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New York City Interscholastic Mathematics League

Senior A Division Fall 2023

PART 1 Fall 2023 Time: 10 Minutes
F23SA01 A unit circle is rotated about a point on its circumference by 180◦ . Compute the total area it sweeps out.

F23SA02 Compute the sum of all 6 digit numbers a1 a2 a3 a4 a5 a6 using each of the digits from 1 to 6 once that satisfy
the following property: for 1 ≤ i ≤ 6, the i digit number a1 a2 is divisible by i.

PART 2 Fall 2023 Time: 10 Minutes

F23SA03 Alice and Carl are painting a house. When Alice paints the house alone, she takes 9 hours to finish. When
Alice paints half of the house and then Carl joins her, the duo takes another 2 hours to finish, but because
they are talking while working, Carl works at a rate that is 21 as fast as his normal rate when working with
Alice. How long does it normally take Carl to finish the house, when he works alone?

F23SA04 Bob is creating a new language with only the letters A, B, C, D, and E . In this language, a word is valid
if and only if any vowel is surrounded by a consonant on each side (no word can start or end in a vowel).
How many valid words of length 6 are there in this language?

PART 3 Fall 2023 Time: 10 Minutes

F23SA05 Count Dracula is counting with his friend, Count von Count. Dracula counts all the multiples of 3 and 5
starting from 3, in increasing order, while von Count counts all the multiples of 3 and 5 starting from 2025,
and goes in decreasing order. They stop when they both reach the same number. What is that number?

F23SA06 Circle ω1 centered at A with radius 7 and circle ω2 centered at B with radius 13 intersect at C, D. segment
BD intersects ω1 at E . If ∠ACE = ∠BCE , compute the length of segment AB .

New York City Interscholastic Mathematics League

Senior A Division Fall 2023

PART 1 Fall 2023 Time: 10 Minutes
F23SA07 Brad-non has 4 shirts colored red, blue, yellow, and green, respectively, 4 pairs of pants colored red, blue,
yellow, and pink, respectively, and 4 pairs of shoes colored red, blue, yellow, and orange, respectively. How
many outfits can Brad-non wear such that his outfit consists of 3 different colors?

F23SA08 How many divisors k of 3030 have that the number of divisors of k divides 3030 ?

PART 2 Fall 2023 Time: 10 Minutes

1 1
F23SA09 Given that a + a
= 20, compute the sum of all possible values of 2a + 2a

F23SA10 There are two ordered pairs (x, y) which satisfy the pair of equations (x − 3)2 + (y − 4)2 = 25 and
(x − 6)2 + (y − 7)2 = 49. What is the y -intercept of the line that passes through both these points?

PART 3 Fall 2023 Time: 10 Minutes

F23SA11 Let △ABC be a triangle with AB = 4, AC = 5, BC = 6. Let the perpendicular bisector of BC hit
AC at D, and let E be the reflection of B over point D. Compute the length of CE .

F23SA12 In how many ways can each of the squares of a 3 × 3 grid be filled with a digit 1, 2, or 3 such that each
row and column form a nondecreasing sequence of three digits (when read left to right, top to bottom,

New York City Interscholastic Mathematics League

Senior A Division Fall 2023

PART 1 Fall 2023 Time: 10 Minutes
F23SA13 Broseph has a busy day ahead of him. He has to work on a problem set for 6 hours in a row, and he also
has a date for 3 hours in a row. He knows that he wants these things to start anytime at or after 12 P.M.,
and end anytime before or at 12 A.M. How many ways can he schedule these events, if they must start at
integer hours? (For example, he can start his problem set at 1 P.M., and his date can start at 7 P.M., but
he may not start his problem set at 1 : 30 P.M.)

F23SA14 Let P (n) denote the product of the digits of n. Find the sum of all positive integers n satisfying
n + 2P (n) = 86.

PART 2 Fall 2023 Time: 10 Minutes

F23SA15 Let a, b, and c be real numbers such that ab2 = 18, bc2 = 75, and ca2 = 20. Compute b
+ cb + ac .

F23SA16 Let △ABC be a triangle with AB = AC = 1 and ∠BAC = 90◦ . Let M be the midpoint of BC ,
N be the midpoint of AC , and let P be the foot of the altitude from A to N B . Compute the area of
△M N P .

PART 3 Fall 2023 Time: 10 Minutes

F23SA17 Count Dracula counts up from 1 in the following manner: starting from 1, Count Dracula increases by 1
until he reaches a multiple of 3, then increases by 3 until he reaches a multiple of 5, then increases by 5
until he reaches a multiple of 7 and continues to do this indefinitely. What is the 100th number that Count
Dracula says? (So he starts with 1, 2, 3, 6, . . . )

F23SA18 How many pairs of positive integers (a, b) are there such that 3030 = a3 b2 ?

New York City Interscholastic Mathematics League

Senior A Division Fall 2023

PART 1 Fall 2023 Time: 10 Minutes
F23SA19 The Bollatz function B is defined as the following: B(n) = n2 if n is even and B(n) = 4n + 1 if n is odd.
How many 2 ≤ n ≤ 100 are there such that there exists a positive integer j satisfying B j (n) = 1? Note
i times
that B i (n) = B(B(B . . . B(n)))

F23SA20 The vertices of a regular hexagon labelled ABCDEF are randomly colored such that each vertex is either
red, blue, or yellow, with equal probability. Such a hexagon is bad if there is are at least 2 pairs of
diametrically-opposite vertices that are the same color. What is the probability that ABCDEF is bad?

PART 2 Fall 2023 Time: 10 Minutes

F23SA21 Let ABCD be a square. Let M be the midpoint of AC , and let P be on side AB such that AP = 32 AB .
If the area of AM P is 6, find the area of ABCD .

F23SA22 Triangle △ABC has positive side lengths AB = x2 , AC = x4 , BC = 2x3 , and ∠BAC = 90◦ .
Compute the sum of all possible values of the area of △ABC .

PART 3 Fall 2023 Time: 10 Minutes

F23SA23 Penguino is at his icy home on the Cartesian grid at (0, −88). He can travel in steps of 1 unit up, left,
right, or down. In how many ways can he go for a stroll with four total steps such that his last step takes
him home? (For example, one of the ways Penguino can do this is to take 1 unit up, then 1 unit down, then
1 unit right, then 1 unit left.)
F23SA24 Find the sum of all rational numbers b
such that a and b are coprime and a and b are both factors of 60.

New York City Interscholastic Mathematics League

Senior A Division Fall 2023

PART 1 Fall 2023 Time: 10 Minutes
F23SA25 Let ABCD be a trapezoid with AB ∥ CD and AD = DC = CB = 10, AB = 20. Let E be the
point of intersection of lines AD and CB . Compute the area of △ABE .

F23SA26 A 64 page book is made by stacking 16 sheets of paper on top of each other, and then folding them all at
once in half. The pages are then stapled along the crease. The pages are then numbered double-sided, with
the top page labeled 1. Therefore, each sheet of paper should have 4 page numbers: n, n + 1, 65 − n, and
64 − n. (For example, the top sheet will have pages 1, 2, 63, and 64) What is the probability that the
product of the page numbers of a randomly selected sheet is a multiple of 9?

PART 2 Fall 2023 Time: 10 Minutes

F23SA27 Find all positive integer solutions to (a + b)(3a + 2b) = 1800. List solutions in the form (a, b).

F23SA28 Two regular hexagonal sheets of paper of side length 1 are completely overlapped on top of each other. The
top sheet is then rotated 30 degrees about a vertex so that the two sheets are offset, but share that one
vertex. Compute the area of intersection of the two hexagonal sheets.

PART 3 Fall 2023 Time: 10 Minutes

F23SA29 Given that a and b are positive real numbers such that (loga (2) + 1)(logb (2) + 1) = 2023, compute the
maximum possible value of loga (2b) · logb (2a).

F23SA30 Count Dracula is counting numbers according to the following rules: he starts at 60, and starts to count up,
always incrementing by one. Every time he hits a multiple of 2, 3 or 5 that he hasn’t counted yet, he reverses
direction (otherwise, he just continues). When he hits either 0 or 120, he stops. (The first few numbers
in his sequence will be 60, 61, 62, 61, 60, 59, 58, 59, 60, 61, 62, 63, 62, 61 . . . ) How many numbers does
Count Dracula count?

New York City Interscholastic Mathematics League

Senior A Division Fall 2023

Contest 1 Solutions
F23SA01 A unit circle is rotated about a point on its circumference by 180◦ . Compute the total area the circle sweeps
Answer: 3π Solve Rate: 84%

Consider a unit circle centered at (0, 0), and we can rotate about the point (1, 0). This sends the point (−1, 0)
to (3, 0), and in the process sweeps out a half-circle of radius 2. In addition, the initial half-circle of radius 1
below the x-axis gets sent to another half-circle of radius 1 below the x-axis centered at (2, 0). Adding these
areas up gives 2π + π2 + π2 = 3π .

F23SA02 Compute the sum of all 6 digit numbers a1 a2 a3 a4 a5 a6 using each of the digits from 1 to 6 once that satisfy
the following property: for all 1 ≤ k ≤ 6, the k digit number a1 a2 · · · ak is divisible by k .
Answer: 445308 Solve Rate: 49%
Solution: We need a5 = 5 otherwise a1 a2 a3 a4 a5 is not divisible by 5. Also note that a2 , a4 , and a6 are
all even, because if i divides a1 . . . ai when i is even, then 2 divides ai as well. Then a2 , a4 , and a6 are 2, 4,
and 6 in some order, meaning that a1 and a3 are 1 and 3 in some order. We now use that 3 | a1 a2 a3 and
3 | a1 a2 a3 a4 a5 a6 to get that 3 | a1 +a2 +a3 and 3 | a1 +a2 +· · ·+a6 , which implies that 3 | a4 +a5 +a6 .
Recalling that a5 = 5, we get that the only possible pairs for a4 and a6 are 4, 6 and 6, 4. But if a4 is 4, then
we would need a3 to be odd in order to get 4 | a1 a2 a3 a4 , so in fact we need a4 = 6 and a6 = 4, and a2 = 2
as a result. Now, we only have two numbers: 321654 and 123654, both of which work, so the sum is 445308.

F23SA03 Alice and Carl are painting a house. When Alice paints the house alone, she takes 9 hours to finish. When
Alice paints half of the house and then Carl joins her, the house is painted in a total of 6.5 hours, but because
they are talking while working, Carl works at a rate that is 12 as fast as his normal rate when working with
Alice. How long does it normally take Carl to finish the house, when he works alone?
Answer: 5
Solve Rate: 65%
Solution: We have that Alice works at a rate of houses painted per hour. Let c be the amount of time it
takes Carl to paint the house while alone. Then when Alice and Carl paint together, their total rate of painting
is 91 + 2c
houses painted per hour, and since they paint 12 of the house in 2 hours, we get that 91 + 2c1
= 14 ;
solving this equation gives c= 5

F23SA04 Bob is creating a new language with only the letters A, B, C, D, and E . In this language, a word is valid if
and only if any vowel is surrounded by a consonant on each side (no word can start or end in a vowel). How
many valid words of length 6 are there in this language?
Answer: 3645 Solve Rate: 31%

Solution: Let f (n) be the number of valid words of length n. Note that all valid words start and end in
consonants. Then in order to get a valid word of length n + 1, we can either append a consonant to an already
existing word (and we can choose 3 consonants), or we can append a vowel. If we choose to append a vowel, we
must also append a consonant to ensure that the vowel is surrounded by consonants. This gives us the recursion
f (n) = 3f (n − 1) + 6f (n − 2), since if we append just a consonant, we need a valid word of length n − 1,
and if we append a vowel and a consonant (of which there are 2 · 3 = 6 choices of the pair), then we need to
append to a valid word of length n − 2. Now, we have the base cases f (1) = 3 and f (2) = 9, and so we can
compute f (3) = 45, f (4) = 189, f (5) = 837, and f (6) = 3645.
F23SA05 Count Dracula is counting with his friend, Count von Count. Dracula counts all the multiples of 3 and
5 starting from 3, in increasing order, while von Count counts all the multiples of 3 and 5 starting from
2025, and goes in decreasing order. (For example, Dracula starts 3, 5, 6, 9, 10, . . . while von Count starts
2025, 2022, 2020, 2019, 2016, . . . .) They stop when they both reach the same number. What is that num-
Answer: 1014 Solve Rate: 48%
Solution: Note that by using the principle of inclusion and exclusion, one can compute that there are
+ 2025
− 2025
= 675 + 405 − 135 = 945 numbers that are either multiples of 3 or 5 between 3 and
2025. This means that the number they both stop at must be the 945+1 2
= 473rd number in this order, since
it must be equal distance from the left and right in this list. In order to compute the 473rd number, note that
there are 7 numbers in that are said between 15n + 1 and 15n (inclusive), so the 7 · 67 = 469th number will
be 15 · 67 = 1005. Then the 473rd number will be 1005 + 9 = 1014.

F23SA06 Circle ω1 centered at A with radius 7 and circle ω2 centered at B with radius 13 intersect at C, D. Segment
BD intersects ω1 again at E . If ∠ACE = ∠BCE , compute the length of segment AB .

Answer: 2 35 Solve Rate: 1%



Note that ∠ACE = ∠AEC since E and C are both on ω1 , so the given equality implies that ∠ACE =
∠BCE =⇒ AE ∥ BC . Furthermore, we have that in general, ∠ACB = ∠ADE since ACBD is
a kite, and ∠ADE = ∠AED since D and E are on ω1 . This implies that AEBC is cyclic, and either
∠ACE = ∠BCE or AE ∥ BC is enough to imply that BE = 7. Then we have that AEBC is an
isosceles trapezoid with BC = 13 and BE = EA = AC = √ 7. Dropping
√ the perpendicular from A to BE
and using the Pythagorean theorem twice gives that AB = 140 = 2 35.

Contest 2 Solutions
F23SA07 Brad-non has 4 shirts colored red, blue, yellow, and green, respectively, 4 pairs of pants colored red, blue,
yellow, and pink, respectively, and 4 pairs of shoes colored red, blue, yellow, and orange, respectively. Compute
the number of outfits Brad-non can wear such that his outfit consists of 3 different colors.
Answer: 34 Solve Rate: 52%
Solution: We perform casework on the number of red, blue, or yellow items he wears.

If he wears three such items, then there are 3! = 6 ways to choose the outfit.
If he wears two such items, there are 3 ways to choose which two items, and then 3 · 2 ways to choose the colors
of those items; the color of the last item is fixed. This gives 3 · 3 · 2 = 18 outfits.
If he wears one such item, there are 3 ways to choose which item, and 3 ways to choose the color of the item.
The colors of the last two items is fixed. This gives 3 · 3 = 9 outfits.
Finally, if he wears no such item, then his outfit is fixed.
The total is 6 + 18 + 9 + 1 = 34.
F23SA08 Compute the number of divisors k of 3030 there are such that the number of divisors of k divides 3030 .
Answer: 5832 Solve Rate: 22%
Solution: Since k divides 3030 , we must have k = 2a 3b 5c for some nonnegative integers a, b, and c at most
30. The number of divisors of k is (a + 1)(b + 1)(c + 1), so each of a + 1, b + 1, and c + 1 must only
have prime divisors 2, 3, and 5. (Because 3030 is large enough, this is not only a necessary condition, but also
sufficient.) The possible values of a + 1 are:

1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 8, 9, 10, 12, 15, 16, 18, 20, 24, 25, 27, 30,
and we get the same list for b + 1 and c + 1. Thus, there are 18 choices for each of a, b, and c, so there are
183 = 5832 possible values of k .
1 1
F23SA09 Given that a + a
= 20, compute the sum of all possible values of 2a + 2a

Answer: 50 Solve Rate: 54%

Solution: Let the two solutions to a + a1 be x and x1 . Then the sum we want is
1 2 x 5 1 5
2x + + + = x+ = · 20 = 50.
2x x 2 2 x 2

F23SA10 There are two ordered pairs (x, y) which satisfy the pair of equations (x − 3)2 + (y − 4)2 = 25 and
(x − 6)2 + (y − 7)2 = 49. Compute the y -intercept of the line that passes through both these points.
Answer: 6 Solve Rate: 56%
Solution: Expand the two equations and rearrange to get the following:
x2 + y 2 − 6x − 8y = 0 and
x2 + y 2 − 12x − 14y = 36.
If an ordered pair (x, y) satisfies these two equations, then it must satisfy their difference, which is 6x + 6y =
36. Thus, both points lie on the line x + y = 6, which has y -intercept 6.
F23SA11 Let △ABC be a triangle with AB = 4, AC = 5, and BC = 6. Let the perpendicular bisector of BC
intersect AC at D , and let E be the reflection of B over point D . Compute the length of CE .

Answer: 2 7 Solve Rate: 19%
Solution: Let M be the midpoint of BC . Note that △BCE ∼ BM D, with similarity factor 2. This
means it suffices to compute 2 · M D .




The law of cosines gives

52 + 62 − 42 3
cos C = = .
2·5·6 4
√ √
Since CM = 3, this means CD = 4, and so M D = 7. This means CE = 2 7.
F23SA12 Compute the number of ways each of the squares of a 3 × 3 grid be filled with a digit 1, 2, or 3 such that
each row and column form a nondecreasing sequence of three digits (when read left to right, top to bottom,
Answer: 175 Solve Rate: 0%
Solution: We perform casework on the numbers labeled on the main diagonal, call them a, b, and c. We
must have a ≤ b ≤ c.

This splits the grid into two disjoint parts, so we can count the number of ways to fill one part, and square it.
Label one part as follows.

x b

y z c

If a = b = c, then x = y = z = a = b = c. Each common value of a, b, and c gives one way.

Suppose (a, b, c) = (1, 1, 2). Then x = 1, and we can choose (y, z) = (1, 1), (1, 2), (2, 2). This gives three
ways. Similarly, (a, b, c) = (1, 2, 2), (2, 2, 3), (2, 3, 3) each give three ways.

Suppose (a, b, c) = (1, 1, 3). Then x = 1. We need  to choose y ≤ z ≤ 3, which is equivalent to choosing
′ ′ 4
y < z ≤ 4 by setting z = z + 1. There are 2 = 6 ways to choose (y, z) then. (Alternatively, we could
just list the ways, which isn’t too hard.) Similarly, (a, b, c) = (1, 3, 3) also gives 6 ways.

Finally, suppose (a, b, c) = (1, 2, 3). Now x ∈ {1, 2}, z ∈ {2, 3}, and x ≤ y ≤ z . x = 1 and z = 2 gives
two solutions, x = 1 and z = 3 gives three solutions, x = 2 and z = 2 gives one solution, and x = 2 and
z = 3 gives two solutions. In total, this is 8 solutions.

In total, the final answer is

3 · 12 + 4 · 32 + 2 · 62 + 82 = 175.
Alternative Solution: Draw two paths from the bottom-left to the top-right that separates the 1s from
the 2s and the 2s from the 3s. Below is an example of this.

1 1 2
1 2 3
2 2 3

Thus, the problem is equivalent to counting the number of red and blue paths from (0, 0) to (3, 3) such that
the red path is always at least as high as the blue path. Shift the blue path by (1, −1), as shown.

Now the red and blue paths just can’t intersect at all, where the red path goes from (0, 0) to (3, 3) and the
blue path goes from (1, −1) to (4, 2). We will use a trick to count the number of pairs of nonintersecting


There are 3 = 20 red paths, and also 20 blue paths, so 400 paths total. We will subtract the number of
pairs of paths that do intersect. Suppose the red path and blue path intersect for the first time at a point P .
Now, simply switch the rest of the red path from P to the blue path, and vice versa. This produces two paths,
one from (0, 0) to (4, 2) and the other from (1, −1) to (3, 3), which must intersect; moreover, we can go
backwards, from
 these two paths to the red and the blue path that do intersect, so this establishes a bijection.
There are 4 = 15 ways to choose the path from (0, 0) to (4, 2), and similarly 15 ways to choose the path
from (1, −1) to (3, 3), so there are 152 = 225 red and blue paths that intersect.

This means the final answer is 202 − 152 = 400 − 225 = 175.

Contest 3 Solutions
F23SA13 Broseph has a busy day ahead of him. He has to work on a problem set for 6 hours in a row, and he also has
a date for 3 hours in a row. He knows that he wants these things to start anytime at or after 12 P.M., and
end anytime before or at 12 A.M. How many ways can he schedule these events, if they must start at integer
hours? (For example, he can start his problem set at 1 P.M., and his date can start at 7 P.M., but he may not
start his problem set at 1 : 30 P.M.)
Answer: 20 Solve Rate: 78%
Solution: Suppose Broseph does his problem set first. Then we have the following cases.
• Case 1: If he starts his problem set at 12 P.M., he has 4 choices for his date.

• Case 2: If he starts his problem set at 1 P.M., he has 3 choices for his date.
• Case 3: If he starts his problem set at 2 P.M., he has 2 choices for his date.
• Case 4: If he starts his problem set at 3 P.M., he has 1 choice for his date.
By symmetry, the number of ways where Broseph does his problem set first is the same as the number of ways
where Broseph does his problem set second. So the answer is 2 · 10 = 20.
F23SA14 Let P (n) denote the product of the digits of n. Find the sum of all positive integers n satisfying
n + 2P (n) = 86.

Answer: 100 Solve Rate: 71%

Solution: Let n = ab = 10a + b. Then
86 = n + 2P (n) = (10a + b) + 2ab =⇒ 2ab + 10a + b = 86.
Adding 5 to both sides gives 2ab + 10a + b + 5 = 91, which factors as (2a + 1)(b + 5) = 91. Since
91 = 7 · 13 = 13 · 7, we have {2a + 1, b + 5} = {7, 13}. Thus, we either have a = 3 and b = 8, or a = 6
and b = 2. The two numbers that work are thus 38 and 62, which sum to 100.
F23SA15 Let a, b, and c be real numbers such that ab2 = 18, bc2 = 75, and ca2 = 20. Compute b
+ cb + ac .
Answer: 30
Solve Rate: 79%
Solution: First of all,
a b c a2 c + b 2 a + c 2 b 18 + 75 + 20 113
+ + = = = ,
b c a abc abc abc
so we have reduced the problem to finding abc.
Multiplying all three equations together gives

a3 b3 c3 = 18 · 75 · 20 = (32 · 2) · (52 · 3) · (22 · 5) = 303 ,

so abc = 30, giving the answer 30

Note that the values that work are a = 2, b = 3, and c = 5.

F23SA16 Let △ABC be a triangle with AB = AC = 1 and ∠BAC = 90◦ . Let M be the midpoint of BC , N be
the midpoint of AC , and let P be the foot of the altitude from A to N B . Compute the area of △M N P .
Answer: 40
Solve Rate: 46%


Note that PP N
= PP N
· PP B
= 12 = 14 , since △N AB ∼ △N P A ∼ △AP B . This means that
[BP M ] = 54 [BM N ], since the height from P to BM is 54 that of N . Thus,
1 1
[M P N ] = [BM N ] = [BM A],
5 10
as the height from N to BM is 2
that of A. Since [BM A] = 14 , we have [M P N ] = 1

F23SA17 Count Dracula counts up from 1 in the following manner: starting from 1, Count Dracula increases by 1 until
he reaches a multiple of 3, then increases by 3 until he reaches a multiple of 5, then increases by 5 until he
reaches a multiple of 7 and continues to do this indefinitely. What is the 100th number that Count Dracula
says? (So he starts with 1, 2, 3, 6, . . . )
Answer: 2550 Solve Rate: 48%
Solution: The key claim is that the first multiple of 2n + 1 Count Dracula will reach for n > 0 is
(2n+1)(2n−1). We will show this inductively. The claim is true for n = 1, since the first multiple of 3 reached
is 3. Now, suppose that the claim is true for n. Then Dracula will count (2n − 1)(2n + 1), 2n(2n + 1), (2n +
1)(2n + 1), (2n + 2)(2n + 1), (2n + 3)(2n + 1). Because gcd(2n + 1, 2n + 3) = gcd(2n + 1, 2) = 1,
none of these terms besides the last are a multiple of 2n + 3. So then the claim is inductively true. Moreover,
it takes exactly 4 numbers to reach a multiple of 2n + 3. Since 1 · 3 is the third term of the sequence, we can
see that 49 · 51 = 2499 is the 99th number Dracula says, and consequently 2499 + 51 = 2550 is the answer.
F23SA18 How many pairs of positive integers (a, b) are there such that 3030 = a3 b2 ?
Answer: 216 Solve Rate: 48%
Solution: We first analyze the powers of 2; let ν2 (a) be the largest k such that 2 divides a. Then we note
3 · ν2 (a) + 2 · ν2 (b) = 30.
We must count the number of solutions to this. Let ν2 (a) = x, ν2 (b) = y . Then since 2 | 30 and 2 | 2 · y ,
we must have that 2 | 3x =⇒ 2 | x. Similarly, we get that 3 | y . Then we may write x = 3x′ and y = 3y ′
for nonnegative integers x′ and y ′ . Then we have that

x′ + y ′ = 5,
and there are 6 solutions to this for x′ and y ′ , so there are 6 ways to choose the powers of 2 dividing a and b
such that ν2 (a3 b2 ) = 30.
We can do the same thing for the powers of 3 and 5 to get that there are 6 ways to choose powers of 3 and 6
ways to choose powers of 5, so there are 6 · 6 · 6 = 216 total pairs (a, b) such that 3030 = a3 b2 .

Contest 4 Solutions
F23SA19 The Bollatz function B is defined as the following: B(n) = n2 if n is even and B(n) = 4n + 1 if n is odd.
How many 2 ≤ n ≤ 100 are there such that there exists a positive integer j satisfying B j (n) = 1? Note
that B i (n) = B(B(B . . . B(n))).
| {z }
i times

Answer: 6 Solve Rate: 88%

Solution: Note that if n = 2i , then B i (n) = 1. We claim that these are the only values of n that will
work. Observe that if n is odd, then B(n) = 4n + 1 will also be odd, and B(n) > n. So, if n is not a power
of 2, we can write n = 2j · a, where a > 1 is odd. Then B j (n) = a, and now, applying B will give 4a + 1,
which is odd. Any subsequent application of B will be on an odd number, and so each application of B will
give an odd number that is larger than the inputted odd number, and so there does not exist an integer k such
that B k (n) = 1.
F23SA20 The vertices of a regular hexagon labelled ABCDEF are randomly colored such that each vertex is either red,
blue, or yellow, with equal probability. Such a hexagon is bad if there is are at least 2 pairs of diametrically-
opposite vertices that are the same color. What is the probability that ABCDEF is bad?
Answer: 27
Solve Rate: 50%
Solution: We count the complementary probability. Either there are 0 pairs that are the same color, or
there is one pair that is the same color. Color A, B , and C randomly. If there are 0 pairs that are the same
color, then D may be one of the two colors that is not the color of vertex A, which occurs with probability
. Similarly, we may color E and F with probability 23 to avoid any pairs that are the same color. Then the

probability that there are 0 pairs of the same color is 23 · 32 · 23 = 27
. If there is 1 pair that is the same color,
then there are 3 ways to choose this pair; without loss of generality, let it be the pair A, D . Then there is a
probability that D is colored the same as A, a 23 probability that E is colored differently from B , and a 23
probability that F is colored differently from C . Then the probability of this case is 13 · 23 · 23 = 27
. Since there
were 3 ways to choose the pair that is the same color, the probability that there is 1 pair of the same color is
3 · 27 = 49 . Then the probability that there is at most one pair of opposite vertices that are the same color is
8 4 20 20 7
+ 9
= 27
, and so the probability that the hexagon is bad is 1− 27
= 27

F23SA21 Let ABCD be a square. Let M be the midpoint of AC , and let P be on side AB such that AP = 23 AB .
If the area of △AM P is 6, find the area of ABCD .
Answer: 36 Solve Rate: 80%


Let s be the side length of the square. Then △AM P has base AP = 23 s, and the height to AP has length
1 2 2
s. Then we have that the area of △AM P = 12 · 2s 3
· 2s = s6 . Then s6 = 6, and the area of ABCD is
s2 = 36.
F23SA22 Triangle △ABC has positive side lengths AB = x2 , AC = x4 , BC = 2x3 , and ∠BAC = 90◦ . Compute
the sum of all possible values of the area of △ABC .
Answer: 26 Solve Rate: 53%
Solution: The Pythagorean theorem gives us x4 + x8 = 4x6 , or x8 − 4x6 + x4 = x4 (x4 − 4x2 + 1) = 0.
Let x = ri be the solutions to this polynomial. Note that if ri is a solution, then −ri is also a solution. Then
our solutions will be x = 0, x = ±r1 , x = ±r2 . Since we need x > 0 for all side lengths to be positive, we
want to find 12 r16 + 12 r26 .
We can divide both sides of x8 − 4x 6
+ x4 = 0 by x2 to get x6 − 4x4 + x2 = 0, which we can rewrite as
2 2
x6 = 4x4 − x2 . So i=1 12 ri6 = i=1 12 (4ri4 − ri2 ).
Now, we can divide both sides ofx6 = 4x4 − x2 by x2 to get x4 = 4x2 − 1. So, 2
(4ri4 − ri2 ) =
P1 1
(4(4ri2 − 1) − ri2 ) = (15ri2 − 4).
2 2
If we let y = x2 , then the solutions to the equation y 2 − 4y + 1 = 0 will be y = r12 , r22 . Vieta’s tells us that
r12+ r22 = 4.
So, 2
(15ri2 − 4) = 12 (15(r12 + r22 ) − 8) = 26.
F23SA23 Penguino is at his icy home on the Cartesian grid at (0, −88). He can travel in steps of 1 unit up, left, right,
or down. In how many ways can he go for a stroll with four total steps such that his last step takes him home?
(For example, one of the ways Penguino can do this is to take 1 unit up, then 1 unit down, then 1 unit right,
then 1 unit left.)
Answer: 36 Solve Rate: 56%

Solution: There are two possible cases for penguino to return back home: Penguino either only moves up
and down (or left and right only), or he moves in all 4 directions. In the first case, Penguino must move up

twice and must move down twice, in any order, so there are 2 = 6 ways in this case. There are also 6 cases
for Penguino only moving left or right. In the second case, Penguino must move once in each direction, in any
order, so there are 4 · 3 · 2 · 1 = 24 ways for Penguino to stroll. This gives 6 + 6 + 24 = 36 ways for Penguino
to end up back at his home as desired.
F23SA24 Find the sum of all rational numbers b
such that a and b are coprime and a and b are both factors of 60.
Answer: 60
Solve Rate: 14%
Solution: We claim the desired sum may be written as (22 + 2 + 1 + 12 + 212 ) · (3 + 1 + 13 ) · (5 + 1 + 15 ). For
a prime p = 2, 3, or 5, let vp (n) denote the maximum integer k such that pk divides n for positive integer n.
Now, for a, b relatively prime, define vp ( ab ) = vp (a) − vp (b). For a, b coprime and factors of 60, we claim that
vp ( ab ) uniquely gives vp (a) and vp (b). To see this, note that if k = vp ( ab ) > 0, then we must have k = vp (a)
and 0 = vp (b), since otherwise we have that vp (a) − vp (b) = k and these are both positive integers, which
means that a and b are not coprime since we would have p | a and p | b. Similarly, if −k = vp ( ab ) < 0, then
we must have k = vp (b) and vp (a) = 0, and if 0 = vp ( ab ), then vp (a) = vp (b) = 0.

Now, any fraction ab of the above form can have v2 ( ab ) be any value from 2 to −2, v3 ( ab ) can be any value from
1 to −1, and v5 ( ab ) can be any value from 1 to −1. Given v2 ( ab ) = j1 , v3 ( ab ) = j2 , and v5 ( ab ) = j3 , we
then know that ab must equal 2j1 · 3j2 · 5j3 . Then the desired sum is the sum of all of these terms. Each of these
terms is given exactly once in the expansion of the product (22 + 2 + 1 + 21 + 212 ) · (3 + 1 + 31 ) · (5 + 1 + 15 ),
and so this product is the desired sum. This product is 31
· 13
· 31
= 12493
as desired.

Contest 5 Solutions
F23SA25 Let ABCD be a trapezoid with AB ∥ CD and AD = DC = CB = 10, AB = 20. Let E be the point
of intersection of lines AD and CB . Compute the area of △ABE .

Answer: 100 3 Solve Rate: 76%



Note that because CD and AB are parallel and CD

= 12 , we have that C and D are the midpoints of BE and
AE , respectively. Thus CE = BC = 10 and DE = AE = 10, so we have that AE = BE = AB = 20,
and thus △ABE is equilateral with side length 20. Then the area of △ABE may be computed using the
√ √
formula s 4 3 with s = 20 to give 100 3.

F23SA26 A 64 page book is made by stacking 16 sheets of paper on top of each other, and then folding them all at once
in half. The pages are then stapled along the crease. The pages are then numbered double-sided, with the top
page labeled 1. Therefore, each sheet of paper should have 4 page numbers: n, n + 1, 65 − n, and 64 − n.
(For example, the top sheet will have pages 1, 2, 63, and 64). What is the probability that the product of the
page numbers of a randomly selected sheet is a multiple of 9?

Answer: 16
Solve Rate: 39%
Solution: Note that the values of n that give distinct sheets are n odd and at most 31, so we may check
these n. To do this, we case on n mod 3. If n ≡ 2 (mod 3), then we have that n + 1 and 65 − n are both
multiples of 3, so for these n the product is a multiple of n, of which there are 5 cases: 5, 11, 17, 23, and 29.
If n ≡ 1 (mod 3), then we have that the only multiple of 3 is 64 − n, and so we need 64 − n to be a multiple
of 9. There are 2 cases when this happens: n = 1 and n = 19. Finally, if n ≡ 0 (mod 3), then the only
multiple of 3 is n, so we require n to be a multiple of n. There are 2 cases when this happens as well: n = 9
and n = 27. Thus there are 9 sheets out of a possible 16 whose page numbers multiply to a multiple of 9, so
the answer is 16 .

F23SA27 Find all positive integer solutions to (a + b)(3a + 2b) = 1800. List solutions in the form (a, b).
Answer: (22, 3) Solve Rate: 45%
Solution: Let x = a + b. We first get some bounds on x, recalling that it is an integer. Note that
2x = 2a + 2b < 3a + 2b, so we have that x(2x) < x(3a + 2b) = 1800, or 2x2 < 1800 =⇒ x < 30.
Furthermore, we have that 3x = 3a + 3b > 3a + 2b, so we have that x(3x) > x(3a + 2b) = 1800, or
3x2 > 1800 =⇒ x > 24. Thus the only possible values of x are 25, 26, 27, 28, and 29. The only one of
these that divides 1800 is 25. Thus a + b = 25, and 3a + 2b = 1800
= 72. Solving this system gives that
a = 22 and b = 3, so this is the only solution.
F23SA28 Two regular hexagonal sheets of paper of side length 1 are completely overlapped on top of each other. The
top sheet is then rotated 30 degrees about a vertex so that the two sheets are offset, but share that one vertex.
Compute the area of intersection of the two hexagonal sheets.

12−5 3
Answer: 2
Solve Rate: 0%



B′ F′


We can label the original hexagon ABCDEF , the rotated one AB ′ C ′ D′ E ′ F ′ , and rotate about A counter-
clockwise, as shown.
Note that ∠DAC = 30, so D ′ will lie on line AC . Let X be the intersection of CD and D ′ E ′ . Then
the area of overlap is ABCXE ′ F ′ , which we can find by computing the areas of ABC and CXE ′ F ′ A
(Let brackets around a figure denote the area of that figure. For example, [ABC] is the area of triangle ABC .)
First, we can find√the area of CXE ′ F ′ A. We can see that [CXE ′ F ′ A] = [AD′ E ′ F ′ ] − [CD′ X]. We know
[AD′ E ′ F ′ ] = 3 3
because it is half of the hexagon, so it’s area is the sum of the areas of three equilateral
4 √
triangles of side length 1. Now, note that ACD is a 30 − 60 − 90 √
triangle, with CD = 1, so AC = 3
and AD = 2. So, CD = AD − AC = AD − AC = 2 − 3. Also, CD ′ X is a 30 − 60 −
′ ′

triangle, because ∠D′ CX = 90◦√ , and ∠AD ′ E ′ = 60◦ . Because
√ √ √ CD′ is opposite the 30 degree
√ angle,
√ we
′ 1 ′ 1 7 3−12 ′ ′ 3 3 7 3−12
get [CD X] = 2 CX · CD = 2 3(2 − 3)(2 − 3) = 2
. So, [CXD E A] = 4 − 2

Now, we can find the area of ABC . Let M be the midpoint of AC . Since ∠BAC = 30 , ABM is a
30 − 60 − 90 triangle, with AB = 1. Then we can think of ABC as two 30 − 60 − 90 triangles pasted
together, connecting
√ sides AM and CM . The result is an equilateral triangle with side length 1, so the area
of ABC is just 4 .
Putting it all together, we have
√ √ √ √
′ ′ ′ 3 3 7 3 − 12
′ 3 12 − 5 3
[ABCXE F ] = [CXE F A] + [ABC] = − + =
4 2 4 2
is the area of the intersection.
F23SA29 Given that a and b are positive real numbers such that (loga (2) + 1)(logb (2) + 1) = 2023, compute the
maximum possible value of loga (2b) · logb (2a).
Answer: 2023 Solve Rate: 58%
Solution: We claim that the two given expressions are equivalent. To see this, note that
loga (2b) · logb (2a) = (loga (b) + loga (2)) · (logb (a) + logb (2))
which upon expanding gives
loga (b) logb (a) + loga (b) logb (2) + loga (2) logb (a) + loga (2) logb (2)
and using change of base gives that this equals
1 + loga (2) + logb (2) + loga (2) logb (2) = (loga (2) + 1)(logb (2) + 1)
so the expressions are equivalent as desired. Thus the only value of loga (2b) · logb (2a) is 2023 as desired.
F23SA30 Count Dracula is counting numbers according to the following rules: he starts at 60, and starts to count up,
always incrementing by one. Every time he hits a multiple of 2, 3 or 5 that he hasn’t counted yet, he reverses
direction (otherwise, he just continues). When he hits either 0 or 120, he stops. (The first few numbers in
his sequence will be 60, 61, 62, 61, 60, 59, 58, 59, 60, 61, 62, 63, 62, 61 . . . ) How many numbers does Count
Dracula count?
Answer: 5221 Solve Rate: 4%
Solution: We claim that the answer is 4 times the sum of all multiples of either 2, 3, or 5 that are at most
58, plus 61. To see this, call a number a bumper if Count Dracula ever switches directions at this number
and this number is greater than 60 (i.e. n is a bumper is the sequence of numbers Count Dracula says includes
n − 1, n, n − 1). For a bumper k which is the smallest bumper that has not yet been reached, note that
Count Dracula will use k − 60 counts to go from 60 to k , then another 2(k − 60) to go from k to 120 − k ,
and then another k − 60 counts to go back to 60, which in total is 4(k − 60) counts to end up back at 60
after bouncing off the bumper. The bumpers are defined as multiples of either 2, 3, or 5, and note that they
are in the range (61, 119), so we have that this part of the sequence of clearing all bumpers has length
(i − 60)
i=61, 2|i or 3|i or 5|i

Now we can shift this sum to

S= i
i=1, 2|i or 3|i or 5|i
From here, the rest of the sequence is counting from 60 to 120, not including 60, and remembering that we
must include the 60 at the start, we get that the answer is S + 61 as desired. It remains to compute S .
Note that if either 2, 3, or 5 divides i, then that divisor also divides 60 − i. Thus these terms (except for 30)
pair and sum to 60, so the average value of these terms is 30. Using the principle of inclusion and exclusion,
we get that there are ( 60
− 1) + ( 60
− 1) + ( 60
− 1) − ( 606
− 1) − ( 60
− 1) − ( 60
− 1) + ( 60
− 1) = 43,
and thus S = 30 · 43 = 1290, so the final answer is 4S + 61 = 5221.


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