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Thato Kaudi Grade12 Key6

Agroecology is one of the jobs that help sustain and preserve
agriculture, investigating which other solutions are there to help
control the overuse of agriculture.
Table of Contents
Tables of figures....................................................................................................................................2
Task definition.......................................................................................................................................4
Focus question.......................................................................................................................................4
10 Questions..........................................................................................................................................0
Discussion and analysis..........................................................................................................................1
APPEDIX A: SOURCES TABLE..............................................................................................................0
APPENDIX B: SCREENSHOT................................................................................................................0
Learner declaration of authenticity.......................................................................................................1
Tables of figures
In reaction to the deterioration in the quality of the natural
resource base linked to contemporary agriculture,
sustainable agriculture emerged relatively recently . A simple
technical discussion of agricultural production has given way
to one that is more complex and includes social, cultural,
political, and economic aspects. Because of the various
meanings and interpretations that exist, the notion of
sustainability is ambiguous and contentious. Nonetheless, it
is a helpful idea since it tackles issues with agriculture that
arise from the co-evolution of natural and socioeconomic
systems . Given that agricultural development arises from the
intricate interaction of a number of factors, a deeper
understanding of the agricultural setting necessitates
studying agriculture, the global environment, and social
Task definition

The situation at hand is we are experiencing certain negative factors and

changes that affect our agriculture such as climate change, biodiversity decline,
deforestation, and soil erosion. The desired outcome of the investigation is to
retrieve possible information from sources in order to formulate ideas and
solutions for all the challenges and situations that are being experienced by
every individual. And sketch the background which information as a resource
will be operative, that is agroecology’s purpose and effect in the environment
and agriculture. Also to consider practices done by humans in order to improve
the transfer of information regarding Agroecology. I'll consult a variety of sources
to assist me gradually plan out my next course of action. I'll use the internet,
periodicals, newspapers, and even ask and interview older individuals about specific
topics as I continue my research based on the information and research I was given.
Additionally, acknowledge any writers and scientists who have discovered the source
and information. In the end, people who purchase farm products are my target
audience. Additionally, all customers are willing to accomplish this.

Focus question

How does Agroecology

make an impact on
Agriculture and the
10 Questions

1.What is Agroecology?

Sustainable farming that respects nature is known as agroecology. Ecology is the study of
the interactions and balances that exist between humans, animals, plants, and their
surroundings. The use of ecological principles and concepts in farming is known as
2. Effects Agroecology has on agriculture and the environment?

Offers Natural Pest management: This agricultural approach offers natural pest
management by way of advantageous ecological processes. Enhances Water and Nutrient
Cycling: Water and nutrient cycling are enhanced by sustainable farming practices. Natural
soil biota is supported by the application of natural fertilizers. Prevents Soil Erosion: Using
agroecological techniques helps to prevent soil erosion.
3. How does Agroecology work?

Practices must not only be environmentally friendly, but equitable and locally controlled and
adapted. Finally, agroecology practices must adopt a systemic approach as opposed to
applying only specific and technical farming methods. Overall, agroecology practices should
be ecologically sound and both balance and enhance ecosystem services to ultimately benefit
sustainable agriculture. All agroecology practices consider multiple aspects of the
environment, and they are largely aimed at maintaining high levels of soil fertility, crop
protection and productivity.
4. Explain what the principles of agroecology play a role in.

Agro-ecological systems are based on five principles: 1) biomass recycling and balancing
nutrient flow and availability; 2) ensure soil conditions favourable for crop growth through
improved organic matter; 3) minimize solar radiation, water and nutrient losses through
microclimate management, water harvesting and land cover; 4) improve the biodiversity and
genetics of farmland; and 5) enhance beneficial biological interactions and minimize
pesticide use. Over time, different parties have put forth various principles, but these were the
original five ideals
5.What is the function, purpose and aim of this practice?

Agroecology increments environmental resistance to unstable climate whereas expanding

water capture in soil, which can help ranches adjust to the impacts of climate change.
Agroecological advocates moreover say the hones aid moderate biodiversity and common
assets as well as avoid arriving debasement and reestablish as of now debased zones.
6. Ways in which Agroecology can be supported.

Agroecology is best supported by responsible governance mechanisms at various levels. Many

countries have already developed laws, policies and programs at the national level that reward
agricultural practices that promote biodiversity and the provision of ecosystem services.
7.Why are Organic Products in Agroecology important?

Likewise, organic production protects natural resources such as soil, water, air and forests,
avoids pollution of the planet and contributes to the adaptation to climate change of family
8.Is Agroecology a sustainable alternative to saving agriculture?

Ecological agriculture can improve the viability of small farms and fundamentally reduce
carbon emissions in the distribution chain. Agroecology is therefore a preferred approach to
combating food insecurity and climate change, by encouraging healthy eating and customer
9.Where does the history and origin of Agroecology come from?

The term agroecology first appeared in 1928 under the pen of American agronomist Basil
Bensin. His understanding of agroecology then referred exclusively to the application of
methods of ecology to the processes of agronomic research. This idea grew progressively
during the 1960s, 1970s, and 1980s. By then, the notion of agro-ecosystem started to
transform into the idea of an ecosystem modified by human activity for exploitation
10.What are the barriers to adoption of Agroecology?

The barriers to the adoption of agroecology include inadequate policy and institutional
support, lack of access to credit and markets, limited extension services, and weak land
tenure systems. The concentration of power in food and farming systems, which locks in
industrial logic, also poses immense barriers to agroecological and social transition.
Additionally, the dominant voice of the input-intensive, consolidated, and industrial model of
modern agriculture has ignored or muted the voices calling for scaling up agroecology.
Discussion and analysis
Guidelines for creating diverse agroecosystems that capitalize on the
benefits of integrating animal and plant biodiversity are provided by
agroecology. The optimization of ecosystem functions and processes,
including biotic regulation of pathogenic organisms, nutrient
recycling, and biomass production and accumulation, is achieved
through the enhancement of complex interactions and synergism
through integration. Improved economic and ecological sustainability
of the agroecosystem is the goal of agroecological design, with the
suggested management strategies being particularly tailored to the
local resource base and operational framework of the current
environmental and socioeconomic conditions. Management
elements emphasize the preservation and augmentation of
indigenous agricultural resources (soil, beneficial fauna, plant
biodiversity, germplasm, etc.) by stressing a development approach
that promotes farmer involvement, traditional knowledge utilization,
and farm enterprise adaptation to local requirements and the
biophysical, socioeconomic.
Categor Type of Summary of
No Question n Level Bibliographical information Quality of Information found
y Source Information found

1 Define what 2 Back- Authors(s) Clara Dell Authority

Agroecology Name of Website/Web Is an ecological
Sentient Media Currency approach to agriculture
is? Page
that views agricultural
Date created/updated 11 March 2024 Accuracy areas as ecosystems
and is concerned with
Date accessed 15 March 2024 Objectivity the ecological impact
of agricultural
URL Coverage

2 What are the 2 Solution Authors(s) Miguel A. Altieri. Authority Secure favorable soil
strategies of conditions for plant
agroecology Name of Website/Web growth, particularly
Agroforestry Currency
? Page by managing organic
matter and
Date created/updated 13 November 2001 Accuracy enhancing soil biotic
Date accessed 15 March 2024 Objectivity activity. Microclimate
management, water
URL - Coverage harvesting and soil
Overstory #95 - management
Agroecology: principles through increased
and strategies soil cover. Species
and genetic
diversification of the
agroecosystem in
3 How does 1 Solution Authors(s) Clara Dell Authority Practices must not
Agroecology only be
Name of Website/Web
Sentient Media Currency environmentally
work? Page
friendly, but
Date created/updated 11 March 2024 Accuracy equitable and locally
controlled and
Date accessed 17 March 2024 Objectivity
adapted. Finally,
practices must adopt
https:// a systemic approach
URL Coverage as opposed to
agroecology applying only specific
and technical
farming methods.
4 Explain what 2 Back- Alexander Wezel1 & Agroecology, which
ground encompasses a science,
the Barbara Gemmill
principles of Herren2 & Rachel a set of practices, and a
agroecology Bezner Kerr3 & social movement, has
Authors(s) Authority evolved in recent
play a role Edmundo Barrios4 &
in. André Luiz Rodrigues decades, expanding its
scope from a focus on
Gonçalves5 & Fergus
fields and farms to
Name of Website/Web Agroecology-Europe Currency agricultural and food
Page systems as a whole.
Date created/updated 27 October 2020 Accuracy

Date accessed 18 March 2024 Objectivity

www.agroecology- It is now an
URL Coverage interdisciplinary field
principles-of- encompassing all
agroecology/ ecological,
5 What is the 1 Solution Authors(s) Clara Dell Authority Is a collection of
function, ideas that, via
purpose and Name of Website/Web Currency encouraging
aim of this Page
diversity, lowering
practice? Date created/updated Accuracy
Wed March 22nd, 2023 risks, and including
farmers and other
Date accessed 17 March 2024 Objectivity
producers in
exchange and
political decision-
Agroecology: Goals,
making, helps to
Criticisms and How It
URL Coverage fortify the
( connections
development and
humanitarian efforts
6 Ways in 4 Solution Authors(s) Farming First Authority Efficient use of farm
can be Six Ways Agroecology
supported. Can Help Shape the
Title Currency
Future of Farming

chemicals, design,
planting density,
improved seeds, and
Date published Oct 26, 2018 Accuracy water utilisation

The Committee on

Publisher World Food Security Objectivity


7 Why is 2 Problem Authors(s) Helen Browning Authority The way we farm and eat
can make a world of
Title Why Organic Currency difference. Organic is an
Products in 'agroecological' farming
Agroecology Date published 1 Sept 2020 Accuracy
system that offers many
benefits. It's better for the
Publisher Soilassociation Objectivity

Coverage 1. It has higher

animal welfare
2. It's better for
3. It's better for
8 Is 2 Solution Website M. Rudolph and
Authors(s) Authority Ecological
E. Muchesa agriculture can
a sustainable
improve the viability
of small farms and
to saving A Review of the fundamentally reduce
agriculture? Agroecological carbon emissions in
Farming System as the distribution
a Viable Alternative chain.
Title Food Production Currency
Agroecology is
Approach in South therefore a preferred
Africa approach to
combating food
insecurity and
climate change, by
Date published 1 June 2023 Accuracy
encouraging healthy
Publisher Sabinet Objectivity eating and customer
Coverage loyalty.

9 Where does 1 Back- Authors(s) André Gonçalves Authority The term

the history ground agroecology first
and origin of appeared in 1928
Agroecology Agro-Ecology under the pen of
Title Definition: History Currency
come from American
And Examples agronomist Basil
Bensin. His
understanding of
Date published 13 Feb 2020 Accuracy
agroecology then
Publisher youmatterworld Objectivity referred exclusively
to the application
of methods of
ecology to the
processes of
research. This idea
Coverage grew progressively
during the 1960s,
1970s, and 1980s.

10 What are the 1 Problem Authors(s) Typeset Authority The barriers to the
barries to adoption of
the adoption Barriers to adoption of
Title Currency agroecology include
of agroecology
inadequate policy
agroecology Date published 01 December 2017 Accuracy and institutional
? support, lack of
Publisher Scispace Objectivity access to credit and
markets, limited
extension services,
and weak land tenure
Learner name ID number

Grade 12 Year 2024

Subject Computer Applications Technology

Practical Assessment Task (PAT) Teacher Mrs Gule

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received from person:

I hereby declare that the contents of this assessment task are my own original work (except
where there is clear acknowledgement and appropriate reference to the work of others) and
that I have not plagiarised, copied, from someone else work or used work previously submitted
for assessment by anyone.

Learner declaration of authenticity

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