Week0 Soln

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Introduction to Machine Learning (In Tamil)

Prof.Arun Rajkumar,IITM
TA: Arun Prakash, IITM POD

1 Functions:
1. (1 point) Which of the following functions represent a line in 2D coordinate system?
A. y = 10x + 2
B. y = x2 + 2x + 1
C. y = 5 − x
D. y = sin(x)

Answer: A,C

2. (1 point) What is the slope of the function y = 2x3 + 4x2 − x − 1 at the point x = 1.5?
A. 24.5
B. 13.25
C. 1.5
D. 0

Answer: A
= 6x2 + 8x − 1 and evaluating at the point x = 1.5 gives us 24.5

3. (1 point) The minimum value for the functions y1 = x2 + 5 and y2 = (x + 5)2 occurs
A. (x = 0, x = 5),respectively
B. (x = 5, x = −5),respectively
C. (x = 0, x = −5),respectively
D. (x = 5, x = 5),respectively

Answer: C

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= 2x = 0.Therefore, at x = 0 the function is either maximum or minimum.
Differentiate it again w.r.t to x give us a positive constant. Therefore the minimum occurs
at x = 0. Following the same for y2 gives us x = -5.

2 Geometry:
1. (1 point) The (Euclidean) distance between two points x1 = (1, 0) and x2 = (1, 10) is?
A. −10
B. 10
C. 100
D. −100

Answer: B

d= (1 − 1)2 + (10 − 0)2 = 10

2. (1 point) How many number of lines can pass through the point x1 = (−1, 8) ?
A. 1
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B. 8
C. ∞
D. 0

Answer: C

3. (1 point) Is the point (1, 10) on the line y = 10x + 1 ?

A. Yes
B. No

Answer: B

y = 10(1)+1 = 11 ̸= 10

4. (1 point) Are the vectors (1, 4) and (0.5, 2) parallel?

A. Yes
B. No

Answer: A

1 0.5
= 2*
4 2

5. (1 point) Are the vectors (1, 1) and (−0.5, 0.5) perpendicular?

A. Yes
B. No

Answer: A
For perpendicular vectors,the dot product between them should be zero.
(1 ∗ −0.5) + (1 ∗ 0.5) = 0.
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3 Matrix (Linear Algebra):

 
1 0 −1
1. (1 point) Multiply the matrix A = and the vector x = −1.
1 1 1
 
1 0 −1   0
Ax = −1 =
1 1 1 1

1 2
2. (2 points) Check whether the matrix A = has an inverse or not. If it has an
−1 2
inverse,then find it.
Since the determinant is 4, the matrix has an inverse. The inverse matrix
−1 0.5 −0.5
A =
0.25 0.25

3. (2 points) Do the lines give by x+2y = 1 and −x+2y = 1 intersect at some point?.Represent
the equations in a matrix form and find the answer by solving the matrix.

Ax = b
1 2 1
−1 2 1
Geometric visualization is given below.
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4 Probability and Statistics:

1. (1 point) Suppose a six sided fair die is rolled.What is the probability of getting a number
6?. What is the probability that the number is 6 given that the outcome is even?
A. ( 16 , 13 ), respectively
B. ( 12 , 12 ), respectively
C. ( 31 , 16 ), respectively
D. ( 12 , 13 ), respectively

Answer: A
The sample space contains 6 mutually exclusive and exhaustive atomic events. Let A de-
notes an event of getting number 6. All outcomes are equally likely, therefore, probability
for getting number 6 is P (A = 6) = 61 .
Let B denotes the outcome is an even number, therefore P (B) = 12 . By conditional proba-
P (A,B) 6 1
bility, P (A|B) = P (B)
= 1 = 3

2. (2 points) Suppose a pair of dice is rolled.What is the probability that the sum of the
dice is 8 given that the first die value is less than or equals to 4?
A. 12
B. 36
C. 18
D. 8

Answer: D
Let A be an event where the first die shows a number less than or equals 4 and B denotes
an event where sum of dice is 8. Then, P (A) = 46 , P (B) = 36 3
and P (A, B) = 36 .
3 6 1
Therefore, P (B|A) = 36 ∗ 4 = 8

3. (1 point) A fair two sided coin is tossed. Are the events H and T independent?
A. Yes
B. No

Answer: B
For two events to be independent, P (A, B) = P (A)P (B). For the given problem, P (A, B) =
0 and P (A) = P (B) = 0.5, therefore, the events are not independent (of course, they are
mutually exclusive!)
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4. (2 points) A factory has two machines I and II. Machine I produces 40% of items of the
output and Machine II produces 60% of the items. Further 4% of items produced by
Machine I are defective and 5% produced by Machine II are defective. An item is drawn
at random. If the drawn item is defective, find the probability that it was produced by
Machine II.
A. 23
B. 10
C. 10
D. 100

Answer: A
Probability of an item from Machine I is P (I) = 0.4
Probability of an item from Machine II is P (II) = 0.6
Probability that a defective item is from Machine I is P (D|I) = 0.04
Probability that a defective item is from Machine I is P (D|II) = 0.05
Probability that an item is defective is P (D) = P (I)P (D|I) + P (II)P (D|II).
Then, probability that the item is from Machine II given that it is defective is P (II|D)

P (II)P (D|II) 15
P (II|D) = =
P (D) 23

5. (1 point) Compute the mean of the sequence x(n) = n! for n = 0, 1, 2, 3 · · · 7.

A. 739.125
B. 739.25
C. 5914
D. 5040

Answer: B

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