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Republic of the Philippines

Teacher Education Department


I. LEARNING COMPETENCY: (EN10VC-IVc-29) Appraise the unity of plot,

setting and characterization in a material viewed to achieve the writer’s purpose.


At the end of the lesson, students will be able to:
a. identify the plot, setting and characters of a given text as well as the writer’s
purpose of writing the text;
b. value the appraising of the elements of the stories and the writer’s purpose; and
c. create their own work with complete understanding on appraising the unity of
plot, setting and characterization.


A. TOPIC: The Key Elements of A Story and A Writer’s Purpose
B. REFERENCE: Grade 10 Learning Material, English 10 Quarter 1
C. MATERIALS: Laptop, Monitor
D. VALUE FOCUS: Valuing the unity of the elements of a story and the purpose of
its writer.


a. SAMR Model (Substitution, Amplify, Modification, Redefinition)


A. Preliminary Activities:


Checking of attendance.

Good morning, class! How is everyone doing?

I am glad to know that everyone is doing great.

For today’s English lecture, we will be discussing about the three key elements
of a story which are the plot, setting and the characters as well as the writer’s
purpose on creating such text.

Let’s start!

B. Lesson Proper ( SAMR – Substitution )

1. Motivation

Do you like watching movies? What’s your favorite part of the movie? Is it
what the movie is all about? Is it the animation? Place? Characters? Or is it
the message of the movie?

The movies or films always have a storyline that are creatively written by a
2. Activity ( SAMR – Augmentation )

But before we proceed, I prepared an activity.

I will be flashing cards on the screen with words related to our topic for
today. Each flashcards belong to a certain category.
Guess which card belongs to which column.


1. What have you noticed when I showed you the cards?

2. What do you think each column symbolizes?

3. Analysis

As what I have mentioned earlier, each story has three key elements and
those are the plot, setting and the characters. These three should be written
in a way that they will be appropriately connected to each other to display a
story of great value and meaningful purpose.

Writers usually base their creations from their own experiences and
perspectives. It can also be that it is just their imaginations wandering and
they turn into something and mixing it with reality to make it relatable.
Each story and each writer has their own purpose

But first let us identify which one is the plot? The setting? What about the

First part of the discussion:


1. Plot
- A plot is a series of events in a story that composes five parts:

a. Exposition/Introduction – establishes the characters and the setting

of the story.
b. Rising Action – this is where the conflict is being introduced
c. Climax – this is when the protagonist faces the conflict
d. Falling Action – the conflict is now resolved
e. Resolution/Denouement – the conclusion of a story’s plot

2. Setting
- This is where and when the story takes place.

3. Characters
- Any person, animal, or being represented in the storyline.
a. Protagonist – good character
b. Antagonist – bad character
Second part of the discussion:


 A writer’s purpose is reflected in the way he writes. It can also

be seen in titles, prefaces, and author’s background and between
the lines of the stories.
 Identifying the purpose of a writer helps us to better understand
the passage and can even influence the audience with his ideas.
 An author writes with one of these purposes in mind:
a. To inform
b. To persuade
c. To entertain
d. To educate
e. To tell


What makes a plot?

Explain the three key elements of a story
How will you be able to know the purpose of a writer?
Why is it important for a writer to have a purpose?


1. It is the element of the story that tells the time and the place?
2. It is one of the purposes of a writer in which he uses only
informational facts and no personal opinions.
For numbers 3 to 7, give me the elements of a story’s plot.
8. It is the series of events in a story.
9. It is a person, animal or a figure represented in the storyline.
10. What are the two types of character?

Key Answer:

1. Setting
2. To inform
3. Exposition/Introduction
4. Rising Action
5. Climax
6. Falling Action
7. Resolution/Denouement
8. Plot
9. Character
10. Protagonist and Antagonist

5. APPLICATION ( SAMR – Modification, Redefinition )

Divide the class into two groups. Each group should make a short story
and turn it into a short film with the genre of your choice.

 The short story should be in a printout form.
 Choose one purpose among the given purposes of a writer from
the discussion.
 Film should not be shorter than 5 minutes and should not
exceed the maximum of 10 minutes.
 Deadline would be in the next two weeks

Answer the following questions by encircling the letter of the correct


1. Which letter correctly defines a writer’s purpose?

A. A writer’s purpose is to simply write a story for every reader to
B. A writer’s purpose is nonexistent.
C. A writer’s purpose is to cause inappropriate influence and
misconceptions to the readers or audiences
D. A writer’s purpose is to reach out to the readers or audiences
through words by showcasing it in a creative way.

2. If the plot, setting, and characters are not connected, what could
possibly happen?
A. If the plot, setting, and characters are not written in a
harmonious manner, it would be beneficial to the readers or
B. If the plot, setting, and characters are not written in a
harmonious manner, the writer’s purpose will not be clear and
might provide misconceptions to the readers or audiences.
C. If the plot, setting, and character are not written in a harmonious
manner, the message or the writer’s purpose can easily be
D. Nothing could happen.

Key Answer:

1. D. A writer’s purpose is to reach out to the readers or

audiences through words by showcasing it in a creative way.

2. B. If the plot, setting, and character are not written in a

harmonious manner, the writer’s purpose will not be clear
and might provide misconceptions to the readers or

Submitted By:


Bachelor of Secondary Education, Major in English, 2C

Submitted To:


EDU 108: Technology in Teaching and Learning 1 Instructor
Republic of the Philippines
Teacher Education Department

EDU 108: Technology in Teaching and Learning 1

Name: Gelogo, Jessa May G. Year & Section: BSED English 2C

Incorporating Technological Learning Models to Achieve Technological Integration

1. What Technological Learning Method did you incorporate in your chosen topic?
The Technological Learning Method that I used is the SAMR Model which stands
for Substitution, Augmentation, Modification, and Redefinition which I incorporated in
my chosen topic, The Key Elements of A Story and A Writer’s Purpose, English 10.

2. How did you utilize the Technological Learning Model that you chose in teaching
and learning?
The Substitution and Augmentation focuses on the enhancement of teaching and
learning while the Modification and Redefinition encompasses the actual exposure of
teaching and learning with the use of technology.

The whole discussion is the Substitution since instead of using traditional
teaching materials, I used technological device to deliver my lesson such as the laptop
with the PowerPoint Presentation. At this part of the model, there is no much significant
change even with the use of technology because the teacher and the learners are still in
passive-interactive contact.

The first activity given is the Augmentation because the learners will be
having it through the presentation instead of using the method of writing their answer on
the board.. However, this will only acquire an improvement from the Substitution since
the teacher will be taking the lead in the said activity by letting the learners decide what
to answer.

The application or the assignment will be categorized under the
Modification because as the note says that the story that they will be making as a group
should be in a printout form. In order to have their story in a printout form they will have
to use a laptop or personal computer together with all the grammar and typographical
checker that comes with it. At this point, the learners already have a direct exposure to a
certain form of technology.

At this point, students will be exposed to various forms of technology
through filming since they will be in need of editing apps and their smartphones or
cameras. Through this, instead of having the traditional role-playing, the learners will be
able to enhance their work by adding visual effects and even background audios.

CONCLUSION: Therefore, I conclude that the SAMR Model, one of the Technological
Learning Models, is a strategy that will first assist the teacher in facilitating the learning progress
of thee students through enhancement of teaching materials (Substitution and Augmentation) and
will later on assess the students’ skills and learning through the transformation of learning
materials and performance with the application of technology (Modification and Redefinition).

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