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Task title text question

1 Pollution - Light Pollution light pollution- too much outdoor lighting What are the effects of light pollution
1. affect personal enjoyment the sky and possible solutions?
city ppl can´t see stars

2. a problem for astronomers - scientists can´t study stars at night, even with special instruments
3. influence on health and behavior of humans and animals
affects our sleep
for animals is confusing because they are used to living in the dark
4.a lot of energy and money are wasted
coal and oil used to create the energy

education - to businesses to turn off their lights when they are not necessary
make street lighting better use light bulbs energy efficient
government- law controlling light pollution

2 Education in Finland children have highest scores and enjoy their school days: maths and science How is the education in Finland
enjoy school days changing and what are the reactions to
preschools new system moves away from the traditional system: spending one hour per lesson, with it?
different teachers in different rooms
a whole morning on a topic , include different subjects: economics and science, all taught together as part
of the same…
individual will disappear

by 2020 it will be compulsory for each school to introduce at least…

new system- most students are happy- more interesting and more useful for their future careers
result have improved, students are more motivated
some teach are not happy- specialists in one area should teach only one, they were offered training
encouraged to work with other teachers and to support and learn from each other
but once they start to use it they start to prefer
perhaps other countries will be able to learn

3 a possible alternative to fossil Biofuels - from plants like corn, barley and sugar cane What are the advantages and
fuel - Biofuel adv: disadvantages of biofuels?
0. such crops grow again and again- source of energy
0. produce lower CO2 than gas and oil, less air pollution
0. in countries where use biofuel, there would be less need for oil and gas
0. these country may be able to start exporting - may lead to higher economic growth
1 huge amounts of land- no land for food crops
2. need massive amounts of water - in case of draught biofuel could fail
3. need chemicals to grow and to prevent disease and damage from insects- water pollution
4.the cost of converting crops into biofuel are high

4 coral - Coral Bleeching the problem - coral bleaching - coral looses its bright - see tempo to rise color and goes white the global why coral is important and what we
warming. can do to help protect it?
this stresses the coral
the largest structure, the great barrier reef of eastern coast of Australia
the world will have difficulties surviving without areas of coral

why? shelter over 4 thousands marine species

25 %of the world´s total— supports fishing industry — more than a billion people
protection against storms - protect coastal communities of the worst effects of climate change
attract tourists

what we can do to help save the coral:

governments- stop farmers using chemicals
factories need treat their waste before throwing it into the water
as individuals- example , you shouldn’t even touch the coral
plant trees because stop carbon- stop global warming
5 About cities - traffic problems by 2030 expert predict that over 60 percent of the world population will live in urban areas What are some of the problems of
economic cost: in USA- drivers are in traffic for 42 hours every year traffic in the city and possible
wasted time will cause to British economy over 3 hundred billion pounds solutions?
ppl want to drive their own car to show their status - cause significant problems to traffic in cities

one company rents parking spaces to - ppl don’t´have to drive around looking for a parking place
using smart technology and traffic systems congestion is reduced by 20 percent
experts find traffic problems and control problems from a central office
wireless communication-help vehicles to talk to each other- drivers avoid congestion
drivers switch routines so rivers don´t just use major routes
one university a survey ask drivers about their journeys and habits to get data and find solutions

Task title text question
6 Barbados Barbados has a large population for a small island Why Barbados wants to create an
cannot grow enough food for all the int environmentally friendly economy and
limited land and resources have led to in add imported transport what about the projects discussed
consumers can suffer from high food and fuel prices
food transport produces carbon global warming
Barbados recognized as especially sensitive
because of the rising levels of the sea are predicted to be major problems in the future

2 local business ppl:

first project:
a local farmer produces food in an environmentally friendly way
built a system of solar power water pumps in his garden
uses coconut shell instead of soil for the vegetables

second project:
a fisher farm establish a system to meet demands of sea food for tourists
uses old swimming pools solar panels
supplies more than 450 kilos of fish for the restaurants every month

7 Routines - Sleep author of the book - studied sleep of sports ppl What are the main ideas in the book
and what the speaker thinks about
0. the magic figure - the 90 minutes- the amount of time in a cycle of sleep them?
0. key idea: we don’t need to get all of our sleep in 24 hours
there is a total amount of sleep you need to get over a whole week
most people need 35 cycles of sleep a week
we need 5 lots of 90 minutes a day
that means there is no need to worry if you lost sleep you can catch up with lost sleep later in the week
0. no need to do all the sleeping at night

speaker has´t tried it

may be fine for professional sports people spa has problems sleeping during the day
and if he loses sleep finds it difficult to catch up through the week
it might be well worth a try

8 Space Research send ppl to Mars over next 20 or 30 years What research was trying to find out
not only technical problems : and how the team coped with it?
another problem work together as a team for a long time in isolation
to see if they would maintain good relationships
to test this they did an experiment - 6 people isolated in a building a whole year - designed as a space
they did the test to see how they would perform as a team and how the group could solve problems and
stay happy and relaxed
1.the air conditioning building broke down
at first they disagreed but they fixed it using the different skills
2. privacy : the building was only 9 meters diameter and 6 meters tall-
solution: respect each other´s space and didn’t create unnecessary noises
0. the worst : when one person wanted to play music everybody had to listen to it
every one had turn to choose their favorite music

0. one concern- not have a varied diet, but they could grow vegetables and take seeds and soil
not being able to go out in the sunshine without special spacesuits
the experiment showed how it would be like to cope with this in the future

overcome the challenges of travelling to Mars

9 a new kind of library - London an alternative to buying expensive things - London library of things What are the advantages of the library
´s Library of Things - borrow what you need: tools, household equipments, no need to buy of things and the main difficulties it
has a website- faces?
anyone can join
cheap to borrow
save a lot of money
don´t need to buy expensive
no space to store things in your house
benefits to the environment- reduces waste
more important goal- creators hope it become a community meeting place
more contact with their neighbors
locals share skills
money - organizations non profit like this don´t make a profit so business ppl don’t want to support it
have to be in shopping centres but these areas have a lot of shops, lot of competition
popularity of online shopping - easy to click on what you want

10 a type of school lesson - good for children from urban areas - help them develop life skills- communication and team work Advantages and disadvantages of
Forest School develop independence and self confidence help with dificultades academic work because it gives them a forest school
sense of achievement
makes children fitter and stronger and reduces stress
environment: connecting ch with nature makes them respect it care for the environmental issues

schools need special instructors
other expenses: transport, clothing and equipment
some teachers think doesn’t´t actually teach anything useful
time is better spent prepare for exams
not all children enjoy outside time
speaker thinks that children too much time studying-need to spend more time outside

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