from one of our
12 offices.

But our approach comes with tradeoffs.

Getting 10,000 people based all over the
world to connect and collaborate is no
small feat. Distributed work can make it
challenging to keep teams aligned or
help each person feel a sense of

Lessons Learned - Your Teams are (Already) Distributed 12

How to use this report

Our aim is to offer useful insights to any executive at a

large organization, whether you’re curious about

implementing a similar location policy, helping your global

teams collaborate more effectively, or looking for ways to

improve productivity. Depending on your goals, here is how

to make the most of this report:

1 If you want to implement a similar location policy, see

page 16.

2 If you’re happy with your location policy, but are

interested in learning how to solve for challenges like

productivity, connection, and culture, see page 18.

3 If you want a brief overview of what we’ve learned so

far, see page 38.

How Atlassian is Our approach
The Team Anywhere Lab

designing better 1 First-hand experience These dedicated behavioral science

PhDs run experiments with the goal
Our dedicated leaders in real estate,
ways of working workplace experience, and business
transformation help us learn through
of designing and validating smarter
ways of working.

The fastest way for a

2 Evidence-based Workplace Experience
transformation to fail is to make
The Team Anywhere Lab, a group of This group takes a hospitality-driven
it everyone’s part-time job. behavioral scientists, conducts research approach to developing and
We knew that committing to a fully to design distributed work solutions. facilitating experiences that
distributed model wouldn’t be easy. increase connection among
We’ve invested heavily in 3 Customer first Atlassians.
experimentation and hired practitioners We solve the challenges our customers
to help us learn by doing.
face by taking what we learn to shape
In 2021, we brought on Annie Dean, our what we build. Real Estate & Design
Global Head of Team Anywhere, whose
Our experts in real estate and
mission is to build out a team focused on Several key groups within
design use data and feedback loops
designing and validating evidence-based our Team Anywhere team to ensure that our physical spaces
solutions to distributed challenges.
help us form and test data- are meeting the evolving needs of
based hypotheses about
distributed work.
Our strategy and development
leaders partner with teams across
Atlassian to maximize operating
efficiency and ensure our approach
works for our business.

Lessons Learned - Our Approach to Distributed Work 14

Tradeoffs and
Supporting young employees
About 60% of new graduates who live It
can be hard to onboard virtually and
open questions near an office come in weekly or more,
making them our highest office
into a highly distributed company. We’re
currently studying “time to value” - how
attendance population at the company. can we get Atlassian up to speed and
We want to support new graduates connected as quickly as possible? We
Any transformation involves wherever they live, which includes also want to make sure that the
tradeoffs, but we’re more than developing a learning program and high experience helps new hires feel
quality in-person experiences. connected to our mission and excited
happy to accept a few short-
about our products.
term costs as we design a Spontaneity
Working across time zones
more human way to work. We’re optimizing for intentionality, not
Here are a few areas we’re spontaneity. We don't believe Our internal data show that
spontaneous moments have as much collaborators need about 4 overlapping
impact as corporate folklore would have work hours per day to be effective (new
you think. We’re focused on bringing graduates need more and senior leaders
teams together through intentional need fewer). We’re still building
gatherings, but making sure that guardrails to ensure these principles are
everyone has consistent access is a implemented consistently to avoid
learning curve. negative outcomes to team
effectiveness, including employee
Outcomes-focused management burnout.
Leaders often feel they know more about
how their teams are performing when
they can see their people working. We
don’t believe that presence is a good
proxy for productivity, and are optimizing
instead for accountability to documented
goals and a culture of feedback. We’re
still discovering the best ways to do this,
and the transition may feel
uncomfortable for leaders and their

Lessons Learned - Our Approach to Distributed Work 15

Our location policy: 1 Atlassians can choose where they 2 Offices are an important part of our
work, every day strategy
Key decisions Almost all Atlassians have the choice We have 12 global offices. Despite the
to work from an office, from home, or fact that Atlassians can choose where
a combination of the two (we do have they work, over 80% of Atlassians
Post-pandemic, every company a few office based roles that include visited one of our offices at least once
had to make decisions about on-site safety and operational each quarter over the past year.
their location policy. We opted support). Atlassians can work in 13
countries. We have registered entities
to let Atlassians choose where and developed the infrastructure to What we learned

they work, every day.

support pay, equity, benefits, and
After we implemented Team
other employment perks no matter
These are the 7 key decisions Anywhere, we saw no drop-off in
where the employees live and work in
work activity. In fact, hours
we made to establish a these locations.
worked went up. That doesn’t
location policy that feels great 4x increase
mean Atlassians are working
to Atlassians and works for our significantly longer days, but that
After implementing Team they are remixing the hours in
business. Anywhere, the percentage of our their days to fit their lifestyles.
remote (2+ hours from an office)
hires went from 14% in FY 2020 to “People work about 40 minutes

57% in FY 2023. That's an almost 4x extra per day and they commute

increase. 2 hours less per day. That’s a

pretty good tradeoff. We get

40% remote about a third of that time for us as

Today, 40% of our employees live a business. And Atlassians get all

more than 2 hours away from any the lifestyle benefits that come

office, and that percentage is with flexibility.”

increasing over time.

Mike Cannon-Brookes

co-founder and co-CEO,


Lessons Learned - Our Location Policy: Key Decisions 16

3 In-person time is critical for our teams employee have working rights in book local co-working space. We’re
and our business their target location, manager also updating our onboarding, new
approval, and enough overlapping graduate, and mentorship programs
We know that coming together working hours with their primary to better serve the needs of a
matters, but we don’t believe that collaborators. distributed workforce.
teams need to sit together 260 days
a year. We have teams meet in- 5 Atlassians can work from somewhere 7 W e need to be more prescriptive with
person at one of our offices a few else for 90-days per year how we work

times a year, and we are intentional

about how we use that time.
Atlassians can stay and work from At Atlassian, we’re extremely flexible
somewhere else (i.e. not their home with where people work. That means
We’ve also invested in other types of
location) for up to 90 cumulative days we can be somewhat flexible with
gatherings to give every Atlassian the
in a rolling 365-day period. They must when they work, but less flexible with
support and resources they need to
have working rights in their how. In other words, we need to
feel connected to the broader
temporary location and gain manager understand and validate how to keep
approval before traveling. There are our distributed workforce connected
exceptions and limitations to this rule and advance how we collaborate.
What we learned based on legal, tax, and security

Team Gatherings lead to a 27%

increase in feelings of connection, We’ve found that Atlassians often use
and this boost lasts 4-5 months. this opportunity to be closer to family
Based on this finding, our aim is around the holidays, explore a new
to bring our teams together in place, or to stay with loved ones
person about 3 times a year. during a crisis.

6 Our benefits and programs support

4 Atlassians can relocate as long as it distributed work
doesn’t disrupt the team
These include a recurring subsidy
Atlassians can choose to relocate intended to cover a range of remote-
within or between the 13 countries work expenses (mobile phone, home
where we have registered entities internet, utilities) and an annual
and can employ them. For these self- stipend that Atlassians can use to
initiated moves, we require that the improve their personal work setup or

Lessons Learned - Our Location Policy: Key Decisions 17

The challenges of
distributed work

Over the past three years,

we’ve come across challenges
that all distributed teams face.
We’ve responded by
experimenting with new ways
to collaborate and connect.

In this section, you’ll learn about the top

4 challenges we’ve encountered or been
asked about, and the insights we
uncovered. You’ll also get research-based
advice you can share with managers at
your organization.


We've found that our teams

do great work from anywhere,
but the first question we get
from customers is how to keep
distributed teams productive.

The biggest barriers to productivity (e.g.

vague goals and processes) don’t
magically disappear the moment an
employee walks into an office.

That said, some elements of productivity

do get harder within a distributed
workforce. Here is what we’ve learned
and how we solve for those challenges.

Enterprise executives rate low

productivity as their #1 challenge,
followed by tracking goals against

Only 1 in 3 executives with a RTO

mandate thinks that their in-office
policy has had even a slight positive
impact on productivity.

Lessons Learned - Productivity 19

Our approach Company OKRs Each objective and key result has a
single, sufficiently dedicated leader and
Objectives and Key Results (OKRs) are a we consider key results immutable -
goal-setting system we use to align on once created they are never edited, only
A key part of our approach is to and achieve a single, big company retired and re-created.
milestone. Every OKR ladders up to our
measure productivity with
outcomes, not tasks. We set
company-level focus.
2 lli g 4
Ro n
clear, ambitious goals and Objectives define a desired outcome
with measurable business value, Each quarter, teams at Atlassian are
make sure they’re visible encouraged to run a process called
sometimes with a deadline.
across all of Atlassian.
Key Results are specific, time-bound,
Rolling to: 4
and measurable actions that fulfill the Clarify direction by planning and
Objective. prioritizing their most important work

For clarity and consistency, our OKRs are Use learnings from the previous quarter
written as: [We will] verb [the] business to course correct work if needed
value [to] metrics [by] date. Assess the health of business areas
through uarterly usiness Reviews

HOW TO OKR Each team collaboratively fills out the

“Improve CSAT from 7-to-9 by FY23, Q3”

table below. ables are then reviewed by
leadership to ensure workstreams are
Great verb and measurable business aligned and on track.
value with clear date

ncrease CSAT score to 9”
Learnings from last quarter
Great verb and measurable business Prioritized projects
value, but no date

D light our customers”

“ e Funding asks

Ambiguous verb, no measure or date

Lessons Learned - Productivity 20

3 Tracking progress
Our weekly update template For your managers
We track our work against our OKRs
weekly and score our progress monthly. Executive summary: 1. Set clear goals, and share with
Updates can be viewed by anyone in the Completed / Decisions your team how they fit into the
company. To learn how we use Atlas to bigger picture.

On Track
track progress and make it visible, see
2. Ensure that each team member
the case study on page 22 Off Track (include impact)
sees how their work supports the
Weekly updates: Every Friday, the Next Week team’s goals - and help them
person leading a project writes a brief Risks & Issues prioritize the work that matters
progress report most.

Monthly scoring: At the end of every 3. Regularly ask yourself

month, we predict what we expect to
achieve by the OKR expiration date. Are we focused on what
will drive outcomes
Forecasting encourages us to think Our monthly scoring template When I look back at the end
about the work we need to do to hit
of the year, will I feel that
our goal, rather than just reporting on Actual result & score my team did the work that
where we're at today.
Why did we perform this way? mattered most?

Target <50 words (excluding prompts)

4. For more, see our Objectives and
Overperforming / On track Key Results play.
What we learned this month:

Implications from what we learned:

Off track
Root cause (why is this happening):

Impact (data):

Path to green (including specific dates, action items):

W at are we doing to improve our KR?
Target <35 words
Are there any significant risks on the horizon?
Target <35 words

Lessons Learned - Productivity 21

Case study

How we use Atlas Atlas, one of our work management

products, allows us to create the kind of

to track progress organizational alignment that’s critical

to achieving big goals in a distributed Good morning Jane Rotanson.

and drive clarity environment. Atlas enables us to: Here’s your weekly digest. You’re following 38 active projects, here’s the break down.

Give teams the autonomy to use the 27 On track

2 At risk
0 Off track

and visibility
+5 from last week +1 from week before No change

tools and processes that work best

for them 2 No update
No change 2 Cancelled
+2 from week before 5 Completed
+1 from week before

Align teams with a common

vocabulary and synchronized habit
for communicating the context and New learnings
progress of their work
Recent traffic +
subsequent CVR due
Provide Atlassians with a teamwork to lower-intent visits from
ad campaign
directory that connects the dots
across teams and their work Atlas activation takes
anywhere from two to
eleven months
We keep our OKR weekly updates and
monthly scoring in Atlas, and Atlassians
Atlas lands with leaders
can follow any OKR to receive regular of departments in teams
looking to improve
summaries that contain this information. project status
All OKRs are linked so it’s easy to see communication

how each one ladders up to our single,

big company goal.

Lessons Learned - Productivity 22

Our aPPROACH Our guidance included the following
recommendations: more meetings than usual and
Structure time Meetings should take up no more than
spent 13% less time in meetings, a
trend that continued even after the

around top 30% of the week. Decline any meetings

that are not mission critical.
experiment ended.

priorities Open collaboration should account for 10

Tracking progress daily adds a

productivity boost
- 20% of the week. Open collaboration is
when an employee blocks off (i.e. keeps Compared to Atlassians who only
free of standing meetings) time when restructured their time, those who
To better understand how also made it a point to track how
they know their key collaborators will
distributed teams can be also be online. These calendar holds give they were doing every day reported
16% more goal clarity, a 30% larger
effective, the Team Anywhere teams the flexibility to jump into high-
priority work together as it comes up. boost in workload sustainability,
Lab is starting to conduct and 31% more progress on top
experiments within Atlassian.
Focus time should be about 30-40% of priorities than in a typical week
the week. These blocks should be at least
A recent experiment focused on how to
90-minutes and spent on work that
help Atlassians intentionally structure
requires deep thinking.
their time around their most important For your managers
work. Limit responding to messages to no more

than 20% of the week. Blocking time to 1. Encourage team members to block
Participants were split into two groups: off time for heads down work, and
do this removes the temptation to
both received guidance on how to create a norm where people don’t
constantly check notifications.
timebox their top priorities, and one schedule over those blocks.

group was also encouraged to track their

top work priorities at the end of each day. What we learned
2. Conduct calendar audits. If
someone on your team is visibly
Timeboxing top priorities works stressed about not making enough
progress, go through their
67% of individual contributors and
calendar together and help them
71% of managers who took part in
delete anything that is not urgent
the experiment said they made
or high-priority. For more, see our
more progress on top priorities than
Ritual Resets play.
in a typical week. They declined 17%

Lessons Learned - Productivity

Our aPPROACH with a well-written page:
Sync vs async time
Treat time as your Sync work happens anytime people

ou need to make a decisio
ou want to drive clarity and/or

most valuable are working together, at the same

time. Async work happens when

people are not working at the same efore creating a page, jot down the

time. answers to these questions:

Who’s my audience?

Top performing distributed Sync best practices: What action do I need them to take?

teams focus on how their time Use sync time for creativity, navigating What evidence do I need to get to the

complexity, driving momentum, and outcome I want?

apart can support their time bonding. To make the most of this time: Turn your answers into a page written
together. Different types of specifically for your audience. Prioritize
work should take priority 1 Get clarity by kicking off with a question
the conclusion (don’t start with context
depending on whether or not If you’re unsure about a higher-level or background info). During the meeting:
issue, set up semi-unstructured time with
your key collaborators are key stakeholders and start with a specific
Kick off by asking the group to review and

comment on the page (we recommend
question. Think something like, “What is everyone mute themselves and go off-
the main message of our upcoming camera so they can more easily focus)
campaign?“ When you rally people
around a question, you are more likely to As a facilitator, review and react to

end up with an answer.

comments as they're made

The benefit to bringing a group together

Make key decisions and align on next steps

for this type of exercise is the chance to Document all key decisions and rationale on

collaborate and get creative, which is the page, and then make the document

why we recommend not setting a available to all relevant stakeholders

detailed agenda in these situations.

2 Facilitate most meetings with pages

For the following types of meetings, we
recommend facilitating the discussion

Lessons Learned - Productivity 24

3 Don’t default to 30 minutes 2 Share context and repeat 3 Agree on collaboration norms

Different types of meetings require Assume that no one has the same With your key collaborators, discuss how
different amounts of time. It’s okay to information at the same time. Important you’ll hand off important work and
hop on a 5 minute call if you just need to information needs to be repeated and coordinate across non-overlapping work
quickly clarify a task-related reinforced across different channels and hours. For more specific guidance, see our
misunderstanding. If you need to convene mediums. Working Agreements play.
a larger group for a brainstorm, you may
want to schedule a 2+ hour session. 4 Make your progress visible
What good looks like:
Share async work early on. This increases
4 Block off “open collaboration” time For important decisions or changes: knowledge sharing, improves trust, and
Put holds on your calendar at times when Post in a group Slack channel, invites input. Find a way to make weekly
your teammates will also be online so often more than once, and possibly and monthly project updates public so
that you can be responsive, jump on a also via direct message for more that everyone can quickly jump in and
call, or make decisions together quickly.
individual actions understand what’s been happening and
what still needs to be done (see page 22
Note that you should not fill this time Link to a Confluence page with
for how we use Atlas to do this).
with scheduled meetings. You need a more information and the ability to
certain amount of sync time each day for comment
tasks that weren’t pre-planned and to
Consider a 2-3 min Loom to
discuss and solve questions that come
provide additional background
up in the flow of work.
(some things are easier said and
understood via video)
Async best practices:
Share the information live in a
team meeting on Zoom
1 Prioritize focus time

And make the time count. Set clear goals

for yourself, work on your top priorities,
What causes confusion:
and turn off notifications to avoid
distractions. Don’t just use the time to One message that some people
clear out your inbox. may miss
Using only text-based formats.
Some people understand better
via audio or visual mediums

Lessons Learned - Productivity 25


We know that in-person

time matters, but we don’t
believe that teams need to
sit together everyday.

In fact, we’ve found that because

most teams are not co-located,

intentionally bringing teams

together ~3 times a year has a

greater impact on connection than

sporadic office attendance.

Lessons Learned - Connection 26

Our approach What we learned

Team gatherings lead to an average 27% increase in feelings of connection, and this
To create connection within Atlassian, boost lasts 4-5 months. In contrast, our research shows that sporadic office
we pivoted our Workplace Experience attendance has no impact on team connection.

team from managing our offices to We also see that new hires* and new graduates** especially benefit from meeting in
owning our new Intentional person. These groups experience bigger boosts in team connection following in-person
Togetherness Gatherings (ITG) program. gatherings.
The program’s main goal is to facilitate
bonding among Atlassians.
96% satisfaction rating
Since we launched the ITG program in Connection boost and decay from team gatherings
August 2022, more than 10,000 All Atlassians New grads (<1 year) New hires (<1 year, non-new grads)
Atlassians have participated in at
least one gathering, and team 4.75
gatherings have achieved a 96%
satisfaction rating. Team connection score (max: 5)
1 Team connection
Teams at Atlassian get together a few
times a year for what we call
intentional team gatherings. These 4.12
events take place at one of our 12
offices and tend to be 3-5 days long.
Managers are encouraged to prioritize
forging relationships, sharing meals, Team gathering
and advancing important projects. occurs

-1 0 1 2 3 4 5 6
Months since team gathering

Lessons Learned - Connection 27

To support team gatherings at our 2 Company connection
offices, we’ve redesigned our spaces to 2. What’s the ideal group size?
The value of connection extends far
offer large groups more open, flexible Groups of 3-6: Conducive to beyond immediate team members. To
areas and ensure that out-of-town intimacy, high levels of sharing, support company connection, we
visitors have ample storage for their and discussion through invest in:

Groups of 12 to 15: Small enough Regional Connection Gatherings

For example, our Austin offices, which
to build trust and intimacy but (RCGs)
opened in September 2022, were
specifically designed and optimized for large enough to offer a diversity of Approved, self-organized social meet-
team gatherings. They feature several opinion and allow for constructive ups between groups of Atlassians
spacious meeting rooms and a unfamiliarity.
who do not live near an office. While
conference center where Atlassians can Groups of 30: Starts to feel like a we fund these events, they are hosted
connect and collaborate.
party, whether or not your and designed by an employee
gathering is one. At this size, you’ll volunteer and do not take place at
Our Workplace Experience team also benefit from busyness but may our offices. For example, Atlassians in
helps managers organizing team want to break people out into Melbourne frequently get together for
gatherings book spaces, make smaller groups throughout the lunches held at different restaurants
reservations at local restaurants, and event. and cafes across the region.
reconfigure furniture to fit the needs of a
given session. 3. How should you structure your Atlassians on Tour (AoT)
The AoT program offers experimental
In-person time is most valuable if pop-up-style events in locations that
For your managers
you are initiating something, like do not have an office but do have at
In-person time is a scarce resource. forming a new team, or you have least 50 Atlassians living within a 2-
We recommend that managers a creative or complex problem hour radius. Each AoT features a half
answer the following three that needs to be solved. Consider day of programming and takes place
questions 8-12 weeks in advance of that several unstructured hours in at an external venue like a theme
their team event. a row, and the richness of context park or gallery.

in an in-person setting, can be

1. Why are you meeting?
Since 2022, we’ve hosted AoTs in 14
useful to ignite creativity or
locations. We set parameters around
Clarify the purpose for your resolve complexity.
these events to ensure each one
gathering. What mix of social,
successfully improves company
team building, strategy, breaks, This framework is adapted from Priya
Parker’s The Art of Gathering. connection. For example, if
and recharge time is suitable for

attendance drops below 25, those

your event? locations will be put on hold.

The pandemic proved that

great work happens outside
of an office. That doesn’t
mean offices don’t matter.
So what should you do with
your physical locations?

To answer this question, we

designed a data-based method to
confirm that

Our offices are meeting

Atlassian’s need
Our real estate footprint is a good
financial valu
The changes we make lead to
clear improvements

Lessons Learned - Offices 29

Our approach Connection
In-person time is critical to building and
of people who attended a team
reinforcing relationships at work. At gathering connected with at least 5
Atlassian, we use our offices to host Atlassians outside of their team
People will be much more willing Intentional Togetherness Gatherings,
during the event.
to visit an office when the when teams come together in person to
experience feels meaningful.
bond and advance important work.

3,600 connections
At Atlassian, our offices serve three For more on team gatherings, see pg 27.
Hosting multiple team gatherings at
purposes: our offices and at the same time has
2 Company belonging
driven 3,600 additional connections
Our offices should foster a sense of within Atlassian*.

belonging at Atlassian, and create

*From July 1st, when we began tracking this metric,
connection to our values and culture.
to November 7th, 2023.
Teams can theoretically get together in
any location, but a branded, dedicated,
intentionally designed space helps build
belonging in addition to team connection.

We encourage teams to host gatherings

at the same time so that Atlassians from
different parts of the company can get to
know each other at evening social events
and as they spend time in the office
throughout the week.

3 A place to get sh t done

Some people - such as some new
graduates or employees who like the
energy boost they get from being around
other Atlassians - want a place to work
that is outside of their home. We want to
provide that for them.

Lessons Learned - Offices 30

Measuring ROI Visitor engagement
Helps us determine why employees are
What we learned

visiting a given office and to what extent 26% of Atlassians who live near an
each office is achieving its purpose.
office (within 2 hours) visit at least
To better assess if our offices are 1-2x per week.

How we calculate it: We gather

meeting Atlassian’s needs, we
frequency data based on WiFi pings and We typically see about a 30/70 split
brought our transformation anonymized IP addresses, which allows between travelers coming in for a
experts together with our real us to understand if the employees gathering vs. locals choosing to use
visiting the office are local or have the office in a given quarter.
estate and finance teams to
traveled in for a team gathering. We also
create three new, proprietary look at what percent of the local
metrics. population - defined as living within 2 2 Cost per visit
hours in Monday morning traffic via the Tells us how much it costs each time an
Google Maps API - visit in a given time employee visits an office. This metric is
measured in dollars.

Why it matters: Visitor engagement How we calculate it: We divide the total
helps us meet employee needs.
cost of operating the office by the total
Decisions it enables: Knowing who is number of employee visits in a quarter.
coming in and for what reason allows us Cost includes expenses like leasing, food,
to optimally design spaces. For example, security, services provided, and electricity.

our analysis showed that a full 50% of Why it matters: Cost per visit helps us
our NYC visitors were coming from out of compare apples to apples investments in
town to get together with their teams. To new types of offices. If a visit costs $350
optimize for this need, we are converting at your corporate office, but only $30 at a
desk space to a 65-person capacity co-working space, you may want to
Intentional Togetherness space for larger explore co-working options further.
teams to connect.

Lessons Learned - Offices 31

Decisions it enables: Cost per visit occupancy of each office, such as days of visit an office, a host welcomes them
allows us to plan our spend and the month when we hold social events and offers a quick orientation. We’re
determine if we need to improve, reduce, like a holiday party. We both want to also adding storage for out-of-town
or close a space. We set a threshold: if ensure our space is right-sized for daily visitors coming with luggage.
we observe that the cost per visit has average usage and can accommodate an
increased by more than 3x for a specific influx of visitors when needed. We’re thinking beyond traditional offices
office over the past 3-4 years, that means
We’re kicking off several co-working
that the cost is no longer justified by the Improvements pilots to provide more Atlassian
volume of employees using the space to
Our metrics enable us to make data- communities access to dedicated
connect. A high cost per visit (combined
driven decisions about our real estate. spaces where they can collaborate
with low utilization and visitor
Here are some of the key changes we’ve and connect.
engagement) led us to close a few floors
of our San Francisco office. made.

We’re opening new offices

3 Utilization
Shows how much square footage is We have a fast-growing employee
occupied by our visitors, which helps us population living in the greater
understand if we have the right amount Seattle area. We’ll be opening our first
of space. This is different from cost per Seattle office in February 2024
visit, as it looks exclusively at square We broke ground on our new Sydney
HQ, which will eventually serve as a
major hub for gatherings.
How we calculate it: We divide the daily
average visits in an office by the capacity
We’re reinvesting our savings into office
of that office, assuming a density of 150
square feet per person.

We’re building new kinds of private

Why it matters: Utilization helps us flag
spaces for heads down work and
if we need more or less space in a
video calls that we call focus booths.
particular location.

Focus booths feature updated details

Decisions it enables: We track this like vanity lighting and backgrounds
metric quarterly to confirm that we have that support all skin tones
the right footprint and to inform future We’ve redesigned our reception areas
decisions. We also track “high tide” to be hospitality-driven. When people

Lessons Learned - Offices 32


Cultures change. Values

Most companies are operating
differently than they were pre-
pandemic. Since 2020, we not only
went all-in on distributed work, but
also grew from 3,000 Atlassians to
10,000+ to meet our business needs.

These are meaningful

transformations that have shifted
how we work and connect.

Through any change, we aim to keep

how it feels to work at Atlassian
consistent. We do this by weaving
our values into the way we

Lessons Learned - Culture 33

2 Build with heart and balance 4 Play, as a team
Our approach
“Measure twice, cut once.” Whether We spend a huge amount of our time at
you're building a birdhouse or a business, work. So the more that time doesn’t feel
this is good advice. Passion and urgency like “work,” the better. We can be serious,
To extend our values well infuse everything we do, alongside the without taking ourselves too seriously.
beyond the walls of our offices, wisdom to consider options fully and We strive to put what’s right for the team

we integrate them into how with care. Then we make the cut, and we first – whether in a meeting room or on a
get to work. football pitch.
work happens.

Our 5 values are:

Example: With the help of the Team Example: Employees are expected
Anywhere Lab, we're experimenting to travel a few times a year to
1 Open company. No bullshit
with how to design a more human connect with their teams in person.
Openness is root level for us. Information way to work. We don't have all of We know that trust is often built in
is open internally by default and sharing the answers, so we look to data to person and then reinforced.
is a first principle. And we understand help us make the right decisions.
that speaking your mind requires equal
parts brains (what to say), 5 g
Be the chan e you seek

thoughtfulness (when to say it), and 3 Don’t f ck the customer

All Atlassians should have the courage
caring (how it’s said).
Customers are our lifeblood. Without and resourcefulness to spark change – to
happy customers, we’re doomed. So make better our products, our people, our
considering the customer perspective - place. Continuous improvement is a
Example: We often share
information via Confluence pages
collectively, not ust a handful - comes shared responsibility. Action is an
first. independent one.
and encourage others to leave
comments if they have questions or
suggestions. This enables us to have
Example: We made the decision to Example: Through the Atlassian
rich, two-way discussions that
go all-in on distributed in part Foundation, all permanent Atlassian
ensure we’re creating something
because we wanted to understand employees get 5 days (or 40 hours)
useful and inclusive.
the challenges our customers will of paid leave to volunteer and have
face by living them ourselves. We’re up to US$1,000 in donations
taking what we learn to shape what matched every financial year.
we build.

Lessons Learned - Culture 34

Case study

How we use Loom The benefits of this approach include:

and Confluence to
The context-setting, discussion, and
feedback is captured forever, close
to the source.
kick off two-way Comments can come from more
discussions people than can traditionally attend
or speak up in a single meeting.
We pride ourselves on having open, Each person finds a time that suits
inclusive discussions. To facilitate them to leave notes, encouraging
productive async conversation, we rely on more profound and considered
Loom videos and Confluence pages. Both discussion.
provide Atlassians with a more personal,
dynamic way to share ideas with Feedback is seen and shared among
colleagues and capture their others – it’s not just a one-on-one Confluence
suggestions, concerns, or questions.
exercise that happens in a silo.
Loom is a video messaging platform that Higher caliber output, sooner and
helps individuals communicate and faster – especially for more
connect through instantly shareable significant projects where more
minds are needed.
Confluence is a connected workspace
where teams can create, edit, share, and Of course, not every suggestion or piece
find all their colleagues' work and of feedback can be implemented. We
relevant information in one place. ensure that each project and Confluence
page has a dedicated decision-maker to
help us quickly make important changes
and then move forward.

Lessons Learned - Culture 35

Make leadership visible President Anu posts monthly Looms to
Leadership share what’s top of mind within her
We aim to have leaders share
organization, detail recent customer
communication announcements asynchronously first, so
that Atlassians are less likely to miss
insights, and answer questions.

important information. These are often

Use sync time for conversation and
shared in a Confluence blog post that
We want Atlassians to feel connection
contains a Loom video (and transcript)

personally connected to our featuring a specific leader. For major announcements, we schedule
an Ask Me Anything (AMA) soon after the
leaders, especially our two
information is shared async. During
founders, Mike and Scott. Here What we learned
AMAs, any Atlassian can ask leadership

are the key principles that guide An unexpected benefit of sharing


how our leaders communicate information async was increased We try to time team gatherings with
participation. Over 90% of Atlassians AMAs to increase connection. For
with Atlassians in a distributed
engage with our “Founder Update example, when Mike visited our New York
environment. blog” Confluence posts, which office in October 2023 to host an AMA,
feature a Loom video and several teams held gatherings there the
corresponding transcript of Mike or same week.
Scott sharing an announcement. Pre-
pandemic, founders would host live,
in-office sessions which about
60-65% of Atlassians would attend.

Our founders Mike and Scott typically

share key cultural moments, big
decisions that impact our company
strategy, crises (e.g. COVID), and
milestones (e.g. our 20-year anniversary).

We lean on our broader executive bench

A recent AMA hosted in
to share the information to which they’re
our Sydney office
closest. For example, our

Lessons Learned - Culture 36

Be transparent, even when it might feel The purpose of the event is to give The recipient usually gets a digital gift

uncomfortable executives a chance to step back from card, but nominators can instead
their day-to-day and hear outside choose to make a donation to “Room to
At Atlassian, our leadership teams often
perspectives on topics including Read” — one of our charity partners.
record their meetings and make them
leadership, wellness, and creativity. We
available to all Atlassians (except when
intentionally do not ask leaders to travel
meetings are highly sensitive). For
to be together. Content is primarily on-
example, over the years we have
demand and in podcast form so that
recorded and shared our executive
leaders can instead step away from their
product weekly meetings with
desks, recharge in nature, and listen at

their own pace.

That means any Atlassian can observe

and learn
How a C-level decision-maker Recognition is essential to a supportive,
analyzes a recommendation, including high-performing culture. But ensuring
In 2023
where they might push back and ask that each person feels appreciated can
for more informatio be more challenging in a distributed
environment, where managers
almost 95,000

How an executive facilitates a

decision and manages a discussio sometimes have less visibility into Kudos were awarded, with more
everything their reports are doing.
than 2,500 donations made
How senior leaders make sense of
emerging and ambiguous trends To ensure that Atlassians can thank
each other for living our values, we
created a recognition program called
Kudos. Through Kudos, Atlassians can
(Atlassian Leadership Group Exchange) select the specific value for which
they’re nominating their colleague.
We host an annual virtual conference for
our 200 most senior leaders.

Lessons Learned - Culture 37

Key learnings

Here are the top insights

we’ve uncovered since going

all-in on distributed work.

Lessons Learned - Key Learnings 38

1 The nature of a modern company is and sharing status updates and other company belonging, and a place to
distributed information. get work done. We created metrics to
assess whether our offices are
Even if everyone in your organization
goes into an office five days a week,
3 In-person time is critical. It just doesn’t meeting the needs of Atlassian, and
need to happen everyday to help us make necessary
they will still largely be working improvements. Despite having no
online. That means all large We bring teams together in our mandates, over 80% of Atlassians
companies need to enable their offices a few times a year. Our visited one of our offices at least
teams to collaborate effectively research shows that this type of once each quarter over the past year.
across a distributed network. intentional in-person time boosts
2 To boost productivity, innovate on how
team connection for 4-5 months,
especially among new graduates and
5 Don’t default to the status quo

work gets done new hires. Neglecting to adapt to the distributed

new normal a missed opportunity.
We measure performance by setting
clear goals and tracking progress
4 You don’t need an office to do great Worse, teams that don’t know how to
work. That doesn’t mean offices don’t collaborate effectively online can
against them. We use sync time for matter hinder company-wide success.

creativity, navigating complexity,

driving momentum, and bonding, and At Atlassian, our physical spaces It’s not rocket science: when teams
use async time for focused work, serve three purposes: connection, work smarter, they can achieve more,
creating clear, crisp documentation, faster. And with better results.

Instead of... We focus on...

Focusing on where people work Advancing how they work

M andating office attendance M aking in-office experiences meaningful
R elying only on physical spaces to communicate culture Establishing concrete values and weaving them into how work gets done
Rewarding facetime S etting clear goals and tracking progress against them
Defaulting to 30-minute meetings G athering key stakeholders for longer, creative brainstorms or facilitating
fast, efficient discussions with pages
Want to learn You can also hear more about how we
enable distributed work at the enterprise
from our customers.

We’re committed to designing

and validating smarter Rapid responses
distributed ways of working. The Get insight into how Atlassian and
Team Anywhere Lab conducts the UNICEF Global Innovation Centre
enabled hundreds of communities to
several experiments each Space exploration
prepare ahead of Hurricane Irma.

quarter and scales what we See how NASA relies on our products
Read the case study ›
learn across our 10,000+ person to tackle high-stakes issues across
disparate geographical areas.

organization. And since we’re in

Read the case study › About us: Atlassian unleashes the
the business of collaboration, potential of every team. Our
we’ll continue to share our collaboration software helps distributed
findings and recommendations. teams organize, discuss, and complete
shared work.

Follow along:

On our website

On LinkedIn
Improved collaboration
Learn how Redfin and Atlassian
partnered to better track
performance and progress across a
distributed workforce.

Read the case study ›

Lessons Learned - Key Learnings 40

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