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Topic “Childhood around videogames”

- Agreement: It’s about my experience, I agree with the idea of playing video
games when you are a child, because when I was, I had a lot of hours of
happiness and fun, they have taught me a lot of things like how
communicate with other people in a different language because of the
variety of players that there are, also I have known a lot of different people
who are my friends now and so on, but the important thing is that they
gave me the “protection” or the little moment to forget the current
problems that I may had in that moment, and when this happens I was very
comfortable, for that reason I agree with this idea, they were a pillar in my

- Advantages: the videogames give you a lot of good things that we are not
conscious, for example they improve our muscular memory, which is a very
important function of our brain, also improve our general reflexes, because
of the attention that we have playing. In addition, we develop computer
skills which are very important nowadays, and last but not least the facility
to make new friends due to different apps to talk like discord, skype... And
the small opportunity to learn a new language, for example setting the
video game in a different language, or talking and writing in English to
communicate with other players.

- Disadvantages: But all good has a negative side, in this case videogames
can create different problems like addiction, if the child doesn’t stop
playing, or isolation problems if the kid doesn’t want to go outside, to do
sport or play with her friends. As a result of isolation, the videogames can
create a sedentary routine with no movement, bad alimentary habits which
can produce heatlh problems. Although, they are children so the parents
have the big responsibility to control that.

- Give advice: Some of the problems that the videogames can create are very
simple to solve, I suggest for example not to play more that 2 hours per
day, also moving while you are waiting to enter in a game, doing some
squats or moving around the room. Another important thing the diet,
please have a varied diet, avoid trash food which is easy to eat but are very
harmful to our bodies, there are a lot of good aliments which are easy to
eat and are healthy like dried fruits. In muscular problems like I said MOVE,
it's very important not to stay in the same position for hours and hours, and
the better way to avoid visual problems is having a good illumination in the
room and having a good distance between you and the monitor.

- Speculate: “How would the world be if there were no videogames?”

It’s difficult to imagine but I'm under the impression that the kid’s
childhood would be very different from our nowadays, because of the big
influence that the videogames have. Maybe they could be a more rural
generation, playing more in the streets or doing more sport due to the lack
of virtual entertainment. Also, I guess that it would be a less develop
generation in terms of technologies, because the videogames help the
children to learn and complain more about computers and technologies in

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