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Shallow work (consumption) drains you, destroys deep work.

When going throw something hard, break that "mental agony", that's like mental calistenics to
improve deep focus

Always ask --> "What's the meaning of this deep work block?"

By giving attention to important stuff and deleting shallow shit, you improve your deep work

Make it more motivating by, for example, each deep work done writing a "X", in a few weeks
you have a chain. It's my job to never break it.

Set a timer for each block of deep work

Change the task from a obligation to a satisfaction

Try waking up early, like 4:45 or 5:30 to test if your produtivity skyrocket

Make sure that what you are doing is important, you need to feel it

Have a specific deep work location, with a clean desk (do radical changes sometimes- if you can
with money investments like a hotel so it boosts the importance of the task) + (take a week
from work to think or focus 100% hard work hell week))

Have specific rules fro the deep work session, like challenges (best your yesterday self) or bans
(not getting up the chair). Have everything you need before starting (pee, water, small exercise
and coffe)

Pick a super important ambitious goals to persue, break in smaller ones and place a few blocks
of time to get it done

Record daily wins in a scoreboard, so it creates a sense of competition, focus and motivation.
Also have an artifact that show me that during the day
After a work block, look at the scoreboard and think of how can I improve the output?, How
can I get better in the next work block?, Make comitements for the next work blocks and take
ownership and accountability for those. At the end of the week review the wins, lsoes and how
to improve (ex:changing the schedule)

After a working day (job) schedule a end for that day (so a new day inside that day can born, a
day where there's no job thoughts). If you need more time to something, extend the workday,
but when you say it's over, IT IS and the real deep work on yougoals start

Walk in nature to restore your brain energy and focus

When the normal workday job ends, say a sentense like "Job work completed."

When you start feeling bored, that session starts a resistence training of concentration
calisthenics. Hold!

If I can, set a obrigation, deadline because it reduces the time to get it done. Commit public to
it, like telling mum what she can expect.

Kill daydreaming and non-related thoughts by reminding yourself that you can return to that
tought later (if it's useful), and then redirect your attention back to the work.

When facing a hard problem, my mind will attempt to avoid solving it to conserve energy. The
brain avoid going deeper into the problem by looping over and over again on what you already
know about. When you notice it, remind yourself you are in a loop and do what i say next:

Review the relevant variables to solve the problem, ask questins and solve them

Takind decisions -->dont look at one benefit, look at the big picture). Take the fastlane aproach
decision making

IS THIS A SHALLOW TASK? ASK THIS QUESTION --> "How long would it take (in months) to train
a smart recent college graduate with no specialized training in my field to complete this task?"

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