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Rall No. Dee, 2015/1922 (B.0.S. 1° Year Supplementary 2015) GENERAL DENTAL, DENTAL PHARMACOLOGY & THERAPEUTICS. Time: Three hours M. Marks: 70 Note: Attempt all questions. Answer Part | and Il on separate answer books. Attemptall parts of a question together. PART 1 Write in brief about the following: 4x3=12 (a) Enzyme induction and inhibition (0) Absorption of drugs via oral route and factors which influence oral absorption of drugs (0) Pre-anesthetic medication Q.2 * Write in brief about: 4x3=12 « (@) Why glycery| trinitrate is given sublingually for the treatment of an acute attack of angina? (2) Made of action and uses of morphine (C) Drug treatment options for moderate to severe tooth ache 3 Write short notes on: 44443211 « (@) Lignocaine (0) ACE inhibitors (c) Atropine PART-IL 4 Write in brief about: 4x3=12 (a) Dental abrasives (0) Chemoprophylaxis in dental practice (6) Management of oral thrush. Q5 ” Give alist of uses and adverse effects of 4x3=12 (a) H; antihistamines (b) Glucocorticoids (6) Fluoroguinolones Q6 — Write short notes on (a) Povidone iodine (0) Benzyl penicillin (c) Heparin 4ede3=11 Roll No. August, 2015/1922 (B.D.S. I" Year Annual 2015) GENERAL DENTAL, DENTAL PHARMACOLOGY & THERAPEUTICS Time: Three hours M. Marks: 70 Note; Attempt all questions. Answer Part | and I on separate answer books. Attempt all parts of a question together. PART-I Q.1 Write in brief about the following 4x3=12 (a) Drug synergism and antagonism (b) Merits and demerits of intravenous route of administration of drugs (0) Nitrous oxide Q2 Write in brief about 4x3=12 {a) Management of peptic ulcer disease (b) Mode of action and uses of benzodiazepines (e) Adverse effects and uses of aspirin Q3 Write short notes on: +4321 (a) Tramadol Phenytoin ))Adrenaline PART-II Q4 Write in brief about 4x3=12 (a) Use of antiseptics in dental practice (b) Mouth washes {c) Management of acute necrotizing uleeratve gingivitie Q5 Give alist of uses and adverse effecis of 4x3=12 {a) Insulin (b) Amoxi (c) Oral anticoagulants Q6 Write short notes on {a) Vitamin C (b) Metronidazole (¢) Salbutamoi 4egs311 Ds 2” year Pharmacology Examination ( 2" Sessional ) April’2014 Time- 3 HOURS: ‘Total Marks- 70, PART-1 1. Describe with appropriate examples: G+6=12 a. Brug interaction b. Adverse Drug Reactions 2. Write short notes on the following: araea =12 @, Ciprofloxacin b. Phenytoin (©) Adrenaline 3. Discuss briefly the management o° the following: 4+4+4 =12 a. Malaria b. Moderate hypertension c. Pulpitis PART—it 4. Write the therapeutic uses and adverse effects of 44444 = 12 a. Calcium channel blockers b. Gentamicin ¢. Antihistamine drugs 3. Write the indications and contraindications of 34443 =10 a. Aspirin b. Morphine ©. Tetracyclines G Write short notes on a, Benzodiazepines b, Thiazide diuretics Atropine _ 4d. Disclosing agents 4444449 =12 ea Roll No.2 9.6.90... Nov, 2013/1922 WW) \ (B.D.S. iI° Year Supplementary) GENERAL DENTAL, DENTAL PHARMACOLOGY & THERAPEUTICS Time: Three hours M. Marks: 70 Note: Attempt all questions. Answer Part | and || on separate answer books, Attempt all parts of a question together. PART-1 Q1 Explain why? 4x3#12 (a) Propranolol is contraindicated in patients of bronchial asthma (b) Benzodiazepines replaced barbiturates as hypnotic drugs (c) Intravenous route is preferred in 2 case of shock . (d) 2°° generation antihistaminics are preferred to 1° generation Q.2 Describe pharmacological basis for the use of: aE 3x4212 (a) Nitrates in Angina pectoris ER. (b) Atropine in OPC poisoning fy 3 (c) Lansoprazole in peptic ulcer A upRARY |FI Q3 Describe briefly: \ ‘] 44493211 (a) Pathological factors modifying effects of druyGa\\_ (b) Opioid antagonists Na (c) Therapeutic uses of Aspirin PART-ii Q4 Write drug treatment of the foliowing. 4x3=12 (a) Root hypersensitivity (b) Acute necrotizing ulcerative gingivitis, (c) Status epilepticus Q.5 Discuss therapeutic uses and adverse effects of 3xd=12 (a) Isoniazid (b) Lignocain (©) Tetracyctines Q.6 Write short notes on the following Aeds3=14 (a) Amoxycillin (0) Morphine (c) Obtundents ROI NO... cece o July, 2013/1922 (8.0.S. il" Year Annual) GENERAL DENTAL, DENTAL PHARMACOLOGY & THERAPEUTICS Time: Three hours M. Marks: 70 Note: Attempt all questions. Answer Part | and Il on separate answer books. Attempt all parts of a question together. PART-I Q.1 Explain why? 4x3=12 (a) Bioavailability of drugs through oral route is less than intravenous route. (b) Pyridoxine is given along with isoniazid during treatment of tuberculosis (c) Preanesthetic medication is given before general anesthesia (d) Thiopentone sodium is ultra short acting Q.2 Describe the pharmacological basis for the (a) Ace inhibitors in CHF eh? (b) Oximes in OPC-paisoning LY (c) Allopurinol Infoout ; lowing: 3x4=12 Q.3 Describe briefiy: ~ (a) Prokinetic agents (b) Sodium valproate ri (c) Advantages and disadvantages of inhalational route of drug administration 4+4+3=11 PART-II Q.4 Write drug treatment of the following: 4x3=12 (a) Oral candidiasis (b) Type-2 diabetes mellitus (c) Anaphylactic shock as Discuss therapeutic uses and adverse effects of: 3x4=12 (a) 3" generation cephalosporins (b) Chloroquin (c) Metronidazole Q.6 Write short notes on the following: 44443211 (a) Bleaching agents — (b)Prednisolone +— (c) Ibuprofen Roll No. 46.346 July, 2012/1922 (B.0.S. II"? Year Annual) GENERAL DENTAL, DENTAL PHARMACOLOGY & THERAPEUTICS M. Macks: 7 Time: Three hours Ion separate Note: Attempt ail questions. Answer Part | Attempt all parts of a question together PART-I {Explain why? ure uth washes Chemoprophylaxs in practi (d) Why tetracyclines are not the preferred antisiotics in as jotes on ant-infective (b) Proton pump inhibitors. (c) Metronidazole 4. f 20 16288 Part-II Explain why - z (@) Atropine should not be used in elderly males. (b) Loperamide should not be used in bacterial diarrhoea. (©) Naloxone is preferred over Nalorphine in treatment of Morphine poisoning. 4444+4=12 Enumerate therapeutic uses and adverse drug reactions of - (a) Tetracyclines (©) Antihistaminj (c) Paracetamol| is Write short notes (a) Mouth washes (©) Antiseptics in dentistry (©) Warfarin sodium. 44444512 16288 16288 BDS 2nd Year (Old Scheme) Examination, July-2011 GENERAL AND DENTAL PHARMACOLOGY Time allowed ; 3 hours] {Maximum marks : 70 Note: Attempt Part-I and Part-II on separate answer sheets. Attempt all questions. Attempt all parts of a question together, ore aN (@) Acute necrotizing ulcerative (b) Oral candidiasis (©) Mild to moderate hypertension. 4+4+4=12 Write short notes on = (a) Oral route of drug administration. (b) Plasma protein binding of drugs (©) Management of acute poisoning with drugs. 44443511 Write a brief note on the following : (a) Rifampicin (>) Metformin (©) Stypties 44444212 16288-P-2 -Q-6 (11) RTO. @) 16217 Part-I Explain why ye aes (@) Trimethoprim 4s combined with sulfa. methoxazole vr (b) Most drugs are given L/v in circulatory shock (©) B-blockers are contra-indjéatedin variantangina, [ * 44444=12 Enumerate therapeutic uses and adverse effects of the following — (®) _Diazepani’} (&) Aminoglycosides (©) Thiazides 1 344511 Write short notes on — (@) Obtundants 1 (6) Mouth Washes” (©) Nerve Block Anaesthesia, 44444=12 16217 16217 BDS 2nd Year (New Scheme) Examination, July-2011 GENERAL AND DENTAL PHARMACOLOGY AND ‘THEREPEUTICS Tine allowed : 3 hours} [Maximum marks : 70 Note: Attempt Part-I and Part-II on separate answer sheets. Attemptalll questions. Attempt all parts of a question together. Part-I 1. Write down drug treatment of #/ (@). Periodontal abscess || |” () Toothache with insomnia <> 5 (© Migraine “Aededer2 2. Write short notes on (a) Par-enteral route of drug administration (b) Dose related adverse effects (c) Synergistic action of drugs. 4+4+3=11 3. Write down rationale of the following : (@) Glucocorticoids in Bronchial Asthma ° (b) (“Alkalisation’ of urine during management of Aspirin poisoning. (ec) RS in diarrhoea. 44444212 ~ 16217-P-2-Q-6 (11) PTO. ey 3. Discuss briefly management of the following ; Sxa=12 () Leprosy, (b) Acute attack of Angina, (©) Bronchial asthma, PART ~U 4. lixplain why 4x3=12 (0) Probenecid is given with penicitins, %) Beta blockers are used in hypertension, of tuberculosis, 5. Deseuibe therapeutic uses and advent eficte of: Bx4=12 (8), Morphine, (b) Tetracyetines, (© Diazepam 5. Woe short notes on 44443214 (@) Obtundems, (©) Potassium Sparing Diuretics, {e) Adverse effects of Insulin therapy, 7 180-°F-2(@-8y0g) a Roll No. 16217 B.D.S. (2nd Year) (New Scheme) Supple. Examination — December, 2009 GENERAL AND DENTAL PHARMACOLOGY & THERAPEUTICS Time :'Three hows | [Maximum Marks: Before answering the question, candidates should ensure that they hhave been supplied the correct ani conplete question paper. No complaint in this regard, will be entertained after examination Note: Attempt Fart I and Part Il on separate answer sheets, Attempt all questiorin serial order. PARTI 1. Describe with appropriate examples : (a) First pass metabolism, () Factors mentfying dry 4e7en ey XA) 2 2, Write short notes an /f (@) Dentifrice, 2( UBRARY (b) Halothane, a j * ty (o) Antiplatelet drugs, a’ 3x4=12 18217-150(P-2)(0-6\(0) PTO. 7 - yt s 2 16288 Part-II 4, Explain why = * (a) Dopamine is preferred over adrenaline in shock. (b) Beta blockers are avoided in diabetic patients, (Ae) Aspirin acts as antiplatelet at low dose only. 4a) Morphine is contraindicated-in patients with head injury. 4x3512 5. Describe therapeutic uses and adverse effects of : %@)__ ACE inhibitors z _o) Ciprofloxacin /©) Atropine. 6. “Write short notes on : xa) Mouth washes ’ ~ib) Oral hypoglycemic agents 34444=11 46288-100 sheets. ‘Attempt all the questions in serial order. Part-I 4, Waite in brief about the following : (ay Plasma half life of © mug. ee) dvantages d-disadvantaEes oF oral route of ~ -drug administration We) Nitius oxide. 3xg=12— 2. Write short notes on (a), Antacids 3. Discuss briefly management of the following + 4 (2) 16217 Part-II Explain why : 4x3=12 (a) Clavulanie acid is combined with amoxycillin (b) Nitrates are used in angina (c) Aspirin actsasantiplatelet drugat lower dose only (d) ‘There is rapid recovery of consciousness after a bolusdose of thiopental sodium. Classify local anesthetics. Discuss the mechanism of action, adverse effects and therapeutic uses of Lignocaine. ay ‘Write short notes on = 3x4=12 (a) Bleaching agents (b) . Astringents 16217-508 16217 B.D. S. 2nd Year (New Scheme) Examination, August-2009 GENERAL AND DENTAL PHARMACOLOGY AND THERAPEUTICS Time allowed : 3 hours } [Maximum marks : 70 Note: Atiempt Part-I and Part-I on separate answer sheets. Attempt all the questions in serial order Part-I 1. Describe with appropriate examples : 3x4=12 (@) Plasma half life () Advantages and disadvantages of sublingual route of drug administration (c) Drug dependence 2, Write short notes on : (a) Third generation ceph: (b) Salbutamol (c)_ Desferrioxamine 3. Discuss briefly management of the following > 4+443=11 (a) Fresh case of Pulmonary Tuberculosis (b) Mild to moderate toothache _ (©) Status epilepticus. 16217-500-P-2-Q-6-(09) PTO. 2. - Write short notes on : 44344 (a) Tbuprofen (b) Terfenedine (©) -Diazepam PART-II Explain why ? 2 (a) Prophylactic antibiotics are needed before dental extraction in patients with valvular heart disease. (b) Cephtriaxone is preferred in typhoid fever. (©) Metronidazole is used in ulcerative gingivitis. (@). Aspirin should be stopped about a week before surgery. Enumerate therapeutic uses and adverse effects of the following : 12 (a) Pentazocine (b) Benzyl penicillin (©) Metoctopranide Write notes on the following > 44443 (a) Ethyl chloride (6) Ofloxacin (c) Bleaching agents 16288 2 : 200 No, of Printed Pages 2 1D-16288/'S.E. December 2008 B.D.S. (Irid Yr) (Old Scheme) Pharmacology Time : 3 hours Maximum Marks : 70 Note : Attempt part ] and part Il on separate answer sheets. L ‘Attempt all the questions in serial order. PART-1 Deseribe briefly = 12 (a). Prodrugs Ey, (b) Drugantagonism (2) | japany (©) Tolerance Discuss briefly the management of the following conditions : 12 (a) Bleeding gums (b) Cardiac arrest (©) Acute paracetamol toxicity (PTO, @) 4480 (b) Tetracyclines are avoided in young children (©) _Dicyclomine is a preferred antispasmodic agent (a) NSAIDs should be avoided on empty stomach. Enumerate therapeutic uses and adverse effects of the following : 2 (a) Metronidazole (vb) Cephadroxyl (©) Metformin ‘Write notes on the following : And, @ Benzocaine (b) Azithromycin (©) Haemostatic agents. 4480 B. D.S. 2nd Year (Old Scheme) Examination, August —2008 PHARMACOLOGY Time allowed : 3 hours } [Maximum marks : 70 Note : Attempt Part-I and Part-I on separate answer sheets. Attempt all the questions in serial order Part-I Describe briefly : 12 (a) Biosvailability (b) Type A and Type B adverse effects (c) Drug synergism. Discuss briefly the management of the following conditions 12 (a) Oral candidiasis (b) Anaphylactic reaction (87 (c) Mild hypertension a Write short notes on : & (a) Selective COX-2 inhibitors” 35 (b) Loratidine rae (©) Dopamine Part-It Explain why ? 12 (a) Cloxacillin is combined with amoxicillin for some infections 4480-P-2-Q.6-(08) PTO. S: (2) 4480 ‘b) Penicillin-Gis often not effective in infections caused by staphylococcus aureus (c) Steroids should be tapered off after a prolonged treatment Vasoconstrictor agents arg often combined with local Anaesthetic drugs. 3+34+343 Wnite the indications and con.ra-indications of the following : (a) Aspirin” h \ (b) Tetracyclines él ¥ FI (©) . Heparin. es yy Athaed Write short notes on the following (6) Antihistamine drugs HS Mouth washes. 44443 Roll Now BOD 4480/2007. BD.S, (Second Year) EXAMINATION, Note : August 2007 PHARMACOLOGY Time : Three Hours Maximum: Marks-:70 ~ ‘Attempt Part F anid Part IT on separaté answer sheets Atiempe al the gaéstiaseia sedate Before answering the ‘question-paper. candi- dates should ensure that they have been supplied 40 correct and: cotmplete‘questionspaper. ° Complaints in this cogard, if any, will-not be entertained after the examination. Pare & rile tae Manazement of the following cuiaitor (a) > Pulpitis, (b) Angina “Pectoris Anephylactic Shock. 5. Write short notes on the following : 4a) Co-amoxiclay . — “by Sulfonylureas. et Glycopyrrolate. Part lh 4. Write the mode of action and adverse effects following: * ata (ak Phenytoin’ (b) Digitalis cs) tbuprofen. Wnte the indications and contra-indications of the ss tolowing = (@)_Mosphine WF Propranolol ic) Benzyl Penicillin. rie short notes on the following : (sf Deatifrices. Tm AAQNIONS 2 10¢ mo B. D. 8. 2nd Year Supp. Examination, December—2006 PHARMACOLOGY Time allowed : 3 hours Maximum marks : 70 Note : Attempt Part-I and Part-II on separate.answer sheets. Attempt all questions in serial order. “$F Part-I 1. Describe Following with suitable examples: Kppareat volume of drug distribution wictndex— C46: OF prtrers dds reactions - KOT 4aded 2. Discuss briefly the drug management of following conditions: (3YKoaphylastic stioek — ®) Stanug asthmaticus 22) Paroxysmal supraventricular tachycardia, 44443 3. Write short notes on @) Phenytoin ANA ‘$-4480-100-P-2-9-6 (06) PTO. Q) » 4480 3434343 PF Timolol is used, but propanolol is not used in the treatment of glaucoma (©) Aspirin exerts antiplatelet effect in tow dose: {) Ciprofloxacin should be avoided in infants and younger children. dadverse drug reactions of ‘5, Writeindications for the use an Andes “haar ‘Tumoxifen yf Beclomethasone Pig; Esse ‘Write short notes o8 wee =f Mosthwashes aaa3 “Attempt allqucestions in serial order, Part-I 1. Describe.briefly + First Pass metabolism Druginteractions ~ | ‘* ) —© _ Asitringents. 2, Discuss briefly the drug mena; conditions : _{@) Moderate Hyperte {07 Diabet ketoacidosis (c) Osteoanhritis 3, Write short notes on es PB gement of * Cefoperazone - {ESPLD SS Clopidogrel N Fluoxetine, (@ 4480-250 @) S—4480 Part-I 4. Explain why *. (a) Combination of antitubercular drags is used in the treatmentof tuberculosis @ ‘sews-blockers alone are not used inthe treatment of hypertension duc to pheochromocytoma. (© Morphine is used in the weatment of acute left ventricular failure : GN Physostigitipe and not aepetiginn is useful in the treatment of atropine prisoning R9Y\'S « 3434343 5. Classify fluoroquinolones. Discuss the mode of action adverse effects, indications and contraindications of ciprofloxacin. 12 6. Vine short notes on (@)_Tramodol (bo) Lignocain— \66 «97 _ AS. Mummitying agents. bebe S—4486.-100 wees 4480 _BeD.S. Ind Year Examination : PHARMACOLOGY / Time allowed ; 3 hours Maxiinuy Marks: 70 Note : Attempt Part-I and Part-II on separate answer sheels. 1L Attempt all the questions in serial order. Part-I Describe briefly : @ Bioequivalence. + er Drug dependence () _[Supet-infections, = 44444 Discuss briefly the management of the following conditions = ® ® «y- “Wr Careiac arrest Mild to moderate toothache 3} Status epilepticus. . J ‘ite short notes on the following : (a) Salbutamol— neal. ., Metronidazole (o)| ‘Co-trimoxazole. 2 4s ~ Part-II Explain why - (a) 44443 There is a rapid recovery of consciousness after a bolus dose of thiopental: © pro 3 Dieses brieny #6ste aback of plain why. « 4b Probene:ie is aiy A Beta ot ) Sombmvation elys Of tubsrcu resis, Angina, Bronchial asthina Parr +) with penicillins, mnotherapy is used Fo preven: vom! SANABEMENt OF the following Bx ge 2 teainent ey gy reas act Spann Diueesis, ‘roe ees: tan hay 448U/ LUUD » 3 EXAMINATION Time : Three Hours tsi © Maximurs Marks 70 ct Note ‘Attenipt all questions in serial order. Use separate answer books for each: Part. t Before answering the question-paper candidates should ensure that they have been supplied to correct ‘and complete questi : Coniplaints in x watt isk RN Fe gia this regard; if any} be bntertained after: the examination, : Bart Describe briefly : 4bard > . @ ‘Apparent Volume of Distribution @ Microsomal Enzyme inducers ~ v 4 (3. Coagulants. PTO. (2) 4480 (by ~ PGoicilin-G is often not effective in infections caused ey by staphylococcus aureus (c) Steroids should be tapered off after a prolonged ‘weatment (dg) Vasoconstrictor agents are often combined with local anaesthetic drugs. 3434343 Write the indications and con.ra-indications of the following: @ Aspirin > y ) Tetracyclines [ ©) Heparin. X 44d Write short notes on the following @) _ Diazepam (b) Antihistamine drugs (c) Mouth washes. 44443 Time allowed Note: Attempt Part-I and Part-II on separate answer sheers. e PHARMACOLOGY Attempt all the questions in se rial order. Part-I Describe briefly : (a) - Bioequivalence. | er Drug dependence-! ©) ‘{Super-infections. a Ross Seet .S. Ind Year Examination Maxunt 4480 Marks : 70 44444 Discuss briefly the management of the following conditions : (ay Cardiac arrest~ 2 (pb) Mildto moderate toothache Si (cj - Status epilepticus. J ~. yyyite chort notes on the following : (gy Salbutamoi— atamo Metronidazole |. « (| Coxtrimoxazole. 2’ = ~ parti Explain why \ polus dose of thiopental: ° 44444) / . (a) {There is @ rapid recovery of consciousness after a \ Uo™~I ee

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