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1 L1 - a radio energy from the sun- best way to build solar station in What are the My friend is thinking of giving Preguntad que
programme the desert. land not being used by anyone- wouldn’t advantages and up her job and going to edad tiene. Si es
about an
disturb locals— no need to clear vegetation. cheaper to disadvantages of university. I’m not sure its a mayor, preguntad
issue use desert… weather increase the… desert receive very solar panels in the good idea. sobre las ventajas y
little rain… disadvantages: hot sunlight into electricity. desert? desventajas de
need pouring down water temperature 100 degrees- estudiar de mayor.
makes it hard to convert, need eater, sand- reduces the Preguntad por su
ability to absorb the sunlight , can be difficult and trabajo , si necesita
expensive to send the power around the world - a small estudiar para el
amount would be lost trabajo, si tiene
dinero para
mantenerse sin

2 L2- Congestions charges - motorist have to pay if they want What are the My friend is planning to travel preguntad por que
to drive in city centers - 1it reduces the amount of advantages and to Africa,for 6 months no le gustaría , que
traffic, ppl waste less time waiting in their cars important disadvantages of working with a Wild Life podría hacer alli, si
to the economy, 2- less pollution, 3ppl walk or cycle congestion charges Project. He´s asked me to go temen miedo de
quieter and more attractive places , 4- raises money., in the city centers? with him. I’m not sure If I algo de allí
that can be spen in improving transport. a congestion should go with him.
charge- discourages ppl to go to buy Disadvantages
centers and not buy from small business instead go to
shopping centers , ppl who earn less money- its too
hight for them, unfair to drivers of small cars, as drivers
or huge lorries cause more pollution. If the city doesn’t
have a good transport system, ppl will still use their cars
3 L3 - ancient Studying history- medicine, IT, engineering are more What does the
useful. Old civilizations are so different, that were not speaker say about
relevant, wont help to find a job, argum in favor: to not studying
understand society have developed about our own ancient history and
society, and change our idea about out society, how about studying it
the world is today, help to see what is good and bad,
make comparisons,, see how other society have tried to
solve the problems they had, ppl who study ancient
history have developed intellectual skills, how different
political systems opetate, how they are organized

4 L4- Advertising Response on advertising- Creates jobs, without it, positive and
company sales would be lower . more change of finding negative things
work, you find useful info, when there are different about advertising
products so you chose the best for you, advertising is
entertaining, ppl enjoy seeing th eadverts, disadv:
encourage ppl to buy things they will never use, instead
of buying healthy food. , more difficult to manage
money more sensibly, leads to disapoitnment, photos
seem more attractive, can have bad psychological .
shows you things you cannot buy, envious of other
ppl,children are easily influenced- parents to buy things
they cannot afford. To sum up: we couldn’t manage
without enetertainment, but we have to be careful not to
influence us too much
5 L5- dealing with repurposing - adv: cuts down on waste, helps the What the
old objects environment, can help you save money, ppl can find advantage of
new solutions to problems, ppl find always new ways . repurposing things
Skills: create new things quickly, can create things more are and what skills
cheaply, tend to produce better quality object, last do ppl who
longer, ppl become very .practical, develop practical purpose develop
skills, ppl use their hands to produce things

6 L6 tourism international tourism . Advice: before you go, do What tourists are
research on the weather, how you are expected to advised to do and
dress, notice how ppl behave and imitate them, respect not to do
local customs, keep an open mind, try to talk to local
ppl, learn a few phrases, try eating local food which you
haven’t eaten before. Not : don’t expect ppl to behave
like in your country, don’t think that the unfamiliar is
bad, don’t stick to the familiar

7 L7 Robots Robots adv: do boring repetitive jobs so ppl do more My brother is worried that his Preguntad por que
creative work, improve the lives of many ppl, don’t need children are spending too no es malo estar
breaks holidays, don´t get sick,or complain, don’t need much time on the computer. tanto tiempo con el
to be paid,R can help do exercise, help sick or elderly I’m not sure if its such a ordenador.
ppl to cope with their daily lives, cant get the warmth or working issue Preguntar por
support as from a human . many things only humans ventajas de usar el
can don do dangerous or dirty jobs for us, expose to ordenador en
dangerous chemicals or high temperatures. general para niños
Disadvantage: many ppl unemployed, expensive to y sugerirle posibles
develop and maintain, robots nurse have no feelings desventajas
and emotions, can’t interact like ppl, the relationships
can be an important part of recovery.


8 L8 - a topical Change time- she thinks they should stop - advantages and Many large supermarkets hablad de las
issue advantages , make it the same as Wester European objections stock food from all over the desventajas de
time: more day of hours in the evening, reduce the world. I’m not sure is such a traer comida desde
electricity in the evening, more needed in the morning, good idea. lejos(food miles=
but this amount is smaller, ppl would have time to los kilometros que
spend outdoors general wellbeing, , economic - benefits viajan), y las
for tourism- ppl can visit later in the day. UK business ventajas - que la
will gain operating within the same hours- stock markets gente puede probar
open at the same time . our bodies are affected. : sleep comida
patterns, disadvantages: the sun would rise at 10 am in internacional, los
Scotland in winter- work for hours in the dark- for other emigrantes
professions, like for construction : workers would start encuentran su
later and end later. comida

9 Different places in an area of small houses two years ago a 20 story What the S say My niece shows no interest in Preguntadle por las
to live building was built. Local council carried out a survey- a about the adv of learning any foreign ventajas de
few ppl preference for the houses : no noisy living in a house language. I wish I could help aprender idiomas, y
niehgbours, having garden, enjoy having somewhere to and the adv of her si es necesario,
sit outside children are safer, the flats: views , the living in a flat intentar encontrar
higher the building the better the view, the pleasure of argumentos en
thing the sunset, a flat is more economical to buy, more contra
private flat, security- more in flat
10 L3- an aspect of year off adv need a break to escape the stress- My niece has just told me her Preguntad sobre las
the world of
sometimes a longer break, might give you time to school has just introduced a razones del colegio,
discover new ideas, learn new life skills, beneficial for longer school day. I’m not y las desventajas
you and employer,, refresh, your boss may realize how sure it´s a good idea. que ella ve a tener
valuable you are, can explore other careers, meet ppl un dia de colegio
with other perspectives, part time jobs , disadv: spend mas largo.
time with family, but they will continue to worked or go Atencion, no habla
to school, waste your day watching daytime tv, lose job de un dia solo, sino
manage, adjusting when you return, a possible de alargar en
promotion might be delayed, a potential new employer, general los días en
conclusion: consider your options carefully. el cole
11 L2 - manufacturers design products to last for alimited time Advantages and My nephew´s school has preguntar cuales
or change with fashion. advantages: If someone buy a disadvantages of decided not to leave the serian las
phone than go out of fashion they will buy another making goods than students homework. I’m not desventajas, y
one-5 years- sales lower is good for society - provide dons last long sure its a good idea. presentar algunas
jobs ,bigger profit on on low quality goods- materials ventajas de no
are cheap- bad effects: companies spend more on tener deberes
developing new products, they might lose customers as
they make customers buy more, cuestionable cuality-
customers may stop buying , it creates waste and
pollution- damage on the environment
12 food fusion trend- 5 years ago- fusion food - mixing ingredients and What the speaker My friend´s daughter has the Preguntad por que
tastes from different cultures she finds it annoying - criticizes about opportunity to study at a no piensa que es
mixing is not original- why make something new when mixing food from university in the USA. I’m not una buena idea. Y
its been around for a long time- chefs create unusual different cultures sure she should take this que pasaría si fuera
combinations to attract attention… strange names.. and what does she opportunity allí
some combinations are not good for your health- not a says about
balanced diet. What to do: teach children in school educating
where comes from— how to combine food when they
cooked eat …food in some countries teach it in
school , but without not much impact, use tv cooking
program to teach children how flavors work(sugar and
salt) , she challenges the restaurants that offer …food,
customers should ask chefs which cultures they mix
and why

13 Music how computers are helping ppl to improve their music the advantages of
skills. music online . benefits: before you would practice playing music
alone, and just hoped you were doing things correctly online and the adv
now you can record and you computer will give you… of playing music
like a music teacher, ppl can play together any time , face to face
from different places, sessions are more convenient, you
don’t have to rent a room to practice a place-get a .
bigger audience, know more about the their strengths
and weaknesses. Adv of playing music face to face-
communication , conversation about the music, …
creative energy when you are physically together

14 living on a 5 years ago an advert asking ppl to go and live on a what the speaker My nephew has asked me to
remote island remote island-promising cheap accommodation and… loved about the take part in an environmental
As a child she remembers fantastic scenery and enjoy island as a child project with him. I’m not sure
more food, the evenings were light till midnight, and how she finds I want to join him
developed an interest in bird watching- she now runs a life on the island
guest house.. Winter were short and cold, the sky now
incredibly bright, has to work hard, apart from their
jobs- to be self sufficient- grow vegetables, keep
chickens, milk from their own cow, she has now more
social life, get together with friends 3 o 4 times a week,
strong sense of community, ppl help their neighbor


15 Local facilities Common complaint- lack of local facilities for young ppl. what are the the head teacher at my
new centers benefits: a pleasant meeting place where benefits of youths nephew´s school has asked
yp get together, making friends form the area, they can centers and what the students to learn to write
meet up away from school, workshops- develop the organizers of on the computer. I’m not sure
creative skills, of for future career. Adults who work at new youth centers I agree with this.
the centre may be able to help with life skills as making should do
decisions. — What should be done .. find out what yp´s
need are: do yp sport activities, educational or just
want a meeting place. adult organizers decide this, not
find it important to find out what they want. should run
a survey then results of survey- planning group yp and
adults, should be involved, should go to other youth
centers to see more there, then should be an opening
event. if yp have planned they will come.
16 Living and living in other country for 3 months- help you to develop What the s says
studying abroad
as a person, is a chance to learn to live independently, about the
do the cooking, washing, chance to become open to advantages and
new experiences, like trying new food, interact with disadvantages of
local ppl, and discover differences from what you’re living abroad for 3
used to gives you a new insight on your own culture, months.
meeting new ppl , some may become friends for life.
Disadvantages: different language, its not enough to
make yourself understood, might accidentally offend,
miss the food, not long enough to develop a taste. the
Adv outweigh the disadvantages, but it would be better
to go for longer period, like a year or two
17 Biofuel

18 A talk about Having a native English teacher is not always a good What are the
learning English
idea.. Advantages: they speak the language well, good advantages and
model - accent, ss can copy when they speak, when disadvantages of
SS watch movies or go to a foreign country they can being taught
understand better. Native speakers - wide range of English by a native
language: colloquial language and slang, SS are English speaker
motivated to speak English, it´s more natural to speak E
in class. Disadv: some people teach only because they
speak English, not because they like teaching, so if they
are not motivated, they won’t teach well. Learning their
language as a mother tongue is very different from
studying how to teach it.A teacher who doesn´t
understand what it is like to learn the language may not
understand what is hard for their students. If they don’t
speak the students´ language they can’t use translation
to give an answer quickly, they won’t know what is hard
and what is difficult. If a grammar structure is hard, but
maybe it is the due in the students´ language, then its
easy to teach.There is a risk that SS won’t be able to
ask the questions they want to ask, because they
cannot express themselves well in English The quality f
teaching is more important than the teacher being a
native English speaker

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